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Celebrating Our Love: Our Last Wedding Anniversary

In summary, the author's hubby and she celebrated their last wedding anniversary by renewing their vows on a cruise, their last anniversary was the most memorable because their daughter got married 4 days after their anniversary, they went to Italy for their anniversary, but their most memorable anniversary was their 7 year anniversary when they went out to dinner with two other couples and had a great time. The author is planning on changing things up and doing her meetings alone from now on because she is tired of her AD always making them lectures-style.
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How did you and your hubby celebrate your last wedding anniversary?
renewed our vows on our cruise
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Our last anniversary we went to Italy. But the one before that was probably the most memorable. My daughter got married 4 days after our anniversary so needless to say we were busy with other things and it came and went. At the wedding dinner (with prior approval from the bride and groom) my husband go up in front of everyone and did a beautiful toast to me and presented me with a dozen read roses. I was blown away!!!
We went to Las Vegas to help my brother and sister in law move back here to Cali. No kids though so that was nice. Rode some roller coasters and had a really nice dinner.
Time for a change...(VERY VERY LONG)Do ya'll do your meetings with just yourself anf your team or do you buddy up with another director?

I did my first 5-6 meetings with my AD. Then she said it was time for me to try doing them on my own. Which was just as well - hers were very lecture-style and people would literally have a hard time staying awake for the 2 and 1/2 hours we were there.

I did a few on my own, they were pretty good, not great (but I was a VERY new director)...and then at NC that year, the other two Directors under my AD (who did their meetings together) invited me to join them and do our meetings all together, the three of us and our teams. Those meetings were fabulous -we had high attendance, fun interactive meetings...thriving teams. One of those two directors (we'll call her Tabitha) and I had a great rapport - we would make a basic meeting outline and then just bounce off one another - almost finishing each other's snetences. The third director in our group (we'll call her Katrina), tended to just go with the flow - she was only at 1 out of every 4 meetings.

After about a year or two of these great meetings, our AD announced she was having very low attendance at her own meetings and was going to come join up with us. Within a few months, she took over making up the outline and basically took over the meetings making them very lecture-style again. Attendance started dwingling, morale went down... both Tabitha and Katrina quit the business altogether - Katrina retired because it was just time - she'd had another child and her DH wanted her home more. Tabitha is about to lose directorship any day now and will tell you flat out - she just had it with working with our AD. So...it was just me and my AD.

We butted heads a bit but I got her to agree that we need to make the meetings more fun again. She said she needed me to not pick on her so much (???!!??) She is a VERY sensitive person. Like, you can ask her a simple question like "How was your show?" and she will burst into tears. Someone once made a joke - a play on words using my last name...and the AD first started laughing and blushing and then started crying. Her emotions are all over the place...always.

I NEED to break away from doing meetings with her. Last night, she ran the entire meeting - my team was so upset my phone was ringing all morning - they felt she was condescending, nasty, belittling to me, and made them all feel she was inconvenienced by them. I had TWO brand new consultants there - this was their FIRST meeting. I have lost two consultants over the years due to my AD completely offending them. One even wrote a nasty letter to HO when she quit and told HO exactly WHY she was quitting.

I NEED, for my sanity, and for the sake of my business...to start doing my meetings WITHOUT her. But...as I said, she is very sensitive. (when she asked me after the meeting last night how I felt it went..I told her I think we need to make the meetings less lecture-style and more interactive...she started crying and got in her car and left in a huff)

She is going to out of town for next month's meeting so I'll be able to run it myself (I am planning to do the Super Summer Survivor theme)...and after that I NEED to find a way to tell her I would like to start doing my own meetings with my team...without her.

