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Who Will Be the Next Food Network Star? Let's Discuss!

In summary, the new season of The Next Food Network Star is being watched by those who are interested. The members of the cast have been divided into four groups, with the Executive Chef as the favorite. The black men, the young blonde girl, and the young guy from 19 are all liked so far. The comedian girl is not enjoying the competition, and the girl from Texas is high maintenance. The 19 year old young man is crying which is a flaw in Bobby Flay's eyes. The mother and the single mother are liked by most, and the comedian is a snob and should have gone home. There is a new season of Design Star which is also being watched.
Gold Member
Okay, who here is watching the new season of The Next Food Network Star???
Any predictions? What are your thoughts on the members of this new group of contestants (Is that what we are calling them, I've been sitting here for the last few minutes thinking of what to call them?:confused: !)
I'm liking the lady that is the Executive Chef and is the single mother of a 4-year old daughter the best, so far! I'm also enjoying both the black men, they are great! :thumbup: I also like the young blonde girl, for now anyway, I can see her rubbing me the wrong way though! Hopefully she takes there advise and tones it down a little.
And the young guy, the 19 year old. I wish he hadn't cried, but being a woman I can understand and my heart aches for him! But in the eyes of Bobby Flay, that could be a major flaw! He looked annoyed with it! But I love that he has that much pride in himself, especially at such a young age!

Okay, on to who I don't care that much for, I can't stand the girl from Texas, with the attitude as large as Texas. WOOOOW! She is some serious high maintenance (sp?)!! Even more than Giada!
I don't care for the Indian girl much, because like Bobby Flay said, her confidence level is too high! She borders on arrogant and thinks her *stuff* doesn't stink. The other 2 guys are okay, I just haven't been wow'd by them yet! But it's only been the first week! And the other people just stood out more!
I felt bad for the comedian girl that went home, but she really did freeze up! But if it was my choice, I would have got rid of the girl from Texas! Ughhh! She annoys me!:grumpy:

Anyone care to join in to discuss this latest season?!:)
It's on the DVR. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but when I do I'll come back and discuss with you.
I DVR'd it last night too..I didn't even know the new season was starting until I was scrolling to see what was on last night! I really enjoyed last year's, so I hope this one will be good too!
I wasn't planning on watching, but your review of the contestants intrigued me!
I caught the last 10 mins so I really didn't get a sense of who everyone was. Hopefully I'll remember to catch it every Sunday. Isn't there a new season of Design Star as well? How will I choose what to watch?
I completely agree with your comments about each of the contestants. I like the single mother and I think that alot of mothers will be able to relate to her.
We watched it.

I like the blonde but agree she needs to tone it down.

I wanted either the comedian or Texas to go, so, was glad when the comedian went. Want TX to go next!! Hello can you say "I am a snob and admitting it is the first step!"?

The 19 yr old crying totally turned me off. There is a time and place in my opinion.

The Indian got on my nerves, there is a difference between I am good coc*ky and I am too go coc*ky.

I liked the black guy that was paired with the blonde girl but I was not impressed with the other one.

I liked the guy that was paired with TX.

I liked the mom.

Right now my favs are the mom and the blonde.

Did I leave one out? It seems like I only talked about 9, I keep reading to see who I left out....

I loved it when they agreed with Alton Brown that they could not understan the Three C's that TX kept talking about.

Russell even watched and like the show with me. This is the first season we have watched. I have it set for DVR in case we miss or forget about it.

And we need to learn their names,HAHA!:D
DebbieJ said:
I caught the last 10 mins so I really didn't get a sense of who everyone was. Hopefully I'll remember to catch it every Sunday.

Isn't there a new season of Design Star as well? How will I choose what to watch?

Design Star is back! It starts again on the 8th...I am totally DVRing it.
What's Design Star? I have heard of it but not watched it. Is it on Foodnetwork?
  • #10
I caught it last night and am right there with the consensus. Did anyone catch Corey Cahaney (the comedienne) on Last Comic Standing a couple of seasons ago? She was really funny and made it a long way in, so it was strange to see her choke.
  • #11
MissChef said:
Okay, who here is watching the new season of The Next Food Network Star???
Any predictions? What are your thoughts on the members of this new group of contestants (Is that what we are calling them, I've been sitting here for the last few minutes thinking of what to call them?:confused: !)
I'm liking the lady that is the Executive Chef and is the single mother of a 4-year old daughter the best, so far! I'm also enjoying both the black men, they are great! :thumbup: I also like the young blonde girl, for now anyway, I can see her rubbing me the wrong way though! Hopefully she takes there advise and tones it down a little.
And the young guy, the 19 year old. I wish he hadn't cried, but being a woman I can understand and my heart aches for him! But in the eyes of Bobby Flay, that could be a major flaw! He looked annoyed with it! But I love that he has that much pride in himself, especially at such a young age!

