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What Are Some Ideas for Encouraging Guests to Bring a Friend?

I don't usually have a lot of other small items on hand, though, because I use free shipping as the door prize at my shows (one less thing to take with me).I always offer certain deals at my shows...before I finish my talk/demo, I mention that placing an order of $50+ earns them the SB, and that orders of $100+ will earn the SB and free shipping.
I see that alot of people offer this for their parties. What do you give? I see some people offer free cookbooks if you bring 2 friends. Do you just add stuff like this to the order? That would mean we'd pay full price for it, right? My recent party this past weekend had a bad turnout (this could have been b/c they wanted it at 2:00 on a Saturday) so I want a way to offer my hosts an increase in attendence. What does everyone else do? Thanks!
I use a SS bowl, and fill it with different small products from Supply Order - typically, in there, I have old SB cookbooks, quickcut knives, citrus peelers, twixit clips.....sometimes a spreader or mini-whisk thrown in too - and then I just let them choose something from the bowl for bringing a guest. Can't say that there is any one thing that is chosen more than another - everyone wants something different!
You could give free shipping. Or a season's best cookbook.
vwpamperedchef said:
You could give free shipping. Or a season's best cookbook.

Free Shipping could get pricey, if you had several people bring a friend! But I do give free shipping as my gift for the door prize drawing.
I used old recipe cards... I put three in a baggie with two little chocolate candy bars.
Colleen~ That's a super idea!
I give a twixit clip or citrus peeler for those who bring friends. One show in January, someone brought a friend and the friend spent $80+. That's worth a Citrus Peeler! I give a recipe card to those who RSVP by the date I put on the postcard invitation.
finley1991 said:
I used old recipe cards... I put three in a baggie with two little chocolate candy bars.

That is a great idea! I am going to steal that from you:) !
I usually do a twix-it clip, citrus peeler, something not very expensive. Sometimes I give it to both the guest and the friend. I do put on my postcards that if they bring two friends they get free shipping.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I saw a sticker someone posted that said- "Bring 1 friend get a rub free, Bring 2 friends get a free cookbook, Bring 3 friends get a free Medium bar pan." Thats fine if the friends actually spend some money, but what if they don't. They could get pricey!!
  • #11
emmabelle47 said:
I saw a sticker someone posted that said- "Bring 1 friend get a rub free, Bring 2 friends get a free cookbook, Bring 3 friends get a free Medium bar pan." Thats fine if the friends actually spend some money, but what if they don't. They could get pricey!!
Oh my! I don't think I'd want something that says "bring a friend, get a rub free"!:0
Yes, that could get pricey.
  • #12
I give a SB to those that bring a friend, bring an order or it's their first PC party. I just have them write SB on their order form and then I include it in their order. I figure a buck isn't too much to pay and they love the free cookbook!! Plus, I don't have to keep something extra on-hand for another giveaway besides the door prize.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
JAE said:
Oh my! I don't think I'd want something that says "bring a friend, get a rub free"!:0
Yes, that could get pricey.

lol, its too early! I was just writing what I found, I didn't even think about it. lol, everyone would be bringing a friend.
  • #14
finley1991 said:
I used old recipe cards... I put three in a baggie with two little chocolate candy bars.

I was just in the process of gathering a little group of recipe cards for the gifts (now that I have aquired a few more with the spring offerings) and I was debating how to group them. I was ready to punch a hole in the corner and tie them together with ribbon, but I was dreading the time it would take to do this. So I love your idea of putting them in a baggy with the little chocolate bars! It makes it look like it's more than just recipe cards!! Thanks!
  • #15
I usually give a SBRC from previous seasons as the gift for bringing a friend. I stock up when I submit consultant as host shows - use the FPV for them and other door-prizey things. I don't usually have a lot of other small items on hand, though, because I use free shipping as the door prize at my shows (one less thing to take with me).
  • #16
I always offer certain deals at my shows...before I finish my talk/demo, I mention that placing an order of $50+ earns them the SB, and that orders of $100+ will earn the SB and free shipping. I usually have a small item on hand for a door prize, like a mini-serving spatula, small bamboo spoons, something like that. I ordered some handy scrapers in cranberry from the outlet and use those from time to time. I haven't really gone into the "bring a friend" realm yet, but I'm considering it...for that I think I'd just revert to the ticket method...you get one ticket for attending, you and your friend each get an extra ticket when you bring a friend, one ticket for volunteering to help with the demo, etc. Then you draw the winning ticket and that person gets the prize. :) It might be cheesy, but every single show I've given a door prize, everyone's been SO excited about the prize, even when it's small.
  • #17
I definitely can't take credit for this idea, but I use a coupon offering a free SB, free shipping on orders of $60+ or a free cooking show - their choice for bringing a friend.

I've attached a pdf so that you can get an idea of how I did mine. I also have it in Publisher, but those files are typically too large to load on here and a lot of people don't have it anyway. But, if someone does I'll be happy to send it to you.

  • #18
OoopsHere's the file :eek:


  • Bring a Friend Coupon.pdf
    249.2 KB · Views: 535
  • #19

I LOVE that coupon! Any way you can upload it in Word so I can edit it (put my info on it) and use it!!??
  • #20
Kearstin, I love that coupon :) I think I'll be borrowing it!! I've always done free shipping or a Season's Best. I like the idea of putting a minimum oreder for the free shipping & offering the free cooking show.
  • #21
KellyTheChef said:

I LOVE that coupon! Any way you can upload it in Word so I can edit it (put my info on it) and use it!!??
Do you know if there is there a way to change it from Publisher to Word? I've never tried that...
  • #22
?? I don't have Publisher or the full version of Adobe, so I dont' have any experience with either...
  • #23
OK, it's not formatted, but all of the elements are there. Maybe someone with more experience in Word than I have can help from here...

