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Need Your Favorite Stone Muffin Recipes

and12 in her aluminum...it was a great demo! The Cinnamon Cobblestone Muffins slide right out!Also, a good muffin is pumkin chocolate chip-my host made 12 in her stoneware and12 in her aluminum...it was a great demo!
I just got my stone muffin baker and would love to know your favorite muffin recipes (our school is having a bake sale and my grade is assigned muffins ~ I'm so happy it arrived in time)!

Thanks in advance!
Isn't fun getting a new stone!! :D Here are a couple of recipes.

Lee Anne


  • Cinnamon Crunch Cobblestone Muffins.doc
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  • Crisscross Apple Crowns.doc
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I forgot about these!
I forgot about these! Oops :eek:


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Back in '97, I bought a PC fundraiser cookbook and this is my favorite recipe out of it. I make this recipe all the time and a lot of times use blueberries in place of the strawberries.

Strawberry Muffins

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 cup chopped fresh strawberries


1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line 12 medium muffin cups with paper liners, or grease bottoms only. For batter, combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. In small bowl, whisk egg, milk and oil. Add to dry ingredients; stir until just moinstened. (Batter will be lumpy.) Gently stir in strawberries. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling each cup two-thirds full. For topping, combine sugar and cinnmon in small bowl; sprinkle evenly over batter in cups. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
The cinnamon crunch cobblestone muffins are fantastic. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #6
chef_leeanne said:
Isn't fun getting a new stone!! :D Here are a couple of recipes.

Lee Anne

Oh Lee Anne, THANK YOU!!! Which one should I try first? I am so excited!!! :)
Susan - what a hard decission!! :confused: I would maybe try the cinnamon crunch cobblestone or the crisscross apple crowns. Depends on what mood you're in - fruit or no fruit! :rolleyes:

Have fun with your new stone! You've got me wanting muffins for breakfast!
I have a hankering for apple!

Lee Anne
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Marg said:
The cinnamon crunch cobblestone muffins are fantastic. :D

Thanks Marg! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #9
chef_leeanne said:
Susan - what a hard decission!! :confused: I would maybe try the cinnamon crunch cobblestone or the crisscross apple crowns. Depends on what mood you're in - fruit or no fruit! :rolleyes:

Have fun with your new stone! You've got me wanting muffins for breakfast!
I have a hankering for apple!

Lee Anne

Lee Anne, am I ok with just some oil spritzed on my new stone? (just got the oil spritzer too)....

While I have you here.... got the apple slicer/peeler toy (I love this), and the mini-muffin and tart shaper doo-hickey. Have any yummy quiche recipes? Can I use packaged dough for the crust? Can mini muffin be put in the dishwasher?

  • #10
I just got so excited for you when I read all the new things you got to play with! Each item you wrote I thought - that's my favorite! :)

Here are a few recipes to use with the mini muffin pan.

Yes, you can use packaged pie crust dough. Use the scalloped bread tube or the cut 'n seal as your dough cutter.

The mini muffin pan is NOT dishwasher safe.

Lee Anne


  • Taco Tartlets.doc
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  • Pecan Butter Tarts.doc
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  • Dutch Apple Mini Tarts.doc
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  • Broccoli and Ham Quiche.doc
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  • Thread starter
  • #11
chef_leeanne said:
I just got so excited for you when I read all the new things you got to play with! Each item you wrote I thought - that's my favorite! :)

Here are a few recipes to use with the mini muffin pan.

Yes, you can use packaged pie crust dough. Use the scalloped bread tube or the cut 'n seal as your dough cutter.

The mini muffin pan is NOT dishwasher safe.

Lee Anne

Oh Lee Anne ~ You have me feeling like I want to spend a WEEK in my kitchen!!!! I really can't thank you enough for sharing with me and posting these recipes!!!! I know I can do a product-recipe search on Consultant's Corner, but tried & true, recommended by a friend recipes are so much more exciting!!!! My printer is soooo busy right now.

  • #12
I didn't realize the mini-muffin pan wasn't dw safe :eek: I've been sticking mine in there like I knew what I was doing.

Regarding the mini-ham puffs: my college-age son LOVES them! I think they're good, too. Be sure to chop your onion pretty fine, otherwise they look like onion puffs...
  • #13
Seasoning theStoneware Muffin PanIt took a few trys before regular muffins didn't stick to the stoneware but the Cinnamon Cobblestone Muffins slide right out!
Also, a good muffin is pumkin chocolate chip-my host made 12 in her stoneware and12 in her aluminum...it was a great demo! BUT i didn't getthe recipe-anyone have it?
  • Thread starter
  • #14
PCAbby said:
It took a few trys before regular muffins didn't stick to the stoneware but the Cinnamon Cobblestone Muffins slide right out!
Also, a good muffin is pumkin chocolate chip-my host made 12 in her stoneware and12 in her aluminum...it was a great demo! BUT i didn't getthe recipe-anyone have it?

