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Need Recipe Inspiration for Your Next Party?

you pick 3 recipes from the Main Dishes, Appetizers, Drinks, and Desserts categories and let the host choose. I think this works well because it is not too much work for me and the guests have a lot of choice.
I'm new to PC, in fact April is my First SS month. I was wondering what other consultants offer recipe/theme wise to their hosts? There are so many recipes and of course several I havent tried yet. I discussed this with my director and she said to make a list every month with categories like Main Dishes, Appetizers, Drinks, Desserts, Side Dishes then choose 3-4 recipes for each category and let them choose. My questions are: How do you offer recipes or themes to your hosts? and If anyone has done what my Director suggested, does it work for you and your host? I appreciate all the help!! :)
Recipe SelectionI'm relatively new too (5 months), but only do one recipe. I choose something from the current Season's Best and offer a choice of a 'sweet' or 'savory'. If they choose sweet, it's the sweet recipe I've chosen for that month...etc. This way only 2 recipes a month, and switch it up every month. Bookings in May from an April show won't have the same recipe since I switch the choice in each category each month (which is good if there are a few of the same friends) etc. You can repeat every 4 - 6 if you want. Or even every 2 -3.

This way it's not alot of work packing your crate up with different tools/stoneware needed. I know that alot, if not most consultants make two recipes but my director who has been with PC 7 years only makes one and noone complains. At the house 45 min before show time, demo and extras for 45 - 60 minutes (including introductions, game, door prize slips), order taking for 1/2 hour - 45 min depending on amount of guests (this allowing for one on one time re booking, recruiting), clean up for 10, speak with host for 10 - 15 and out the door. Start to finish is about 3 hours. Plus travel time.

Hint, the last 2 recipes in each section of the Season's Best are for Super Starters in terms of ease and only need basic tools.

Hope that helps!

Super Starter RecipesApril is also my SS month, but I have had shows in March and April. I like the Florentine Garden Ring (from Season's Best Fall/Winter that just passed) and it really is a big hit. I do substitute chicken for the ham (I buy those premade chicken fajita strips in the package) just in case guests are not fans of pork. It is simple (everything in the batter bowl) and quite impressive as it looks harder than it is! I have sold Stoneware to EVERYONE in attendance with this b/c the crescent rolls bake so very well on the stone. I also have sold the Food Chopper in great number using this recipe, b/c so much of it is chopped. Just those 2 items total close to $60! It works well even if the show is small.
I have pre-made veggie trays as an appetizer to showcase the crinkle cutter with the carrots, etc. and have it layed out before the guests even arrive. My last show I did the Roasted Red Pepper and Artichoke Dip as the appetizer (again, made before they arrive and already layed out) with the Pita Chips and that went over really well too, and showcases the stones again, which is what you want to sell for price and how great it really is to cook on it! I like having the appetizers, b/c I just feel food is a good ice breaker, and people begin to mingle almost immediately.

If you don't have an old Season's Best I can email the recipe to you if you want to try it out before hand. The new one has a similar recipe for Lemon Herb Chicken Ring, it is not as good in my opinion, but it is good without the comparison. Depends on your personal taste.

Hope this helps just a little! Good luck!!
I too always have an appetizer ready for the guests when they arrive. It not only is a good ice-breaker and showcases the versitility of the stoneware (I always heat it in the microwave) but it takes the edge of of your guests hunger. I remember going to shows and all I could think of through the whole show was, when is that thing going into the oven! I'm starving!! :eek:

I have found by giving them a little food beforehand makes for a happy party!

Lee Anne
recipesI used to offer a long list of recipe choices but I have found that it just makes things complicated for the host so now I say that I am making _______ this month. If they don't like that idea I am prepared with a backup recipe or two. If they insist that they also need a second recipe we choose something that either can be prepared before the guests arrive or is very simple to assemble at the end.

I love the idea of bringing an appetizer for when they walk in the door. I will have to consider that with my May shows. I plan on doing Pink Ladies parties (did that last year and it worked great!) I think I'll be offering the pink lemonade dessert in the current Season's Best and of course they need to make a pink drink to put in the Quick Stir picher and wear pink (I don't tell the host about that part until a couple days before the party so she has to call everyone to tell them to wear pink if they want to be in the drawing)! I will look for an appetizer to start with that can fit the scheme - any ideas besides our Farmer's Market dip (one of them kind of looks pink)?
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I would like the recipeLadybug,
I would love to have to Florentine Garden Ring recipe. I don't know if its in any of my other recipe books. I just started selling PC so I don't have the fall/winter recipe book. My e-mail is [email protected] if you can e-mail the recipe to me. Thanks so much,
Recipes??April is also my SS month and I am doing a table at the end of the month at a local school craft fair. Do any of you place out snacks or just info and display products?? I need ideas.... Thanks
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  • #8
Oh I appreciate everyone's replies soo much! All of it has helped I was kinda overwhelmed when this first came up and I didnt want to look like I didnt know what to say! Thanks again! I would love the Florentine recipe!! My e-mail is [email protected] I have made several rings and braids at home, hubby loves them!! :p
Florentine Garden RingI decided to post the recipe since I got private messages as well as public ones for it. Trust me, this stuff tastes great and is a hit!

Note: Step 2 seems a little much, but it doesn't have to be perfect and it still comes out looking perfect! You don't want your guests to think it is a hard recipe, that is contrary to PC!!! Basically, I put everything in the Batter Bowl from the beginning (all ingred. except the tomatoes go in there). I have the crescent roll already out on the stone before the guests arrive, covered in plastic wrap.

