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Is August the Best Month to Get Recruits for Pampered Chef?

In summary, the conference gave new recruits the Woven Selections recruiting bonus and a secret extra recruiting promotion. If your June recruit qualified by the end of July they received the Woven Selections. July is something completely different. Details about the promotion are available on Consultant's Corner.
Well I just had to share this, I made my SS1 with 3 shows. I got a recruit and I have several more bookings for August. I know they said to try to get recruits in July, but I am not sure what the benifits are. Did they tell about this at conference. I am now working toward my August sales. This has been very exciting so far.
Well Done!Wow that's great - you must be really pleased. Keep up the good work.
Yvonne :)
I know if recruits qualified in July then they get the two new woven selections pieces. there was also a secret extra recruiting promotion but it was suppossed to be revealed at conference so I haven't heard what it is yet. Good luck for August. It is so exciting to get those super starter packages. Also keep working this month for sales too because any extra sales over $1,250 go towards the super starter bonuses.
Sign your recruit nowBejam,
I attended conference. I urge you to talk to your potential recruit and sign up in July. He/She will love that additional (new) product that they will receive! After this next week's conference, it should be shared with all. Don't wait if you can sign them now.
Woven SelectionsThe Woven Selections was the recruiting bonus for June. If your June recruit qualified by the end of July they received the Woven Selections. July is something completely different. :)
July/August Recruiting PromotionHi all,
I just got back from the 3rd Conference so there are now NO official secrets. The new recruiting promotion has been posted on Consultant's Corner, and it's awesome. There are lots of great prizes to be earned, check out Consultants Corner to see them all, as there are way too many choices to list.
Good luck everyone.
Isabelle :)
I still don't see it on Consultant's Corner. Maybe it's just available to directors? I did get the email, though. Is everyone seeing it but me?
Details?Yea I didn't see it either on Consultant's Corner. I got an email, however, my computer has been haviong a few problems lately and I can't open the flyer. Can someone explain the details? I have to wait for my husband to get home so he can look at the computer ;) ! I've tried enough and will be pulling my hair out if I attepmt anything else on this thing!! ;) Thanks in advance!!!
Here's the flyer Erica. I don't know if you can open it on or not but I thought I would give it a try. I'm overwhelmed with the whole promotion. I don't know where to start next!


  • julyand august recruiting flyer.pdf
    200.7 KB · Views: 681
  • #10
Hi Janel! Thank you so much for trying but I can't open it. I think there might be something wrong with our acrobat reader...I don't know. Can you answer me this - I have someone signing up in August and making her SSM1 September...is that good?? I know she gets the new roasting pan ($145 value) and she is so excited! Thanks for any help!
  • #11
Yes she will get the roasting pan free (if she qualifies)and you will get the level one recruiting package which is 100-200 points. Every recruit is 100 points. The level 1 package includes a uniden cordless phone, an ascot picnic backpack (very pretty) , a soho leather wristlet, a chef's choice waffle cone maker, a WIN shower CD player/radio, and a GPX TV/ lantern/radio. Isn't that awesome! I want to sign a recruit so bad even just to get the level 1 package. You should see the pictures of these gifts and the other levels. The 700-800 point level includes a DVD player, and apple ipod, a 20" flat screen tv and some other things. The highest level has a surround sound a digital camera, a kitchen aid mixer, and a couple other things. I was amazed when I saw the e-mail. I hope you can open it soon.
  • #12
when i was looking at the website today it looks like you get to pick only one item from the package not the whole thing if im wrong please correct me cause all that stuff is awsome if you get recruits
  • #13
You would only get to pick from that level package. You would not get the whole package. Still a great prize.
Laura Anglea
  • #14
I'm sorry, I must have read wrong. I thought it was overly generous of them to give us all that stuff. :p
  • #15
Great prizes!YEA! I finally got my computer working correctly now! I am so excited about those incentives (now that I can see them!). My director called me tonight and really motivated me about the new season. I wish I could recruit more people!! Those prizes to choose from at any level are great!
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  • #16
Keep up the great work!!!
  • #17
kitchenqueen said:
Hi Janel! Thank you so much for trying but I can't open it. I think there might be something wrong with our acrobat reader...I don't know. Can you answer me this - I have someone signing up in August and making her SSM1 September...is that good?? I know she gets the new roasting pan ($145 value) and she is so excited! Thanks for any help!
Yes that is GOOD! Why is she waiting until August to sign? She can sign now and then start submitting even earlier in August - if she holds and submit 2 shows in the first 2 weeks of August she gets the midseason products free too (besides the roaster and the Super Starter products AND the paycheck! The sooner she signs the more time she will have to earn even more product!
  • #18
I agree with Beth. Call her and get her to sign now. It will allow her more time to qualify and still receive the roasting pan. If she gets 2 shows in in July, she can get the woven selections free and get her first charm for her bracelet. If she gets 2 more in August, she will get the mid-season products free and earn her roaster free.