Okay, on to who I don't care that much for, I can't stand the girl from Texas, with the attitude as large as Texas. WOOOOW! She is some serious high maintenance (sp?)!! Even more than Giada!
I don't care for the Indian girl much, because like Bobby Flay said, her confidence level is too high! She borders on arrogant and thinks her *stuff* doesn't stink. The other 2 guys are okay, I just haven't been wow'd by them yet! But it's only been the first week! And the other people just stood out more!
I felt bad for the comedian girl that went home, but she really did freeze up! But if it was my choice, I would have got rid of the girl from Texas! Ughhh! She annoys me!:grumpy:

Anyone care to join in to discuss this latest season?!:)

I pretty much agree with you on everything. The sad thing is that they showed Lisa (isn't that her name) from Texas reading her bible and she's the biggest snot of all of them- way to be a witness Miss Texas! UGH

I think Bobby understood where that 19 year old was coming from, but I agree that he did feel uncomfortable with his display of emotion. Suck it up kid.

I was annoyed with Giada thinking that Amy was too perky. I actually cancelled my season pass to Giada's show because I'm perky like that, and yes there are times when we naturally HAPPY people shouldn't be so happy- but that's who we are, and it annoyed me that Giada felt she wasn't genuine. I went to a book signing for Giada and she was a syrupy as Amy was- so does that mean that Giada is fake? I dunno- I'm over thinking it, but her reposnse to the perky one bothered me.

I like both black guys, they seem fun and honest. I like the guy that was paired with the mother of the 4 year old- he's a hoot. I felt bad that the comedian lady froze and just was freaking out so much that they stayed with the snob-dujiour from Texas. I love that Alton and everyone else doesn't get her- she's trying too hard to show off what she knows- and it may be a big deal where she's from but in Food Network Land she just looks like a brat.

And HELLO...Tumeric is next to the other spices that start with a T- she was looking next to BASIL! What the heck? She is a brat and she thinks way too highly of herself and she can go now. She walks out on the next epsiode- I hope they boot her for that...she isn't the spice queen, I don't care what she says. Oooo I cook with curry and turmeric- I rock! Sorry- she annoyed me!

The guy paired with Miss Texas isn't too bad but he needs to redefine his style. I'm sorry but I could never eat french kiss soup- just make some soup and don't be cheesy with the name. :) I get where he is coming from but this isn't the movie 9 1/2 weeks- it's Food Network star.

Okay, I've ranted long enough- on to play my game now.
  • #12
chefpenny99 said:
It's on the DVR. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but when I do I'll come back and discuss with you.

ditto...waiting for some time to watch it!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
jrstephens said:
We watched it.

I like the blonde but agree she needs to tone it down.

I wanted either the comedian or Texas to go, so, was glad when the comedian went. Want TX to go next!! Hello can you say "I am a snob and admitting it is the first step!"?

The 19 yr old crying totally turned me off. There is a time and place in my opinion.

The Indian got on my nerves, there is a difference between I am good coc*ky and I am too go coc*ky.

I liked the black guy that was paired with the blonde girl but I was not impressed with the other one.

I liked the guy that was paired with TX.

I liked the mom.

Right now my favs are the mom and the blonde.

Did I leave one out? It seems like I only talked about 9, I keep reading to see who I left out....

I loved it when they agreed with Alton Brown that they could not understan the Three C's that TX kept talking about.

Russell even watched and like the show with me. This is the first season we have watched. I have it set for DVR in case we miss or forget about it.