Now...a couple of glitches: we do a raffle at the meeting each month and she has provided the prizes ($25-$40 products). The raffle $ from Jan thru April came from both my team and hers...and is to be used for our cluster-wide dinner at NC. I am thinking we can each continue doing the raffle at our own individual meetings and pool the $ at NC no problem, right? But I now need to come up with prizes for at my meetings...so, that's gonna cost me. Also, she does what she calls a Lead Generator drawing at each meeting. Consultants email her anytime they have a lead...(one ticket into the drawing), any time they have their director join in on the recruiting interview (one ticket), if they sign a recruit (ticket) and if they attend the Cook n Book with their new recruit (ticket). She draws a ticket and the winner gets a prize (a PC keychain, mug, pen, wallet, travel-mug, bookmark, etc...logo merchandise she was able to get from our Sales Mgr to use for this incentive). I will not have the luxury of HO-provided prizes...this will cost me.

So, my little concerns are how I will be able to continue the incentives we had set up for the year and how I will come up with prizes. My big concern is how I am going to tell her I have had enough...without setting her off into an emotional tizzy.

If you've read this far...THANK YOU. And please, if you respond...please don;t use the "quote" feature, because after I get some feedback on the situation, I plan to delete the original post for fear of her ever joining DCS and reading this. The last thing I want to do is hurt her feelings...
Ugh, what a tough situation, Carolyn.
My heart goes out to you. My brain is too tired at the moment to offer anything of real value.
Just hugs for now.
(Okay, I've had both sleep and coffee. I'd just gotten home from a show last night and was too pooped to think straight.)

I normally don't believe in using email to avoid a tough spot, but in this case, email may be your friend. From what you've posted, there is going to be some drama regardless of how you handle it. At least with an email, you can explain your decision without emotional interruptions. You are entitled to personal time with your team, and your team is entitled to personal time with you.

Maybe you can send her a short note gently saying that right now you personally need to focus on your team and enhancing your own style of team leadership. Remind her that, as she already knows, your approaches are different (neither 'bad'), but the difference in styles is difficult for you and confusing for your team.

As for the prizes, will it matter to your team if the prizes are of a lesser value? It sounds like they would appreaciate not having her at your training meetings. Wouldn't they understand that as a Director, you don't have access to the same perks as the AD?

First of all {{{{{hugs}}}}}

I know it's hard.

I totally agree with what Leggy said. Since she is too emotional to talk to I would send a carefully worded email explaining that while you appreciate her efforts, your style is completely different and you are ready to grow and you feel the need to work with your team on your own. As far as the raffle is concerned. I would include something about that in your email to your AD. "While I need to hold my meetings on my own, I still want to continue the programs we started and am excited about our dinner at NC." She needs to be told that you don't hate her and all her ideas - I know that isn't true.

Then talk to your team and tell them that you will now be meeting on your own. Tell them that you don't have access to the great "prizes" that your upper level director did but that you are there to help them and will continue to reward them within your budget.
I agree with both Leggy and Beth! E-mail is the way to go... just remember, if she's super sensitive, it won't matter how delicately you put it. Just be strong and true to yourself and your team. That's what matters. And obviously her getting into a huff and crying works for her so she uses it. (Side note: I have a consultant who does that. I've written about her here before... she talks a big game and then does nothing and when she's called on it, she cries and says I'm being "mean to her." Then admits that crying gets people to back off so she does it whenever she can. Very nice.) Anyway, I went through a similar situation with my ex-director (which I wrote about here also). I broke away and did my own meetings and man did she have a problem with that. It was basically her EGO that had the problem because I had great attendance and my team was doing great, while hers was dwindling quickly. If her style is not a good fit for your team, you've got to get on your own. Once, after we separated, we did a join meeting after Leadership. My phone was ringing off the hook the next morning as well with pleas of "Please don't make us meet together again!!!!" So we never did. So let her know that you've considered everything carefully and that you've arrived at your decision. DO NOT APOLOGIZE TO HER. It is what it is and that's how it's going to be.I wouldn't worry about the recognition program and prizes... I think the "prize" your team will receive will be her not being there any more! Plus, this would be a great chance to rally your team and say, "This is how it was... we can't be part of that anymore... what would all of you like to see in a recognition program?" And develop your own from there.Lastly, DO NOT TELL YOUR DIRECTOR WHEN YOUR MEETINGS ARE and DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE ON MEETING DAY! Words of experience. When my director knew I had a meeting, she'd call and call and run me down and I'd feel like crap by the time the meeting started. It was horrible and everyone suffered but her... she got what she wanted! She figured if I had a crappy meeting, everyone on my team would want to go back to her house. She knew which buttons to push and I let it happen. I can't tell you how much my business has improved and grown since I broke-up with my director... And I wouldn't have it any other way!!!!PS: You have us here for support when you need us!!!!! :)
  • #10
I just went through something similar to your situation & it's a tough situation.....The other director & I aren't in the same cluster......I met up w/her when I was in her hospitality group.

