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Venting Frustration About Hosting a Show: A Professional's Story

In summary, the host's mom's friend's granddaughter is planning a Pampered Chef show at her campsite with a sex toy raffle. The host is worried about the mix of PC products and sex toys, and thinks it would be better to reschedule or do a catalog show.
Gold Member
Just need to vent...

I have a show coming up at the end of the month for my mom's friend's granddaughter... this will be her third show with me and I travel an hour to do them for her. Her shows are uaually pretty small. She is my PITB host who wants catalogs sent to ALL her guest list and the food all done for her and when she gets things she complains about how poor the quality is (ie her knife block set that she got at 60% off... yada yada yada... and of course I do her shows because I've known her since we were in diapers.

Her show is going to be at her campsite with all of the other camper people. Today, she texts me and says "By the way, our neighbor at camp sells sex toys and is setting up a tent to sell them at the party. She's also selling raffle tickets. Do you want any?"

NO I DON'T WANT ANY! I want you to do your job as a host so I can recoup what it costs me to do a show for you! I know this is the wrong way of looking at this and yes I will put on my big girl panties, suck it up, and be a profesional... thanks for letting me vent!
Why don't you just tell her that you would rather reschedule. Pampered Chef and sex toys are NOT a good combination. I sure as heck wouldn't drive that far for something like that. Or suggest a catalog show.
Um, I think I'd be tempted to put her in her place ..."Pampered Chef has worked hard for their reputation and I wouldn't want to disrespect their efforts. I hope that you'll respect that and save your 2nd show for after I'm done & have left. ;)"
I'm with Sheila and the others. Reschedule or a catalog show.
I second the other comments! That is not a good mix. For you OR the guests! Would the CAMPERS want to have sex-toys out?? (kids around, etc?)
I agree. This could be a good way for you to get out of doing her shows if that's what you want. A campsite? Yuck! I hate this time of year when it starts getting hot and some hosts don't turn on the A/C in anticipation of 15 people being in their house. I cringe when they talk about doing a show out on the deck. I envision myself in direct sun, boiling hot, with bugs swarming. Same vision I'm having of the camp site.
Campsite wouldn't be so intimidating- pull out the MFP, cutting board/knife, wedgers and go to town on some stuff that way. Maybe the grill basket to cook some roasted veggies over the fire/grill. But combining with a sex-toy party? uh....no.
esavvymom said:
Maybe the grill basket to cook some roasted veggies over the fire/grill.

If there are no veggies, maybe make the best of it and cook one of the veggie shaped sex toys :D
  • Thread starter
  • #9
And get this... she has started to sell PC raffle tickets along with the sex toy raffle tickets... she has already sold $30 worth... and I guess the winner is supposed to get all that money to add to their order. So now I feel slightly obligated to go through with the show.

I don't care if people buy sex toys... it's a very lucrative industry... and I've been to several of those parties in my college years... I just don't feel it neccessary to combine my business with that. If I wanted sex toys to be apart of things I'd market the BBQ flexible turner as an S&M/Bondage tool. LOL

And Bobbi, you are right! I heard that the parents at the campground just let their kids go run around because everyone looks out for everyone else's kids. I don't parent that way... the host told me I could bring my kids and hubby to the party too and I won't because this is my job. I can't conduct a show and keep an eye on my 2 and 5 year olds. Not only that, there are going to be older women there... the host's grandmother and mother in law and my mom... I really don't want to be in the same house as my mom and sex toys let a lone a 5 ft radius!