And we need to learn their names,HAHA!:D

I've watched every season! The last 2 years, my choice has won!
My favorites are the blonde girl and the single Mom too!
The one you left out was the funny guy that was paired with the single Mom, and I think he made potaotes that were not cooked, and they made the everything but the kitchen sink meatloaf. I think he was funny, but I can see him getting on my nerves, we'll see, as I said before, it's only the first week.
I had to look at your name Jennifer because I didn't recognize your avatar!:blushing: ;)
  • #14
I just watched this for the first time, & loved it. The blonde was a little much for me, but I loved the mom.I thought they made the right choice for the elimination.
  • #15
SHUCKS!! I missed the premier.
  • #16
It was good. My kids got to see it and loved it- they are 6 and 3! :)
  • #17
I watched it last night and I really liked it...
I totally agree that the Texas girl needs to go..she is too much for Food Network and I loved how she reiterated her "Three C's" theory after the first challenge and AGAIN they didn't get it...she already did that the first time and Alton said she made no sense! It was like that's all she knows.."ok, if I keep repeating my three c's eventually someone will say "brilliant!"" Whatever!
I am surprised they decided to go ahead w/ that meatloaf due to time constraints and there were TOO MANY ingredients in it! Jeez!
The single mom was good, I liked the blonde "perky" one, and the guy who made the potatoes. (those looked good too)
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Kitchen Diva said:
I pretty much agree with you on everything. The sad thing is that they showed Lisa (isn't that her name) from Texas reading her bible and she's the biggest snot of all of them- way to be a witness Miss Texas! UGH

I think Bobby understood where that 19 year old was coming from, but I agree that he did feel uncomfortable with his display of emotion. Suck it up kid.

I was annoyed with Giada thinking that Amy was too perky. I actually cancelled my season pass to Giada's show because I'm perky like that, and yes there are times when we naturally HAPPY people shouldn't be so happy- but that's who we are, and it annoyed me that Giada felt she wasn't genuine. I went to a book signing for Giada and she was a syrupy as Amy was- so does that mean that Giada is fake? I dunno- I'm over thinking it, but her reposnse to the perky one bothered me.

I like both black guys, they seem fun and honest. I like the guy that was paired with the mother of the 4 year old- he's a hoot. I felt bad that the comedian lady froze and just was freaking out so much that they stayed with the snob-dujiour from Texas. I love that Alton and everyone else doesn't get her- she's trying too hard to show off what she knows- and it may be a big deal where she's from but in Food Network Land she just looks like a brat.

And HELLO...Tumeric is next to the other spices that start with a T- she was looking next to BASIL! What the heck? She is a brat and she thinks way too highly of herself and she can go now. She walks out on the next epsiode- I hope they boot her for that...she isn't the spice queen, I don't care what she says. Oooo I cook with curry and turmeric- I rock! Sorry- she annoyed me!

The guy paired with Miss Texas isn't too bad but he needs to redefine his style. I'm sorry but I could never eat french kiss soup- just make some soup and don't be cheesy with the name. :) I get where he is coming from but this isn't the movie 9 1/2 weeks- it's Food Network star.

Okay, I've ranted long enough- on to play my game now.
I agree with you, Kacey!!!
I didn't think you were ranting either! Some of us passionate people really get into our shows! LOL!:D
I thought the same thing about Lisa reading her bible! Oh well, in the spirit of the bible and Jesus, I'll let her off the hook! But I don't think she'll make it!! I think food network will drop her like a hot potato!
And your assessment of Giada is right on the money! Giada is FAKE! Ughhh! Sometimes Rachel Ray gets on my nerves (my gosh, she would not be able to function if you held her hands down when she talked!LOL!) but I'd much rather see her anyday! My hubby has not liked Giada from the first time he seen her, and said "Her and I would NOT get along!" My hubby can't handle women like her! He is very respectful of women who have a great attitude or earn their respect by being a pleasant person, but women who act like they are all that and act like the man is so below them, irritates DH beyond all belief!
I don't know that I'd eat french kiss soup either!!! He does need a different approach to his theme, so to speak!
Again, you and I are thinking alike!:D ;)
  • #19
I like the mom and the blonde too!! I did not like the additudes of the Indian gal or the high heeled one!!

Cant wait for Disign Star either!
  • #20
I FINALLY got to finish watching it last night!!

Snooty high heels needs to go next time...I didn't "get her" either Alton, and I don't think the rest of the world would get her!