I had been wanting to split for months but couldn't do it b/c I didn't want to hurt the other gals feelings either but I came back from Leadership & decided it was time........I called & told her it was time for us to go our separate ways b/c I had a lot of things that I wanted to do w/my cluster & I felt like I was holding back. She's the type that is not so motivating & her training material is old.....

Mind you I planned everything on the meeting b/c she would call the night before or email me a day before....drove me nuts she only goes to N.C. & does no other training throughout the year to learn/grow........

So it's been since January & I haven't heard from her which is ok I'm busy enough in my own life & PC but now I have her girls calling me to come to my meeting b/c they aren't learning anything.........that's another tough situation.......:confused:

I say go w/your heart my 2cents is I would call her instead of emailing it will make you feel better to tell her instead of in writing......I was scared to death but at the same time I was relieved!!

Good luck:)
  • Thread starter
  • #11
I would approach it from the "It's me and my team, not you" angle. That your styles are different and your team and yourself have decided (final/not going back) that you;ll go back to holding seperate meetings. Let her know the decision has already been made, thank her for her time and effort at previous meetings, and move on. I would definately do an email- be kind but firm and never waiver.
Your team needs the best meeting for them that you can give them and it will be a much healthier environment for you too.
  • #12
Thank you SO much for all the feedback you guys...keep it coming! Hearing how some of you have successfully broken away from bleded meetings is really giving me some much-needed courage!
  • #13
for prizes and stuff, why don't you bundle up postcards, office supplies, etc, that way you can clean out your office too!!
  • #14
ChefLoriG said:
for prizes and stuff, why don't you bundle up postcards, office supplies, etc, that way you can clean out your office too!!

Good point...good point....LOL
  • #15
dannyzmom said:
Do ya'll do your meetings with just yourself anf your team or do you buddy up with another director?

I did my first 5-6 meetings with my AD. Then she said it was time for me to try doing them on my own. Which was just as well - hers were very lecture-style and people would literally have a hard time staying awake for the 2 and 1/2 hours we were there.

I did a few on my own, they were pretty good, not great (but I was a VERY new director)...and then at NC that year, the other two Directors under my AD (who did their meetings together) invited me to join them and do our meetings all together, the three of us and our teams. Those meetings were fabulous -we had high attendance, fun interactive meetings...thriving teams. One of those two directors (we'll call her Tabitha) and I had a great rapport - we would make a basic meeting outline and then just bounce off one another - almost finishing each other's snetences. The third director in our group (we'll call her Katrina), tended to just go with the flow - she was only at 1 out of every 4 meetings.

After about a year or two of these great meetings, our AD announced she was having very low attendance at her own meetings and was going to come join up with us. Within a few months, she took over making up the outline and basically took over the meetings making them very lecture-style again. Attendance started dwingling, morale went down... both Tabitha and Katrina quit the business altogether - Katrina retired because it was just time - she'd had another child and her DH wanted her home more. Tabitha is about to lose directorship any day now and will tell you flat out - she just had it with working with our AD. So...it was just me and my AD.

