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I Have Been Trying to Implement the Plans for Conference but so Far It

In summary, the author has been trying to implement the plans for conference but so far it has been very time consuming. He has been spending a lot of time on organizing and not much actually growing his business - he has lots of shows but has not been able to the 3-2-1 because he is still TRYING to get organized. He has done several bridal fairs and craft fairs so he has lots of lead slips etc. How do you stay organized? With leads do you do a binder system, tickler file or do you have everything online? How do you organize your packet supplies and other printed materials? The author is looking for all and any ideas that he can implement with Kathy. Still looking at a pile of
I have been trying to implement the plans for conference but so far it has been very time consuming. I have been spending a lot of time on organizing and not much actually growing my business - I have lots of shows but have not been able to to the 3-2-1 because I am still TRYING to get organized.

I have done several bridal fairs and craft fairs so I have lots of lead slips etc.

How do you stay organized - With leads do you do a binder system, tickler file or do you have everything online

How do you organize your packet supplies and other printed materials

I am looking for all and any ideas
im with you there kathy!!!!!!
still looking at a pile of papers that need to be sorted and so on :(
not sure what to do myself
but did read somewhere not to long ago to stop everything else and get oganized!
how am i supposed to do that?!?
My director sent this out a couple weeks ago...


  • Get_Your_Business_Organized_in_a_Day[1].doc
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Sorry for the long reply.........Let me first apologize for the lengthy reply!! :blushing:

I'm the same way.....LOVE to organize and I'm still not there!! Just make sure that your 3 contacts a day is priority, then spend the rest of the time you have organizing. Do you work outside the home?? Lunch break is great for making your contacts or even doing some organizing.

I've created a seven binder system. Here's what it's made up of:
“On the Road” binder:
3-2-1- Formula for Success tracking sheet
“Critique Your Week” sheets
Current calendar from Consultant News
My Goals
Tracking charts for my goals
Consultant News and other publications I want to read
Leads tab – monthly tabs with info on each contact I need to make
Customer care tab – I pick one show per week for which I need to make customer care calls. I keep this show in a protective sleeve; scripts; quick reference of upcoming specials
Training tab - I am currently working on
My Welcome Booklet – for reference
My copy of the current catalogue (I mark what I have and make notes about different products and what I may want to say about them at a show)

Reference binder: (keep this at home)
Business guide
Recipe for success guide
Product information sheets

“At my shows”: (take this to shows)
Round up from the Heart info
Current and upcoming host & guest specials
Show benefits flyers
Pampered Bride flyers
Fundraising flyers
Replacement parts list
Gift certificates

Recruiting binder: (take this binder to recruiting interviews…if I ever get any!!)
Mailing we received about the new consultant kit
A Closer Look inserts – I want to go through these and personalize each section
“An Outstanding Opportunity” page
“Your Life, Your Way” brochures
“New Consultant Rewards” brochures
New “Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!” flyers
New “Come Join Us” brochures
“Imagine More” brochures
Incentive program brochure
Independent Consultant agreements
Welcome booklets
“Charter Host Gift” flyers
Additional information on the new consultant kit (printed from Consultants Corner)

Host coaching binder: (use this binder when host coaching by phone)
Host coaching scripts
Info on current hosts that I am coaching
Samples of everything I put in the host packet for easy reference when speaking with host
Blank “Host information” sheets

Cooking shows binder: (use this binder when host coaching in person; use for choosing games and quick tips for shows)
Themes – invitations & recipes (this section is set up for hosts to pick a theme for their party)
Theme training booklets (PC theme shows) or my own developed theme party details
Quick tips
Party games

Consultant News
Cluster newsletters

All the receipts from shows I've had are in a portable file holder. At the back of that I have folder that holds all my receipts for tax purposes. This folder needs to get organized!! :rolleyes:

Catalogues, order forms, door prizes, training CDs are in a plastic 4-drawer stand.

I also have a hanging folder frame to keep all my personal paperwork in. It sits on top of my plastic stand.

I have a small filecard box for keeping product info (the ones that come with the products) in alphabetical order.