I felt a little bad for the 19 year old that cried, but I agree...suck it up. (This comes from the woman who would have been crying WAY before that!! LOL)

I think my favorites so far are the blonde and the mom...seems like they both went over well with a lot of us. I liked the guy that was paired with the blonde, but I think I will need to see another episode to pick my favorite guy.

Who else thinks that these challenge things would be SUPER HARD?!!? Sitting at home, it's easy for us to say what they should have done differently...but really---I think it would be uber hard!

BTW- I don't remember...is this the 4th season? The two "party" gay guys and the lady that won last year...I don't like their shows. BUT- GUY is the bomb! I totally love Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and I think he will have a loooooong run with the Food Network! Am I missing any other winners?
  • #21
KellyTheChef said:
Who else thinks that these challenge things would be SUPER HARD?!!? Sitting at home, it's easy for us to say what they should have done differently...but really---I think it would be uber hard!

I think it would be very hard too! I was thinking "what in the world coulld I do in 30 minutes to make 3 things!!!!" Open up Chef Boyardee or something, haha!!!
  • #22
Chefstover2 said:
I caught it last night and am right there with the consensus. Did anyone catch Corey Cahaney (the comedienne) on Last Comic Standing a couple of seasons ago? She was really funny and made it a long way in, so it was strange to see her choke.

I kept looking at her and told my DH she was from that show. he didn't think she was until they started referring to her comedy background. i was really surprised with her. She seemed so dark and cold this year, and she use to be very funny and upbeat.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
KellyTheChef said:
I FINALLY got to finish watching it last night!!

Snooty high heels needs to go next time...I didn't "get her" either Alton, and I don't think the rest of the world would get her!

I felt a little bad for the 19 year old that cried, but I agree...suck it up. (This comes from the woman who would have been crying WAY before that!! LOL)

I think my favorites so far are the blonde and the mom...seems like they both went over well with a lot of us. I liked the guy that was paired with the blonde, but I think I will need to see another episode to pick my favorite guy.

Who else thinks that these challenge things would be SUPER HARD?!!? Sitting at home, it's easy for us to say what they should have done differently...but really---I think it would be uber hard!

BTW- I don't remember...is this the 4th season? The two "party" gay guys and the lady that won last year...I don't like their shows. BUT- GUY is the bomb! I totally love Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and I think he will have a loooooong run with the Food Network! Am I missing any other winners?

Yep, Amy from last year!! Her show wasn't on that long, I guess she didn't do well. Remember she was originally not voted in but the guy who lied, I think his name was Jack, or something like that, and he took himself out of the final 2, he was competing against Rory, I think was her name!
Anyway, this is the 4th season!
I love Guy too and it seems he's their biggest star! The party line with the hearty boys, is okay, but it doesn't captivate my like the other stars!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Kattyschack said:
I kept looking at her and told my DH she was from that show. he didn't think she was until they started referring to her comedy background. i was really surprised with her. She seemed so dark and cold this year, and she use to be very funny and upbeat.
I bet she's still funny in stand up comedy.... I just think that with the cooking she couldn't pull off her comedy! I think there is too much pressure on the contestants and that is why she choked! When it's just comedy she can focus on just that, when it was the food and comedy, she has to focus so much on the food and she got nervous and couldn't be funny.... JMHO!;)
  • #25
Chefstover2 said:
I caught it last night and am right there with the consensus. Did anyone catch Corey Cahaney (the comedienne) on Last Comic Standing a couple of seasons ago? She was really funny and made it a long way in, so it was strange to see her choke.

I just watched this. I thought she was the one from LCS but couldn't believe
she choked like that with her reality show experience. I wanted the other one to go....Miss Community Outreach.

Shane can't keep acting like a baby, or they will give him something to cry about. :rolleyes:

The Indian woman-someone needs to take her down a notch. I can see a tantrum brewing.

Last New Year's Eve DH & I stayed home & ended up watching a marathon of last season's shows-about 6 entire hours worth!:eek:

Speaking of reality shows, I came across one of people trying to become opera singers: Bathroom Divas/Opera Star on the Ovation? channel. I started to get interested but DH squawked so much I changed the channel.
  • #26
KellyTheChef said:
I FINALLY got to finish watching it last night!!

Snooty high heels needs to go next time...I didn't "get her" either Alton, and I don't think the rest of the world would get her!

