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Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way.....

In summary, a new consultant moved to our town and started giving out orders for parties she had attended. One of the moms in my class received orders from her. The next day, the mom saw the consultant outside of my room and the conversation turned to the new recruiting promotion. The mom told the consultant that she hadn't signed up yet and the consultant offered to do it for her.
Silver Member
Because right now I'm hurting and I know I should not be....but part of me can't help it. This is what happened this morning:

I teach pre-k. I have 7 kids in my room - not alot at all. Ok - there is a new consultant in our town - hospitality - has been around 3 or 4 years and just moved here. Her little girl is in another class. A mom in my class apparently booked a party with this lady at another party she attended. Thats okay - that happens. She invited alot of mom's of my students. So today she comes into my room when she dropped off her child with orders for 3 of the moms. I dont know why she personally had the orders. So I kindly took them and handed them to the moms when they dropped off their kids.

Today she stops right outside my door - within ear shot - and started talking to a mom about delivering her quick-start box. This mom knows that I am a consultant, in fact she has ask me questions before about her barpan. I'm trying not to let this get to me. I know I should not be jealous, I should not be hurt - it is just that she knows I am trying so hard and why does she have to do this in front of me? Call the recruit - talk to her other than at school. I've told myself all day "When God closes doors, he opens windows" and I am hoping that thru this, something good will happen for me. I dont like feeling this way, right now I just can help it. Our cluster, myself included is all about cheering each other on with our success & we all support each other - that is what I need to be feeling right now.
Awe, Cindy I feel terrible for you! I would be hurt as well. That's just my personality.

I probably don't have much good advice...but I would say something to the consultant and the mom. I dont know what I'd say...but hoping everyone else here can give more insight.

I am sending you love and hugs!!
{{{hugs}}} I think I would feel the same way Cindy. I think it is kind of tacky of the other consultant. But if that's the way she wants to conduct her business then I guess so be it. Others hopefully with notice. Sorry I don't have more advice for you. :(
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  • #4
Not even asking for advice - I just need to vent!
Next time she hands you orders to hand out, let her know that as the consultant, that's her job to do. I don't know of a way to put it nicely but what kind of consultant would just have you do her work for her?
wadesgirl said:
Next time she hands you orders to hand out, let her know that as the consultant, that's her job to do. I don't know of a way to put it nicely but what kind of consultant would just have you do her work for her?

That is a good idea!
Cindycooks said:
Not even asking for advice - I just need to vent!

Vent away then, that's what we are here for:)
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  • #8
Next time she hands you orders to hand out, let her know that as the consultant, that's her job to do. I don't know of a way to put it nicely but what kind of consultant would just have you do her work for her?
I have already thought of that. We are a small christian school - parents in all the rooms are always helping each other out - watching each others kids - dropping off things to each other in the hallway. I could tell these were catalog orders because two of the moms she did not recognize - she happened to be there when they walked in and I had sat the orders on the counter - so they took them. The other I put in the childs cubby. I am going to tell her if it happens again that I just do not want to be responsible for the orders - we are in and out of the rooms too much. Its just a respect things towards me that bothers me...no regards for me and how it might make me feel.

I am very tempted on Thursday (the next day I will see the mom of the recruit) to ask her if the recruiter shared with her the new recruiting promotion (for 3/16) and congratulate her. By the sounds of the conversation in the hallway, she hadnt signed up yet - I would never take a recruit away from someone, I just want to see her reaction.
I would be feeling hurt and angry and sad and in a "I'm gonna rip your head off" mood if I was in your shoes.

There is nothing wrong with being any of these things right now. This other consultants was very rude for asking you to deliver orders and for talking to someone else right outside of your room. In fact, I'd be surprised if you weren't upset. Easier said than done, but Bless and Release and Move On!
  • #10
Cindycooks said:
I am very tempted on Thursday (the next day I will see the mom of the recruit) to ask her if the recruiter shared with her the new recruiting promotion (for 3/16) and congratulate her. By the sounds of the conversation in the hallway, she hadnt signed up yet - I would never take a recruit away from someone, I just want to see her reaction.

I would just congratulate the new consultant and let her know that you are excited about having her as part of the PC family. To find out if she has actually signed, you could ask when her 30 days is up.

If you want to find out if she knows about the promotion, you could say, "I'm so excited about the new recruiting promotion. You decided to start at such a great time and are going to really love your _______." (I'd fill in the blank, but the brain cell is on strike right now and I can't remember what the incentive is!) If she looks confused or doesn't know what you are talking about, then you can ask, "I'm surprised that [other consultant] didn't tell you about the new promotion..." But be very careful with that... it could easily look like you are trying to undermine the other consultant - especially if this mom hasn't signed yet.
  • #11
Awwwwwww......I'm sorry.
That sucks. I would feel the exact same way.
That was tacky for the consultant to have you deliver the orders.
About the mom becoming a new consultant, many people have no clue about how direct sales companies work. Some even think there are specific "courses" consultants would have to take to be able to recruit. Maybe she didn't know you were a "recruiter".
I know it sounds kind of hokey, but I have come across 8 or 9 people who thought that.
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Katie - I'll definitely be careful with the way I say it. I'll just let it flow into the conversation if it feels right. I'm just going to say "I heard you signed up for PC"...and her answer will tell me if she really did yet or not...then take it from there. I'm better now - I'm calmer - by Thursday I will be laughing about it and be fine.
  • #13
I agree with telling her you do not want to be responsible for the orders. She can just as easily deliver the products to their house. Wouldn't she want face time with them anyway?

Related to Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way.....

1. What is "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." about?

"Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." is a self-help book that explores the importance of acknowledging and accepting our emotions, no matter how difficult they may be. It offers practical tips and advice on how to cope with and express our feelings in a healthy and productive way.

2. Who is the author of "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....."?

The author of "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." is Sarah Asks, a licensed therapist and mental health advocate. She has years of experience working with individuals struggling with their emotions and has written this book to help others on their journey towards emotional well-being.

3. Is "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." only for people with mental health issues?

No, "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." is for anyone who wants to better understand and manage their emotions. While it does touch on mental health topics, it is ultimately a guide for anyone who wants to have a healthier relationship with their feelings.

4. Does "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." provide practical exercises and activities?

Yes, "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." includes a variety of practical exercises and activities that readers can use to better understand and cope with their emotions. These exercises are designed to be easily incorporated into daily life and can help readers develop healthy habits for managing their feelings.

5. Can I use "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." in a group setting?

Yes, "Tell Me It's Okay to Feel This Way....." can be used in a group setting such as a therapy or support group. The book includes discussion questions and activities that are perfect for group discussions and can help individuals connect with others who may be struggling with similar emotions.

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