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Big Brother Fans Unite: Ready to See Jenuine Get Tossed Out?

In summary, Debra is a fan of the show and is excited for Jenuine to lose her HOH title. She also agrees that Jen needs to go and is glad that Joe was put up instead. Debra also notes that there is not much else on TV these days that her husband and she can watch together.
Ok, I must admit I got sucked in again. I have been a watcher from day 1 of the first season. And YES, I will admit that I even took part in the live feed (back before CBS got greedy and started charging money for it)

Anyone else a a fan? Anyone else ready to see "Jenuine" get tossed out on her backside once she loses her HOH title?:D
I am so ready for Jen to go I have only been watching since season 6 due to not getting the correct channel. But they are so catty this season
Jen really needs to go. My husband watched it yesterday with me because I made him haha and he is like who is this chick and why is she so self-centered. Im like you should have seen her before with her shirts. Dick really needs to stay, at least for a bit, I like him. I was liking Amber, but she whines too much and I dont think is strong enough for the show.

Okay, Im a reality tv junkie. :eek:
My DH watch it together and we are both ready for Jen to get the big boot once she is no longer HOH. We also have Showtime 2 and watch the feed on there sometimes from 9 pm - 12 am. Last night my DH woke me up at 11:45 to show me what Jen did to the unitard she ended up having to wear. It was really skimpy and just barely cover anything.

We also are tired of Amber's crying. Wholy cow! We like Amber but her emotions are just controlling her. My 7 year old DS kept saying last night, boy she cries more than I do when I'm tired. I just about choked I was laughing so hard.
Yep. I got sucked in too......and I totally agree.....Jen is a "B" and needs to go. No doubt her head will be on the chopping block next week and rightfully so.
Im a big fan...I've seen every episode of every season. I also have the live feeds.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
I kept holding my breath when Jen had to pick a replacement for Daniele. I just knew that she was going to put Nick up in her place to get back at her. I was so relieved when Joe (aka a true drama queen) was put up instead. Not that I don't like him but I really don't care for an instigator.
Debra, just an FYI- you can't list your entire PWS address in your signature.
Yes - I've been watching since the very beginning - Jen has got to go - she's no "Jenius" that's for sure! Also anyone that excited about a unitard has got to find herself some hobbies!! I still miss the all stars from last season - I was a huge Will/Boogie fan - they were too funny together - although this season isn't bad so far - although the Amber chick needs to lighten up and stop crying at everything - they'll get rid of her soon enough!
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  • #10
Just reduce it down to /DebraskrazyKitchen and you will be okay
chefann said:
Debra, just an FYI- you can't list your entire PWS address in your signature.
  • #11
I have been a huge fan as well. I hope Jen gets the boot and soon!! What a self absorbed little you know what!!! I hope Dick Stays as I think he needs more time with his daughter to get to know each other again.
  • #12
I hate Jen... she gives women a bad name... she is the kind of woman that men hate... liar!
  • #13
I am also a big fan, I do think Dick and Daniele need to stay around for there relationship but also for the entertainment for us. Jen and Amber should both go, Jen needs to grow up. And Amber needs to stop crying all the time. I think the last two seasons were the best. But we will have to see what happens with the rest of this year.
  • #14
I hate to admit it but really there is nothing else on tv. My dh and I are SUCKED into that show!! I LOVE IT!!!:eek:
  • #15
You would never check my husband watching Big Brother. My Brother does watch it so it's nice to be able to talk to him about it and now ON HERE too.
  • #16
For years all my husband watched was sports etc on T.V. The only time we watched T.V. together was when we rented a movie. Well I guess about 5 years ago when BB started I got him hooked and that was it. Now he is more addicted than me. Big survivor and american idol fan as well. We have been in the process of moving lately so I haven't had much time for T.V. I did catch a few minutes last night and had to crack up at Nick and Danielle. Last night when he was talking about not expecting to find a relationship in there just cracked me up. My friend filled me in on what I had missed last week with the girl bawling about her picture not being good. I love reality t.v. haha.
  • #17
HUGE Big Brother fan here! I have seen every season except the first.
I am also a Will-, Janelle-, and KAYSER-Fan!
It was because of Kayser that I actually signed up for the LIVE feeds, which I will never do again because it was so addicting!