I guess I will have to chalk this party up as one for the books!
  • #10
I heard that the parents at the campground just let their kids go run around because everyone looks out for everyone else's kids. I don't parent that way...
I wonder if people do that because they HAVE to. I know in some of our Scouting events, that sometimes happens...and I will "parent" kids as needed to keep them safe, out of trouble, or from hurting others...but I certainly don't WANT to do it, but how do you tell the other mom to 'watch your own kid please!'.Good luck! Fake it till you make it.....obviously these folks who are into sex-toys know a little something about faking it anyway, right? HAHA..sorry- that was bad!
  • #11
It sounds to me like you're not going to have much choice about the neighbor with the sex toys. It almost seems like she simply said, "Hey, you're having a PC party? Cool. I'll set up my sex toy, too." Warning: Slightly adult rant coming.I'm not a big fan of the sex toys parties. They just aren't my thing. And, I've had way too much contact with people from that industry lately. I do a monthly event at which one of the vendors is affiliated with one of THOSE companies. She always chooses to set up next to me. If I'd wait until after she got set up I'd be setting up late (which I hate), since she's always one of the last few to arrive. She's a nice enough woman, but I really don't want to be talking food right next to someone talking about nipple creams. I don't have an issue with sex. I don't even have a problem with this particular company. I just don't think it's a company that pairs well with my company. (And, at the last event an attendee who had just stepped from my booth to hers asked her to please stop using the word "nipple.")
  • #12
Well, think of it this way...all those sex toys participants are going to be awefully hungry! They're gonna need lots of PC products to make quick, delicious desserts to satisfy their appetites!:icecream:
  • #13
I am absolutely rolling at the comments on this, and Rae, I'm not going to be able to hear the word 'nipple' without thinking of this thread.

I agree that sex toys and PC aren't the best match up, but I guess the good news is that they're not exactly competing companies (although I'd see a lot more action from hubby if I dripped our sweet & sour sauce all over me, rather than a cream from that company--ROFLOL.).

What I usually tell hosts who want to combine shows is that unfortunately it means that each consultant ends up with a crappy little show, and the host (HER) isn't going to end up with a really successful show either way. Then I tell her I'd rather reschedule, rather than make the guests feel conflicted over who they should spend their money with.

That being said, it doesn't sound like you can really get out of this, so GOOD LUCK. Hopefully it will end well, and at the very least, give you some very funny stories to share afterwards!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Amanda_RI said:
I agree that sex toys and PC aren't the best match up, but I guess the good news is that they're not exactly competing companies (although I'd see a lot more action from hubby if I dripped our sweet & sour sauce all over me, rather than a cream from that company--ROFLOL.).

That's awesom. My husband loves the Coconut Lime Sauce....
  • #15
Just make sure the big girl panties you pull up are respectable ones and not "butt floss" HA!
  • #16
My 2 year old son was identifying a body part today, pointing & saying "boobie" - and the whole time I was thinking about this thread! LOL I had to tell him he doesn't have a boobie, he has a nipple!!! Of course trying to explain without laughing was difficult ... http://unforgettableimages.ca/oct07moms/images/smilies/hysterics.gif
  • #17
This is a fabulous thread LOL :)) I'm so thankful for Chef Success and all of you wonderful folks! (I'll never think of nipples OR our sauces the same way again!)
  • #18
I will try to refrain from any off-color jokes. That's hard for me! I always have to ask my hosts if their crowds are G, PG or R rated types so I know how far back to dial. LOL

Anyhow... If they are a group who RVs, they should be a great target to sell PC to. When we camped (with a group who all had small kids) the other families all LOVED PC. We ate a lot. It was what we did. LOL. A few things to keep in mind...

Camper kitchens don't have a lot of room, and everything you pack in adds weight, which decreases has mileage. Anything that does double/triple/quadruple duty is great. Also, most SERVers use their microwaves a lot. They run off the campground's electricity instead of the camper's propane. Any and all of our products that are microwave or grill friendly are easy sells, too. Of course, most of us had grills of some sort, too, or carried charcoal so grilling is good.

Besides, using sex toys in an RV could be a little dicey - the walls aren't very thick, there isn't much privacy and you'd have to make sure your stabilizers were all the way down. :)
  • #19
Hunter Mom said:
I will try to refrain from any off-color jokes. That's hard for me! I always have to ask my hosts if their crowds are G, PG or R rated types so I know how far back to dial. LOL

Anyhow... If they are a group who RVs, they should be a great target to sell PC to. When we camped (with a group who all had small kids) the other families all LOVED PC. We ate a lot. It was what we did. LOL. A few things to keep in mind...