Call her and let her know that NOW is the time to get started!!
  • #19
PamperedGinger said:
I agree with Beth. Call her and get her to sign now. It will allow her more time to qualify and still receive the roasting pan. If she gets 2 shows in in July, she can get the woven selections free and get her first charm for her bracelet. If she gets 2 more in August, she will get the mid-season products free and earn her roaster free.

Call her and let her know that NOW is the time to get started!!

I'll call her today and tell her that!! I just signed her mom in June, and her daughter is holding a show to help pay for her kit and also to help her mom out during her SS months. But also, her husband is leaving for Korea the 1st of September (military) so right now her and her kids are spending quality time together until he leaves for a year. But you ladies had some great points about earning the mid season products. Could she still earn it if she submitted shows those first two weeks (it would be her introductory month). I just know that right now she is really bummed about her husband leaving, any pointers on how to talk her into signing up early? Thanks ladies!
  • #20
You can all her and bring up those great points about signing now and see if she wants. If it were me though I wouldn't push her too hard to do it earlier. I'm a military wife as well (and I know you are too) and I know if my husband were leaving to be deployed I would want to spend as much time with him as possible without too many distractions. You never know what will happen after they leave (and I hope nothing does happen) And she is definately going to sign up with you so its not like if she doesn't sign up now she never will. Doing PC after her husband leaves will probably be a nice distraction for her while he is gone. Those are just my thoughts...
  • #21
That's what I was thinking. She is still going to get her roasting pan which is great! I want her to want to do this. She's going to be great because she has already collected a number of outside orders for her show in 2 weeks! She has also started to line shows up for her SSM1. Her mom and I have both offered to lend her what she needs for her shows. She is a very nice person and I know she is going to do well with PC. She may miss out on a few things with PC, but that time with her husband is very important too. I'll tell her what she can get by signing now, but I really don't think she will.

Related to Is August the Best Month to Get Recruits for Pampered Chef?

1. What is "This Has Been a Great Week."?

"This Has Been a Great Week." is a popular cookbook from Pampered Chef that features a collection of delicious and easy-to-make recipes for every day of the week.

2. How many recipes are included in "This Has Been a Great Week."?

There are 50 recipes included in "This Has Been a Great Week.", providing a variety of options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

3. Are the recipes in "This Has Been a Great Week." healthy?

Yes, "This Has Been a Great Week." includes a mix of healthy and indulgent recipes to suit different dietary preferences. Each recipe also includes nutritional information.

4. Who is the author of "This Has Been a Great Week."?

The author of "This Has Been a Great Week." is Pampered Chef consultant and recipe developer, Nina Swan-Kohler.

5. Can I purchase "This Has Been a Great Week." online?

Yes, "This Has Been a Great Week." is available for purchase on the Pampered Chef website or through a Pampered Chef consultant.

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