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Overcoming Fear: How Conference Helped Push Me

In summary, Melissa has been doing well since returning home from conference. She has booked three additional August shows, has a tentative September show, and has a pretty firm recruit lead.
Bill Faber
Gold Member
I have been home for a week now from conference and just curious how people have been doing going for NO!!!!! I have to admit I have been using the phone. Yeah for me. I did calls two days this week which is an change for me. I am an natural dreader of the phone but I think it has helped me overcome my fear a bit. Since coming back from Conference.

Booked 3 additional August Shows
Have 2 tentative September Shows( need to call back in second week of August to schedule)
Have a pretty firm Recruit lead.

My going for NO has been...... pulling a lot of voicemails and leaving messages but I am certainly coming out of my shell. I am more assertive. I am not afraid to make a contact and I am certainly being more interested in my business. I have to say conference has helped to push me. OOOPS started to say IF instead of when I continue to do this each week, I know that I will get to a full show schedule of 8-12 shows a month an 1-2 recruits a month. :blushing:
Wahoo, Bill!! I'm so glad you went to NC, and that the excitement is carrying over into your business. It does help, when you're shy, to try for No instead of Yes, doesn't it?

I've approached a few more people than I have in the past, as well. Haven't gotten on the phone, yet, but have done messages through Facebook and in person. I sent a FB message to two people (they're friends and co-workers, so I sent the same message to both), who had indicated an interest to host in the past, but never followed through. I told them I was looking for "No"s so not to feel bad if they still didn't want to host. One said No, the other said she might be interested in a September show! I had pretty much given up on both, so this is one more show I wouldn't ever have had.

I'm planning to get out and about more and tell people I have a challenge going on, and that I need a "No" answer to whatever question I ask ("Would you like to host a PC party?" "Would you like to join my team?" "Would you like to add some new tools to your kitchen?"). I really think wanting them to say No will help me break out of my safety zone, and also help me from feeling down when that's the answer I receive!
I have been super busy I only had one night to make any calls. I managed to swallow my phone phobia for one hour and made 10 calls. Left 6 voicemails, got (1) no and got 3 parties for Oct (2) and Nov (1).

I REALLY need August booked - NO ONE is biting with the 50% more in free and giving me all the other reasons of sports starting, back to school readiness (how long does that take? LOL) vacations etc.) ALSO I am offering my own additional host incentives with 15 top Host Favorite Items they can get (1) at 60% off with a show from $650+. Not to mention the optional 60% off item that HO offers. July will be my worst month ever and it looks like August may follow if I cant resolve the booking issue.
Melissa, try having a Mega Show for all those potential hosts who don't have time! That way, they don't have to worry about cleaning the house or finding a babysitter. They just gather up a few friends and outside orders, and come to you. I suggest, if possible, doing it on a Thursday evening, so it doesn't conflict with game schedules, etc.With sports starting, the teams probably could use some extra money for uniforms, travel, etc. How about offering a fundraiser? The problem I have is making the bookings all about ME and MY needs, but we really need to focus on the customers and what works best for them.
what is this Go For No???
i think we might be losing the point of the "Go for No" challenge. I would just caution against telling leads your are wanting a NO answer - its like giving them an out to say no.
Maybe i just don't get the challenge. I love the idea of having a set # of No's in mind rather than a set # of Yes's, so that you don't get discouraged by No's and don't stop at X# of yes's, i just don't think we should be telling our leads that we WANT them to say no.

But to the OP - great job getting on the phone! its my big phobia, too! But i am revved up from conference and looking forward to following up with some leads next week.
We did a booking blitz at my director's home where we all brought our leads and cell phones and just started making calls. everytime you got a booking, recruit interview, etc you got a ticket, and they raffled off some great prizes! it was such a motivator to hear everyone else getting bookings! might be something to suggest/try with your team!
Shell Northway said:
what is this Go For No???
check out http://www.goforno.com .It would explain it better than I could. These two were our guest speakers at National Conference. You can watch a snippet of their typical speech on their site (there is a video link along the right side of the page somewhere).You may also find some workshop notes posted on here somewhere. I'll see if I can find them and will come back and edit this post for you.ETA: So far, this is all I found on the notes: http://www.chefsuccess.com/f104/care-share-notes-go-no-63195/
I'll have to check my notes to see if it was from Go For No or another workshop, but the "ask them if they would do you a favor and answer to "no" to your question," was something I learned at Conference.
Bill Faber said:
I have been home for a week now from conference and just curious how people have been doing going for NO!!!!! I have to admit I have been using the phone. Yeah for me. I did calls two days this week which is an change for me. I am an natural dreader of the phone but I think it has helped me overcome my fear a bit. Since coming back from Conference.