I was laughing so hard at Nick talking to Danielle! He acted like he was in 7th grade telling a girl for the first time that he liked her.
I like Dick, too, I hope he gets to stay around.
  • #18
Last year was the first year I watched it - Boogie and Will were hilarious! Brrring ... Brrring! I have tivo'd this season but have yet to watch. FYI, my for frequent updates check out www.ilovereality.com and click on Big Brother 8. This is a free website which my brother happens to host. Sometimes there are spoilers on there so if you want to find out what happens before it is on TV you can, but it will say spoiler in case you don't!

  • #19
Jen needs to go so bad! That red leotard she now has to wear is so digusting on her. Every nook and cranny is showing! GAG!!! And that little chicky Jessica, her voice drives us crazy. If it gets any higher, my ears may start to bleed. I love Eric, the peoples choice guy, he cracks me up.
  • #20
chef_leeanne said:
Jen needs to go so bad! That red leotard she now has to wear is so digusting on her. Every nook and cranny is showing! GAG!!! And that little chicky Jessica, her voice drives us crazy. If it gets any higher, my ears may start to bleed. I love Eric, the peoples choice guy, he cracks me up.

I totally agree about Jessica and her vvoice I want to cringe everytime I hear her talk
  • #21
Hey Susan (roomie!)

I have to agree - Will and Boogie were the best part of last year's show - we would die laughing everytime they pulled something over on someone.

I agree about Jessica's voice as well - you need a mute button when she talks!
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  • #22
Yes! I am so glad that things panned out the way they did on the show tonight. I was so happy that (of the choices) Joe went and that E.D. won HOH. So do you think he will shoot straight from the hip on eviction nominations (my guess Jen & Kail) or do you think he will try to back door one of them? Hmmm. any web casters out there want to let me know?
  • #23
I was so happy with last night!!! Joe is out and Evil got the HOH, I don't think he will care which one get out. But I can't wait to see Kail working Evil to stay in the house it will be funny to watch.
  • #24
I'm a HUGE fan! My dh and I picked it up a couple seasons ago with the nerd herd! I cannot believe I'm going to say this but Jen is worse than Ivette! UGH!!! She's definitely NOT a Jensa! lol Okay is there anyone else besides me drooling over Dustin? yes, I know he's gay...but still! And Nick! Ita that dick and his daughter totally need to stay in. I've got a great site that gives up to date spoilers so don't go if you don't want to know!

Remember, you've been warned! http://www.jokersupdates.com/
  • #25
TwinGirlsMom said:
KAYSER-Fan! I like Dick, too, I hope he gets to stay around.

Oh yeah! Kayser was a SMART guy! Loved him! Dick is really growing on me...especially after Danielle's brother explained what happened to strain that relationship. Sounds like Danielle's a spoiled brat...but she is sweet on this show. I was hoping she would have used the POV to put Jen on the block ~ I think if she did, the WHOLE house would have LOVED her for it...would have been a GREAT move for her.

I LOVED when Nick confronted Jen's lie about trying to kiss her. My DH and I were rolling on the floor in hysterics!!! So glad he did that ~ she's sooooo much a lier!

  • #26
What up~KAYSER!!!!I was a huge fan of his. And of course the will and janelle thing. They were too cute together!! Jedi Janie and Howie rocked!
  • #27
Huge fan here too. So glad that Evil won HOH. Danielle should have used the veto last week and Jen should have been put up. Jen is in trouble now. I love how Evil just tells it like it is. Nick also is pretty straight forward. I am also ready for Kail to leave as well. I think she will be the one to spoil the alliance. They should bring in Danielle and put Kail out.
  • #28
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo addicted to Big Brother!!!

