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Discover the Benefits of Wearing an Apron at Cooking Shows

In summary, a PC apron is worn by the author throughout the cooking show to signal that they are a messy cook and are authorized to sell PC products. The author also likes the pockets and the tie. The apron is not particularly comfortable, but it does identify the author as the "authority

Do you wear the PC apron at cooking shows?

  • Yes, I wear the PC apron through the whole show.

    Votes: 44 46.3%
  • I wear the PC apron when I cook and take it off the rest of the show.

    Votes: 32 33.7%
  • No, I don't wear the PC apron.

    Votes: 19 20.0%

  • Total voters
Do you wear an apron at cooking shows?
I actually use it to cook then take it off since knowing me I already have it messy. ;)
I put the apron on, when I have introduced myself .... and then I just leave it on, I use my pockets to keep things in IE DPDS, or pins, little things.....
I put it on when I'm ready to cook; I tell them I"m messy. And I show how the apron's adjustable; both with the strings & the career w/PC.
i wear it the entire time! Messy or not! Its my uniform and anything that has the PC logo on I will wear until the bitter end!Hehehe
I LIKE the adjustable visual! I'm gonna borrow that one! Permanantly! :)
I'm determined to earn that great PINK one though... I do NOT like the denim... but I'm wearing it.
I wear mine when I'm cooking - just because I am a very messy cook, and don't want chocolate, or oil, or other food all over my clothes!
I've killed my denim one after three shows. I'm waiting to hear back from HO about a replacement - two washings should NOT fade the logo and rip the ties off! :(I think I might order the name tag from Merrill and get a nice apron from Williams-Sonoma.
  • #10
I currently wear one, But I am going to buy a shirt and start wearing it. I do not like wearing aprons. And thankfully, I have rarely gotten food on it and I think I will be ok in just a shirt.
  • #11
Well, I chose "I wear it through the whole show," but I really wear it only for most of the show. I put it on as a signal that we'll be beginning. I wear it throughout my "demo." I take it off before processing orders.

I like having the pockets for my candies that I toss. It's not really an uncomfortable apron, but I don't think it's particularly comfortable, either. Also, by the end of the show I'm usually fairly warm, and the apron does tend to trap heat.
  • #12
I don't wear an apron. I get too hot when I have it on. I haven't had a problem with spilling all over myself (I probably just jinxed myself for tonights show). I have about 8 different PC aprons and I don't really like any of the material that they are made with. I wish they would make one that is really soft.
  • #13
I wear one for a couple of reasons:
  • I'm a slob.
  • I like having pockets.
  • I'm a slob.
  • The tie gives me someplace to hang a towel.
  • It identifies me as the "authority" in the room.
  • And did I mention, I'm a slob.
BUT-- I really hate the way it fits. I'm rather heavy-chested and it rides up or slides around to one side.
  • #14
I wear one while I cook but the CD's I've listened to say to wear it AFTER guests have arrived and during the intro. THis is because if you wear it as soon as you get there, you've identified yourself as the sales person. If you wait, you look like a guest and the other guests are more open to you!!!:D
  • #15
I put mine on after introductions with the guest.(telling me if they have ever been to a PC party, what there favorite PC product is etc..) As I am putting my apron on I start my "I" story and tell them that the Apron is my favorite product, because i got this with my Kit to start my own business with the PC and it has brought me much pleasure with meeting all of you here tonight.

Something like that anyway. Then I take it off after I have done my recipes.
  • #16
I wear mine the whole time, though I have done a few shows where I just wear a pc shirt
  • #17
I kind of love my apron! I think it makes me look official. I don't put it on until I start cooking, and I try to remember to take it off to add up, just to appear more approachable, but I wear it with pride! I should keep them in the kitchen instead of my office, though, because I rarely wear them at home. I, like Ann, am a slob. Food everywhere all the time. Floors, walls, you name it...they should invent a cooking bubble for people like me. I should bring a dropcloth when I go to shows, but I just try to be extra careful there and only splatter on the table. Maybe I should do like at Blue Man Group and make the front row wear ponchos!?
  • #18
I start my intro and my story of how I got started and the great things I got in my kit and show them the "adjustable" apron, it adjusts to anyone! Then I say, "Let's get cookin'" I do like the fact that you can hang a towel on it.....I never thought of that! Thanks Ann! You got such great ideas!
  • #19
I wear mine just during the demo like many of you. I feel naked during the occasional show where I forget it!!

