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Iso: Broccoli Cheese Soup Recipe

In summary, Jaye recommends making Broccoli Cheese Chicken Soup from a recipe found on Allrecipes.com. The recipe calls for 4 chicken breasts, 3/4 cup chopped onion, 4 tsp. margarine, 6 cups chicken broth, 8 oz. pkg. of spaghetti noodles, 1 tsp. salt, 2 small boxes of chopped broccoli, 6 cups of milk, and 1 lb. of Velveeta cheese. The soup can be frozen for later use.
Silver Member
I am looking for a recipe for Broccoli Cheese Soup, sort of like what they serve at TGI Fridays, its very creamy with no cheese.

ETA: Sorry... Had a blonde moment. I meant "no potatoes".
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If it's got no cheese, don't you mean Cream of Broccoli soup?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
OMG!!!!! I just read what I wrote! I MEANT, "no potatoes". That's what happens when I post just before lunch. DUH! I'm glad you're paying attention.
Just had to give you a hard time, Anne. :D

There are a bunch on http://allrecipes.com/Search/Recipes.aspx?WithTerm=broccoli+cheese+soup
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks! I was looking for one that someone here has made.
Oh, well, fine.


Sorry, I can't help with that one. My DH won't eat soup as a meal unless it's tomato and we have grilled cheese, too. So it's not worth the bother to make a pot for just me.
Ann S.~

My hubby won't eat soup either. He thinks that it's not a meal. I have to make a whole meal AND the soup... not worth it!

  • Thread starter
  • #8
If Dave had his way, he would get soup with EVERY meal.
chefann said:
Oh, well, fine.


Sorry, I can't help with that one. My DH won't eat soup as a meal unless it's tomato and we have grilled cheese, too. So it's not worth the bother to make a pot for just me.
Just go ahead and make soup. If he whines about it, just snatch the bowl away from him and in your best Soup Nazi voice, say, "NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!"
  • #10
Here you go... this is a family favorite even with the men.

Broccolli Cheese Chicken Soup

I prepared this recipe of Mother's at the cabins in TN this Thanksgiving and was asked to post it for all to use. Mother often made this to carry to "the sick" as it makes a HUGE pot of soup and can easily be frozen in smaller units and kept until someone needs it. And it beats a TV dinner any day!

4 Chicken Breasts (I have used canned chicken)
3/4 C. chopped Onion
4 tsp. Margarine
6 Cups Chicken Broth
8 oz. pkg "fine" Noodles (1-2 in. spagetti size, or I have used maccaroni in a pinch)
1 tsp. Salt
2 sm. boxes Chopped Broccolli
6 Cups of Milk
1 lb. Velveeta Cheese, cubed

[Note: You will also need a very large stock pot!)

Saute onion in margarine; add chopped (cut small) chicken, allowing the chicken to cook just long enough to turn white and a little browned; add broth. Bring to a boil. Add noodles and cook 5 minutes.
Add broccolli and cook 4 minutes.
Add salt and warm milk in which cheese has been cubed. Heat to a boil.

That's it! Easy, easy and can be frozen...

Number Of Servings:About 24-30..

Preparation Time:Less than 30 minutes
  • #11
Thanks for a mouth watering recipe. I can hardly wait to try it. I have a group coming to my house for a Creative Memories workshop on Nov. 9th.
I love to make soup for Shut-ins in our parish. This will be a nice change from my usual recipes. Nice to know that it can be frozen to have ready when the opportunity knocks. I'm known as the Soup Lady.
  • #12
Well, look for me in Chicago... Wave 3, Chigago Hilton <g>
  • #13
If you are looking for a restaurant recipe...big chains such as Fridays...you can go to www.copykat.com and they will have links to recipes from those restaurants. I love that website.
  • #14
Have you ever made your recipe with rice instead of spaghetti noodes? Also, just to clarify - If I use spaghetti, do you just break the pieces up??Sorry, if these sound like silly questions.
  • #15
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Just go ahead and make soup. If he whines about it, just snatch the bowl away from him and in your best Soup Nazi voice, say, "NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!"

That's funny that you mention that. One of my favorite restaurants around here (now expanding across the state) is called Zoup! (yes, with the exclamation point) They came up with the idea from the soup nazi episode of Seinfeld. mmm.... maybe I'll head there for a bowl of Chicken Pot Pie Soup for dinner. :)

Related to Iso: Broccoli Cheese Soup Recipe

1. What ingredients do I need to make the broccoli cheese soup?

To make the broccoli cheese soup, you will need broccoli, chicken broth, milk, flour, butter, onion, garlic, cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper.

2. Can I substitute the chicken broth with vegetable broth for a vegetarian option?

Yes, you can substitute the chicken broth with vegetable broth for a vegetarian option. You may also use water, but the broth adds more flavor to the soup.

3. How do I thicken the soup if it turns out too thin?

If the soup turns out too thin, you can make a slurry by mixing flour and water in a separate bowl until it becomes a thick paste. Slowly stir the slurry into the soup and let it simmer for a few minutes until it thickens.

4. Can I use frozen broccoli instead of fresh?

Yes, you can use frozen broccoli instead of fresh. Just make sure to thaw it before adding it to the soup. You may also need to adjust the cooking time as frozen broccoli may cook faster.

5. How can I make this soup in a shorter amount of time?

If you are short on time, you can use pre-cut broccoli florets and pre-shredded cheddar cheese to save time on prep. You can also use an immersion blender to blend the soup instead of transferring it to a blender or food processor.

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