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Maximizing January Hosts with Procrastination-Proof Coaching Tips

double checking to make sure everyone is coming and sending out a reminder.Since this thread got reactivated... How did the extra host coaching for January hosts work out? Most of my Jan. shows that I booked before Thanksgiving cancelled/postponed. I sent them the 3 letters. My 2 Jan. shows that I booked the "golden week" between Xmas and New Years held. I will definitely be working my biz that golden week this year.
Gold Member
Yesterday I was going to get my host coaching together for Jan. hosts (letters, recipes, schedule). Of course I procrastinated. Does PC offer an Excellence Award for procrastination? I could earn that one in a heartbeat.

Just peeked at the PC Newswire and HO has done letters and recipes for Jan. hosts and given us dates to send them. Haven't looked at the details, but I'm not going to reinvent the wheel. Love it when they take ideas from the field and put them out to everyone!

For people new to the biz, you must do extra host coaching for Jan. hosts to get those shows to stick. Not necessarily calls or e-mails, but these letters keep their PC show toward the front of their brain during the busy holiday season.
I just saw these too! I was just getting ready to print and send mine, but I love these - I think I'll be using them!

I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping yourself and PC in front of your January Hosts during December.

It will make the difference between a successful January or a bust - take it from an old-timer who's been there!
okay, I am trying to find these. Can you please tell me which news wire these are in, I am having a duh moment LOL
Never mind, my brain kicked in and I actually found it LOL
Would someone mind posting these?? Our Canadian Newswire doesn't have this included...
Here you go....per our newswire...

Starting today, call each January host to review the Host Rewards Program and January Host Special. Send the letter (# 1) right after you make the call.

#2 Send in mid-December, no later than the 15th.

#3 Send Dec. 26 and make follow-up host coaching calls right after the New Year.

Each letter contains a brief message you can personalize with your contact information, a recipe hosts can enjoy making during the holidays, and a successful Show tip. Combined with your usual host coaching calls, these quick communications will help keep your January Show schedule strong.


  • jan_host_coach3.pdf
    263.9 KB · Views: 294
  • Jan Host Coach - Letter 1.pdf
    383.8 KB · Views: 422
  • jan_host_coach2.pdf
    243.5 KB · Views: 328
Becca_in_MD said:
Does PC offer an Excellence Award for procrastination? I could earn that one in a heartbeat.

I would be the Nancy Jo Ryan, Don Funt, Chris Manion, David Meehan, etc. of this award!! :(

Thanks for the heads up on this. My focus has been all over the place! I need to share this with my team too!
Thanks so much for posting this for us Canadians!
I'm glad you mentioned this...I totally glanced over those letters in the Newswire (of course- this is my first time having a January Host to actually USE them with!).Definitely will use this- I'm all about K.I.S.S. (keep it simple silly ;)) too!
  • #10
Most welcome. It's pretty awesome that PC is making it easy for us....now if I can manage to use them efficiently! lol

I'm with Becca....lots to do, but oh how I love to procrastinate! :D
  • #11
Niiice!!! Love it!!
  • #12
Anyone see anything for February yet?

  • #13
Linda said:
Anyone see anything for February yet?


I doubt that there will be anything like this fro Feb. This is something that PC was responding to with the uniqueness of trying to coach hosts over the Holiday season so that they keep the date they set for their party in January.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Since this thread got reactivated... How did the extra host coaching for January hosts work out? Most of my Jan. shows that I booked before Thanksgiving cancelled/postponed. I sent them the 3 letters. My 2 Jan. shows that I booked the "golden week" between Xmas and New Years held. I will definitely be working my biz that golden week this year.
  • #15
Becca_in_MD said:
Since this thread got reactivated... How did the extra host coaching for January hosts work out? Most of my Jan. shows that I booked before Thanksgiving cancelled/postponed. I sent them the 3 letters. My 2 Jan. shows that I booked the "golden week" between Xmas and New Years held. I will definitely be working my biz that golden week this year.

9 out of my 11 are holding or are done. (6 are done, 3 more to go!)

One thing that I did with mine though - I sent the 3rd one on the 29th of January, and sent it in a manila envelope with a PC calendar with the dates marked for their show, and with the date when I would need their guest list marked also.

All of my shows were booked by the 10th of December, and I didn't work at all during Golden Week - except to do those mailings. :)

The 2 that didn't hold - one, I never heard back from at all, and one had to reschedule because she was sick....we rescheduled for Feb. I have her guest list - in fact, I'd sent out invitations already when we had to reschedule....so we'll just be doing reminder calls and emails, and maybe a postcard for her show.

Sales for this month have been incredible! Just closed a show today at $1360, and have 2 others that will close over $1000 - January is usually one of my best months!
  • #16
Wow, Becky - you're awesome!!! You go girl!I had three shows booked in January, and sent out these letters - they all stuck - with the last one being on Saturday the 30th... I was really thankful for them - I think they helped a little.So, what's this "golden week" thing - I know the dates of it, but why "golden"?
  • #17
Becca_in_MD said:
Since this thread got reactivated... How did the extra host coaching for January hosts work out? Most of my Jan. shows that I booked before Thanksgiving cancelled/postponed. I sent them the 3 letters. My 2 Jan. shows that I booked the "golden week" between Xmas and New Years held. I will definitely be working my biz that golden week this year.

It worked beautifully for me.
I sent the letters out on schedule and so far, I have had 6 January shows - all held. I have two more this weekend.

Related to Maximizing January Hosts with Procrastination-Proof Coaching Tips

1. What is the purpose of "Coaching Jan. Hosts"?

The purpose of "Coaching Jan. Hosts" is to provide support and guidance to hosts who are hosting a Pampered Chef party. Our coaches are experienced consultants who can help hosts plan and prepare for their parties, as well as answer any questions they may have.

2. How do I sign up for "Coaching Jan. Hosts"?

To sign up for "Coaching Jan. Hosts", simply contact your Pampered Chef consultant and let them know that you are interested in receiving coaching for your upcoming party. They will connect you with a coach who will work with you to plan and prepare for your party.

3. Is there an extra cost for "Coaching Jan. Hosts"?

No, there is no extra cost for "Coaching Jan. Hosts". This service is provided for free to all Pampered Chef hosts as part of our commitment to helping you have a successful party. Your only cost will be for the products you purchase at your party.

4. What can I expect from my coach during "Coaching Jan. Hosts"?

Your coach will provide personalized support and assistance to help you plan and prepare for your party. They will help you create a guest list, select recipes, and provide tips for hosting a successful party. They will also be available to answer any questions you may have leading up to your party.

5. Can I request a specific coach for "Coaching Jan. Hosts"?

While we cannot guarantee a specific coach for "Coaching Jan. Hosts", we will do our best to accommodate any requests. If you have a consultant or coach in mind, you can let your consultant know and they will try their best to make the arrangement. Otherwise, we will assign a coach who is available and best suited to your needs.

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