Booked 3 additional August Shows
Have 2 tentative September Shows( need to call back in second week of August to schedule)
Have a pretty firm Recruit lead.

My going for NO has been...... pulling a lot of voicemails and leaving messages but I am certainly coming out of my shell. I am more assertive. I am not afraid to make a contact and I am certainly being more interested in my business. I have to say conference has helped to push me. OOOPS started to say IF instead of when I continue to do this each week, I know that I will get to a full show schedule of 8-12 shows a month an 1-2 recruits a month. :blushing:

Ok, can you help me out (or anyone else out there), and give me ideas of how you are getting these bookings... I don't do well at all with bookings over the phone. Maybe it's how I am asking/saying. yes I've used the scripts and they don't work for me at all.
  • #10
I get most of my bookings AT shows. So it definitely is a "catch-22'--the more shows you hold, the more shows you'll hold!!" I only had 5 shows this month, but at those shows, I booked 8 for August and 1 for September. I've been in this biz for more than 9 yrs and still LOVING it and I think that excitement is what sells people. I do a "no-pressure" show and I give out very generous prizes: at 1 show, I'll give away a hold n slice, 2 twixits, a Season's Best, one person will win free shipping. It is so worth it, I'm on show #536!
  • #11
Keril - I don't have issues booking at shows... It's when I have no shows and have no shows in the next month to show for that. I'm having a hard time with over the phone bookings.
  • #12
keril said:
I get most of my bookings AT shows. So it definitely is a "catch-22'--the more shows you hold, the more shows you'll hold!!" I only had 5 shows this month, but at those shows, I booked 8 for August and 1 for September. I've been in this biz for more than 9 yrs and still LOVING it and I think that excitement is what sells people. I do a "no-pressure" show and I give out very generous prizes: at 1 show, I'll give away a hold n slice, 2 twixits, a Season's Best, one person will win free shipping. It is so worth it, I'm on show #536!

It's nice to hear from someone who feels like giving prizes above the host benefits is worthwhile. So many times I have read that people don't think it's worth, so thanks for a different perspective!! :thumbup:
  • #13
I was on FB on a thread today and one lady posted she had lost her job and was having trouble finding another one as a single Mom. She had been done very badly by her last boss. I told her that I could empathize because I used to deal with those kind of people but now that I am my own boss, I love what I do and can work around my daughter/son-in-law/grandkids' schedule to work! I said what I really loved is every time I go to work, I go to a party! Well she must have looked at my profile because she came back with, "I would love to hear more about your job. It sounds like something I would enjoy and not having a jerky boss is a big plus". I send her a PM from FB to tell her to look at the PC fan page and my website and to make a list of questions she has and give me a call! Would I have done that 2 weeks ago? NO WAY!
  • #14
pcchefjane said:
I was on FB on a thread today and one lady posted she had lost her job and was having trouble finding another one as a single Mom. She had been done very badly by her last boss. I told her that I could empathize because I used to deal with those kind of people but now that I am my own boss, I love what I do and can work around my daughter/son-in-law/grandkids' schedule to work! I said what I really loved is every time I go to work, I go to a party! Well she must have looked at my profile because she came back with, "I would love to hear more about your job. It sounds like something I would enjoy and not having a jerky boss is a big plus". I send her a PM from FB to tell her to look at the PC fan page and my website and to make a list of questions she has and give me a call! Would I have done that 2 weeks ago? NO WAY!

:thumbup:Like. That is awesome.
  • #15
tys1031 said:
It's nice to hear from someone who feels like giving prizes above the host benefits is worthwhile. So many times I have read that people don't think it's worth, so thanks for a different perspective!! :thumbup:

When people are saying they don't give away more than the host benefits, they are almost always talking about extra incentives for booking a party - like "book a party, and I'll also give you this stone", etc...

