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Where Did You Meet Your Significant Other?

In summary, the author met her now husband at a cooking show. They have been married for 3 years and are expecting their second child.
  • #51
My SIL set us up. I worked with her and she wanted me to meet her brother. The day we met it was all up hill from there.
  • #52
I went to visit my mom in NC, my older brother was in the Marine Corps, stationed only 3 hours away and drove to mom's every weekend. He brought his buddy (my DH now)with him while I was there. Six weeks later, I moved to mom's so I could be closer to this awesome guy. I was only 18 at the time, but just knew he was the one. It's been almost 13 years since we met and we'll be celebrating 11 years of marriage in July.
  • #53
erinb said:
I went to visit my mom in NC, my older brother was in the Marine Corps, stationed only 3 hours away and drove to mom's every weekend. He brought his buddy (my DH now)with him while I was there. Six weeks later, I moved to mom's so I could be closer to this awesome guy. I was only 18 at the time, but just knew he was the one. It's been almost 13 years since we met and we'll be celebrating 11 years of marriage in July.
Almost read this as "he brought his hubby!" Now it's my turn to get my mind out of the gutter (ask Janet!)
  • #54
janetupnorth said:
DH said he didn't want to marry someone who wasn't willing to run jump in a lake...meaning he didn't want a "high maintenance" person that had to look out for her makeup more than having fun...

Of course, he dated quite a few of those types and all the time his parents kept saying "she's not for you..."

I think all men date a few of that type. :rolleyes: That's never been me, kwim? I like to look nice, but not at the expense of having fun or spending lots of time on it. I like the wind in my hair, I'm not afraid of a little sweat, and in general...love being outside! Which suits my DH just fine! :D I do admit, even as a SAHM who doesn't see a lot of people during the day (besides my 1 yo DD), I will apply a touch of make up daily so I look nice and he comes home to a put together wife. Doesn't mean that we won't take that after dinner "hike", I mean walk, with our DD in her stroller and with our two dogs throughout the many big hills in our neighborhood.

Before we got married, I know my DH was attracted to those "high maintanence" girls...but he could never figure why it wouldn't last. Girls who wear white pants, expensive, semi-tight shirts, heels, and do their hair and makeup to the nth degree to go to the park for a picnic...aren't about to sit on the ground to eat (or at an outdoor picnic table) or play an impromptu game of frisbee...and he wondered why they just didn't click...:rolleyes: And yes, I'm speaking of one of his ex-girlfriends... :p
  • #55
wadesgirl said:
Almost read this as "he brought his hubby!" Now it's my turn to get my mind out of the gutter (ask Janet!)

LOL....they REALLY frown on that in the Marine Corps
  • #56
I met him on my couch!!!!!!!!! :eek: :p :D :blushing: Okay, I had better explain myself! LOL! About 3 months after graduating high school, my cousin (same age) Todd - who is my favorite cousin and he's more like a brother than a cousin and was my best friend too, He and I moved out into our own apartment for the first time! We had a roommate style apartment and we definetely had a bachelor/bacherloret (sp?) pad! We had many parties, he was the main person who had the parties.... I worked a lot at a 50+ hour a week job. I was still trying to get over my ex boyfriend who I had a steady relationship with from age 16- 18 1/2.... but we broke up and I was dating quite a few guys, but none of them were "it". I was starting to get over my ex... but also sad inside because I liked being in a relationship and didn't like the dating scene.
One Friday night I went dancing with my good friend at 2 clubs and when we got back to her house, I just crashed at her house because it was late and I was tired... I got up in the morning and went home.... when I walked in my apartment, well it was pretty obvious there had been another party there, Todd's usual friends were there, who were now my friends too, but there was someone on my couch that I didn't know! So I walked to the couch and sat down next to him and gently shook him and told him to wake up and introduce himself, because I lived there and I didn't like that someone was in my house and I didn't know who he was! It took twice and finally he pulled the blanket off himself, well, I never in my wildest dreams ever thought that
I'd be starring into the eyes of my future husband and soul mate! When I saw him, I thought... "hey, he's kinda cute!"
He was aggravated that I woke him, (he was a little hung over!:p ) but he recognized me from pictures in my cousin's wallet and realized that I was Todd's cousin... the one he thought was pretty and way older than I was... he thought I was around 24-25... but I was only 19. So he didn't stay aggravated for long!
Within a few weeks of him coming over... to see my cousin (Yeah right!) we hit it off with the help of my cousin continuously trying to set us up and dissappearing and leaving him and I alone together.... we both were still dating others but within 6 weeks of when we first met we talked in the car one night after a date and he said..."so what are we doing here? do we want to make this exclusive and just be with each other or what?", I said yes he said yes and the rest is history!
Now-a-days when he is acting silly and crazy.... I'll say "Where did I find you at?" And he just smiles and says "Your couch!!":love: :p :D
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  • #57
I met my husbandAt the Downtown Hoedown (for those Michiganders who know what this is). I actually saw him alot at a bar my friends and I hung out with but would never talk with him. We nicknamed him "texas boy", and I always used to say "I'm going to marry him one day" - although we never met - LOL! Anyways...at the hoedown, he kept looking my way, smilling but wouldn't come over or talk or anything. This went on for a couple of hours (I kept telling my friends "Texas boy is smiling at me"). So....I finally motioned from across the see of people for a cigarette (although I don't smoke), he waved me over, and the rest was history. Actually, it's funny - he walked me to the car with my friends, said bye but didn't ask for my number, so I said "are you going to ask for my number or what?!" He did, called the next day!