I would suggest that in trying to get organized, decide what kind of a setup you'd like to have. (But if you're like me, you'll change your mind every other day!! :p ) Put all your papers in a "pile" (or many, if you're like me! :rolleyes: ) and take it one piece of paper at a time. If you think you'll get carried away and you're on a strick time schedule, take a timer and set it for however long you have. When it goes off, you're done! Even 5 minutes can make a world of difference! If you wait until you have an hour, you may never get to it.

Never look at it as one big task, or you will get overwhelmed!!

Good luck and let us know how you're getting along and what you've come up with! :)
Thanks Kimberly! :)
OOO I'm going to have to try some of these ideas!! I already have a binder System started...I think I'll take some of these ideas and roll with it!! Thanks for sharing!!
Love the tips. Keep them coming!!
One good tip I've heard....

As you're getting your initial sort done, separate into three piles or folders: Read, File, or Action. That way you'll know what has priority. You can work down from there.
First off I LOVE Big Lots and Dollar Tree & find lots of great things there.

I have a magnetic board that is attached to the inside door of my desk $1 at $ Tree. It keeps important things I need to do out of sight but each day I update it.
I bought these little miniature (probably 4x6 ) file folder pockets at Target in the stationary aisle they have a large magnet on the back and have pretty designs on the front. I think the box had 4 for $6. 3 of them stay on my desk in page up (found at Office Max or Staples)
#1 stays on the inside of my desk door and I keep checks in there until I make a deposit.
#2 holds PDS for my maybe shows or guests who want something when its on sale
#3 holds current and past hosts for the month PDS
#4 is possible recruit leads

I suggest tackling those stacks of paper by flipping them face side down and going thru the from the bottom of the stack, chances are the info has already expired or no longer important.
I keep file folders (adorable ones from $$ TREE similiar to the ones at Container Store again with bright stripes and paisley designs) It has to be bright and fun so I don't get bored
My file folders are labeled as:
receipts I only keep them 1 month past show date. (in case I misread and ordered wrong I have my cons, copy)
To Do Later (this holds things I can put off for 1-2 days)
Read Later (papers that don't need my attention immediately)
Taxes (receipts fo supplies )
Phone Lists (any church directories, school directories, dance directories etc)
To Copy (things I need to make copies off at a later date OOF or host flyers )
Originals (flyers from this site or OOF that I have my info on)
Seasonal (flyers I use for recruiting or special promotions I offer)
Maybe some of these tips will help
  • #10
We also have a hanging file box with each family members name as the mail comes in I sort it by their name and drop their mail in each folder
  • #11
Thanks for all these great tips!
  • #12
I just read Kimberly's document.....and it's so good! Makes me want to reorganize....:eek: :eek: :eek:

HELP!!! I'm an organizing nut!!!! :p
  • Thread starter
  • #13
My family has always laughed at me because I am always trying to be organized - Must be the Virgo in my


Marie-France is Prince Edward Island in far Western Canada? My uncle and cousin used to live on Hornsby Island
  • #14
Paris, France is the incentive trip for us this year!!! Very exciting!! :D

Prince Edward Island is in Eastern Canada. Not far from Maine, actually.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
I knew there were a group of islands on both coastal areas. I livedin New Hampshire as kid before we moved to Texas

Paris - I like the sound of that
  • #16
If you ever get a chance to visit PEI, you really should. It's really beautiful, but I would suggest summer or fall....:cool:

I hope I can earn Paris. I wasn't really on track, but I'm working on it!!!
  • #17
I hope I can earn Paris

you HAVE to earn paris, or misty does!!!! someone has to be my roommate!!!!!! lol
  • #19
PChefPEI said:
3-2-1- Formula for Success tracking sheet

This one too please!:)
  • #20
you HAVE to earn paris, or misty does!!!! someone has to be my roommate!!!!!! lol
I'm working on it!! We would have sooooo much fun!! Let's just hope the waitresses are friendlier there!! LOL

I've attached the "Critique your Week" and "3-2-1 for success" documents for those of you who are interested.

"A Closer Look" inserts......I'm trying to remember what that is....LOL :rolleyes: (Don't have my binder right with me...) I think it's the new recruiting brochures that we got. They're square with a woman on the front. Will double check and let you know.


