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Host Calls After 1AM: Booked for Over a Month and Guest List Drama Ensues

In summary, the customer (HO lead?) who said a consultant called her at midnight, which she hadn't done, is referenced in this conversation. The consultant is said to be nice but confusing. The other host mentioned earlier that only had $38 in sales is now at $275.
Gold Member
This host has been booked for over a mth. We have talked, but she very seldom returns calls. I have been asking for guest list for this Sun. since she booked at her DIL party. So, finally, this past Sun. we talk and she says her guest list is ready & will e-mail it, she also talks like it has been ready for some time, but could not get w/me..... We also discussed changing the dte of her show (but both our calendars are too full & she does not want a cat show. When I didn't receive it by Mon. I left a message telling her to call everyone personally. I began w/something like "I have set aside....date...etc...for your show.." So, at 10:30 pm I get a short e-mail saying which of the 2 dif recipes she was interested in she wanted. Then at around 1:30 AM Tues morn the phone rings. DH answers (he has to get up @ 4AM) & eventually gives phone to me. (I am ready to tell the tell-marketer off, then find out it is the host!) She cannot figure how to send the e-mail w/list. I talk her through it, but in the middle of this she say she thinks it went and for me to check. I tell her I'll get out of bed and do that. So, by 3 AM I am in the post office mailing her invitations. (Ok, I must be out of my mind!) Hoping a 'good show' will redeem this. She is also the guest at her DIL show who could not decide until about 10:30 pm what she wanted.....
Thanks for listening.
I'd make sure she closes well before the last day of the month or I wouldn't be counting on it for any promotions. lol
:eek: I'm speechless.
What?! Was she out of her mind? Calling at 1:30am? Good luck with that show.
I don't usually push hosts to close, but I would prep her now to close her show the day of. Where's that thread about the customer (HO lead?) who said a consultant called her at midnight, which she hadn't done?
LOL ~ I'm a night owl, but I never call people that late! Heck, it's 2:49 AM & I'm still up (3 is usually about the time I make myself go to bed). I do have to admit, I tell my team, customers & hosts that I'm a night owl & that it's fine to call me at midnight, 1AM, 2AM, etc. I turn off the ringer when I go to bed. So if I'm up, I'll answer. If I'm sleeping, they'll go to voicemail & I won't know they called until I get up & take the cell off silent. I do have people call me late at night, but I've given them permission to do so. But in the real world, most people know better than to just call someone late at night not knowing if they are up or not. That's crazy!!!
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  • #7
I called my host today (her show is tomorrow) to remind her what time I'll arrive. She asks if I am fixing the food. (so did I not go over this?) I tell her yes using the ingredients that was on the recipe I sent & I asked if she was able to get them. She was, then asked if she needed peanuts. (were they not listed in the recipe?). I told her yes & asked if she had any. No, so I went to the store to buy them and the sprite to put on the apple slices. She has gotten 1 order through my website, so that is a start.
It is better than my Fri. evening show which is at $38.60 in sales w/6 guests (2 orders, 1 booking & 2 saying they will order online.....) So, time will tell on that on, too.
Wow! Please update us after her show! I'm interested to see how it's going to pan out.
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  • #9
Although we held her show on an Oct. day it is a Nov. show as our calendars could not mesh when she set her show up; we are to meet Monday to close. She had 5 people at her show and one booked. She didn't say anything about her call so I didn't either. Right now her show is $285. Her goal was $300. She was nice the day of her show, but confusing; had just had foot surgery and could not get around too well.
On another note the other host I mentioned earlier that only had $38 in sales is now at $275. My last night's host had no one show. That is a first for me; she knew 5 were coming and all of them called to tell her they could not make it. So, we visited, made the lava cake in the DCB and her whole family loved it....(4 children & her dh).
  • #10
Encourage last night's host to collect outside orders to at least make a show! ;)
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  • #11
Been doing that. She is now at $120, but my last nights host is just over $400.
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  • #12
Update the host that called after 1am ended up with just over $500 in sales & the other host with low sales ended up just over $400 w/me adding 2 huge orders I received from friends. Now my 1am caller/host is returning a product and that has become another story, see thread "returning a product". Will the craziness ever end??

Related to Host Calls After 1AM: Booked for Over a Month and Guest List Drama Ensues

1. What is the policy for host calls after 1am?

Our policy states that we do not make host calls after 1am in order to respect our hosts' personal time and sleep schedule.

2. Can I request a host call after 1am for a specific reason?

In certain cases, we may make exceptions for host calls after 1am if there is an urgent matter that needs to be addressed. Please contact your Pampered Chef representative for more information.

3. Why are host calls not allowed after 1am?

We understand that our hosts lead busy lives and need their rest. By not making host calls after 1am, we aim to prioritize the well-being and privacy of our hosts.

4. Can I schedule a host call for a later time if I am unavailable before 1am?

Absolutely! Our representatives are happy to work with you to find a suitable time for a host call that fits both of our schedules.

5. Are there any exceptions to the 1am host call policy?

As mentioned before, we may make exceptions for urgent matters. Additionally, if you are located in a different time zone, we will take that into consideration for scheduling host calls. Please reach out to us for more information.

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