He tells me now though, he found my number in his pocket, didn't really remember all that much from the night before, but decided to call anyways. Funny how things just work out.
  • #58
erinb said:
LOL....they REALLY frown on that in the Marine Corps

Don't ask... don't tell!!!
  • #59
met my husband through friends, he is my 2nd husband and hopefully my last~ ha ha :)
  • #60
Katie D 0128, is the west side really the best side??? I don't think so :) ha ha
  • #61
Jean... one thing I have to say is that a lot of times, you'll find them when you're not looking for them! When I was at the dance club the night before I met my future husband, (story is a few posts before this one!) I was thinking inside "I'm so sick of this scene! I don't want to do this anymore! All these fake people and the meat market feeling!" That night I just realized it was just not fun to me anymore.... when I went home the next day, I was just going home! I wanted to take a shower, maybe sleep a little more and get ready to go work the night shift for 10 1/2 hours! I just didn't like having a stranger in the house..... I just wanted to know who was on my couch! Like I said I never imagined that I'd find the love of my life and future father of my children that morning, sleeping on my couch! I didn't even look pretty (in my eyes I didn't!) I guess it shows you don't have to be all put together to meet your SO! Neither one of were, and we were still attracted! We both were not looking and we still found each other!:love: :)
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  • #62
I met my husband through my brother, when i waitressed nights my hubby would come in and talk with me and visit and then with knowning each other before hand it was nice. we started dating in jan. and he purposed to me on valentines day in the morning before he went work with a card and a conversation heart saying marry me and before i could say anything he was like well whats yours answer...It was yes of course. the funny thing is that my brother purpose to his wife on valentines night. we got married in september 15th the day before my brothers birthday so we are going on 7 yrs. My brother and his wife got married a month a month before we did in aug. My brother was the bestman and my husband was the bestman for their wedding.

We only dated a total of 9 months before we got married and only dated a 1 month before he asked me to marry him.

Our timing was kinda funny cause he was married and filed for devoirce and she wouldn't sign the papers finally she did, they were only married for a i think a total of 6 months and he still says to the day i should of asked you when i wanted to he says she was the bigest mistake in his life and i was the silver lining... and i didn't know he liked me before they got married. boy was i clueless lol.... I was 20 yrs which people look at me and think how young that is and i have heard of others getting married alot younger.

We are happy and two wonderful kids. It has been great being married to my brothers best friends cause we have actually known each other for 14 yrs and 7 of that was being married. It really helped in the departement of figuring each other out.

lol i went rambling i hope you enjoy!!!
  • #63
Met my hubby at work where we were both employed. Today we are married 28 years. Yes, on St. Patrick's Day ... can you think of a better way to keep an Irishman with you instead of at the pubs today? :love:
  • #64
As someone else said, you sometimes find them when you aren't looking...

I met my husband in the driveway. I was renting an apartment in an old house, that had a series of garages behind in. He was renting one to store a car. My friends and I had seen him the past Christmas out cleaning his car, but seeing that I am not a car person, didn't pay him no mind. October rolls around, I am coming home from the grocery store and he pulls in behind me. Thinks he hot cause he has the flashy red car! Yeah, right!! I was not impressed, more worried about my chicken defrosting them him.

