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What should I do about a host who won't close my catalog show?

In summary, the person is struggling with closing a catalog show for over 3 weeks, with only $90 in total sales. They have tried contacting the host multiple times with no response. They are considering adding the orders to another show and offering free tax for the delay, but are unsure when to do so and how long to wait for the host's response. They are also advised to offer the host an out and compensate her for the trouble.
I have a dilema!! I have a catalog show that I can not get closed. The host has given me excuse after excuse for not closing for about 3 weeks now. This show has been open for a month or better!! The total so far is only $90. I have not collected from her from this show and am not even sure if she has either. I have left her messages at work and at home. Yesterday I sent her an email explaining to her that we need to close ASAP because we are keeping customers waiting too long for their products and the longer we wait to close, the longer they have to wait on their orders.

I could easily add these orders to another show that I have ready to send but I don't know at what point I should do this and how long I should wait to hear from this host! FRUSTRATION!!!

Any sugestions would be very helpful!!

Sherri....you are not sure if she has collected the money?? If you have the money, I would go ahead and put it onto another order. Do you have the orders and guests name? I would call them and let them know that you will be sending in their order today and that you are sorry for the delay. Verify their order and ask if there is anything they would like to add to their order. Treat it just like a Big MAC call except you are apologizing for the delay. You might even want to offer them free tax for their wait.

The other thing you need to remember is that the order will be shipped to whoever you are adding it onto. You will be resposible for passing them out to the guests. If they live far away, you might ask them if they want it shipped to their house.

If you get some orders added onto the original order, you might get enough to make it a show.

I know you are frustrated with your host, but she is probably embarrassed. I would give her an out. Let her know that you appreciate all her hard work and you'd like to give her a hand. You will be happy to send the order in with another show and you'd like to offer her $10 in free product for her trouble. You will have to eat the $10, but it will allow you get the info you need and possibly the money.

Good luck...let us know how it goes.
Hi Sherri,I'm sorry to hear about your dilemma. It can be really frustrating when a host keeps delaying a catalog show. In this situation, I would suggest giving the host a deadline to close the show. Let her know that you need to close it by a certain date in order to get the orders processed and delivered on time. If she still doesn't respond or close the show, then I would go ahead and add the orders to another show.It's important to communicate with your customers and keep them updated on the status of their orders. If the host is not cooperating, it's better to take action and ensure your customers receive their products in a timely manner. You can also try reaching out to the host through different channels, such as social media or text messaging, to see if she responds.In the future, it may be helpful to have a clear policy in place for closing shows and communicating with hosts. This can help avoid similar situations in the future. I hope everything works out for you and your customers receive their orders soon. Best of luck!

Related to What should I do about a host who won't close my catalog show?

1. Why am I having trouble closing my catalog show?

There could be a few reasons why you are having trouble closing your catalog show. One common reason is that you may not have enough orders to reach the minimum requirement for the show to be considered closed. Another possibility is that some of your guests may have forgotten to submit their orders before the show deadline. It's also possible that there were technical issues with the online ordering system.

2. What can I do if I don't have enough orders to close my show?

If you don't have enough orders to close your show, you can reach out to your guests and remind them to submit their orders before the deadline. You can also consider extending the deadline to give your guests more time to place their orders. Additionally, you can offer incentives or bonuses to encourage your guests to place orders and help you reach the minimum requirement.

3. Can I still earn host rewards if I don't close my show?

Unfortunately, host rewards are only available for shows that are successfully closed. If you are unable to close your show, you will not be eligible for any host rewards. However, you can still earn commission on any orders that were placed during the show.

4. What if my guests are having trouble with the online ordering system?

If your guests are having trouble with the online ordering system, you can offer to place their orders for them using your consultant account. This will ensure that their orders are included in your show and will help you reach the minimum requirement for closing. Alternatively, you can reach out to our customer service team for assistance with any technical issues.

5. Do I have to close my show by a certain deadline?

Yes, there is typically a deadline for closing your show. This is usually set by the company and can vary depending on your location. It's important to check the show closing date and make sure you have enough time to collect and submit all orders before the deadline. This will ensure that you are eligible for any host rewards and can earn commission on your show's sales.

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