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Creating a Guest Packet: What to Include?

In summary, Sandi recommends using a file folder with sleeves for guests to keep their receipts, a catalog, and an order form.
Do you put together a packet for your guest or just give them a catalog and an order form? I have been doing the catalog and form, but was thinking about doing a folder. If you do a folder.....what do you put in it other than the special for that month?
Thanks in advance for your response!
Host special for current and next month. Recruiting info. At the meeting last night one gal said she uses the 1/2" binders and puts each sheet into a protective sleeve making a sort of "book". She puts the order form in the front pocket and the catalog in the back pocket and the flyers in the sleeves, starting with recruiting info.

The reason she puts the catalog in the back is because guests have to flip through those other pages first before they can get to it.
Costwise, you'd only have to buy 20 or so because guests wouldn't actually keep the binder and those sleeves come in packets of 20 or 50 (not sure!) for about $2.
I use file folders. They are cheap but great for people to keep. I tell everyone to keep all PC receipts in it. The file tab has my information label on it. I put a catalog, order form, and customer card info card in it. Thats it. I use a flip chart to talk about the specials. I found I was printing a lot and not getting a lot in return. This makes it simple and people listen when you talk about what they earn free for investing in their kitchens. :)

I used to do the half in binders but they got heavy then switch with pocket folders but people would walk off with them, and I'd have to bring them home. This was I don't have to bring them home- people love the idea of keeping everything together.
I used to do the binder with the info in the sleeves - while they were not expensive to make they were a pain for me because after every show I had to replace information that guests had taken out. And they were heavier to carry.

Now simply do manila file folders. I print out a big label (one of the ones that are 6-8 to a page) that tells them that this is their folder to keep their receipts in - to store it under their silverware tray and it has my contact info on it and some opportunity info. Then inside I put a catalog an order form and the basic business opportunity brochure. I make them up 75-80 at a time when I order catalogs and then I just have to pull out 15 or so more and put them in my bag. Sure there are always a few people who take things out and leave the folders, I just collect them and take them home and drop them in a bin and when I start to run low, I refill them with whatever they are missing.

For me this is more cost effective, not as heavy and more time efficient because I'm not refilling folders after every show.

I don't include the guest specials or host specials in the folders because they change every month and I would have to stuff folders more often and because I make it a point to announce them both a couple of different times during the show.
I used to do folders w/ my name on the tab. I stopped doing that a couple years ago to cut costs and I have not noticed any difference in sales. It is also much easier for me to grab a pile of catalogs and order forms instead of preparing folders. They have all my contact info on the recipes I hand out.

sandilou said:
I used to do folders w/ my name on the tab. I stopped doing that a couple years ago to cut costs and I have not noticed any difference in sales. It is also much easier for me to grab a pile of catalogs and order forms instead of preparing folders. They have all my contact info on the recipes I hand out.


I have always just handed out catalogs and order forms. I do mention current and upcoming specials, and put a couple in plastic sleeves that I have available to pass around, and usually pass around a large stack of various recipes saying they can each take one. I believe all of this weight is plenty in my shoulder bag that I take them in, especially when you are expecting 20 guests.
I use a pocket folder with sleeves in it to put the specials and incentives. I really like the idea of a manilla folder, though! I've never thought of that before!
I have been using the mini catalog inserts so everyone knows what the host special for this and next month are as well as the guest specials. As well as a guest list and the order form. I re-did an online training today and have decided to start putting a recruiting flyer in with the paperwork, I just put everything in the front of the catalog. I did folders but they were getting to expensive to replace all the time and have the time people never looked at the stuff they just jumped to the catalog any way
jbdowd0798 said:
I use file folders. They are cheap but great for people to keep. I tell everyone to keep all PC receipts in it. The file tab has my information label on it. I put a catalog, order form, and customer card info card in it. Thats it. .

I do this too - except that I also print out KAM's monthly special flyer and include that too. Most of those I can recycle and use several times.

For instance, for my show tonight, I have (from back to front in the manila folder):
Order Form
Monthly host/guest special sheet (Jan, Feb, Recruiting info in 3 columns)
Guest Care Card
  • #10
I have used several different kinds of folders and included from a little to a lot. Last summer I was dealing with needing a knee replacement and had to delay it for a hysterectomy (because of cancer) so with that major surgery and then another major surgery 6 months later I started carrying as little as I could - but still too many products - so it became a catalog and order form. I watched the customers and no one seemed to notice, even those who had been at other shows.