He left a letter on car the next day which I did not pick up until Monday morning, thinking it was a letter from my landlord. When I finally read it, I shared it my with girlfriend. She was working in a federal crimanal agency, so, just to be safe, she went ahead and ran his criminal check, driver's record, anything and everything she could to see what she could find out about. Then we checked the phone to make sure a woman didn't answer. After all that, I finally called him, we went out to dinner that weekend. That was in 1988. We were married in 1991. 17 years this May... my how time flies.

FYI, I was 31 when I met him, and wasn't looking for a man. And BTW, he still has that car.
  • #65
PamperChefCarol said:
As someone else said, you sometimes find them when you aren't looking...

I met my husband in the driveway. I was renting an apartment in an old house, that had a series of garages behind in. He was renting one to store a car. My friends and I had seen him the past Christmas out cleaning his car, but seeing that I am not a car person, didn't pay him no mind. October rolls around, I am coming home from the grocery store and he pulls in behind me. Thinks he hot cause he has the flashy red car! Yeah, right!! I was not impressed, more worried about my chicken defrosting them him.

He left a letter on car the next day which I did not pick up until Monday morning, thinking it was a letter from my landlord. When I finally read it, I shared it my with girlfriend. She was working in a federal crimanal agency, so, just to be safe, she went ahead and ran his criminal check, driver's record, anything and everything she could to see what she could find out about. Then we checked the phone to make sure a woman didn't answer. After all that, I finally called him, we went out to dinner that weekend. That was in 1988. We were married in 1991. 17 years this May... my how time flies.

FYI, I was 31 when I met him, and wasn't looking for a man. And BTW, he still has that car.

So, I take it the criminal check came out clean... ;)
  • #66
I met my husband in the ER. :rolleyes: Yes, he used to tell people I took his pants off him the first time I saw him, :blushing: which is true,:rolleyes: kinda. I was working as an RN in a small hospital. My friend and coworker was down in the ER, she came up and said, "there is a REALLY cute guy in the Er, he has a job, not married and insurance, go down and check him out" I didn't want to go, just getting out of a bad relationship. and she had pulled this before with an old geezer. :yuck: But I went. And boy was she RIGHT....He needed stitches in his leg, and wouldn't let me cut his jeans up the side, so he took them off and handed them to me.He called me a week later, Labor day weekend, we fell in love almost at first sight, we got engaged on Halloween, and married in May of 1982. 2 Ds's later, we are still very happy. We have a fun together. He asked me to marry him again, last year. of course I said are you kidding?????:D Not really. you will find someone, I know I did, when I least expected it....... good luck.
  • #67
My DH & I were set up by our sisters. Our sisters were best friends in high school & would complain about us to each other. They thought it would be funny to set us up because we were so much alike that we would drive each other crazy like we drive them crazy. His sister came over to go out with my sister on a Saturday night & told me he was home & I should call him. He had just graduated undergrad & had moved back to town. So I called him--which is something I NEVER did). We talked on the phone for a couple of hours & he asked if I was busy that night (a Saturday night). I said no & he picked me up & we went to a movie & out for yogurt. He called me the next day & asked me out again. That was May & we got engaged the following February & married 2 years after our first date. We've now been married almost 9 years & just had our second child. We tell our sisters that the joke is on them because now they are stuck with BOTH of us forever!
  • #68
I met my DH online through kiss.com, which was bought out by match.com. That was 6 years ago. We will be married 5 years on July 26th and have 3 boys, 8, 4, & 2 (oldest is from a previous marriage).

I wasn't looking for a relationship, just someone to go to dinner and movie with once and a while. You never know when you are going to find "the one." It tends to happen when you least expect it. Hang in there!
  • #69
In Walmart parking lot. That was the hang out area of my day.

I had known of him. He use to date a girl in my school.
  • #70
OnlineI met my dh online 8yrs ago. We talked everyday online for two months straight. To be honest I was completely fed up with men and figured I would just mess with this guy because all I had found online was men only wanted cyber and it drove me bonkers. Finally I decided to look for someone just to be friends with, with common interests. I looked on love@aol and searched for hockey he was the first match listed, I emailed him in April, he was heading out for work trip so said he'd get back to me, no biggy added him to my AIM contacts and went about my business.

