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Following Up With Customers After Their Order: Tips & Ideas

In summary, the author is trying to follow up with their customers regarding their orders, but is struggling to do so due to lack of bookings. They offer recipes files to their customers if they purchase items that the author does not have recipes for, but they are also told that they need to leave general messages so that the customer does not know what the call is about. They make phone calls starting at 6pm and ending at 9pm, but are not successful in booking any shows. The author recommends listening to the training courses in the Online Training Center and using good wording when making customer care calls.
I have decided this year I am going to try to follow-up with customers regarding their orders, personally. I call about 2 weeks after I know the show has shipped, this gives the host plenty of time to get the order to them and also for them to use it.

I have made several phone calls after the show comes in and did it again last night. Out of all those phone calls, I got maybe one booking.

What are some things I should be asking? I offer recipes files I have for the items they purchased if I have them. But what if they purchased something that I dont have recipes for? I ask if they are interested in hosting their own show... but again I am hearing "no".

I know it takes a hundred no's but its frustrating to here it so much..

Also what do you say when you leave a message? I have always been one to say what and why I am calling. I was told that I need to leave a general message so they dont know what I am calling about and when I call back they will answer? I know last night I made close to 40 phone calls and I maybe talked to 5 people. This is not just now, its all the time. I call in the evenings 6-7 (start) and end by 9p. I was told from my director this was a good time? Have you had any luck with certain days or times?

I feel like I am missing the mark or just doing something wrong?
I am so impressed!!! Although I have not done these, a fellow team member, Karyn Battey made the CD with PC about Customer Care calls. I would recommend listening to it. If it is not on Consultant's Corner, I would ask your director if she knows how to get ahold of a copy! Don't get discouraged and let us know your results!
Check out the audios and the training courses in the Online Training Center. They have a lot of great wording choices.

That being said, I don't really focus on bookings and such on my "out-of-the-box" calls. I do those simply as a courtesy to the customer, to make them feel appreciated as a customer. If someone has expressed interest in booking, I will try to book them at the show, or within 48 hours of the show. Beyond that, I will make my booking calls separately, with that purpose.
NooraK said:
Check out the audios and the training courses in the Online Training Center. They have a lot of great wording choices.

That being said, I don't really focus on bookings and such on my "out-of-the-box" calls. I do those simply as a courtesy to the customer, to make them feel appreciated as a customer. If someone has expressed interest in booking, I will try to book them at the show, or within 48 hours of the show. Beyond that, I will make my booking calls separately, with that purpose.

I agree with Nora, don't focus on the "bookings" when you make your customer care calls. If they are showing a huge interest then you can take it from there and ask about bookings. Calling with the only intention of making sure they are happy with their product, etc. will make them appreciative and remember you the next time they need Pampered Chef or have a friend that needs something, and that goes a long way.

For those that you need to leave a voicemail, you can say something along the lines of "Hello, this is _________ with the Pampered Chef and I am calling about your recent order. You can call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or I will try you again later".

Hi there,I completely understand your frustration with not getting many bookings after following up with customers. It can be discouraging, but don't give up! Here are a few tips that may help:- When you call, try to have a specific reason for reaching out. For example, you could say something like, "Hi, this is [your name] from Pampered Chef. I noticed you purchased [specific product] from my recent show and I wanted to make sure you received it and see how you're liking it." This gives the customer a reason to engage in conversation with you and may lead to a booking or future sale.- If you don't have recipes for a certain product, try to find some online or create your own. You could also offer to send them some recipe ideas via email.- Instead of asking if they are interested in hosting their own show, try asking if they would like to have a cooking demonstration or party with their friends. This takes the pressure off of them hosting and may be more appealing.- When leaving a message, it's best to be honest and direct. Let them know who you are and why you're calling. You could also mention any current promotions or specials that may entice them to book a show.- As for the best time to call, it really depends on your target audience. Some may prefer evenings, while others may prefer weekends. You could try experimenting with different days and times to see what works best for you.Remember, it takes persistence and patience to build a successful business. Keep trying and don't be discouraged by the no's. Keep offering value to your customers and bookings will come. Best of luck!

Related to Following Up With Customers After Their Order: Tips & Ideas

1. How soon should I follow up with a customer after their order?

It is recommended to follow up with customers within 1-2 days after their order has been delivered. This shows that you value their business and are committed to their satisfaction.

2. What should I include in my follow-up message?

Your follow-up message should thank the customer for their purchase, remind them of any special offers or promotions, and ask for feedback on their experience. You can also include tips on how to use the products they purchased or recipe ideas.

3. What is the best way to follow up with customers?

The best way to follow up with customers is through email or a personal phone call. This allows for direct communication and gives the customer the opportunity to ask any questions or provide feedback.

4. How can I personalize my follow-up messages?

Personalization is key when following up with customers. You can use their name, mention specific products they purchased, or reference previous conversations you had with them. This shows that you value them as an individual and not just a customer.

5. How can I use follow-up to increase customer retention?

Following up with customers after their order can help increase customer retention by showing them that you care about their satisfaction and are committed to providing excellent service. It also gives you the opportunity to upsell or cross-sell other products that may interest them.

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