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I Am so Frustrated! I Thought She Was the Perfect Host...

So awhile back I took some extra dessert to my neighbor and her friend who was there decided to book a show. She used to sell Home Interiors, so she knows the direct selling business. She invited a ton of people, had about 13 show up, and had a ton of outside orders. In fact, so many that she kept getting them after the show. And the next week after the show. And the next.

Now we are 2.5 weeks after the show, and she wants to wait for her friends to give her money so she can write me a check for all the outside orders (which at this point are around $300, and her order is over $100). She's already given me a check for $235.

On top of all of that, I just moved, and I called her today because I hadn't received her check, and she tells me that she is on vacation and didn't send it because she thought I would be too busy and she doesn't want to write another check without getting more money first. She also told me that people from her show are starting to ask where there products are, and that she won't be back from vacation until August 10th (FOUR WEEKS AFTER HER SHOW). So she can't send it until then.

I explained to her how I have to have the money in my account before I submit her show, and that no one will get any products until I submit the show. She still wants to wait until she gets back. :mad:

Should I call the people that ordered so they know why they aren't getting their products???
I think I would call them and let them know that you are waiting on her. I would not want everyone thinking that it is my fault that they aren't getting their stuff. I wouldn't bad-mouth the host though - wouldn't want her to get mad at you since she hasn't paid you for the other orders yet.
I'd call the guests and just let them know that there was a delay getting payment from the host. If you have phone numbers for the outside orders, you could get credit card numbers from them so you can submit the show right away.
I would call and tell them that 'so many extra orders keep coming in that you and the host decided to delay sending in the show so everyone can order'. Don't blame your host, it will only bite you later. Just tell them that this is very unusual and under normal circumstances they would have probably had their order by now. Maybe throw in a SBRC on each of the orders that was held-up.
Good advice Ann....
Ooh- I like that wording, Linda.

Of course, it's also good to be prepared for some people to cancel their order if they were expecting it in a timely manner. :rolleyes:
Isn't it frustrating when dealing with other direct sales people? I have a host recently who is in direct sales for another company...I'm still waiting on her payment! Needless to say, she won't be getting her products until I see the money! You'd think they would be better since they also do this!
I have had trouble doing parties with hotesses who are in are were in the direct sales business. I had one to help a Brownie troop get there "Make It , Eat It" Try It. 7 troop mothers were given a catalog 2 weeks in advance. All products earned were going to a local shelter and the girls were cooking 3 recipes for the moms. I had $180 in sales after the party and only about $350 total. The co hostesses-- 1 a former Pampered Chef consultant, the other co-hostes- a Stampin' UP Demonstrator. With that many moms and a good cause that party could have been over $1000 if they all had just asked for orders. The troop ended up with very little in free products. I donated a couple more things and have tried to hook them up with a friend who manages a LeCreuset store because I just felt so bad for them and can you believe the hostess proceded to complain about the cost of the cooking ingredients. I felt bad but I think that a good party requires the hostesses to listen and ask for orders. That whole troop had great potential to pull in orders. Also,--not 1 booking from that party. It was such a surprise to me, so I definitely know how you feel.
Why not submit the show with the orders you have payment for, book the host for another show and submit the orders and payment you get from her when she gets back - she gets three host specials that way.
  • #10
How about turning in what you have now as one show and asking the host to use the other orders as a separate catalog show? This way she can get the July specials and 2 (well 4)of the August knife specials if she wants! AND those customers who did pay can get their stuff sent!! Do you think she would do that over the phone with you while she is on vacation?
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  • #11
Well, the problem is that she is paying for ALL outside orders, which are very numerous. I would have to choose who got their orders and who didn't, based on how much money she's given me. She also is not interested in the host specials, that she has told me yet anyway. She is very difficult to get ahold of.

I probably wouldn't be so stingy with this show if I hadn't submitted a show last month when the "check was in the mail," and I haven't received it yet. She says it got returned to her, but she sent it again...nothing yet. Anyway, enough pity party for me! On to a great FALL! :)
  • #12
I don't know if you normally do this already, but I always have the guests make their checks out to me.
  • #13
I would call them - you don't want this to put a damper on your business.
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  • #14
chrpangel said:
I don't know if you normally do this already, but I always have the guests make their checks out to me.
I do this too, but these are from people I've never met--they only have her for a contact, and she didn't even get an order form from most of them. It's just verbal orders. I do have it on my instructions for outside orders. I'm not sure why she chose to do it this way.
  • #15
Very frustrating. But a classic poor host.

I would actually be concerned about this host's insistance to write you "one big check" for the outside orders. With the somewhat odd delays and excuses, it might be that she has received checks or cash and spent them already. I've had something similar happen once and it makes a real mess of things when you have a situation like these delayed orders. Hopefully she's just being anal and nothing untoward has occurred. And, as others said...I would contact the guests so that they are aware (diplomatically) that the host has asked to keep the show open. Then you aren't the bad guy.

On the subject of direct sales consultants making poor hosts: I have had a catalog host (who rescheduled from a cooking show) string me along for 7 weeks. At one point she "had 4 orders" and now -- magical disappearing act -- she's got zip. Now I hear..."waiting for payday" and "waiting for someone to get back from vacation"....you get the picture. I have actually suggested to her that we just do a real show later cause it is CLEAR TO ME that this is a non-event. She's done this one other time with me so history is on the side of it not finishing. She loves the products and incentives but just can't quite DO anything.

And yes, she is a former PC consultant. She was one of my first recruits and when she forgot to actually go to a host home for a show, she decided she wasn't very good at this biz. Well, she's a lousy host too. She would be no matter what she was selling/hosting.

Some people just aren't cut out to be consultants OR hosts!

Related to I Am so Frustrated! I Thought She Was the Perfect Host...

1. Why is my neighbor taking so long to pay me for the orders from her show?

Your neighbor may be waiting to receive payment from her friends before she is able to pay you for the orders. It is also possible that she is experiencing financial difficulties and is unable to pay you at this time. It is important to communicate with her to understand the situation and come to a resolution.

2. Should I contact the people who ordered from the show to let them know about the delay in receiving their products?

It is important to communicate with your neighbor about the situation before contacting the customers. Your neighbor may have a plan in place to handle the orders and payments, and it is best to follow her lead. However, if the situation continues to be delayed and the customers are getting impatient, it may be necessary to reach out to them and explain the situation.

3. How should I handle the fact that my neighbor is on vacation and unable to pay me for the orders?

It is understandable that your neighbor's vacation may have caused a delay in payment. It is important to communicate with her and come up with a plan for when she returns. You may also need to consider the possibility of taking legal action if the payment is not made in a timely manner.

4. Is it common for direct selling businesses to experience delays in payment like this?

Unfortunately, delays in payments can happen in any business, including direct selling. It is important to have clear communication and expectations with your customers and to handle any payment issues promptly to avoid further complications.

5. What steps can I take to avoid similar situations in the future?

To avoid similar situations in the future, it is important to have clear policies in place for payment and to communicate them to your customers. You may also want to consider implementing a deadline for payments to be made, and following up with customers who have not paid within the designated time frame. It is also important to have a good relationship with your customers and to communicate openly and honestly about any issues that may arise.

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