Then I saw him again on AIM in late May, 'cept this time I was like who is this signing in on my AIM and why do I have him on there. So then we chatted long enough to say he was heading off to MI for his sisters wedding and he'd talk to me afterward (can we say deja-vu). While he was there he signed on and we chatted some then when he got back we chatted more and after a while he showed me his "type of woman" and dumb-founded me was like wow he likes full figured women (which I definitely was) so I thought hey maybe this guy isn't like all the others.

I showed him my picture and we chatted every single day until late July we decided to meet in person. We have been together ever since. There was no romantic meeting, I think we just knew once we met that was it. :love: I managed to find a great guy, just like I was always told I would ... when I wasn't looking.
  • #71
janetupnorth said:
So, I take it the criminal check came out clean... ;)

The poor guy, you would have thought I was thinking about running him for President of the US!!!
  • #72
I met my DH in 1993 through a friend at a bar. My friend had to drag me to the bar for "happy hour" that night - it was supposed to be our "Down on Men" night. But, she ran into someone from college who happened to be DH's roommate, and so while she was talking to his roommate, I talked to DH. We hit it off and have been inseparable ever since. So, even though we met at a bar, I like to say we met through mutual friends! ;)

I have a good friend who is in the same boat as you. We all turn 40 at the end of the year, she's tried the bars, synagogues (she's Jewish), dating services, etc. Now, she's actually paying for a matchmaking service. She works long hours and doesn't have time to sit and fish through people on a dating site, so she's letting someone do it for her!

Good luck to you - hopefully the right person will come along for you soon. Usually, it's when you least expect it!
  • #73
My dad worked in the back shop at our last duty station with my now DH for 2 yrs before he told him he even had children, let alone a daughter close to his age. :) He got DH's phone # & I gave him a call, figuring it wasn't going to go anywhere but what the heck? Now we've been married 12 yrs, & have 2 boys. Guess Dad was right...I picked losers, he found the good one! Who would've thought a blind date would last a life time?;)
  • #74
I met my dh when I was in high school we lived in different towns. My dh and a friend both worked at Sears in the mall ( I always say I can return him because Sears takes back anything :D ). My friend fixed up me and my dh, we dated for a few months then I broke up with him to get back with an old boyfriend. We were still friends as we had hung out with some of the same people.

Then a few years later, after not seeing him for a at least a year. He called me and asked me out, we dated for one year then he asked me to marry him. We got married two years later and this October it will be 17 years. We have one ds that is 9.

You will find someone I have a friend that met her husband on-line. You might want to check that out. I do think it is harder to meet people when you are older. Who wants to hang out in bars and clubs if that is not your thing.

Some day you will meet Mr. Right. :cool:
  • #75
Sorry if this was already mentioned, but have you read the book called How to Get a Date Worth Keeping? Written by favorite author/s of mine. Henry Cloud, maybe John Townsend.

I met my dh in college.
  • #76
My hubby and I worked together at a home improvement store!
We had enormous crushes on each other, but neither knew about the other! He thought I was a snob because everytime he had to talk to me for some reason at work, I would look away, but that is only because I couldn't look at him without blushing bright red!
One day my supervisor - also my friend- passed me a letter (yes, a sucky love letter) from him!! He asked her to give it to me and she did.... toooo funny... and toooo Jr. High!! LOL
BUT... the rest is history! That was 16 years ago!!
  • #77
OhmyDLM said:
I truely met my husband through Pampered Chef!!! I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that the "right one" comes along for you as memorably as it did for me!

Oh my gosh! That is such a great Pampered Chef story. Have you sent it in to HO? Aren't they still taking stories? Anyway, even if there won't be another book, you should still send it to HO.
  • #78
I was on line waiting to get into a concert at a small bar/club, it was pouring rain, and I was bickering with my then ex-boyfriend (I had no one to go with to the concert, so I dragged my ex) DH was on line and came to show stag --- we struck up conversation out in the pouring rain...I was psyched when I saw he got a wrist band (for alcohol purchasing) and after about 20 mins I said to my ex, "I am going over to talk to him" he later followed me because he didnt want me to go alone.

DH's pick up line was "If you ever need a tour guide in NYC let me know".

We've been married for 2 1/2 yrs, but dated for 5 years!
  • #79
I met my boyfriend on a blind date. He almost ran me over in the parking lot and then we realized who each were. We have been together for four years.