I once heard from someone amazing...."that it is like talking to a police officer with his uniform on...he is much more approachable when he is mowing his lawn in his shorts." Itsn't this true?? People are more approachable when they aren't wearing their uniform.

Just my 2 cents.


"BUT-- I really hate the way it fits. I'm rather heavy-chested and it rides up or slides around to one side."

For this problem, I pin a PC pin of some sort on both sides of my apron through the apron and through the string so that it does not slide. Does this make sense??
  • #20
chefann said:
I wear one for a couple of reasons:
  • I'm a slob.
  • I like having pockets.
  • I'm a slob.
  • The tie gives me someplace to hang a towel.
  • It identifies me as the "authority" in the room.
  • And did I mention, I'm a slob.
BUT-- I really hate the way it fits. I'm rather heavy-chested and it rides up or slides around to one side.
You crack me up Ann! I too hate the way it fits, it makes me look frumpy but I have no chest to complain about!
  • #21
Nope, I haven't even taken it out of the package yet. I got a sparkly shirt from VIP that I'll wear.
  • #22
I do not wear an apron and especially when I am preggo- we don't like to be draped in fabric!!

I wear dark jeans and a PC shirt (now PC maternity shirt) with my merrill name tag. I really want to earn the pink one even though I know I won't wear it!
  • #23
Your too funny Ann, I have the same problem those I am heavy-chesterd and it slides around on me as well....

chefann said:
I wear one for a couple of reasons:
  • I'm a slob.
  • I like having pockets.
  • I'm a slob.
  • The tie gives me someplace to hang a towel.
  • It identifies me as the "authority" in the room.
  • And did I mention, I'm a slob.
BUT-- I really hate the way it fits. I'm rather heavy-chested and it rides up or slides around to one side.
  • #24
I have a TON of PC shirts from T-Shirts,golf,the real summery ones that they stopped carrying, so I figure I dont need the apron, but the HWC 1 I will wear towards the end to talk about it.;)
  • #25
I don't wear the apron...can't stand to have things around my neck like that. Now, if they had the logo down at the bottom, I might consider folding the neck part down and wearing it that way....

Hey...maybe I'll get my MIL to put a pocket toward the bottom and embroider something on it!

Wow....sometimes i surprise myself with my smarts! :D :D :D
  • #26
I only wear mine in the winter. I usually get really hot during my shows.
  • #27
I wear mine the whole show, but want to get PC shirts and name badge so this summer i won't be wearing it. I'm usually not messy, i wipe my hands on it so i can bring a towel for that!
  • #28
If I feel I'm doing a messy recipe, I wear a Dark Shirt.....;)
  • #29
fruit76loop said:
I wear mine just during the demo like many of you. I feel naked during the occasional show where I forget it!!
Here's a funny story--

A guest at one of my shows a couple years ago saw the "I offer theme parties" sticker on the catalog, and asked what that meant. I told her it meant we'd do recipes that fit a theme, and maybe decor or a game. She said that she lived in a "naturalist community" (aka nudist colony) and would I do a naked show? :eek:

I told her that for safety's sake, I'd insist on wearing an apron.
  • #30
LMAO...If someone asked me that, I'd wear 2 of them.....;)
  • #31
chefann said:
Here's a funny story--

A guest at one of my shows a couple years ago saw the "I offer theme parties" sticker on the catalog, and asked what that meant. I told her it meant we'd do recipes that fit a theme, and maybe decor or a game. She said that she lived in a "naturalist community" (aka nudist colony) and would I do a naked show? :eek:

I told her that for safety's sake, I'd insist on wearing an apron.

OMG:eek: I would just die....
  • #32
lacychef said:
OMG:eek: I would just die....
Yeah- me, too. Luckily, she was just trying to shock me and didn't actually book. hmm, she lived near Grand Rapids. Becky D- do you need any "interesting" shows? :D
  • #33
It seems too chilly near Grand Rapids to be running around naked...I would have done it if for nothing else, to satisfy my curiosity!! I don't think I could do the naked thing though...
  • #35
raebates said:
One in front and one in back? I'm not sure even that would allow enough coverage for my, um, voluptuous proportions. http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/ashamed0003.gif
That's what I was thinking! (about myself....)

Now that we have the microfiber towels, I suppose I could pin them all over the apron, a la Dance of the 7 veils to provide more coverage.