We butted heads a bit but I got her to agree that we need to make the meetings more fun again. She said she needed me to not pick on her so much (???!!??) She is a VERY sensitive person. Like, you can ask her a simple question like "How was your show?" and she will burst into tears. Someone once made a joke - a play on words using my last name...and the AD first started laughing and blushing and then started crying. Her emotions are all over the place...always.

I NEED to break away from doing meetings with her. Last night, she ran the entire meeting - my team was so upset my phone was ringing all morning - they felt she was condescending, nasty, belittling to me, and made them all feel she was inconvenienced by them. I had TWO brand new consultants there - this was their FIRST meeting. I have lost two consultants over the years due to my AD completely offending them. One even wrote a nasty letter to HO when she quit and told HO exactly WHY she was quitting.

I NEED, for my sanity, and for the sake of my business...to start doing my meetings WITHOUT her. But...as I said, she is very sensitive. (when she asked me after the meeting last night how I felt it went..I told her I think we need to make the meetings less lecture-style and more interactive...she started crying and got in her car and left in a huff)

She is going to out of town for next month's meeting so I'll be able to run it myself (I am planning to do the Super Summer Survivor theme)...and after that I NEED to find a way to tell her I would like to start doing my own meetings with my team...without her.

Now...a couple of glitches: we do a raffle at the meeting each month and she has provided the prizes ($25-$40 products). The raffle $ from Jan thru April came from both my team and hers...and is to be used for our cluster-wide dinner at NC. I am thinking we can each continue doing the raffle at our own individual meetings and pool the $ at NC no problem, right? But I now need to come up with prizes for at my meetings...so, that's gonna cost me. Also, she does what she calls a Lead Generator drawing at each meeting. Consultants email her anytime they have a lead...(one ticket into the drawing), any time they have their director join in on the recruiting interview (one ticket), if they sign a recruit (ticket) and if they attend the Cook n Book with their new recruit (ticket). She draws a ticket and the winner gets a prize (a PC keychain, mug, pen, wallet, travel-mug, bookmark, etc...logo merchandise she was able to get from our Sales Mgr to use for this incentive). I will not have the luxury of HO-provided prizes...this will cost me.

So, my little concerns are how I will be able to continue the incentives we had set up for the year and how I will come up with prizes. My big concern is how I am going to tell her I have had enough...without setting her off into an emotional tizzy.

If you've read this far...THANK YOU. And please, if you respond...please don;t use the "quote" feature, because after I get some feedback on the situation, I plan to delete the original post for fear of her ever joining DCS and reading this. The last thing I want to do is hurt her feelings...

Caroline I would just tell her that you need to run your own, smaller meetings and that maybe 1ce a quarter you could have a "cluster" fun event to pull the entire cluster together? I'm thinking a project-based meeting like, "Assemble your host packets for the month, while talking shop" or make "Book to Look" product or booking date cards for your booking tree, all while talking shop and hanging out, maybe sipping wine. No opportunity for a lecture. This could be when you award prizes too?

Just brainstorming.
  • #16

I spoke with our NED who agrees it is time I remove my team from my AD's meetings and start doing meetings on my own.

My meeting last week was with my team and her team...but she was out of town so I ran the whole thing.

Now - I just have to break the news to her...
She just got back from her vacation on Tuesday. I have three back-to-back shows this weekend...so I am thinking Monday would be a good day to call and talk with her.
  • #17
Good luck Carolyn!I remember when I "broke up" with my director. It was hard but really harder for her because I had planned and executed our meetings for over a year before the split. She was basically bummed for that reason, as well as the fact that the only excited, working consultants were on my TEAM and they would be leaving. She basically just stopped having meetings altogether soon thereafter. But it was THE BEST move I ever made for my personal business and my team's!Good luck... let us know how it goes!
  • #18
This is great news Carolyn...no fun breaking the news, but really, she is the one that has to adjust, not you....you're already on board with the new program!:D Good luck!
  • #19
My AD is one of the 4 Directors that meets together and she is a lazy one! She provides the home for the meeting and always says "let me know what I need to buy for you guys" and that is it! When she does give input, it is in the form of flyers for the group; she sucks at recognition (doesn't affect me, but my Director) as she gives out a $5 gift card to Office Max...doesn't even personalize it for the top achiever (which is almost always my Director, who never even goes to Office Max!); she has 1 or 2 people that attend and the rest are the teams of the other 3 of us~but somehow her one consultant that attends wins the raffle product! We used to do the meetings in s different location, but she was just as bad then~she would show up 10 minutes before it started with a QSP of lemonade and that is it!
I think that there are many folks out there that were never meant to be in a management position. I wish there was an Upper Level Director Academy!
  • #20
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS!!!}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} To my buddy and friend!!