What she is talking about giving away is just the basic, supply order door prize gifts. I think most people give away some of that stuff at shows. I have a gift basket (Actually a bamboo bowl) filled with those same products, and give a gift to anyone who brings a friend, anyone who is a first time show attendee, the person who wins the ticket game, the person who wins the door prize drawing slip...and then also I give a rub to the person who wins my "special word" game. I don't consider giving those to be a booking incentive, they are just part of the fun show experience. It's the fun of the show that gives people incentive to book!
  • #16
Becky, would you mind sharing what your "special word" game is??
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Melissa78 said:
I have been super busy I only had one night to make any calls. I managed to swallow my phone phobia for one hour and made 10 calls. Left 6 voicemails, got (1) no and got 3 parties for Oct (2) and Nov (1).

I REALLY need August booked - NO ONE is biting with the 50% more in free and giving me all the other reasons of sports starting, back to school readiness (how long does that take? LOL) vacations etc.) ALSO I am offering my own additional host incentives with 15 top Host Favorite Items they can get (1) at 60% off with a show from $650+. Not to mention the optional 60% off item that HO offers. July will be my worst month ever and it looks like August may follow if I cant resolve the booking issue.

I hear you for July....... It was my worse month as well. I did awful. I have a show at 250 and waiting to close. At least I will be active. But I will see what happens. THANK GOD FOR AUGUST...... And Now another potential for September. I will be dilligent for follow up in September. :thumbup:
  • #18
Yes, you're right Becky! I like to make my shows FUN while still being informative and planting my recrutiting, booking seeds. I've had lots of compliments and thank yous for all the games and prizes I give away.
  • #19
And does anyone have a fun, effective "game" they're doing besides the "ticket" game? I think my repeat guests/hosts are tired of the "left-right" and tv show games.
  • #20
I just heard about a fun recruiting game. You'll need:a bag
a prize
a timerYou take a prize (something small like a Small Spreader; I've been using discontinued Bar Board/Quikut Paring Knife combos), and place it in a bag. Make sure the bag is insulated or filled with a filler of some kind so that you can't readily tell what's inside. When it's time for the game to start you say:We're going to play a really quick game. The winner of the game will get the prize that's inside this bag. They won't get the bag, but the prize inside. You're going to ask me questions about the Pampered Chef business. I'll set the timer for a really short length of time [don't tell them how long, but 1 to 2 minutes works]. I'll start the timer when the first question is asked, and I'll toss the bag to the person asking the question. Whenever someone asks a question, whoever has the bag will toss it to that person. The person holding the bag when the timer goes off will win the prize inside.I've only played it once so far, but it got a great response.

Related to Overcoming Fear: How Conference Helped Push Me

1. How did attending the conference help you overcome your fear?

Attending the conference exposed me to new ideas, strategies, and perspectives on overcoming fear. I was able to learn from successful individuals who have faced similar challenges and gain valuable insights and advice on how to conquer my fears.

2. What specific techniques or tools did you learn at the conference to help you overcome fear?

I learned various techniques such as visualization, positive self-talk, and deep breathing that can help in managing fear and anxiety. The conference also provided practical tools such as worksheets and exercises to help identify and address specific fears.

3. How did the conference environment contribute to your personal growth and development?

The conference provided a supportive and encouraging environment where I felt comfortable sharing my fears and struggles. The positive energy and motivation from the speakers and fellow attendees helped to boost my confidence and belief in myself.

4. Did the conference provide any resources or follow-up support for overcoming fear?

Yes, the conference provided access to online resources, such as recordings of the sessions and additional reading materials, to continue learning and implementing strategies for overcoming fear. The organizers also offered follow-up support through email and social media for any questions or concerns.

5. How has attending the conference impacted your life beyond just overcoming fear?

Attending the conference has had a significant impact on my life. Not only have I learned ways to overcome fear, but I have also gained a new perspective on personal growth and development. The conference has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone, set new goals, and continue to work towards becoming the best version of myself.

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