As my mom always told me: Never fry bacon naked!
  • #36
chefann said:
Yeah- me, too. Luckily, she was just trying to shock me and didn't actually book. hmm, she lived near Grand Rapids. Becky D- do you need any "interesting" shows? :D

Ummm....not that interesting! I'll stick with plain ole boring clothed shows!:D
  • #37
chefann said:
That's what I was thinking! (about myself....)

Now that we have the microfiber towels, I suppose I could pin them all over the apron, a la Dance of the 7 veils to provide more coverage.

As my mom always told me: Never fry bacon naked!

Dance of the 147,892 Micro-Fiber Towels just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  • #38
raebates said:
Dance of the 147,892 Micro-Fiber Towels just doesn't have the same ring to it.
For some reason, that conjured up an image in my head of a muppet-like character made up entirely of microfiber towels. In all the colors we've had. It looks like a heap of laundry come to life.
  • #39
I can see it now!

I miss the muppets. My DH reminds me a little of Harry (or was it Hairy?) sometimes.
  • #40
mana mana!
do do do do doooo
mana mana!

  • #41
Pigs in Spaaaaaaaaaace!

We have the first season on DVD, and it's a riot.
  • #42
Ahh, sweet memories.

I have to admit my favorite part of the show was often the two old men in the balcony. They were just too ornery.
  • #43
Statler and Waldorf. I love them, too!
  • #44
And with this totally pointless post, I hit 2500 and my pink star! Go, me! :)

(I'm a total post slut!)
  • #46
They're named after hotels.

Some of the other classic characters:
Sam, the bald eagle
Beauregard, the janitor
Rowlf, the dog
Miss Piggy
Fozzie Bear
Sam and Janet, the bad singers. They wanted so badly to have an act in every show, and they were always sabotaged somehow.
Scooter, the go-fer and nephew of the man who owned the theater
The Swedish Chef (bork bork!)
I could go on all day.

One of the fun parts about watching it now is seeing the hair and clothing of the guest stars. And seeing how young they look, compared to today (if they're even still living).
  • #47
You know, you may know too much about the Muppet Show.
  • #48
That was one of the few shows I was allowed to watch as a child.
  • #49
I guess your parents figured you wouldn't get the "adult" humor in it?
  • #50
That was probably it. :)
<h2>1. Why should I wear an apron at cooking shows?</h2><p>Wearing an apron at cooking shows not only protects your clothing from spills and stains, but it also adds to the professional and put-together look of your presentation.</p><h2>2. What type of apron should I wear at cooking shows?</h2><p>We recommend wearing a full-length apron with pockets to hold any tools or utensils you may need during your demonstration. Our Pampered Chef aprons are designed specifically for cooking shows and are both stylish and functional.</p><h2>3. Do I have to wear an apron if I am not the main presenter at the cooking show?</h2><p>While it is not required, we highly recommend that all members of the cooking show team wear an apron to maintain a cohesive and professional appearance.</p><h2>4. Can I personalize my apron with my name or logo?</h2><p>Yes, our Pampered Chef aprons can be customized with your name or logo. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your cooking show and promote your business.</p><h2>5. How do I clean and care for my apron?</h2><p>Most of our aprons are machine washable, but be sure to double-check the care instructions on the specific apron you choose. We recommend washing in cold water and hanging to dry to preserve the quality and longevity of the fabric.</p>

Related to Discover the Benefits of Wearing an Apron at Cooking Shows

1. Why should I wear an apron at cooking shows?

Wearing an apron at cooking shows not only protects your clothing from spills and stains, but it also adds to the professional and put-together look of your presentation.

2. What type of apron should I wear at cooking shows?

We recommend wearing a full-length apron with pockets to hold any tools or utensils you may need during your demonstration. Our Pampered Chef aprons are designed specifically for cooking shows and are both stylish and functional.

3. Do I have to wear an apron if I am not the main presenter at the cooking show?

While it is not required, we highly recommend that all members of the cooking show team wear an apron to maintain a cohesive and professional appearance.

4. Can I personalize my apron with my name or logo?

Yes, our Pampered Chef aprons can be customized with your name or logo. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your cooking show and promote your business.

5. How do I clean and care for my apron?

Most of our aprons are machine washable, but be sure to double-check the care instructions on the specific apron you choose. We recommend washing in cold water and hanging to dry to preserve the quality and longevity of the fabric.

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