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would like to know more about the Party Games. I've been trying to come up with some for my business and I'm having a lot of trouble. Hi, Thanks for your input. We love this site and would love to see more party games and tips in general. We are currently working on a party game guide and hope to have it out soon. Thanks!
Staff member
Hi Everyone
I'd really like to know what you like and what you don't like about ChefSuccess. I am hoping soon everyone will begin sharing their ideas by posting.
Let me know what you think.
I Love This Site!Hi Deb,
Just wanted to tell you that I love this site! There are some other message boards that have PC threads going but not a site exclusively for PC consultants. So thank you!
I'm pretty new at PC, consultant since June '04, but I've done Tupperware, Avon, Jafra, MaryKay, jewelry, Amway. I've got to say that PC is the best program both for consultants and for hosts that I've seen. I'm lovin' it (oops, that's McDonald's saying).
I hope that more consultants will join. You never have enough tips or training. I've been doing home parties for a long time and I always am picking up new tips.
Looking forward to more on this site,
I am so glad I found this site. My only suggestion is a place to put attachments... like flyers, postcards, labels, etc. I have been making my own, and would love to share them. Or if there is a place.. I totally missed it and I am sorry. LOL
Hi Onetallmama :)

When you goto post a message or a reply scroll down bit until you see " Additional Options" and then select "manage attachments". We'd be happy to see some flier ideas and such :)
Oh Groovy.. thanks. We just moved to Alaska, and I am trying to get my biz up and running... So glad to have found some place besides the yahoo groups.
I really like this site. I see how many people view a thread but do not respond and that is disappointing. I come back every day looking for new information and hoping that all those people out there will start sharing!!! Its like being a pew warmer.
afokkema4u said:
I really like this site. I see how many people view a thread but do not respond and that is disappointing. I come back every day looking for new information and hoping that all those people out there will start sharing!!! Its like being a pew warmer.
Thanks! We are still very new, only a few months old. We see alot of people viewing, starting to post more. The founder of this site is currently on vacation, so once she gets back things will pick up. The best thing to do is spread the word so this place can be a great resource.
I'm so glad I found you!Hi everyone,
I too am loving this site! Its a great resource! I was hoping there was something out in computerland for us and couldn't be happier to found it! Thank you. I do hope more people find it too. The more info and input the better!
We are new to PC and the this site. but just broswing and seeing what everyone has to say is great. We have picked up a few new ideas and have learned some new things also. We are really liking this site and have it marked on our favorites.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thanks for your kind words. Welcome to our community. Please share your ideas so others can benefit.
  • #11
I love this site too. I check it everyday to find out what new tips I can try out on my business. I just recruited someone and was excited to share this website with her. It's a good training tool for both new and long time consultants. Keep up the excellent job!

Sharon :)
  • #12
New Topic For Discussion-motivationDeb,

I was looking for a topic on things that other consultants are doing that get them motivated and keep them motivated. There isn't really an area for this on your site. Could you make something like this a new title, maybe Business Ideas or Growing your business, something that is not specific to bookings or sales or recruiting. Also a good place to discuss the difficulties of working at home and everyone's ideas on how they have concurred those obstacles. Others may have issues with organizing their business-another topic that might fall into this generic category. Anyway, I love this site and I hope more people will start providing input and feedback.
Thank you,
  • #13
If it wouldn't be too much trouble.. can we have a section for party games? I have a ton I would love to share with others.

  • #14
Customer Care TipsSince customer care is the key to growing our business, maybe adding this as a forum topic/category would be helpful with those who struggle in this area (myself included).

  • #15

I see you added some new forums. Love them. I am looking forward to reading and using some of the tips & ideas everyone will be suggesting. I hope to someday contribute some myself. Keep up the excellent job.