I felt a little bad for the 19 year old that cried, but I agree...suck it up. (This comes from the woman who would have been crying WAY before that!! LOL)

I think my favorites so far are the blonde and the mom...seems like they both went over well with a lot of us. I liked the guy that was paired with the blonde, but I think I will need to see another episode to pick my favorite guy.

Who else thinks that these challenge things would be SUPER HARD?!!? Sitting at home, it's easy for us to say what they should have done differently...but really---I think it would be uber hard!

BTW- I don't remember...is this the 4th season? The two "party" gay guys and the lady that won last year...I don't like their shows. BUT- GUY is the bomb! I totally love Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and I think he will have a loooooong run with the Food Network! Am I missing any other winners?[/QUOTE]

You're right. You have everyone. I didn't like last years season winner, there was a reason she was kicked off and only came back because the other guy lied about his past. I thought the other girl should have won. But I LOVE Guy too!! He looks identical to my older brother and acts like him too. I always said if they had a Guy look-a-like contest I would enter him. I think he will be around for awhile, I watch all his shows. Waiting for TGIF Battle show he did a little while back.

I agree with everyone so far, TX needs to go, she is there I think for the drama than her ability to cook. As far as the comedian I was really surprised she froze up so much. She's been on stage before I thought she would nail it but didn't. Quick exit for her. Can't wait to keep watching! :)
  • #27
Humble Beginnings said:
KellyTheChef said:
I FINALLY got to finish watching it last night!!

Snooty high heels needs to go next time...I didn't "get her" either Alton, and I don't think the rest of the world would get her!

I felt a little bad for the 19 year old that cried, but I agree...suck it up. (This comes from the woman who would have been crying WAY before that!! LOL)

I think my favorites so far are the blonde and the mom...seems like they both went over well with a lot of us. I liked the guy that was paired with the blonde, but I think I will need to see another episode to pick my favorite guy.

Who else thinks that these challenge things would be SUPER HARD?!!? Sitting at home, it's easy for us to say what they should have done differently...but really---I think it would be uber hard!

BTW- I don't remember...is this the 4th season? The two "party" gay guys and the lady that won last year...I don't like their shows. BUT- GUY is the bomb! I totally love Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and I think he will have a loooooong run with the Food Network! Am I missing any other winners?[/QUOTE]

You're right. You have everyone. I didn't like last years season winner, there was a reason she was kicked off and only came back because the other guy lied about his past. I thought the other girl should have won. But I LOVE Guy too!! He looks identical to my older brother and acts like him too. I always said if they had a Guy look-a-like contest I would enter him. I think he will be around for awhile, I watch all his shows. Waiting for TGIF Battle show he did a little while back.

I agree with everyone so far, TX needs to go, she is there I think for the drama than her ability to cook. As far as the comedian I was really surprised she froze up so much. She's been on stage before I thought she would nail it but didn't. Quick exit for her. Can't wait to keep watching! :)

Nope- the Party-line with the Hardy boys (stoopid title) are from season one, Guy is from season 2, Amy is from season 3 and hopefully TEXAS will not be from season 4! :)
  • #28
I love this show... I agree with pretty much everyone's impressions so far. Haven't decided if I like anybody alot yet.

If you read something on the Food Network website, there is a message from Amy about not continuing her series this season. She wound up moving to France and loves farming or something out there in the countryside...
  • Thread starter
  • #29
So...... One more week down, and I think Lisa redeemed herself a little bit last night.....:thumbup: She did not annoy me near as much this time. I think that she listened to them last week and chilled out and her new theme is much better!:) But I do think she needs a little help in the make-up department.... not judging, just an observation!;)
I think that I would have eliminated the Indian Girl, but I can see how they might want her to try again, because she would be bring a different flare to FN, but she really needs to have more of a likeable, approachable way about her! If she ever walks again, and I was one of the judges, I'd tell her to keep walking!:grumpy:
This week Kelsey was my favorite and right now, I think she would bring the most personality to a show!:thumbup: The other one is the black man who made the steak who won along with Lisa for the magazine. He brought a lot of fun to it too.
The other one that irritated me a little this week is the guy who made the runny eggs. If I remember correctly his team mates, told him not to do it his way and he insisted on it his way:grumpy: ..... so he didn't score high points with me, and I would have NEVER EVEN touched his eggs! I CAN'T STAND RUNNY EGGS!! :yuck: They litterally make me sick, I would have not even been able to look at them! I like poached eggs, but I like propperly cooked poached eggs!

