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Signing a New Recruit Without Credit Card: How to Make It Work

In summary, the new consultant doesn't have any credit cards, so she gave the cash to the new consultant and told her to put it on the new consultant's debit card. The new consultant called HO to see why the debit card wouldn't go through and that is what the new consultant was told. The new consultant could fill out the written agreement and mail it in with a check. Has any one done this before how long does it usually take to receive the quick start kit? The new consultant usually grabs one from her director but she is out of them she signed 4!! this month. Lucky her!
Ughh ! Iam signing a new recruit ! Yeah ! So i have been waiting for her show to ship so her host credit can be applied... today it shipped ! So iam signing her up just about done and they do not accept debit cards... Ughh !
The new consultant doesnt have any credit cards , so she gave me the cash and i told her i would put it on my debit card for her. I called HO to see why my card wouldnt go through and that is what she told me.
She said i could fill out the written agreement and mail it in with a check.
Has any one done this before how long does it usually take to receive the quick start kit. I usually grab one from my director but she is out of them she signed 4!! this month. Lucky her !
Thank you in advance !
You can do her agreement on line with a regular credit card. If she has one that is what I would do. :)
D_Patel said:
Ughh ! Iam signing a new recruit ! Yeah ! So i have been waiting for her show to ship so her host credit can be applied... today it shipped ! So iam signing her up just about done and they do not accept debit cards... Ughh !
The new consultant doesnt have any credit cards , so she gave me the cash and i told her i would put it on my debit card for her. I called HO to see why my card wouldnt go through and that is what she told me.
She said i could fill out the written agreement and mail it in with a check.
Has any one done this before how long does it usually take to receive the quick start kit. I usually grab one from my director but she is out of them she signed 4!! this month. Lucky her !
Thank you in advance !

Why couldn't you submit the show with her debit card but say it's a credit card? The way my bank presented it is that a debit card can be used as either depending what a store or business will accept.

I wouldn't worry about the quick start kit. Just send in the agreement and they will ship the entire kit as soon as they get the agreement. (just be sure you DON'T mark the box saying she got the quick start) I have never used the quick start kit (my director lived too far away while I was a FD and since promoting I had been waiting ot order any until the new season) and it has worked out fine. I give my new recruits some host packets with catalogs to get them started as well as training in making contacts and using their calendar.

Kits and supply orders ship quickly! Usually within just days.
Since you have the cash, why not pay with a credit card of your own? That's what I did for a recent recruit who wrote me a check. I didn't want to take the time to mail it in, either!
I just signed someone up recently and she used her mom's credit card. Is there anyway you could do that? If you dont have a credit card she could put it on?
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  • #6
Well she doesnt have a credit card or a debit card. We me and my husband swore off credit cards all we have are 2 debit cards , i just put in the number it doesnt ask if it is debit or credit . It was denied i called my bank to make sure i had money sure do $1285.00 LOL ! Then i called HO who put me through to feild services and the lady told me debit cards for some reason are not accepted.
Oh well i guess i will send in a written agreement ! LOL ! :(
Debit CardsI just signed up on July 8th and all I have is a US Bank Visa Debit Card. I had no problem using mine. I always use it as a credit so I don't get hit with the 25 cent fees for using it as a debit. Had no problem at all. :confused:
I know that some debit cards do not have a VISA/MATERCARD logo on them. Is this the case with yours? If it has a credit card logo on it then I would go ahead and try again. It should go through just fine. (Maybe you just typed a number or the expiration date wrong?) They do accept debit cards so long as it has a credit card logo.
I'm glad I read this whole thread because I have a recruit planning to sign on August 12th (when she gets paid next) and is planning to use her debit card. I will have to double check with her that it's the kind with a Visa or Mastercard logo because those are the ones that are treated just like a credit card.

