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When is the Latest I Can Close a Show for it to Count for That Month?

If you start it in Jan and close in Feb, the January specials will apply, you will get single points, and it will count for Feb commission.
How long after the show is the maximum you can wait to close for it to count for that month? What I mean is...if I held a catalogue show starting Jan 31st...how far after can I close for it to count for January sales.

You want to get it in by the end of the next month so that they can recieve the jan specials
You have until the end of February for them to get the January specials. And also remember, the month the show is dated (provided it is submitted by the END of the next month) is the specials they will get i.e. guest and host, and the month it is submitted is when it will go towards your sales and sale incentives.

So, Jan show submitted by end of Feb has Jan guest and host specials but is going towards your February sales. Not sure if it's the case this time though because of Pan O Rama but that IS the general rule.

And remember that any shows you want to count towards double points must be HELD and SUBMITTED in Feb.
No time limitActually, I called the home office on this exact question! In October a host started a catalog show, with October specials. I was under the same impression as most of you have posted above, that this show had to be closed by the end of November. This is what I have always told my hosts, and still do. (I don't think they need more than 4-8 weeks to finish a catalog show! ;) )

However, I called the home office because my host was going to be unable to close her show until December 2nd. I was worried because of the specials and such...so I called the home office to find out what to do. They told me to submit it with the October show date in December, there is no time limit on the monthly specials, as long as they started the show in that month!!! This blew me out of the water!! :eek:

As I stated above though, I tell my hosts that in order to take advantage of a special they need to close the show by the following month. I usually only have to tell those hosts who are taking their time with their shows!

To answer the first question..I have to ask a question...What do you mean when you said to count towards January sales? If you want it to count towards your monthly commission or a super starter incentive then it has to be closed by the end of the month. It will count as sales in whatever month you close the show. However, as stated above, February shows that are held and submitted in February are the only ones that count for the DOUBLE POINTS! I did not see any stipulation to that fact for the Pan-O-Rama. So if you have a January show that is submitted in February, you will not get Double Points towards Golden Destinations, but you will get points for any cookware that is on that show.
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I just meant...if I start a catalogue show in January and its not closed till February - would this be okay? She would still get the Jan host & guest special but it would count for Feb's comission. Correct?
Yes, you may start it in Jan. and close it in Feb. The host will still get Jan specials, but it will count as double points for you, and go on Febs commission check. You are absolutely correct. :D
pamperedalf said:
Yes, you may start it in Jan. and close it in Feb. The host will still get Jan specials, but it will count as double points for you, and go on Febs commission check. You are absolutely correct. :D

That is not true. All shows for double points must be HELD and SUBMITTED in February.

If you start it in Jan and close in Feb, the January specials will apply, you will get single points, and it will count for Feb commission.

Related to When is the Latest I Can Close a Show for it to Count for That Month?

1. How do I close a show as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Closing a show as a Pampered Chef consultant is an important step in the process of hosting a successful cooking show. To close a show, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Confirm the total sales and number of orders with your host
  • Thank your host for hosting the show and remind them of the host rewards they will receive
  • Collect any outstanding orders and payment from guests
  • Submit the show order online or through your consultant app
  • Follow up with your host and guests after the show to ensure their satisfaction and address any concerns

2. When should I close a show?

It is recommended to close a show within 3 days after the event. This allows enough time for guests to place any last-minute orders and for you to process the orders and submit them to Pampered Chef.

3. How do I handle returns or exchanges when closing a show?

If a guest needs to return or exchange an item from the show, they should contact you directly. As a consultant, you can process returns or exchanges within 90 days of the show date. If an item is damaged or defective, you can submit a replacement request through the Pampered Chef website or app.

4. Can I add orders to a closed show?

Once a show has been closed and submitted to Pampered Chef, you cannot add any additional orders to that specific show. However, you can create a new show for any additional orders and combine them with the previous show for the host rewards.

5. How do I track my sales and commissions when closing a show?

Pampered Chef provides a Sales Summary Report and a Commissions Report to track your sales and commissions. These reports can be accessed through the Pampered Chef website or app. It is important to regularly review these reports to track your progress and ensure accurate payments.

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