Okay, so these are my opinions..... not judging, nor am I an expert but this is how I see things. :) ;)
Last edited:
  • #30
The other one that irritated me a little this week is the guy who made the runny eggs. If I remember correctly his team mates, told him not to do it his way and he insisted on it his way:grumpy: ..... so he didn't score high points with me, and I would have NEVER EVEN touched his eggs! I CAN'T STAND RUNNY EGGS!! :yuck: They litterally make me sick, I would have not even been able to look at them! I like poached eggs, but I like propperly cooked poached eggs!Okay, so these are my opinions..... not judging, nor am I an expert but this is how I see things. :) ;)[/QUOTE]

That is so me! I would too, puke:yuck: :yuck: :yuck: at the sight of runny eggs. I couldn't even watch it on tv. It just made me sick!
  • #31
PampChefJoy said:
I love this show... I agree with pretty much everyone's impressions so far. Haven't decided if I like anybody alot yet.

If you read something on the Food Network website, there is a message from Amy about not continuing her series this season. She wound up moving to France and loves farming or something out there in the countryside...

She stated that one of the main reasons she didn't continue is that she's always felt a slight feeling of guilt as if she shouldn't be there (she was eliminated, remember) and that she didn't have the thick skin to put up with "vicious attacks" from bloggers. Personally, I thought her show was a snoozefest.
  • #32
There are clear leaders and clear losers this time around. Kelsey is great. I could see her on FN.
  • #33
I think they should have gotten rid of Nipa. I personally do not think it was fair for her to have a "break down" and get to stay on the show when Kevin was trying. Although, I do not agree much with Kevin "culinary point of view," but I still think they way Nipa acted she should've been gone. I think she will be a DIVA if she does get her own show and no one will want to deal with her fits! HA!

I did like Lisa a lot better last night. She was not near as "high maintenance" and seemed more normal. Her french toast looked delish! I agree she needed to do something with the eye shadow!

Russell wants to cook the steak that Jeffrey made he thought it looked so good.

I still like Kelsey too. She seems to have a great personality to be on TV.

Adam needs to learn how to work well with others. I cannot believe he served raw eggs! I can understand wanting to do your own thing but there is a reason they call it TEAM challenges.

I like Jennifer but she needs some more confidence. I do not know if she has what it takes to be the next FNS unless she feels more sure of herself.

I like Shane and agreed with him on the eggs but I think he was a little "over bearing" on how he was acting about it too.

Where do you find USA Weekend? Is that the insert magazine in the Sunday paper?
  • #34
leftymac said:
She stated that one of the main reasons she didn't continue is that she's always felt a slight feeling of guilt as if she shouldn't be there (she was eliminated, remember) and that she didn't have the thick skin to put up with "vicious attacks" from bloggers. Personally, I thought her show was a snoozefest.
I didn't care for it either. He set was as unappetizing as her wardrobe and she almost always made something with Endive in it or potatoes. I guess I was hoping for more originality from her.

I actually was rooting for her to win to begin with- but I'm happy she is doing what she loves. Good for her. Maybe they'll give that other gal a show...the one that lives in Texas and owns her own restaurant? She was the runner up.
  • #35
I just got around to watching the second episode tonight. I also agree that Lisa did a much better job, and I would enjoy watching her in a show. I also truly enjoy Kelsey. I just really like her, she's honest when she screws up, she tries to look at the bright side, she is positive and she did go to culinary school.

I agree that Nipa is a brat and should go. I must admit that I think that Kevin is slightly annoying and I'm not upset that he was asked to go. I'm sorry but mozzarella is not sexy---this isn't the movie 9 and a Half weeks, it's the food network star...chocolate body paint is sexy, whipped cream is sexy, but mozzarella is NOT! :)

I also like both of the black gentlemen quite a bit- but the one that made the steak has a little temper about him- I agree that the mother needs to get a big shot of confidence and believe in herself a little more. There are several food network people that DID not go to culinary school so she could win this if she just believed in herself and exuded a bit more confidence.