My old roommate went to Vegas one December and the taxi driver gave her his phone number for when she needed a ride while in Vegas. They talked everyday on the phone after she got back and were engaged that next October, he moved to Kansas in february, and they were married that June and divorced three months later. So I don't recommend marrying a taxi driver you meet in Vegas!:p

  • #80
I met my boyfriend at a high school football game in 9th grade & we dated for 2 weeks because I was moving out of the area to live with my father. During that year, we never talked once because he was never on the computer (we talked thru AIM). Well, a year later, I was moving back to the area that I had just left & low & behold he's on the computer. We decided to call each other & talked on the phone until 4am & he had to be up at 6am for work. Ever since then, we've been dating & we're going on 5 years this August!!
  • #81
Japanese style formal courtship--look up omiai.
We've been married 25 years as of this month.
  • #82
I met my DH....yahoo personals. I went thru quite a few jerks before I found him! We have been together 3 years now :love:
  • #83
I meet my husband from a blind date ,a friend fixed us up. We went to dinner on a Sat night then the next night we went bowling and pizza with the friends that fixed us up.
I saw him every day for the next 2 weeks . And YES 2 weeks later we got enganged that was almost 17 years ago
We got married about 10 months later , we hve 2 kids 12 and 11 so you never know we both where in our early 30's
  • #84
My best friend (who is a hairdresser) picked him out for me. I had known her for 10 years at that point and she had never tried to fix me up with anyone. She cut his hair, then cut his son's hair (who was then 5 years old). They had been in the shop a few times, so she checked him out with all the other hairdressers and they said he was a good guy. She told him she had just the woman for him and got his number for me. She called me up and talked to me for an hour convincing me to call him. She got off the phone because her DS had to make a call, but made me promise to call him. I called the number she gave me and a woman answered the phone! :mad: I politely asked for him and she said he wasn't home, so I got off the phone without leaving a message. I called my best friend back and her son was still on the phone, so I asked him to tell her that I called that number and a woman answered. I hung up with her DS and my phone rang less than two minutes later. She said "It was his mom!!!" :) She had grabbed the phone from her DS, hung up on his friend and called the number. My now husband had just walked in the door so he answered the phone. She was ready to jump through the phone and get him. She asked him why a woman answered the phone when I called and he said it was his mom, that she stayed with him off and on, helping him with his son. I called him back and we talked on the phone for a while that night and then for about 3 weeks before we actually met in person. He proposed 5 months later and we were married about 18 months after that. It has been 6 1/2 wonderful years and I am looking forward to the rest of our lives together. :love:
  • #85
I met my husband on match.com. I dated in college, but after graduation I moved back to where my parents lived for a job and just couldn't find a good guy. They lived in an Air Force town, and the few guys I did date in the AF just weren't for me.

One day I went in to work and one of the girls said why don't you check out match.com. I asked my best friend's wife who worked with me what she thought, and she said "who knows you may find your future husband on there."

Well two weeks later I did. I didn't realize when I responded to his post that he was just in that town because of the Air Force, but we met the day before Christmas Eve and hit it off. He called me on Christmas Eve and asked if I wanted to come to Midnight Mass with him. We were talking marriage 2 weeks later, got engaged in April of 2004, he got orders to England in June 2004, and we had our wedding September 2004. It's been over 4 years since we met and we are now expecting our 1st child in August.

I can honestly tell you that if I never went to match.com, I don't know if I would have ever gotten the chance to meet him. Turns out though, we both went to the same church (but I was bad and didn't go to often), I drove past his house everyday to drop my brother off at the community college, and I vacationed once at a resort in TN that's in the same town he is from. I would like to think it was fate. lol

I truely wish you all the best in finding "the one" I was 25 when I got married, and where I lived at the time, I was probably considered an old maid. lol
  • #86
I was married to my 1st husband when i met my now DH. We lived in a 2 family house, DH lived downstairs w/ his GF and I lived upstairs. Me & the ex didn't like eachother very much at the time. I used to work nights and my ex would sit outside w/ the neihbors and make me look like the the biggest B**ch.

fast forward 4 years...I got divorced, DH & GF broke up he moved out. DH was in another relationship for a few years. Then they broke up. DH came around one Sunday afternoon to "visit the ole hood" (I was gardening and sweaty & dirty)
It was hot outside and we decided we needed beer, well on Sunday's in MA we couldn't buy beer we had to go to NH.My neighbor (his ex) was pushing me to go w/ him to NH. Telling me how great he is and how i should give him a chance. I was in no way looking for a relationship, nor did i want to go with him to NH. She was relentless, i finally gave in and went w/ him, we got back had a few pops and next thing ya know we were engaged 3 months later, married 1 year after that and will have our 7th anniversary in June. He's my best friend.