  • #16
Love the siteI absolutely like this site. It is full of great ideas that have been helping me out! I do think a place to start putting attachments would be nice, so that you could pick and choose different ideas for your business...other than that, I enjoy reading the many posts and gaining knowledge as well as ideas. Thank you!
  • #17
Love ItI really like this site alot...thank you for providing it!
  • #18
Thank you everyone for your kind comments! Please pass this site on to your friends and co-workers! :)
  • #19
Good jobHey Deb,
I am thinking that my hubby, who found the website for me, is like God here on Earth. I was really stressing over how to do this, because there isn't much literature, even on the PC website about how to do one of the Bridal Shows. I even checked into the teleclasses, but they don't have one from what I can see. Thank you for your insight and FOREsight to do this for we novices that just want to make the Bride to Be's day extra special!
  • #20
Love This SiteLast Friday I first spoke with my director and she was going to mail out some information to me. Afterwards I started searching the net to do more research on PC. I came across this site and found so much information that I called her on Monday and signed up. My first show is March 11th, which I am hosting with a St. Patricks day theme. I already have 3 other shows and a catalog show ready to go. I love the theme ideas! They give you more ideas to work with!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Welcome Michelle!
  • #22
:) I love, love,love this site. I check it several times a day as well for new ideas. I just started this summer with PC after moving to a new town. I am doing pretty well but I am always looking for new ideas.
Thank you
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Thanks Laura for your wonderful words. Please share our site with others and contribute your ideas.
Kudos for visiting our site often! In our business-"The more you learn the more you earn!"
  • #24
I have found SO MUCH helpful info on here from other consultants. I love the site, and look forward to sharing and learning more!!
  • #25
Very, Very Helpful SiteI'm a newbie and I really appreciate this site. Everyone is so willing to give helpful hints and all! It also keeps me from bugging my sponsor so much! Good stuff! Keep it coming! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Thanks for joining us! Please share your ideas. Just because you're new doesn't mean you don't have some great ideas. I get neat tips from the newbies in my downline all the time.
  • #27
Excellent SiteHi All,

I, too, wanted to congratulate Deb on a job well done with this site. I have been with The Pampered Chef since June '04, briefly went inactive, and now I am, hopefully, back in full swing. I look at this site not just once a day, but sometimes 3 and 4 times a day. I just saw the idea about the Jimmy Buffet Theme Show, and I absolutely love it. I really think that this will be a big hit here in Idaho. I can't wait to have one. I'm actually thinking of having my own, as an open house, and let everyone see the new spring product line. WOW!! Again, thanks for this awesome resource.

  • #28
WowI just spent 4 hours going through this site...I'm overwhelmed!!!!

Was excited about becoming a consultant (sign up tomorrow) but now I CAN NOT wait!!!

Great ideas!
Great Advice!
Great Knowledge!

Thank you so much!
Janis :D
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Thanks so much for the kudos, Janis. We welcome you with open aprons!
  • #30
ChefsucessI love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just started out with Pampered chef and I have gotten wonderful
ideas from all of you.
Thank you :)
  • #31
I love this site. I feel extremely fortunate that I stumbled upon it. I will be utilizing some of the ideas that I have read about here and will be sharing them with my director and others in my cluster. Thank you so much for giving us this forum to share and learn from.
  • #32
Newby in Palm BeachI, too, am new, and get more support from this website than my own recruiter/hospitality team. I learn more everyday, and I also use yahoo groups, but I need more locally, anyone near Jupiter, FL? Give me shout!

Thanks! :p
  • #33
Fantastic!Just stumbled upon your site while searching the net...it is wonderful and I almost can't believe that it even exists!!! I have forwarded the address to my director and my first recruit!!! Be assured that I will visit often!!! Thanks so much! :)
  • #34
You rock!!This place is great! I have learned so much. Just reading these postings has really revieved my passion for the business. It is so great to see so many people partcipating. Cant wait to perhaps meet some of you at National Conference. My husband and I will be there during the 11-13th session.
  • #35
Cynmcconnielpc said:
This place is great! I have learned so much. Just reading these postings has really revieved my passion for the business. It is so great to see so many people partcipating. Cant wait to perhaps meet some of you at National Conference. My husband and I will be there during the 11-13th session.

Don't forget to spread the word about chefsuccess at the National Conference :)
  • #36
ThanksI really LOVE this site even being with pamperedchef for 5 years its great to hear new Ideas . And I realy love the Flyers I'm not so good with flyers and its a big help THANKS. Doreen Zaino Future Director in Conn.
  • #37
Does anyone have problems with their Director? When I joined PC I assumed that my Director would be calling me or emailing me with words of encouragement or congratulations. The only time I ever hear from my Director is at meetings. I don't even get a reminder about the meeting. Maybe I assumed wrong. I joined last August and in the first few months it would have been nice to have some encouraging words. I figured she saw my sales and that I would have gotten maybe even a email to tell me good job or some encouraging words when I had a slump.
I have a new recruit under me and I have stayed in steady contact with her and she does the same with me. I helped her reach her goal in her first month by giving her a party I had scheduled myself.
Well, I was just wondering. I hear great things about other directors and meetings but my experience has been different. :(
  • #38
Greg Bernhardt said:
Don't forget to spread the word about chefsuccess at the National Conference :)