Well, sorry my repsonses are so late, I just finally got my TV to myself for the first time in about 4 days! :) Whoo-hoo

See you guys on Sunday or Monday after episode 3!
  • #36
6-14-08 episode of The Next Food Network Star!I'm about 15 minutes into this weeks episode (thanks to TiVo) and I'm telling you, Nipa has GOT to go. I don't want to ruin it for those that have not seen it yet, so I'll comment a little later on- maybe even tomorrow....

I will just say this- she is thoughtless and rude.

There... I feel better now! :)
  • #37
I hope Nipa can pull it together. I would LOVE to watch a show with Indian cuisine! I haven't watched the episode from today, but I hope she isn't eliminated. She's not my favorite and I don't like her mood swings, but I would like to watch a show with her POV.
  • #38
OK, just watched the episode where they cooked on the train and was surprised to see the dinner impossible dude on there. wasn't he exposed as a compulsive liar a few months ago?

i love indian cuisine and agree that FN needs to branch out, but they can find someone with more warmth and team spirit than nipa. they should have eliminated her when she teared up and walked.

kelsey is a cutie-pie but i don't know if fn needs another rachelraypauladeen type. i have nothing to say about any of the other contestants at this point.

there is NO WAY i would be able to meet any of those challenges. i am a recipe cook, just beginning to absorb the fundamentals.
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Kitchen Diva said:
I'm about 15 minutes into this weeks episode (thanks to TiVo) and I'm telling you, Nipa has GOT to go. I don't want to ruin it for those that have not seen it yet, so I'll comment a little later on- maybe even tomorrow....

I will just say this- she is thoughtless and rude.

There... I feel better now! :)
I was almost nervous to read your post only because I haven't seen it yet, so thank you for not ruining it for me!!!;) My DH is playing a video game with our son, and being father's day, I didn't want to tell him to get off so I could watch my show! We are suppossed to be putting a tv in our room and I can't wait!
I will "discuss" this with y'all in the morning!!!:thumbup: :D ;)
  • #40
susanr613 said:
OK, just watched the episode where they cooked on the train and was surprised to see the dinner impossible dude on there. wasn't he exposed as a compulsive liar a few months ago?

i love indian cuisine and agree that FN needs to branch out, but they can find someone with more warmth and team spirit than nipa. they should have eliminated her when she teared up and walked.

kelsey is a cutie-pie but i don't know if fn needs another rachelraypauladeen type. i have nothing to say about any of the other contestants at this point.

there is NO WAY i would be able to meet any of those challenges. i am a recipe cook, just beginning to absorb the fundamentals.

He just lied about having cooked for the Queen Mum... but he had a large enough fan base that they kept him on there. I for one really like him, and would be excited to learn from him. I've noticed since he was exposed at being untruthful that he's lost a lot of his niceness and charm...
  • #41
MissChef said:
I was almost nervous to read your post only because I haven't seen it yet, so thank you for not ruining it for me!!!;) My DH is playing a video game with our son, and being father's day, I didn't want to tell him to get off so I could watch my show! We are suppossed to be putting a tv in our room and I can't wait!
I will "discuss" this with y'all in the morning!!!:thumbup: :D ;)
I'll wait until then to say my thoughts on this episode...

Related to Who Will Be the Next Food Network Star? Let's Discuss!

Question 1: Okay, who here is watching the new season of The Next Food Network Star???

Yes, I am watching the new season of The Next Food Network Star.

Question 2: Any predictions?

I predict that the contestants with strong personalities and unique cooking styles will make it far in the competition.

Question 3: What are your thoughts on the members of this new group of contestants?

I am liking the Executive Chef who is a single mother and the two black men the most. I also see potential in the young blonde girl, but I hope she takes the judges' advice to tone it down. The 19-year-old chef has a lot of pride, but his crying may be seen as a flaw by the judges.

I am not a fan of the high maintenance girl from Texas or the overconfident Indian girl. The other two guys have yet to wow me, but it's only the first week.

Question 4: Who do you think should have been eliminated in the first week?

In my opinion, the girl from Texas should have been eliminated in the first week. Her attitude is too much for me to handle and she seems high maintenance.

Question 5: Anyone care to join in to discuss this latest season?! :)

Sure, I would love to discuss this season with others! It's always interesting to hear different opinions and predictions.

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