Oh Abby, please ask her! We are loving my pumpkin-chocolate chip cookies... bet they would work, they are very cake like (see cookie thread).

Ok I'm going to try the Cobblestone muffins this week. If I spray it with the vegetable sprayer think they should work the first time out?
  • #15
its_me_susan said:
Oh Abby, please ask her! We are loving my pumpkin-chocolate chip cookies... bet they would work, they are very cake like (see cookie thread).

Ok I'm going to try the Cobblestone muffins this week. If I spray it with the vegetable sprayer think they should work the first time out?

Susan, your muffins should come out just fine by spritzing them with oil. Make sure you get the edges.

Lee Anne
  • #16
Recipe suggestionI saw the coolest thing - individual Pinapple Upside Down Cakes. The cherry and the pinapple ring fit in the bottom and then the batter on top. When you flip them out - you have individual cakes. They were so yummy.

Boomer Sooner
  • #17
Shannon - I have made those before! They ARE really neat! If you do make them, be warned, sometimes the pineapple will "suction" itself to the bottom and you have to kind of dig it out.

Lee Anne
  • #18
Here is another Stoneware Muffin recipe to try! :)

Lee Anne


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  • #19
Has anyone made these recipes in the mini-muffin pan (esp. interested in cobblestone recipe in mini)??? How long do you do the baking?
  • #20
its_me_susan said:
I just got my stone muffin baker and would love to know your favorite muffin recipes (our school is having a bake sale and my grade is assigned muffins ~ I'm so happy it arrived in time)!

Thanks in advance!
I love the BBQ Beef Bundles recipe in an old SBRC...it is made like the Crisscross Apple Bundle things only with ground beef, bbq sauce ,cheese, and maybe some other ingredients, roll the Grand's bisquits into 5 inch circles, fill with beef mixture, bundle up and place with smooth side up, put criss cross cuts on top and bake.... yum!
and the Mandarin Orange Upside down Cakes recipe that comes with the stone.
Mini meat loafs...

Definitely don't limit yourself to only MUFFINS>... you won't sell any if people think that is all they can do with it!
  • #21
you can also bake potatoes in the muffin pan. Or do twice baked or just cut them in half after they are baked, put them back in the muffin pan sprinkle cheese and bacon bits on them, put them back in the oven to melt the cheese.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
ChefNic said:
I love the BBQ Beef Bundles recipe in an old SBRC...it is made like the Crisscross Apple Bundle things only with ground beef, bbq sauce ,cheese, and maybe some other ingredients, roll the Grand's bisquits into 5 inch circles, fill with beef mixture, bundle up and place with smooth side up, put criss cross cuts on top and bake.... yum!
and the Mandarin Orange Upside down Cakes recipe that comes with the stone.
Mini meat loafs...

Definitely don't limit yourself to only MUFFINS>... you won't sell any if people think that is all they can do with it!

Oh yum! Do you remember the name of the beef recipe? I'd like to find it!! :)

Do you know if I can make the cobblestone muffins in the mini-muffin pan, and how long to cook?
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Cobblestone muffins in stoneware muffin pan are AMAZING!!!!!
  • #24
finally-Pumpkin Choc CHip Muffins....Here it is!
the pumpkin
chocolate muffins:
1 can pumpkin
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup oil
1 tsp. baking
3 eggs
1/2 tsp. baking
3 cups flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
Mix all ingredients together, adding chocolate chips
last. Bake at 350 for 45 min's to 1 hour. Makes 2
loaves or 24 muffins
  • Thread starter
  • #25
Thanks Abby!!!!

Related to Need Your Favorite Stone Muffin Recipes

What is a stone muffin pan?

A stone muffin pan is a baking pan made out of stoneware, which is a type of clay fired at high temperatures. It is known for its ability to distribute heat evenly and retain heat, resulting in perfectly baked muffins.

Can I use metal muffin pans instead of stone?

Yes, you can use metal muffin pans as a substitute for stone muffin pans. However, the baking time may vary and the muffins may not come out as evenly baked as they would in a stone pan.

Do I need to season my stone muffin pan before use?

No, there is no need to season your stone muffin pan before using it. However, it is recommended to wash it with warm soapy water before the first use.

What types of muffin recipes work best with a stone muffin pan?

Generally, any type of muffin recipe will work well with a stone muffin pan. However, recipes that require a longer baking time or have a dense batter, such as banana nut or pumpkin muffins, tend to turn out especially well in a stone pan.

How should I clean my stone muffin pan?

To clean your stone muffin pan, first let it cool completely. Then, use warm water and a mild soap to gently scrub off any residue. Do not use harsh chemicals or scouring pads, as they can damage the stoneware. Allow the pan to air dry completely before storing it.

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