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First Show Was Great but No Bookings

In summary, the author had a show on Saturday and as of right now has sold 721.00 worth of products. They are waiting on one more person to get them their order and only had 6 of their 43 guests attend. They are still trying to get bookings for their next show and are looking for ways to increase their sales. They suggest doing an open house and extending it to all their neighbors along with their guests that they invited the first time. Finally, they stress the importance of personal contact and flyers being delivered with a personal conversation.
I had my first show on Saturday and as of right now my sales for it were 721.00, I am still waiting on one more person to get me their order, she wasn't able to attend the party. I invited over 43 people to my show and only had 6 of them attend. I did really good and got 4 outside orders, but I still have no other bookings. I have went house to house in my neighborhood with a flyer and a catolog to tell everyone about my new bussiness. I was thinking about doing an open house and extending it to all my neighbors along with all the people that I invited the first time that did not attend or I did not get a hold of. I have some flyers to take to our local grocery store. Does anyone else have any ideals of what I can do? I really want to hit my 1250.00 for the first super starter month, and I know I am off to a good start but with no other parties booked I am not sure how to get there.
I always call my guests the next day, and make a big M.A.C. call (Morning After Call). I thank them for taking the time to be at the show, go over the warantee or product information for what they ordered, and then I say, "I know that it was getting late last night, and I wanted to make sure that I had the chance to ask you have ever thought of doing what I do?"...then I ask (assuming it's a no), "Well, please feel free to pass along this great opportunity to anyone you know who could use an extra $500 a month". Then I say "Well, have you ever thought of having your own Kitchen or Catalog show and getting all the stuff you wanted last night but didn't get, for free?" (again, if its a no), I say "Well, thanks again for your order, I hope you had fun. If you ever need anything, or have any questions, please feel free to call!"

I don't think it's too late to make this call to your guests from Saturday. Just say, "this is ____ from the Pampered Chef, and I was calling to let you know that we got Susie's show submitted today (or whatever day), and you can expect it within the next two weeks. By the way, I wanted to make sure...."

As for other ideas, get out your list of 100 in your Welcome Booklet. If its not yet filled out, do that now, and start making phone calls! It takes 9 no's before you'll get one yes! But don't let that discourage you! Be sure that you make it clear what hosts get for having a show. They will want to know what they get out of it, not what you'll get out of it. So, instead of focusing on "I want to have 6 shows to start off my business", say, "I'd love to give you $100 in free Pampered Chef products just for helping me start my business! Our average host gets $90 in free shopping dollars for anything in the catalog, plus 2 half price items, and 25% off everything else in the catalog. PLUS! This month only, hosts can get any piece of stoneware they want ofr 60% off! How does that sound?"

Just stay focused, book shows two weeks from now, and try to reach all the different chains in your life. And get excited! You've joined a great company, and we're all here to help!
Contact the guests and tell them that "host" will be receiving over "$" in free products for having such a great time. Did they have a great time? With the shopping season upon us and Christmas less than 100 days away, Would they want to receive free products too? If they him-haw, suggest a catalog show. If it's a friend of relative, Explain that you really want to get your business off to a good start and could really use the favor. Yes, it's a pitty show, but that's how I started my business.
If your next show is through someone you know personally, stress to them that you don't want your future business to depend on your mutual friends. Encourage them to invite people that you may not know and that they all bring a guest. Address the invitations to so-n-so and guest. I have even had a separate drawing for those that brought an adult guest that was not directly invited.
Flyers really aren't that effective unless they are hand-delivered with a personal conversation attached (you know, the 30-second elevator speech). Do you take the time to read the flyers on your door? On your window? I have not been successful with leaving stuff around, but I find a reason to approach a person in the produce aisle, cookware aisle (say comparing quality & price), the baseball game, etc.

Related to First Show Was Great but No Bookings

1. How can I get more bookings after a successful first show?

One way to get more bookings is to offer a hostess incentive for booking a show, such as a free product or discount. You can also ask guests at the show if they are interested in hosting their own show. Additionally, make sure to follow up with guests after the show and offer them the opportunity to host a show or place an order.

2. What if my guests are not interested in hosting a show or placing an order?

Don't get discouraged if some guests are not interested in booking a show or placing an order. Remember to thank them for attending and offer to add them to your mailing list for future shows and promotions. You can also ask if they know anyone who may be interested in hosting a show or purchasing Pampered Chef products.

3. Is it important to follow up with guests after the first show?

Yes, following up with guests after the first show is crucial for getting more bookings. You can send a thank-you note or email to show your appreciation for their attendance and offer them the opportunity to host a show or place an order. This also helps to build relationships and keep your business top-of-mind for future purchases.

4. How can I make my first show even more successful?

To make your first show even more successful, make sure to have plenty of catalogs and order forms available for guests to take home. You can also offer a special promotion or discount for orders placed within a certain time frame. Additionally, make sure to have a well-organized and engaging demonstration to showcase the products and their uses.

5. What other resources does Pampered Chef offer to help with bookings?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of resources to help with bookings, including customizable invitations and flyers, social media graphics, and hostess coaching guides. Additionally, your Pampered Chef consultant website has a "My Shows" section where you can track bookings and hostess rewards. You can also reach out to your upline or fellow consultants for advice and support on getting more bookings.

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