How about if we all decide on wearing a particular ribbon or something to identify ourself as chef successers ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Great Idea Beth! I'm trying to remember what color ribbons aren't issued by PC. I remember red, pink, navy, gray was used. Was there a burgundy? I don't remember orange.
Anyone help?
When it gets closer, I could call home office and ask what colors they aren't using.
When it gets closer we can do a thread of who's attending which session.
  • #40
ribbon for Chef Success
DebPC said:
Great Idea Beth! I'm trying to remember what color ribbons aren't issued by PC. I remember red, pink, navy, gray was used. Was there a burgundy? I don't remember orange.
Anyone help?
When it gets closer, I could call home office and ask what colors they aren't using.
When it gets closer we can do a thread of who's attending which session.

If it's not in use I vote for YELLOW - the color of friendship! We could write "Chef Success Team" or something like that on it with a marker or we could decide on all buying the same pin (like the initials CS) to put on it if we could find something that's available everywhere...
  • #41
This place rocks!
DebPC said:
Hi Everyone
I'd really like to know what you like and what you don't like about ChefSuccess. I am hoping soon everyone will begin sharing their ideas by posting.
Let me know what you think.

And that's how I feel about Chef Success. It's awesome and a great resource full of information, tools and support. ;)
  • #42
My favorite thing....You know what my favorite thing about Chef Success is? I like being able to come here and search for inspiration, flyers, tips, ideas, etc. ON MY OWN TIME. I hate having my inbox filled with 5 different directors forwarding the same emails/flyers. People I don't even know have begun to send me their PC emails because they pulled my address from someone else's email :mad: I like knowing that when I have the time, I can come here and find exactly what I need. My biggest fear with this site though, is that brand new consultants will depend on coming here for their info and not turning to their director/recruiter. This is a FABULOUS supplemental site but please don't use it as a substitute for the personal contact you get through cluster meetings and personal phone calls with your director. :)
  • #43
Love It!!This is one of the best things to happen for my business. I have gotten answers, questions, encouragement, tips, hints, suggestions, you name it...it's here... My director is about 3000 miles away and I do speak with her frequently, but she is one person. This is a great way to get fun, fresh ideas and insight. I am so humbled when I come to this site b/c I see how much I have to learn, yet I get great confidence knowing as a beginner, I can answer some questions...
I come here everyday religiously, basically b/c even things I don't need now are beneficial for me to read. Please, please keep posting...
I sometimes feel the same people are answering questions or posting, but even if you have done only 1 show, you have something to share!!! That's what is so great...b/c we all benefit from each other's shows!!!
I do not go to any other PC forum but this one....I'm totally loyal to this, my first and only site!
  • #44
Thanks for all the support and kind words! DebPC and I work very hard on chefsuccess to bring you the best medium to discuss PC. The best way you can show support and give back is to continue to visit and bring your friends!
  • #45
I love this site, so THANK YOU for hosting it for us! It would be too much fun to get together sometime at conference (a ChefSuccess REAL LIVE meet and greet!) with out screen names and real names, putting faces to the posts :)
My only frustration is that the only way I can post an attachment is converting it into a jpeg file (I use publisher a lot for my work), and pdf files are always too large to post...
Thanks again!
  • #46
PamperYourKitchen said:
I love this site, so THANK YOU for hosting it for us! It would be too much fun to get together sometime at conference (a ChefSuccess REAL LIVE meet and greet!) with out screen names and real names, putting faces to the posts :)
My only frustration is that the only way I can post an attachment is converting it into a jpeg file (I use publisher a lot for my work), and pdf files are always too large to post...
Thanks again!

I'll update the permissions for larger file size limits and the ability to upload publisher files. :)
  • #47
Thanks So Much!!
  • #48
PamperYourKitchen said:
Thanks So Much!!

Should be done, try to upload a publisher file and a large pdf for me and report back :)
  • #49
AWESOME!!! It worked great! Thanks so much! (the posts are up in the 'new posts' right now under something about newsletters if you want to see!) Thanks again!!!
  • #50
Still deciding?I have to say. I am just thinking about becoming a consultant. :rolleyes: I have still not decided, I am was very leary, because I have done Mary Kay and tupperware. So being very cautious! But this website is a wonderful resource of information. I think it is very encouraging and builds confidence. All of this information feels realistic and honest! Not candy coated! I love it!

Keep up the good work! What makes this site so good in the people!

Maybe a good section to start would be :

"I'm thinking about becoming a consultant"

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