Everyone's advise here is golden!! (you all continue to ROCK!!) Here were my first impressions when I read you post.

You are not responsible for you AD's reaction and/or feelings if she is hurt. By saying that, I mean that I know you well enough that you would not intentionally hurt her. I have been on both sides and I have been overly sensative. I knew it was time to see my physician and it is working so far. It is your AD's responsibility to get her own reactions under control. If the way she reacts bothers HER then she is the only one that solve that.

The other thought I had, was your concern about rewards costing you more. As well as the great ideas given here, think of it this way. Isn't it costing you to lose consultants? Isn't it costing you and your team if you all lose motivation, enthusiasm and interest in PC?

I feel bad for your sister Director, Tabitha. Would she consider getting her business back on track if she teamed back up with you?

This is yet another example to me of how fragile our business can be. Emotions can have different effects on our businesses. You are smart for looking at what your team needs and putting that before what your AD needs.

Good luck...I know you have a good solid pair of dainty big girl panties so wear em' proud!!!:party::approve:
  • #21
Well...I finally told her today.

After calling Linda to congratulate her on her promotion, I was feeling so "up" and so enthused about this business...then I realized I still had the weight of my AD & the meetings looming over me. So I picked up the phone...and called her. She took it well...ish.
It is late and DH is waiting for me in bed so I have to go...but I'll get online in the morning and give ya'll the details...
  • #22
Oooohhh. Can't wait to hear!
  • #23
ahem....AD detail or 'bed' details......:bugeye:
  • #24
So now we just had another anniversary I can post again.

It was our 7 year one. We had a yummy steak dinner at a place here called "Cool Hand Lukes" and then went to see Prince Caspian. It was a nice date.
  • #25
pamperedlinda said:
ahem....AD detail or 'bed' details......:bugeye:

:rolleyes:Sorry - this is a rated PG forum ;) :cool:
  • #26
So...here's how it went down. I called & made some small talk to feel out her mood. She is a very emotional-roller-coaster type of person so I wanted to catch her on a fairly stable day. She was chipper and happy...so I felt safe "going there" today.

I told her I've been thinking and I am ready to do my meetings on my own now. With the gas prices being what they are and most of my local active team members living or working within 1/2 hour of my home, I would like to hold the meetings with my team at my house rather than making them all drive out east.

She paused and said "Well, I think you're making a good business decision" (no sh*t Sherlock!) and then said "So...you're kicking me out??"

I said "It's not that I am kicking you out but I have been a director for almost 3 years now and have only ever fone 3-4 meetings on my own...I want to grow my team and do their meetings on my own."

She then asked that we talk logistics. She said the bulk of her team is in the county south of us and she has been providing a "South" meeting and a "North" meeting so she was wondering if her North girls could attend my meetings and then she would reciprocate with any South people I recruit by allowing them ay her meetings (*hello...SHE makes $$ of my girls...they are HER downline...she can choose to not "allow" them at her meetings???)

SO, I took a deep breath and I told her I would really prefer to do my meetings with just MY team and MY hospitality people. (at last month's meetings two of her 4 team members who attended my meeting were negative complainers who completely pissed my performers off and terrified my new girls). She said "Well, it is your right to do that."