Camper kitchens don't have a lot of room, and everything you pack in adds weight, which decreases has mileage. Anything that does double/triple/quadruple duty is great. Also, most SERVers use their microwaves a lot. They run off the campground's electricity instead of the camper's propane. Any and all of our products that are microwave or grill friendly are easy sells, too. Of course, most of us had grills of some sort, too, or carried charcoal so grilling is good.

Besides, using sex toys in an RV could be a little dicey - the walls aren't very thick, there isn't much privacy and you'd have to make sure your stabilizers were all the way down. :)

ROFL! That's hilarious...and so true. I was thinking the same thing as I started reading your post....how PC tools are more user-friendly for campers, vs the toys- which you really don't want your neighbor to know you have. Too funny! I'm camping this weekend with 45 other Cub Scout families- I just know at some point in the event, I'll bust out laughing and won't be able to tell any of them why!
  • #20
I just want to say that combine shows are not a good idea...doesn't matter which one is the other company. One of my very first shows was a combine show with...yes sex toys! I did it because it was with a very good friend plus it was my 2nd or 3rd show within my 30 days. My show was first and I sold almost $400. Not bad, but I'm sure it would it been more if there wasn't any other rep there. But...I have to say that I did stay for the second show and it was fun! :blushing: :D I will say that if you are not comfortable doing this don't do it and just be honest with your friend. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Hunter Mom said:
I will try to refrain from any off-color jokes. That's hard for me! I always have to ask my hosts if their crowds are G, PG or R rated types so I know how far back to dial. LOL

Anyhow... If they are a group who RVs, they should be a great target to sell PC to. When we camped (with a group who all had small kids) the other families all LOVED PC. We ate a lot. It was what we did. LOL. A few things to keep in mind...

Camper kitchens don't have a lot of room, and everything you pack in adds weight, which decreases has mileage. Anything that does double/triple/quadruple duty is great. Also, most SERVers use their microwaves a lot. They run off the campground's electricity instead of the camper's propane. Any and all of our products that are microwave or grill friendly are easy sells, too. Of course, most of us had grills of some sort, too, or carried charcoal so grilling is good.

Besides, using sex toys in an RV could be a little dicey - the walls aren't very thick, there isn't much privacy and you'd have to make sure your stabilizers were all the way down. :)

Thank you for this! I never really even thought about how our tools are perfect for camping... this sheds a whole new light on how I'm going to present!
  • #22
speaking of doube duty tools. I know a director who only uses the cutting board with measuring cups in the summer for her shows. She knows a lot of people who camp and she talks up the double duty and how compact the board is. Perfect for RVs. (Which reminds me, my in-laws have an RV, I know what I need to acquire for my MIL's Christmas Present...)
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Ok folks... today is the Pampered Sex Toy Cooking Show day!

Host says there are going to be 100 people there.... yeah right.... and she hopes I'm up for entertaining!

It has rained... it's muddy... and I'm going to need a cocktail!

Wish me luck!
  • #24
Good luck!
I, for one, never say no to a sex toy party....but I wouldn't want to have one right before or after a show I do! Those things are best done in closed quarters!
  • #25
Cannot wait to hear how this went :) Good Luck!
  • #26
vanscootin said:
Ok folks... today is the Pampered Sex Toy Cooking Show day!

Host says there are going to be 100 people there.... yeah right.... and she hopes I'm up for entertaining!

It has rained... it's muddy... and I'm going to need a cocktail!

Wish me luck!

And how many of them will be kids running around in the mud? Of course we need to hear how this went, especially if you get a sense of how the sex toys consultant did.
  • #27
wish I read this earlier- I have DONE a party in combination w/ a sex toy party!

I too think it was sprung on me- when I got to the hosts home she told me ..by the way,,,

Its really not a bad thing- I did my demo and took orders and left then the other party started. It made for a good turn out of guests!

never did the campsite thing... I guess there is always a 1st~
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Pampered Chef prevails!

The campground manager would not let the sex toy lady, who is a member of the campground set up any type of table with sex toys on it! So she had to have a mini show in her camper after mine was done.... I grabbed a catty because I feel I should buy a lil something since she did buy from me....