I always talk about the specials during the demo and I have flyers on my check out table which I again refer to. The host also gets the flyers and the official OOF from CC so the guest specials are also on those for outside orders.

I doubt I'll go back to anything more for a while - another foot surgery tomorrow...
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  • #11
Good Luck with the foot surgery tomorrow Beth!!
  • #12
I use the Merrill clipboards. From front to back is the door prize drawing slip, a catalog, my excel "guest list" (PC logo on top with a bunch of lines to do their wish list - which I data entry into P3 so I can notifiy them by e-mail when something on their wish list comes up as a host/guest special) and the order form. A printout of the current guest special is in the protective cover on the back of the clipboard (so they can fllip over the clipboard & see it. I've discovered that the ones who try to take everything home will leave that flyer now, saving me on printing more for the subsequent shows later in the month). Oh, and a pen in the pen holder on the clipboard. :D
  • #13
I have a bunch of Black showboards where you can insert a catalog/order form/drawing slip/biz card

HOWEVER, they are very heavy and it is one more thing I have to have ready before a show!

Now, I hand out a catalog with the order form inside and a bunch of pens!

So much easier!

I have the flip chart folder that has this and next months host and guest specials, my $99 DCB flyer special that matches the recipe I am making, recruiting information and promo, my Spree for 53 congrats email, my pictures of Maui (I took a pic in front of the I'm going to Maui board at Natl Conf), printouts of my last four months of commission statements from PC (names blacked out to protect the innocent LOL).

During my show "cooking show commercial" with cooking slide, I will go through specials, then had the flip folder for folks to pass around and see the specials in their hot little hands, they get to see all the above info for themselves. Has done wonders for recruiting and booking shows.
  • #14
Currently I use a mixture of homemade lap boards and pocket folders. I put in a catalog, order form, 3 month specials flyer, and my PC has to offer flyer (I've attached it)However after reading these posts I think that I may start using the manilla file folders. I like that they get to keep them and putting contact info and them having a place for receipts. This will cost me a little more right away but will help in the fact that sometimes I don't have enough of my lap boards and folders if I have a large show. I will also take out specials and learn to remember to mention them before checkout when someone spends over $60.
pcsharon1 said:
Now simply do manila file folders. I print out a big label (one of the ones that are 6-8 to a page) that tells them that this is their folder to keep their receipts in - to store it under their silverware tray and it has my contact info on it and some opportunity info. Then inside I put a catalog an order form and the basic business opportunity brochure. I make them up 75-80 at a time when I order catalogs and then I just have to pull out 15 or so more and put them in my bag. Sure there are always a few people who take things out and leave the folders, I just collect them and take them home and drop them in a bin and when I start to run low, I refill them with whatever they are missing.
Do you have your label information saved of what exactly you put on it????


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  • #15
Katie: I would find a place to put your name/website/phone/email on your offer page. That way, a guest could pass it on to someone else and they could contact you!
  • #16
ChefCKHall said:
Katie: I would find a place to put your name/website/phone/email on your offer page. That way, a guest could pass it on to someone else and they could contact you!

I agree I actually was thinking of putting my flyer on cover of folder maybe in a plastic sleeve or something to keep it from getting all crumply and putting contact label on inside of folder. Or actually I should maybe tape the sheet on inside.
  • #17
I use sturdy plastic folders with the 3 ring tabs. I use page protectors that have the current & next months specials, a recruiting paper that says "30 day challenge" plus my first 90 day worksheet & first months pay check (I normally have them flip to all this as I am showing the booking slide).
I use a huge rubber band to attach the catalog to the folder (this way they normally don't take my catalogs. If they ask for one I will give them just the catalog, but first I offer a mini). Then, in the inside front pocket I put the order form & any recruiting specials for that month (I want them to take this if they are interested).

I hand out drawing slips later, while I tell them on how to fill it out (after I have done the booking slide - I want them to know what they are saying yes or no to).

And, I keep my pens in the Measure all Cup (since I don't demo this, they can still see it. Someone else always "sells" it to the guests).
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thanks so much for all the responses!
  • #19
CK, I may be behind but what is the cooking slide? I know of the booking/recruiting slides but, I have not heard of cooking slide. I have the flip chart and I don't really use it so, this is a neat idea. Do you include all the items you mentioned in the flip chart so, everyone can see it and pass it around?