Then she asked if we could still do June together and then start fresh after NC. I told her I would REALLY like to just jump in now before I chicken out and never do it. She wasn't thrilled but said OK.

We discussed our recognition program - she recently started a few recognitiony type programss that she's been providing prizes for so I'll be taking over providing prizes for those...Plus we have a raffle at every meeting and it was for both teams. We would raffle off a high-ticket item (Trifle Bowl, Party Sticks, etc) for $3 a ticket. Winner gets the prize. Money collected goes into a zip-top baggie with said winner's name on baggie. If winner attends NC, winner gets her baggie(s) of $$ in Chicago. If winner doesn't attend NC, her baggies of $$ go to the attending cluster members to put toward the cost of our cluster dinner on night 1. We've been doing this since January and so far all the $$ has been won by my team members except for last month - one of her gals won. From now on we'll be doing 2 separate raffles and will decide when the time comes whether or not to dine together at NC.

She commented a few times about her negative girls "So, Jane must have really brought down your meeting, huh?" and things like that. I told her very firmly "This has absolutely nothing to do with Jane...this is me growing up and wanting to hold my own meetings, that's ALL."

I am SO relieved to be done with telling her. I am not a very confrontational person and HATE hurting people. So I am REALLY glad this is over and I can take my next step forward and start planning June's meeting!
  • #28
Congrats Carolyn! I know that was hard for you but you have taken a big step to believing you are the awesome LEADER that you are!
  • #29
Great job, Carolyn. I would have been the same way - I hate confrontation too. But it sounds like you handled it wonderfully. Woo hoo!!
  • #30
Great job Carolyn! You and your team are going to skyrocket this year!!!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!
  • #31
finley1991 said:
Great job Carolyn! You and your team are going to skyrocket this year!!!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!

I sure hope you're right cause that's my plan!!!
  • #32
Carolyn, you handled that very well. Your meetings are going to ROCK now!!!
  • #33
Went went out to dinner for our anniversary. We really dont have much to do around here.
  • #34
Looks like that big girl pill really worked, Carolyn! It is over now and you can move on now and get to growing your team!
  • #35
Congrats!! I've been there w/another Director it's hard but well worth it in the long run :)
  • #36
Yippee! It must be a tremendous relief! Glad to hear you are now free!!!
  • #37
legacypc46 said:
Yippee! It must be a tremendous relief! Glad to hear you are now free!!!

It is a HUGE relief...but of course now I am nervous wreck about planning my next meeting - LOL
  • #38
you are going to be FINE and you know it! We are already sharing ideas about June on that other thread and even if you only took a few ideas from there, you will be ok. Don't go into panic mode! Your team is going to be so excited to not have to deal with those other folks, that you could just sit & chat and they would be happy!
One piece of advice I got from a sister Director...always involve the more seasoned consultants in the planning and the actual meeting. If you trust them to help you, you might see another side of them shine through. Also, they will bring a different voice to the meeting so that it doesn't sound like you are in lecture mode!
  • #39
Congratulations Carolyn! I am extremely impressed with how you handled the situation!

I see big things happening for your team. I like the sound of Advanced Director Carolyn! Do you like that also?
  • #40
chefmeg said:
you are going to be FINE and you know it! We are already sharing ideas about June on that other thread and even if you only took a few ideas from there, you will be ok. Don't go into panic mode! Your team is going to be so excited to not have to deal with those other folks, that you could just sit & chat and they would be happy!
One piece of advice I got from a sister Director...always involve the more seasoned consultants in the planning and the actual meeting. If you trust them to help you, you might see another side of them shine through. Also, they will bring a different voice to the meeting so that it doesn't sound like you are in lecture mode!

Thank you for the above tidbit...I am going to do that with my consultant who has been back and forth from C to FD to C to FD and really wants to be a D!!!
  • #41
ChefLisa said:
Congratulations Carolyn! I am extremely impressed with how you handled the situation!

I see big things happening for your team. I like the sound of Advanced Director Carolyn! Do you like that also?