Help!! :eek:


  • Coupon.doc
    81 KB · Views: 493
  • #24
I take a season's bestt and attach a paring knife and a copy of the recipe that I am preparing and tie it all together with ribbon. I also use that as a gift for the person that wins any games that we play. It looks pretty and I only have around $2 in each one
  • #25
finley1991 said:
I used old recipe cards... I put three in a baggie with two little chocolate candy bars.

LOVE IT!!! That's why I am here - I learn some many fun things here!!!:sing:
  • #26
JAE said:
Oh my! I don't think I'd want something that says "bring a friend, get a rub free"!:0
Yes, that could get pricey.

Ho Ho Ho.... Hee Hee Hee :D
  • #27
One of my favorite things to do is give out Hershey Bars with personalized wrappers. I just print them off my computer. I usually get the candy bars that cost about $1 at Walmart and then just make a wrapper to go along with whatever theme will go along with the show. I found that even if I have a basket with several small PC items, they always go for the chocolate first!! The attached file is the one I am using for a show coming up (the frog is for a Leap Year theme...it matches the invites) I hope the attachment comes out okay. I had to convert to word. Linda


  • candy wrapper.doc
    110 KB · Views: 428
  • #28
I ususally give the SB cookbook, I order a bunch with my supply order.
  • #29
I usually give a twix it clip.
  • #30
My director gave me a great idea the other day...she gives one prep bowl filled with candy and tied with a ribbon (although she typically gives these as host gifts, not to guests).
  • #31
Me too!!I hate carrying to much stuff so I stopped taking the "little" stuff. Now, I do an Early Bird drawing. Everyone gets a ticket for being on time. Then one person gets Free S&H. Then, for those who bring a friend, they get $2 off their order as does the friend. So it is only one S&H fee I pay for. So far, I have, at most, forked out $10 on a show with this but, you simply write it in as Consultant Gift on the show and prestow, instant write off.
No stuff to carry and money seems to get more attention than stuff does. I am getting more "bring a friends". I also do a $1 off for each order a guest brings besides their own of course. The average input here has been at least 2 of these types of orders per show! Now to prove a point, my actual in home cooking show totals have been like $685, $791, $937 and about $100 to $130 of these are the bring an order get a buck orders, the other "bring a friend" orders have been about $60 to $75 per order from the friend. This is money the host would not have gotten without giving something to the guests to do it. I put it right in the invite. Bring a friend, you each get $2. Bring an order or more from a friend, get a $1 per order. I had one lady bring in three!
So for me, MONEY TALKS!
Last edited:
  • #32
I typically have a small basket with citrus peelers, SB's, recipe cards, individual pan scrapers, individuals twix it's, and sometimes paring knives, and let them choose out of the basket. I order all of these on my big supply order the first of the season and they usually last me throughout the season. But, I really like some of the other ideas ya'll have mentioned!!
  • #33
Here is Kearstin's coupon that I fixed in Word. I don't know how to do much, but at least it is fixed enough to use. You should be able to put your own info in the text box.


  • Generic Coupon Bring a friend.doc
    79.5 KB · Views: 426
  • #34
pampcheflisa said:
I typically have a small basket with citrus peelers, SB's, recipe cards, individual pan scrapers, individuals twix it's, and sometimes paring knives, and let them choose out of the basket. I order all of these on my big supply order the first of the season and they usually last me throughout the season. But, I really like some of the other ideas ya'll have mentioned!!

I used to do this, but felt like I was spending too much money on these "little things" that tend to add up quick. I decided to just give out Twixit Clips from now on. I order a few packs a month and hand them out freely at my shows. I used to give them out to people who "helped" with the recipe as well as ppl who brought a friend, but now that I'm doing interactive, I give one to everyone! I let the person who brought a friend pick out of the jar first, though, so she gets the best choice. It's also a great way to show off the "colors" of the season, since we seem to have different colored Twixit's each season (except this season). For some reason, ppl LOVE that little Twixit, and it's much more cost-effective for my business, too! Oh, and get the Twixit Clip Container on supply order (it's only $1) and just bring that to your shows in your kit bag. Easy peasy! :)

Related to What Are Some Ideas for Encouraging Guests to Bring a Friend?

What are some ideas for encouraging guests to bring a friend?

1. Offer a special discount or promotion for guests who bring a friend to the party. This can be a percentage off their total purchase or a free item with their order.

2. Create a referral program where guests can earn rewards or discounts for each friend they refer who makes a purchase.

3. Host a raffle or giveaway for guests who bring a friend to the party. This can be a fun way to incentivize attendance and create excitement.

4. Offer a special demonstration or activity that guests can participate in with their friends. This can be a fun and interactive way to encourage guests to bring someone along.

5. Utilize social media to promote the event and encourage guests to bring a friend. You can create a Facebook event and encourage guests to invite their friends or share the event on other social media platforms.

What do you give for guests who bring a friend?

This can vary depending on your budget and preferences. Some options include a free product, a discount on their purchase, or a raffle entry for a chance to win a prize.

Do you just add the incentive to the order and pay full price for it?

Yes, typically the incentive is added to the order and paid for at the regular price. However, you could also choose to offer the incentive for free as a thank you for bringing a friend.

My recent party had a low turnout. How can I increase attendance for future parties?

1. Consider changing the day or time of the party to better accommodate your guests' schedules.

2. Offer a special promotion or discount for guests who RSVP and attend the party.

3. Utilize social media and other platforms to promote the event and encourage guests to attend.

4. Ask your host to personally invite their friends and family to the party.

5. Offer a fun and unique theme for the party to entice guests to attend.

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