I hope it'll work! She doesn't have a computer so I'm offering to have her come over to my house to sign on with mine. I suppose I could mail it in, but that just takes longer. :)
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Well...I called Field Services , she said some will go through others wont. Mine has a Visa symbol.There is money in there, it just will not go through. She had me do a few things we erased cookies ? I have no idea what that means ! LOL ! Then she had me restart my computer , still wouldnt go through.
So iam going to give my mother the cash and she will put it on her credit card in the morning for me ! If it wasnt for bad luck i would have no luck ! LOL ! :)
  • #11
I just mailed a contract last week for a recruit. She had no credit cards/debit or even a checking account at the time (she does now!!). So she gave me cash and I sent a check in for her. She got her box today and I didn't mail the agreement until last Wednesday. It does take a little longer, but not much! I did an online agreement the same day and she got her's Friday! Just a little FYI! ;)
  • #12
pamperedmom2owen said:
I just mailed a contract last week for a recruit. She had no credit cards/debit or even a checking account at the time (she does now!!). So she gave me cash and I sent a check in for her. She got her box today and I didn't mail the agreement until last Wednesday. It does take a little longer, but not much! I did an online agreement the same day and she got her's Friday! Just a little FYI! ;)
Thanks! That's good to know. :)
  • #13
pamperedmom2owen said:
I just mailed a contract last week for a recruit. She had no credit cards/debit or even a checking account at the time (she does now!!). So she gave me cash and I sent a check in for her. She got her box today and I didn't mail the agreement until last Wednesday. It does take a little longer, but not much! I did an online agreement the same day and she got her's Friday! Just a little FYI! ;)
Congratualtions on 2 new recruits!!
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I did itnot with my debit card though ! My recruiter helped me out ! She put it on her cc for me ! So i now have 2 recruits ! Well one is inactive so i guess i have 1 recruit ! I dont see how i will ever make director at this rate ! Get one lose one . Iam trying to keep a positive outlook on this ! I can do it, I can do it ! lol ! :cool:
  • #15
Make sure you ask everyone, you never know who will want to do this. My Director is running is special promotion for us and the people we contact. I don't think I have even thought of asking all the people I have asked. One of the people I have asked is doing a show for me in September and she is seriously considering joining. I tried to get her this month but she is not ready to sign yet. In the past 3 days I have called 10 people. Aside from the person who may be signing in September, I also have 2 others who said they may sign at a later date. It is just not the right time for them. :D :D :D
  • #16
I couldn't use my debit card to order my kit either. Mine also has the Mastercard logo. I was very frustrated. Good thing my husband kept that on credit card stashed away when we cut up the rest of them.


Related to Signing a New Recruit Without Credit Card: How to Make It Work

What is the process for signing a new recruit without a credit card?

The process for signing a new recruit without a credit card involves a few steps:

  • First, you will need to have a conversation with the recruit and explain the situation. Make sure they understand that they will not be able to use their credit card for any payments or purchases.
  • Next, you will need to come up with a plan for how the recruit will make payments or purchases. This could include using a prepaid card, setting up a direct deposit from their bank account, or using a payment app like Venmo or PayPal.
  • Once you have a plan in place, make sure to communicate it clearly to the recruit and provide any necessary instructions or resources.
  • Finally, make sure to follow up with the recruit regularly to ensure that the payment or purchase process is working smoothly.

Why might a new recruit not have a credit card?

There are several reasons why a new recruit may not have a credit card:

  • They may be too young to qualify for a credit card.
  • They may have a low credit score or no credit history.
  • They may have chosen not to have a credit card for personal reasons.
  • They may be from a country where credit cards are not as common.

What are some alternative payment options for new recruits without a credit card?

Some alternative payment options for new recruits without a credit card include:

  • Prepaid cards - These can be purchased at many retail stores and can be used for online purchases.
  • Direct deposit - This involves setting up a direct transfer from the recruit's bank account to the designated account for payments or purchases.
  • Payment apps - Apps like Venmo or PayPal allow for easy and secure money transfers between individuals.

Are there any risks involved in signing a new recruit without a credit card?

There may be some risks involved in signing a new recruit without a credit card, such as:

  • The recruit may have trouble making payments or purchases if the alternative payment method does not work for them.
  • There may be delays in receiving payments or purchases if there are any issues with the chosen method of payment.
  • The recruit may be more likely to default on payments or purchases if they do not have a credit card to manage their finances.

How can I ensure a smooth payment or purchase process for a new recruit without a credit card?

To ensure a smooth payment or purchase process for a new recruit without a credit card, you can:

  • Communicate clearly and regularly with the recruit about the payment or purchase process.
  • Provide resources or support to help the recruit set up and use the chosen alternative payment method.
  • Follow up with the recruit to make sure they are able to make payments or purchases without any issues.
  • Be understanding and accommodating if any problems arise and work together to find a solution.

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