We were so happy to see Joe go! Usually, they fall for some twisted reasoning that turns around to bite them in the you know what when they keep them.

And I do agree that Jen's voice has to go and we need to see more of Nick! He is total eye candy!
  • #29
Nick does need to stay around for awhile. Keep working out Nick. lol
  • #30
Kail really messed things up for herself this week! She said it herself in her goodbye to Joe- she dug herslef into a hole.

Jen and Jessica both need to hit the road!

  • #31
chrpangel said:
What up~KAYSER!!!!

I was a huge fan of his. And of course the will and janelle thing. They were too cute together!! Jedi Janie and Howie rocked!

I know! Now I expect to see them every season! Kristi
  • #32
chrpangel said:
I'm a HUGE fan! My dh and I picked it up a couple seasons ago with the nerd herd! I cannot believe I'm going to say this but Jen is worse than Ivette! UGH!!! She's definitely NOT a Jensa! lol Okay is there anyone else besides me drooling over Dustin? yes, I know he's gay...but still! And Nick! Ita that dick and his daughter totally need to stay in. I've got a great site that gives up to date spoilers so don't go if you don't want to know!

Remember, you've been warned! http://www.jokersupdates.com/

Well at least i know its not just me... Dustin is a cutie! Kristi
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  • #33
I lived on the jokerupdates page after CBS started charging for the live feeds. I am trying to stay away this year because I have to keep my obsessions in check. LOL! I would have to give up CS if I went to joker and THAT'S NOT going to happen.
  • #34
Kail really messed things up for herself this week! She said it herself in her goodbye to Joe- she dug herslef into a hole.

Jen and Jessica both need to hit the road!


I totally agree Kristi, Kail was selling Joe way too much and I think she is now a target. I also loved Will/Boogie...brrring brrring(they owned big brother from day 1), and Janie ROCKED TOO!! Way to hold it up for the women ;)

I think that Daniele and Dick are in it together, no matter what, blood runs thick, and they will honor that. They were already working together and I LOVE how Dick calls people out on their falsehoods.. oh it is great! Jen is also gone this next week and Jessica will go soon after.

I love big brother!
  • #35
Kristi, I told my hubby I've got a crush on Dustin. He is just SO adorable!!! Also, Magnus and Kragnus just rock! They are too funny!
  • #36
joe gave an interview...this was my fav...Mike: "Mike's a box of rocks that looks gorgeous. I would lick whatever substance I could possibly lick off his body."that says it all doesn't it?
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  • #37
So who's going to go? Kail or Jen? I know that I would like to see Jen go but FSR Dick wants Kail out more than Jen. HMMMM.
  • #38
I think Dick wants Kali out but I feel Jen needs to go first. It buged me at the end when Jen said I don't feel any different being on the block. You know she just said that because Dick said he wants Kali gone.

I was glad that Danielle went to her dad to talk about her feelings on the hammock. It helped her and it made her dad feel better. I really hope they are able to work things out.
  • #39
chrpangel said:
joe gave an interview...this was my fav...Mike: "Mike's a box of rocks that looks gorgeous. I would lick whatever substance I could possibly lick off his body."

that says it all doesn't it?

  • #40
I loved Jani, Howie, Mike and the Doc. They were all very entertaining.
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  • #41
luvs2sellit said:
I loved Jani, Howie, Mike and the Doc. They were all very entertaining.

Entertaining yes, but did not care for them. Especially Booger...I mean "Boogie" and Will. Too egotistical for my taste. Don't know how BB fit them in the same house with their fat heads.
  • #42
Oh yes, very entertaining but would probably not be in my circle of friends. You also have to figure they are completely aware of how they are portrayed and play it up to the fullest. Mike and Will really bothered me in the beginning and then they cracked me up so much. They really played the game well.
  • #43
I agree Jen needs to go. What a self absorbed girl!! Drives me nuts!!
  • #44
I couldn't stand boogie! I loved will and janie together though :)
  • #45
Jen scares me. I worked with a crazy girl like that. She finally got fired when a co-worker saw her spit in a customer's sandwich. Scary.