Thanks for the help,
Karen Chisholm
  • #20
chisholmd2 said:
CK, I may be behind but what is the cooking slide? I know of the booking/recruiting slides but, I have not heard of cooking slide. I have the flip chart and I don't really use it so, this is a neat idea. Do you include all the items you mentioned in the flip chart so, everyone can see it and pass it around?

Thanks for the help,
Karen Chisholm

I'm pretty sure they meant booking slide, but typed a "c" instead of a "b". ;)
  • #21
I use a two pocket folder. In the folder I have name tag, recruiting info, fundraiser flyer, game, order form, special info, drawing slip and the last thing is the catalog. I go over everything the packet during my "demo" and MY folder has the next month's specials as well to encourage bookings :)
  • #22
I use two pocket folders. The right side has the order form and a discover us brochure. The left has my fajita bundle flyer and catalog. I have also done just the catalog and order form, but like having something for them to write on. That, plus, I had the folders already.
  • #23
I use ViewFolios with the guest special in the front of the folder. Inside the folder I have the catalog, order form, DCB special that I do and the host special for the current month and following month. I also include a 30-day Challenge about the opportunity. I encourage guests to take the catalogs and just leave me the folders. I have to update the folders after each show, but that's okay with me for now.
  • #24
Manilla folder. Be duplicatable! Make it look easy!!!

I haven't done the label on the folder thing--good boost to try, but my folder includes:

(1) 5 sizes of apron flyer with current recruiting special on the back, my contact info all over it
(2) join us brochure
(3) order form
(4) catalog


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  • Come and See if the Apron Fits.doc
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  • given it thought bullet points.doc
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  • #25
I have always been cutting my catalogs in half & inserting the pages in sheet protectors. It guarantees that I have 20 for each show. If someone wants to take one home they'll ask & I'll pull one out for them. I'm thinking of doing a test run of not doing it this season. I'm afraid of lots of people taking my catalogs home & nothing coming from them taking the catalogs home. I've always included the wish list that can be downloaded on consultants corner and an order form with my catalogs.I need to know from everyone here: If there were 20 at your show how many on average take a catalog home?
  • #26
skaugchef said:
I have always been cutting my catalogs in half & inserting the pages in sheet protectors. It guarantees that I have 20 for each show. If someone wants to take one home they'll ask & I'll pull one out for them. I'm thinking of doing a test run of not doing it this season. I'm afraid of lots of people taking my catalogs home & nothing coming from them taking the catalogs home. I've always included the wish list that can be downloaded on consultants corner and an order form with my catalogs.

I need to know from everyone here: If there were 20 at your show how many on average take a catalog home?

For me it depends on the show. Guests who haven't been to a show before or don't know PC well seem to usually take the catalogs. I just ask them to pass it on to someone else or leave it in their doctor's office/work when they're done with it. Shows where I know a number of people or they've been to a few shows usually leave the catalog behind.
  • #27
I used to use plastic folders with the three rings in the middle and page protectors and at the beginning of each season I would take 20 catalogs, remove the staples and cut the pages apart then place one page per sheet protector. I would include three months of specials each on a different color paper and the door prize slip, a recruiting brocure, a wedding registry brocure and the order form. While I never had to really re-fill my catalogs and I always knew I had them I would have to replace the flyers and order forms each time and carry them around. The cons to this: the back and neck pain from putting the catalogs into the page protectors, carrying them around, re-filling between shows, forgetting to stock up on catalogs "to-go".
I switched over to paper folders about a year ago containing a catalog, order form recruiting brocure and door prize slip but I think I really like the idea of the manila folder they take with them. I like the idea of having them made up to go and saying just take it all with you. I like the thought of less to carry out when you have the dirty dishes now too.
Thanks for the idea!
  • #28
skaugchef said:
I have always been cutting my catalogs in half & inserting the pages in sheet protectors. It guarantees that I have 20 for each show. If someone wants to take one home they'll ask & I'll pull one out for them. I'm thinking of doing a test run of not doing it this season. I'm afraid of lots of people taking my catalogs home & nothing coming from them taking the catalogs home. I've always included the wish list that can be downloaded on consultants corner and an order form with my catalogs.

I need to know from everyone here: If there were 20 at your show how many on average take a catalog home?