His ex came to our wedding and had a toast made to her ! :)

and OMG he is so much like my father! its scary :) (in good way of course)

the good thing about him knowing my ex he knew that after all those years I had a GOOD reason to be a b**ch!
  • #87
I met my wonderful husband on a blind date set up by my best friend's husband. I too was in my early 30's and had figured I would never find "the one". I had been on a string of really bad blind dates....the kind where your friend says, "He's perfect for you!"....and then you meet him....and realize your friend doesn't really know you or what kind of man you're looking for?

So my friend's husband left her a voicemail at work one day asking, "Do you think Mary would go out with this guy I know?" That was eight years ago....we've been married for four years this October.

Never say no to a blind date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • #88
I met my significant other while doing relief work/ collecting donations for Hurricane Katrina victims :love: one of those cheesy love stories. We could make a hallmark movie :rolleyes:
  • #89
on the school bus, we were jr high sweethearts I was in 6th grade he was a freshman.His older brother kept teasing me and DH would save me a seat on the bus to "protect" me.
In June we'll be married 21 years
  • #90
Teresa Lynn said:
on the school bus, we were jr high sweethearts I was in 6th grade he was a freshman.

His older brother kept teasing me and DH would save me a seat on the bus to "protect" me.
In June we'll be married 21 years

Awwww - he's your hero!:love: :love: :love:
  • #91
yes, he's a keeper.
Its funny we have been together longer than his little sister has been around :)
  • #92
I met my BF at work. A mutual friend/co-worker set us up. I had been single for 3 years and was NOT looking to date, let alone be in a relationship. She promised that if I went on the date that I could go back to my single life after that....well...she lied!! LOL. He and I have been together for almost a year now and I love every minute of it. He respects me and my life, understands my need for independence and is totally supportive of my PC biz!! Our first date was at a bar, but it was cool...nice weather and we were all outside...he had his "out" and I had mine but we both stayed until the bar closed...just talking!! I can't believe how fast the past year has gone and am so glad that i know him.
Maybe talk to your friends...see if they know of anyone that might be for you...that is what he had done, asked her if she knew of anyone for him...and she thought I would be perfect...who would have known how right she was!!
  • #93
Student lounge at the community college I was attending, 1980. He had just gotten out of the navy and was taking a class in something called computers. I had a UNC notebook (Go Heels!). I was sitting with my cousin who was dating a friend of his. Future DH took one look at my notebook and the first words he ever spoke to me were "I have a poster just like that book in my bedroom, wanna see?". He later said he didn't mean for it to come out that way - yea right. The rest is history.

I've always said that 88 cent notebook changed my life forever.
  • #94
So, I met my DH at a singles basketball/volleyball game night. It was really weird because I was the biggest believer in "no such thing as fate" but... when I saw him the first time and saw how cute he was and totally awkward playing basketball like a total dork. I knew he was for me! I was usually painfully shy with boys, but I walked right over to him at the first break and introduced myself. That night we talked for 2 hours while all the others played volleyball. He looks like a blond Clark Kent and I was smitten. Plus he didn't know anything about cooking (he asked me if I was going to be an eye doctor when I mentioned I was in culinary school...) 6 weeks later we were engaged. Married 3 months after that. 13 years later, 2 kids, and a lot of good and bad times, we are still quite happy. If it hadn't been for that one singles gathering that I almost missed to stay home and do homework, it never would have happened... or would it have later? Don't know. Just feel really blessed. Never give up on that ideal, you will know it when you find it. Major note, we work on our marriage every day-- it hasn't been easy, but so very worth the effort. When I first thought of being married I thought my life would be perfect... prince charming and all that. If I was perfect and he was, then it would be! But, so human, so imperfect, so much work to keep a marriage alive and exciting. I hope you find someone too!
  • #95
I met my hubby on Oct 27, 2005 at a Pampered Chef show I did for a friend of mine. Her boyfriend invited him over to watch football while the girls got together. He was new to TN, from TX. I thought he was cute but said nothing, I am a professional, but he asked about me after the show. My friend and cousin, who was there, found out all the specs on him first, decided they liked him for me and then gave him my number. All before I knew about it. I had decided to not date or get married because I was tired of guys and their crap. I loved being single. lol We dated for a year, got engaged for 6 months and next month will be our 1st aniversary. Pampered Chef totally changed my life!
  • #96
I met him in 5th grade. He was in 6th. We dated in high school and have been married for over 27 years.
  • #97
Janice - I know your kids are getting older but you really DO NOT look that old!!!! Especially to be married almost 30 years!
  • #98
I met my DH on a blind date.
  • #99
My boyfriend and I met through friends...when I wasn't even looking. I'm impatiently waiting for my ring. hehe :)
You say you're 30-something and I just want to give you a boost and let you know that I have several cousins who didn't get married until they were 30-something. One is 34 and getting married this Dec. to a guy she met maybe a year ago. So, there are others out there who go through the same thing. It sucks, I can understand that. But, like many people have said to you already, it will happen when you're not looking or when you least expect it. Unfortunately it's tough to not look. :)