Jen has no remorse or concern over anything...except her picture on the BB wall.
  • #46
LOVE LOVE LOVE Big Brother!! My husband told me that Dr. Will is going to be on E! in the fall with some plastic surgery show. I'm gonna have to check that one out!

Does anyone think that Dick looks like Tommy Lee???
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  • #47
Does anyone think that Dick looks like Tommy Lee???
YES! That is exactly what I told my dh the first time I saw him and that's who he thought he was.
  • #48
Tara1021 said:
Does anyone think that Dick looks like Tommy Lee???

I agree. Dick and Daniele are best off in the game, I think. Just because they are on a team together because of family ties (even thou their personal relationship is rocky), and they also have ties with others in the house. I think they will do well.
  • #49
Tara1021 said:
LOVE LOVE LOVE Big Brother!! My husband told me that Dr. Will is going to be on E! in the fall with some plastic surgery show. I'm gonna have to check that one out!

Does anyone think that Dick looks like Tommy Lee???[/QUOTE]

i thought the exact same thing when I first saw him!!!
  • #50
StacieB said:
I agree Jen needs to go. What a self absorbed girl!! Drives me nuts!!

Jen better go this week!!!
<h2>1. What is "Big Brother Fans Unite: Ready to See Jenuine Get Tossed Out"?</h2><p>"Big Brother Fans Unite: Ready to See Jenuine Get Tossed Out" is a group or community of fans of the popular reality TV show "Big Brother." The group is anticipating the eviction of a contestant named Jenuine, who is currently the Head of Household (HOH) in the show.</p><h2>2. How long have you been a fan of "Big Brother"?</h2><p>I have been a fan of "Big Brother" since the first season, which aired in 2000. I have been following the show and its contestants ever since.</p><h2>3. Have you participated in the live feed before?</h2><p>Yes, I have participated in the live feed before. However, I stopped when CBS started charging for it. I prefer to watch the show on TV now.</p><h2>4. What is your opinion on the current contestant, Jenuine?</h2><p>My opinion on Jenuine is that she is playing a strategic game in the show. However, her actions and behavior have caused some controversy among fans. Many are looking forward to her eviction from the house.</p><h2>5. Are you excited for the eviction of Jenuine?</h2><p>As a fan of the show, I am always excited for any eviction. However, I am particularly looking forward to Jenuine's eviction as it will bring some much-needed drama and excitement to the show.</p>

Related to Big Brother Fans Unite: Ready to See Jenuine Get Tossed Out?

1. What is "Big Brother Fans Unite: Ready to See Jenuine Get Tossed Out"?

"Big Brother Fans Unite: Ready to See Jenuine Get Tossed Out" is a group or community of fans of the popular reality TV show "Big Brother." The group is anticipating the eviction of a contestant named Jenuine, who is currently the Head of Household (HOH) in the show.

2. How long have you been a fan of "Big Brother"?

I have been a fan of "Big Brother" since the first season, which aired in 2000. I have been following the show and its contestants ever since.

3. Have you participated in the live feed before?

Yes, I have participated in the live feed before. However, I stopped when CBS started charging for it. I prefer to watch the show on TV now.

4. What is your opinion on the current contestant, Jenuine?

My opinion on Jenuine is that she is playing a strategic game in the show. However, her actions and behavior have caused some controversy among fans. Many are looking forward to her eviction from the house.

5. Are you excited for the eviction of Jenuine?

As a fan of the show, I am always excited for any eviction. However, I am particularly looking forward to Jenuine's eviction as it will bring some much-needed drama and excitement to the show.

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