When you scoop out everything, in a circle, basically just lift the points closest to you (the edge of the stone) to cover up the spinach mix. Make sure you tuck the excess under the circle made in the middle. It really is easy and if you make a mistake, it is very hard to detect! The end result looks like a ring, so just go with that and it will look good.

Good luck and let me know if you like it!


  • Florentine Garden Ring.doc
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  • #10
TPC Website recipesHi! On the PC website, go under "product information", then "recipes/product use & care". You can search for recipes by ingredient, recipe type, name, etc., and it will tell you where to find the recipe if it's in a large cookbook, or give the recipe if it's in Season's Best or on the product information card.

Also, and this is what I like the best, you can search all SBs from 2003 onward, including Spanish versions, and print or email the shopping list and/or recipe to the host. This makes life MUCH easier for me when host coaching.

Happy cooking! :)
  • #11
Only One RecipeI was a consultant for 6.5 yrs then took time off. Now I'm back. In my 1st stretch w/ PC I did one recipe! This kept my show at 45min, and I didn't "loose" people during the 2nd one. My sales didn't suffer when I dropped down to one recipe, in fact I earned President's Table in 2000 with one recipe.

I give my hostess 4 choices. 2 desserts and 2 appitizer/main. They are not overwhelmed with too many choices and I can keep everything straight in my mind :D I keep the same choices for 3 months, by then I'm ready for a change! If I am in the group that they've seen the same recipe 10 times then yes we need to change it! But I have people wanting the same recipe b/c they missed something and want to see it again.

  • #12
What works for me (long)I'm in my SSM2 and this is what works for me. I give a choice of a ring and a choice of dessert. Like the previous PCKC stated.... if they really want something else, have a backup plan. :D

I tell my hosts all they need to do is provide a drink. I get $15 from the Host and do all the shopping so I can prep/cook ahead of time (I do $15 because I buy in bulk). I usually do a ring to show off the Stoneware and a skillet cake to show off the Cookware (I earned the 10" Skillet but you could ask your Director to borrow one I'm sure).

The dessert I do ahead of time and just take with me. I also take the cookware with me dirty so they can see how clean the cake came out. The ring I'll put together at the show.
-If I know there are going to be guests that are not familiar with PC I will mix all at home but leave out a little of each ingredient which I take in the Prep Bowls. I purchased them from the SS2005 product package and so worth it! Guests really like them. If you can't get these, again, ask your Director. Before I purchased them I borrowed two Prep Bowls, one citrus towel, one Stainless Mixing Bowl, just to have it there for them to pass around. Anyway.... the ingredients left out, press the garlic in front of them, do a little piece of onion in the Food Chopper, etc.
-If Guests already have a kitchen full of PC, I don't demo, I do an "air" Show and I just say OK... who has this? What do you use it for? while I'm scooping the ingredients out of my Classic Batter Bowl and putting my ring together. You'll learn a lot when Guests share. Give them a tip or use too if you can.

Once that is cooking, I'll highlight the new items in the book and the new Host Program. I have a list of all the new items & pages taped to the back of my Catalog. Be excited... believe what you are saying, laugh when you make a mistake... and you'll be great.

Bottom line.. keep it simple!! :eek: It's too much when just starting out IMPO.

Theme Shows - If someone asks for a Saturday or Sunday I'll ask about a Brunch. That way you can keep it open for a night Show or yourself. Hosts provide tea and/or coffee and I do a Brunch Ring and some kind of bread (I had the loaf pan from when I was a Host)

Sorry if this is too long. :eek:
  • #13
RecipesI've have been with PC since November. I try to come up with theme shows and get the host involved. For example; I already have many hosts prepared for July shows by offering an Ice Cream Sundae party. I am going to ask the host to invite guests for the fun show and have a draw if the guests show up in a summer outfit with a scarf, toque, or gloves on. I love getting the guests involved. They seem to enjoy it more.

As a side note my last show I did the standard Cool Veggie Pizza and had every guest try a product. My average show is normally $550 and this show closed at over $1000 !!! Also, I got three bookings from it. Get the guests involved in any way you can. They think it is fun and are more willing to invite you into their homes.

Good Luck.

  • #14
Ooooh who can say no to ice cream??? Good idea.

For those of us in the US. Toque = hat ;)


"I already have many hosts prepared for July shows by offering an Ice Cream Sundae party. I am going to ask the host to invite guests for the fun show and have a draw if the guests show up in a summer outfit with a scarf, toque, or gloves on. I love getting the guests involved. They seem to enjoy it more.

  • #15
Thanks for that tip on emailing the shopping list! I'm new to PC and that will help with my out of town hosts!

Related to Need Recipe Inspiration for Your Next Party?

What are the top 5 most popular recipes?

The top 5 most popular recipes from Pampered Chef include the Deep Covered Baker Chicken Fajitas, the Quick Cooker Beef Stroganoff, the Veggie Spiral Tart, the Classic Batter Bowl Brownies, and the Deluxe Air Fryer French Toast.

How do I find recipes for specific dietary restrictions?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of recipes for different dietary restrictions, including gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and vegan options. You can easily filter recipes on our website by selecting your desired dietary restriction under the "Diet & Health" category.

Can I search for recipes based on specific ingredients?

Yes, you can search for recipes on our website by typing in specific ingredients in the search bar. This will bring up a list of recipes that include those ingredients, making it easier to find a recipe using what you already have on hand.

Are there any recipes that are kid-friendly?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of kid-friendly recipes that are easy to make and delicious to eat. These include recipes such as Mini Deep Dish Pizzas, Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli Bites, and Peanut Butter Banana Roll-Ups.

Can I save my favorite recipes for future use?

Yes, you can save your favorite Pampered Chef recipes by creating an account on our website. This will allow you to save and organize your favorite recipes for future use, making it easy to access them whenever you need them.

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