  • Critque_Your_Week.pdf
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  • 321 for success in Word.doc
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  • #21
thank you.....................:)
  • #22
Thanks Marie!!!
  • #23
My pleasure! :)
  • #24
I'm going to start something...don't know if it will work, but I thought it was worth a shot. I printed the Consultant Planner for a couple months from the Printable Materials CD. It's basically a week by week version of the free planner we get form HO. Each day is broken down into Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. I'm going to use the 3 sections for my 3 contacts. There's room for taking notes. I can put my 2 shows on the calendar and take notes about recruiting leads on there too. We'll see how it works...
  • #25
Cool idea, Jenny! Let us know how it goes!
  • #26
PChefPEI said:
I'm working on it!! We would have sooooo much fun!! Let's just hope the waitresses are friendlier there!! LOL

I've attached the "Critique your Week" and "3-2-1 for success" documents for those of you who are interested.

"A Closer Look" inserts......I'm trying to remember what that is....LOL :rolleyes: (Don't have my binder right with me...) I think it's the new recruiting brochures that we got. They're square with a woman on the front. Will double check and let you know.

Thanks Marie!

Is anyone else having trouble printing out the Critique your Week? When I try it has a green background. Wierd!!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
I mentally critique my week and I am usually not kind - I have got to be more kind to myself!
  • #28
Thanks what great information!
  • #29
sfdavis918 said:
Thanks Marie!

Is anyone else having trouble printing out the Critique your Week? When I try it has a green background. Wierd!!

Just in case anyone was having the same problem as me, I made up the form in Word and am posting it.


  • Critque_Your_Week[1].doc
    36.6 KB · Views: 334
  • #30
Thank you, Sarah.....sorry you were having so much trouble!! :confused:
  • #31
PChefPEI said:
Thank you, Sarah.....sorry you were having so much trouble!! :confused:

No problem! Thanks for posting it in the first place.
  • #32
PChefPEI said:
I'm working on it!! We would have sooooo much fun!! Let's just hope the waitresses are friendlier there!! LOL

I've attached the "Critique your Week" and "3-2-1 for success" documents for those of you who are interested.

"A Closer Look" inserts......I'm trying to remember what that is....LOL :rolleyes: (Don't have my binder right with me...) I think it's the new recruiting brochures that we got. They're square with a woman on the front. Will double check and let you know.

I have a quick question about the Critique Your Week sheet. What is the "Big Impact Habit" line for? Something you have started? Something you want to start? Just curious.
  • #33
The Big Impact Habit is basically what ONE thing could you do this week that would have the biggest impact on your business? The answer goes on that line. Hope that helps! :)

Related to I Have Been Trying to Implement the Plans for Conference but so Far It

1. How do you stay organized?

Staying organized is crucial for success in any business. At Pampered Chef, we recommend using a combination of both physical and digital organization tools. A binder system or tickler file can be great for keeping track of leads and important documents, while an online calendar or project management tool can help with scheduling and staying on top of tasks.

2. With leads, do you do a binder system, tickler file, or have everything online?

It ultimately depends on personal preference and what works best for you. Some consultants prefer a binder system or tickler file to keep physical copies of leads and notes, while others prefer to have everything organized online through a CRM (customer relationship management) tool or spreadsheet. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

3. How do you organize your packet supplies and other printed materials?

Organization is key when it comes to your packet supplies and printed materials. We recommend having a designated space for these items, such as a filing cabinet or storage bin. You can also use dividers or labels to categorize and easily find specific materials. Keeping a checklist or inventory of your supplies can also help with staying organized.

4. I have been trying to implement the plans for conference, but it has been very time consuming. How can I balance organizing and growing my business?

It's important to find a balance between organizing and growing your business. Prioritize your tasks and focus on the most important ones first. Delegate tasks where possible and don't be afraid to ask for help. Utilize tools and resources, such as our conference planning guide, to help streamline your planning process and save time.

5. I have done several bridal fairs and craft fairs, so I have lots of lead slips. How can I efficiently follow up with these leads?

Following up with leads is crucial for turning them into potential customers. We recommend using a CRM tool or spreadsheet to keep track of your leads and follow-up tasks. Set reminders for yourself to reach out to each lead and personalize your follow-up messages to make a lasting impression. You can also offer special promotions or incentives to entice potential customers to make a purchase.

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