Bumping!!! I need input from people!!!
  • #29
jbdowd0798 said:
I use file folders. They are cheap but great for people to keep. I tell everyone to keep all PC receipts in it. The file tab has my information label on it. I put a catalog, order form, and customer card info card in it. Thats it. I use a flip chart to talk about the specials. I found I was printing a lot and not getting a lot in return. This makes it simple and people listen when you talk about what they earn free for investing in their kitchens. :)

I used to do the half in binders but they got heavy then switch with pocket folders but people would walk off with them, and I'd have to bring them home. This was I don't have to bring them home- people love the idea of keeping everything together.

Do you let them keep the catalogs then too? Or what to they take and what do you keep from the folders?
  • #30
Oops sorry didn't see this til now. :) I do let keep them the catalogs if they want. I get 50% back. The only thing I ask for back is my yellow customer care card (I do my own cc card) completely filled out. Than they will check out with their order form.
  • #31
skaugchef said:
Bumping!!! I need input from people!!!
I lose probably about half at each show. People want the recipes or they say that they have someone who may want to order. Figured if they spent $$ with me, I should be able to part with the 49 cents the catalog cost.

One thing I have been thinking of is for everyone who takes a catalog, offering them a $1 off their own order for each orders they get - since they often say they are keeping it to show to someone else. And then of course, go into the $150 in orders makes it a catalog party... any thoughts?
  • #32
This is my first post. Already had my show and signing up tomorrow! I've not tried this yet but tell me what you all think. I read it in a LemonAid Lady book. After you hand out catalogs say:"Is there anyone here who has ever read a best seller?" A few hands might go up. "You are holding a best seller in your hands right now - The Pampered Chef catalog. For a product to make it in this catalog, the product must be a best seller! Not only is this a best seller with best selling products, but it also has the name of the best seller in the company here on the back cover (or where ever your contact info is) . . .it's me!""Ladies, if you were at a bookstore and saw a stack of best selling books - some were naked and the others were autographed - which ones would you want? Tonight, I'll be happy to autograph your best seller. And, when you bring it back to two more parties and collect a total of three of my autographs, I'll give you something special to take home."She says a lot of times woman at the party will talk to each other and set up to more shows so they can get their 3 autographs. Plus, this way people are bringing back the catalogs to parties. This way you are not giving the same person a catalog over and over. Also, tell them where this catalog wants to live - with your cookbooks. This way it's not in a stack of magazines when they need to find it.
  • #33
I have two pocket folders that I use. I put the catalog and order form on the left, a sheet printed simply with the current month's guest special and next month's host special and the Discover Us brochure on the right.
  • #34
I use clipboards too, but I cannot find logo ones on merril, do they not have them anymore?!?! Wish i could find so of those!! :) I think the clip boards work the best!!!!!
  • #35
PCAlyMac11 said:
I use clipboards too, but I cannot find logo ones on merril, do they not have them anymore?!?! Wish i could find so of those!! :) I think the clip boards work the best!!!!!

Merril has lap boards with a clear pocket that can hold a catalog and a pen holder.
  • #36
I use a file folder with my label on the tab, inside I put a catalog, orderform, Join us recruiting brochure, Drawing slip and a pice of note paper for them to write thier wish list. I have also started inserting the evening's recipie as Most guest always ask me for a copy anyway.
  • #37
Scottcooks, your "given it thought" flyer needs to be updated.
  • #38
I simply LOVE all your great ideas! I am now going to switch to manila folders with my label attached to it. I came up with this...


  • GuestPackLabels.doc
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Related to Creating a Guest Packet: What to Include?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "Creating a Guest Packet: What to Include?

1. Do you put together a packet for your guest?

Yes, creating a guest packet is a great way to provide your guests with all the necessary information and materials to make their shopping experience easier and more enjoyable.

2. What should be included in the guest packet?

Some essential items to include are a catalog, order form, hostess rewards information, product samples, and a thank you note. You can also add any current specials or promotions.

3. Do you include a folder in the guest packet?

Including a folder can be a nice touch and make the packet look more organized. It also allows you to include any additional information or materials without them getting lost.

4. What other materials can be included in the folder?

In addition to the essential items, you can also include business cards, product information flyers, and invitations to upcoming parties or events. You can also include a personal note or thank you message to your guests.

5. Is it necessary to include the special for the month in the guest packet?

Including the current special or promotion can be a great way to entice your guests to make a purchase. However, it is not necessary, and you can choose to include it or not based on your preferences.

Thanks in advance for your response!

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