  • #100
Wow, not a single person in the frozen food isle of the grocery store. I knew that wouldn't work! hahah! I'm content being single right now, but I'm glad after reading this, to know that it is true you really can meet people anywhere
<h2>1. Where did you meet your significant other?</h2><p>This is a question that many people ask when they find out you are in a relationship. For me, I actually met my significant other at work. We both work for Pampered Chef and were introduced through a mutual friend. It's funny how love can bloom in unexpected places!</p><h2>2. Did you meet online?</h2><p>In this digital age, it's becoming more and more common for people to meet their significant others online. However, in my case, we met in person through a mutual friend. But I do know many couples who have successfully found love through online dating sites and apps.</p><h2>3. Did you meet through a mutual friend?</h2><p>As mentioned before, my significant other and I were introduced through a mutual friend at work. This is a common way for people to meet, as friends are often eager to set up their single friends with potential love interests. Don't be afraid to ask your friends to introduce you to someone they think you might hit it off with!</p><h2>4. Where is the best place to meet someone?</h2><p>There is no one "best" place to meet someone. It really depends on your interests and lifestyle. Some people have had luck meeting their significant others at bars, through hobbies or activities, at church, or even through mutual friends like I did. The key is to put yourself out there and be open to new experiences and opportunities. Love can happen when you least expect it.</p><h2>5. What advice do you have for someone who is single and looking for love?</h2><p>My advice would be to focus on yourself and your own happiness first. When you are truly content with your own life, you radiate a positive energy that can be attractive to potential partners. Also, don't be afraid to try new things and put yourself out there. You never know who you might meet or where you might find love. And remember, being single is not a bad thing. Enjoy this time to discover yourself and what you truly want in a partner.</p>

Related to Where Did You Meet Your Significant Other?

1. Where did you meet your significant other?

This is a question that many people ask when they find out you are in a relationship. For me, I actually met my significant other at work. We both work for Pampered Chef and were introduced through a mutual friend. It's funny how love can bloom in unexpected places!

2. Did you meet online?

In this digital age, it's becoming more and more common for people to meet their significant others online. However, in my case, we met in person through a mutual friend. But I do know many couples who have successfully found love through online dating sites and apps.

3. Did you meet through a mutual friend?

As mentioned before, my significant other and I were introduced through a mutual friend at work. This is a common way for people to meet, as friends are often eager to set up their single friends with potential love interests. Don't be afraid to ask your friends to introduce you to someone they think you might hit it off with!

4. Where is the best place to meet someone?

There is no one "best" place to meet someone. It really depends on your interests and lifestyle. Some people have had luck meeting their significant others at bars, through hobbies or activities, at church, or even through mutual friends like I did. The key is to put yourself out there and be open to new experiences and opportunities. Love can happen when you least expect it.

5. What advice do you have for someone who is single and looking for love?

My advice would be to focus on yourself and your own happiness first. When you are truly content with your own life, you radiate a positive energy that can be attractive to potential partners. Also, don't be afraid to try new things and put yourself out there. You never know who you might meet or where you might find love. And remember, being single is not a bad thing. Enjoy this time to discover yourself and what you truly want in a partner.

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