Thanks Lisa!
I LOVE the sound of Advanced Director Carolyn - that is my short term goal!!
  • #42
Oooooh, that does have a nice ring with your name! :)
  • #43
Carolyn, I really admire your perseverance and courage! When I "broke up" with my Director, I was terrified as well. I'm a relatively new Director (a year in), but I felt like I needed to branch out in order to grow. I figured this out after New Director in March (WOOHOO!). Anyway, I talked to my ED, and was totally encouraged and it worked out fine! Don't be worried about your meeting! Your team loves you, and you'll do an amazing job of keeping it that way! BTW, I just follow the Meeting Planner for the most part... GOOD LUCK!

  • #44
Great Job Carolyn! I admire you keeping things "clean" with her and not talking about her consultants even when she tried to get you to! What a PRO!
  • #45
Someone has her big girl panties on---!!! congrats---
  • #46
I was just thinking of how thankful I am. My director is encouraging me to do my own meetings with my team and then attend her meeting myself so I also get "fed"! I just know your team is going to thank you and be blessed big time for your courage and care for them!
  • #47
morfia said:
Someone has her big girl panties on---!!!


LOL - yes, and they sure are comfy!!!
  • #48
lol---I got my 1st thank you ---TADAAA!!
  • #49
morfia said:
lol---I got my 1st thank you ---


Hey, Morfia!

I have been listening to your CD on Moving your business. Great tips!
  • #50
tupachef said:
Carolyn, I really admire your perseverance and courage! When I "broke up" with my Director, I was terrified as well. I'm a relatively new Director (a year in), but I felt like I needed to branch out in order to grow. I figured this out after New Director in March (WOOHOO!). Anyway, I talked to my ED, and was totally encouraged and it worked out fine! Don't be worried about your meeting! Your team loves you, and you'll do an amazing job of keeping it that way! BTW, I just follow the Meeting Planner for the most part... GOOD LUCK!


Good for you Emily!!! I have someone on the verge of Directorship and I too want to invite her to weigh her options of meetings. There is a possiblity that we may work together on them, but I want her to know that branching out is not always a bad thing either!
<h2>1. How long have you been married?</h2><p>My husband and I have been married for 10 years.</p><h2>2. How did you celebrate your last wedding anniversary?</h2><p>We celebrated our last wedding anniversary by going on a romantic weekend getaway to a nearby beach. We also had a special dinner at our favorite restaurant and exchanged heartfelt gifts.</p><h2>3. What inspired you to choose a beach getaway for your anniversary?</h2><p>We both love the beach and have always wanted to spend our anniversary in a peaceful and scenic location. It was the perfect opportunity to relax and reconnect with each other.</p><h2>4. Did you do anything special to commemorate your milestone anniversary?</h2><p>Yes, we renewed our vows in a private ceremony on the beach. It was a beautiful and emotional moment for both of us.</p><h2>5. How do you keep the romance alive in your marriage after all these years?</h2><p>We make time for each other and plan regular date nights. It's also important to communicate openly and constantly show appreciation and love for one another.</p>

Related to Celebrating Our Love: Our Last Wedding Anniversary

1. How long have you been married?

My husband and I have been married for 10 years.

2. How did you celebrate your last wedding anniversary?

We celebrated our last wedding anniversary by going on a romantic weekend getaway to a nearby beach. We also had a special dinner at our favorite restaurant and exchanged heartfelt gifts.

3. What inspired you to choose a beach getaway for your anniversary?

We both love the beach and have always wanted to spend our anniversary in a peaceful and scenic location. It was the perfect opportunity to relax and reconnect with each other.

4. Did you do anything special to commemorate your milestone anniversary?

Yes, we renewed our vows in a private ceremony on the beach. It was a beautiful and emotional moment for both of us.

5. How do you keep the romance alive in your marriage after all these years?

We make time for each other and plan regular date nights. It's also important to communicate openly and constantly show appreciation and love for one another.

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