And the results! No there were not 100 people there but.... sales are over $700 and 3 bookings! I made a new recipe from the TOH magazine... mango cucumber relish in the MFP and I put it on brauts... it was AMAZING....

So the lesson? I guess I shouldn't prejudge a show. :)
  • #29
Sheila said:
My 2 year old son was identifying a body part today, pointing & saying "boobie" - and the whole time I was thinking about this thread! LOL I had to tell him he doesn't have a boobie, he has a nipple!!! Of course trying to explain without laughing was difficult ... http://unforgettableimages.ca/oct07moms/images/smilies/hysterics.gif

This made me laugh, Sheila! Because my 4 year old points his out and calls them his "Buttons". I don't know if they are holding his skin on or what but no matter how many times I correct him, the next time it's his "buttons" again.
  • #30
vanscootin said:
Pampered Chef prevails!

The campground manager would not let the sex toy lady, who is a member of the campground set up any type of table with sex toys on it! So she had to have a mini show in her camper after mine was done.... I grabbed a catty because I feel I should buy a lil something since she did buy from me....

And the results! No there were not 100 people there but.... sales are over $700 and 3 bookings! I made a new recipe from the TOH magazine... mango cucumber relish in the MFP and I put it on brauts... it was AMAZING....

So the lesson? I guess I shouldn't prejudge a show. :)

Would love to get a version of this recipe. Sounds great and would be a great thing to have on hand if someone wants a grilling show for 4th of July or Labor Day and want to do brats or hot dogs.
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  • #31
pcsharon1 said:
Would love to get a version of this recipe. Sounds great and would be a great thing to have on hand if someone wants a grilling show for 4th of July or Labor Day and want to do brats or hot dogs.

Mango Cuke Relish (Taste of Home, July 2011)
1 meduim mango, peeled (serrated peeler and mango wedger)
1/2 cup chopped peeled cucumber
1/4 cup chopped cashews (food chopper)
1/4 cup chopped sweet red pepper
1 green onion, thinly sliced (I used a red onion and demoed the veggie wedger)
1 TBSP minced fresh basil
1 TBSP minced fresh cilantro
1 TBSP vinegar
1 garlic clove, minced (pressed to show garlic press)
1 tsp green curry paste
1/2 tsp. grated lime peel (used the new zester)
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

In a small bowl, combine all ingredients... I just threw it all in the MFP.
  • #32
I'm so glad it had a good outcome! Way to go!
  • #33
That's awesome! Congratulations!
  • #34
I've been following this post and am so glad this worked out for the positive for you. Way to go!

Related to Venting Frustration About Hosting a Show: A Professional's Story

1. Why do some hosts expect so much from their consultants and complain about the quality of products they receive?

Unfortunately, this is a common issue for many consultants. Some hosts may not fully understand the role of a consultant and the costs associated with hosting a show. It's important to communicate clearly with your host about your expectations and the costs involved, and also educate them about the quality of our products and the value they provide.

2. How should I handle a host who constantly asks for more and complains about products?

It's important to remain professional and understanding, but also assertive. Communicate with your host about your boundaries and what is expected from them as a host. It's also helpful to educate them about the products and their quality. Remember, a happy host leads to a successful show.

3. What should I do if my host wants me to provide catalogs for all her guests?

Providing catalogs for guests can be a great way to generate interest and sales, but it's important to discuss this with your host beforehand. Let them know the costs involved and make sure they understand that it's their responsibility to invite and follow up with their guests. You can also offer to provide a certain number of catalogs for free and charge for additional ones.

4. How do I handle a host who wants me to do all the food for the show?

As a consultant, your main focus should be on demonstrating and selling our products. It's important to communicate this with your host and let them know that providing food is not part of your job. You can suggest that they ask guests to bring a dish to share or offer to provide simple snacks for an additional cost.

5. What should I do if my host invites other vendors to the show without my knowledge?

It's understandable to feel frustrated and caught off guard in this situation. It's important to communicate with your host and politely let them know that you were not aware of this and that it's not something you are comfortable with. You can also suggest setting up a separate area for the other vendor and make sure your products and demonstration are still the main focus of the show.

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