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How Long Are Your Kitchen Shows?

Hi Everyone! I was wondering how long everyone's Kitchen Shows usually last. I try to keep my shows at about an hour so they are not too short, but not too long either that I start to lose my audience. How long do your shows typically last? THANKS!
30 minutes or lessI like to keep mine under 45 minutes. My cluster did a big thing about attention spans. According to my Executive Director my show is too long. Because she explained how you have the peoples attention for the first 20 minutes, then after that they tune you out and spend the last 20 minutes crossing things off of their lists.

You probably don't have a problem with show sales, but I did. I have adjusted my shows considerably. I only go longer if the crowd is really into it and asking questions or what-not. I try to make my shows really fun. I have a "word of the day" and the first person to make noise gets a ticket for a drawing I have at the end of the party. I hand out clappers too, just to make alot of noise.

For my weekday shows I have instituted a 30 minute rule. Kinda like TGIFridays had one year (at lunch). They put a timer on the table and if your lunch wasn't there in 10 minutes or something it was free. Same concept different rules. I put my Kitchen/Clock timer on for 30 minutes if it goes off before my demo is over everyone gets a Season's Best recipe collection. Even though I am whizzing through the products (and most of the guests are seasoned PC pros) I can make it fun, like Amanda Gore at Leadership, "Don't applaud we haven't got the time" kinda thing.
my shows...I am a new consultant and my actual demo lasts around 30-45 min. BUT from the time I start and people eat and place their order, my show has been lasting about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
But now long from arrival time to clean up?I think my whole evening is too long. From arrival at Host's place to departure how long does it take you?
I am there from arrival to leaving about 2 1/2 - 3 hours. I'd like to cut it shorter, but can't seem to get out quicker even when I try.

My show time is about an hour...sometimes longer. I talk alot and give lots of tips. Never had anyone complain that it is too long. The thing that takes the longest is intros at the beginning of the show. Tell your name and favorite product. That usually takes about 20 minutes when there are a lot of guests. I think that is the most important part because they sell the products to each other.

My shows are fairly high energy so they usually stay focused. (Could be that I teach 2nd grade and I'm used to short attention spans!)
heyFrom the time I arrive to the time I leave it takes me about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours......I, like Ginger, cannot seem to get out any quicker! I'm glad I am not alone!!
My demo is 45 minutes and I'm there for about 3 hours total.
How long is your demo time?My demo time is about 45 minutes. This is actual "cooking time". The intro is 10-15 minutes depending and the number of guests. The longest time is the order time. I am usually in and out in 3 - 3 1/2 hours. This includes pre-prep time and cleanup/packup time.
My demo is about 40 minutes. I am at the host's house about 2 1/2. I talk pretty fast and try to keep everything moving so not to loose people.

  • #10
Time to killWouldn't it be great to be able to actually stick to a time. Your guests will determine the actual time for you but...
I do average about 2 1/2 hours from arrival to walking out the door. The one big thing I found that got my time down, was not talking so much or trying to cut my show time but the amount of products I had to unpack then pack up afterward. I can actually walk in 1/2 hour before my shows, set up and be done. Then too as I am cooking, I keep one of my containers handy, for all the dishes I dirty right near by so I can toss them in as I go if I do not need them any more.
(I carry two Large Rubbermaid containers, easily washed.) The second is for the stuff I will not be using for a recipe and basically stay "clean". Yes, I do end up with the entire tool turn about in the dirty one but after so many people touching everything, I need to wash them anyway. 1/2 hour set up. 1 hour demo(food prep and talk), 1/2 hour orders, 15 to 20 minute packup and 10 minutes to finish up with the host. That's it. That's average. I say that because I have had 2 hour shows. that's just the food and talking. I get some interest and questions and I extend the time, especially if the guests are doing the selling. So...
  • #11
lde1403 said:
From the time I arrive to the time I leave it takes me about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours......I, like Ginger, cannot seem to get out any quicker! I'm glad I am not alone!!
I WISH I could get done that quick! I just can't figure out where to cut the time. I am always there AT LEAST 4 hours, usually more like 5 :( . I get there an hour before show time (I know I take way too much stuff, but don't know what to leave behind), demo usually starts about 1/2 hour late by the time all the guests dribble in, demo (intros, prepping, baking, survey slips, etc.) is about 1.5 hours :eek: , orders about 1/2-1 hour(?), clean/pack up & finish with host 1/2 hr-45 min(?).

Apparently I REALLY need some help from my director! I had no idea it could be done so fast! My last show was the WORST - 5 1/2 hours at the house, 1/2 hr-45 minute drive and of course it was the first time I had to pay a sitter - $50 later :eek: .

How can I cut it down? HELP!
  • #12
I am in the same boat my last show was at 6:45 and I didn't get out of there till 10pm they were all talking and injoying there drinks. So if there is anyone that can help GREAT!!
  • #13
Scaling BackHere there ladies,

Each new season I get overly excited about the new products and want to bring everything. But I do not want to make 20 trips out to my car. That makes my job look too difficult and we are trying to recruit our hosts here too, right?

So, when I started the business I limited myself to what I could carry in my crate, my Super Starter crate. If it was too heavy something had to come out. By decreasing what I brought I also limited what I said. Now I mainly stick to what I need for my recipe. I throw in my favorite new products that will fit in my case. For instance I do not take all three Stainless Steel Mixing bowls. I take the smallest one with the lid.

I won the rolling display case at a Cluster meeting so I use that now (I'll admit I bring a little more now with that case). But I still only bring what can fit (and carry) in there and my briefcase. I also do not separately pack my tool turnabout it is in there with the rest of my products.

Our catalogs are great. They have done alot of Market research and analysis to properly show each thing. Our new catalogs are really nice. Rely on your catalogs. You can always ask if they have questions about what they see in the catalog.

Also, because you are bringing less concentrate your time on the higher priced products. People buy what they see. In Jan, I started bringing and demo-ing my Ultimate S&G at all of my shows and sold 10 for the month!! How awesome is that? And it is a relatively small item to slide into your crate. Have a potatoe (you can show all of the attachments with this) and it is a 1-2 minute demo that is soooo impressive.

Go for quality not quantity and you cannot lose.
  • #14
Oh yeaAnother thing that can cut back your time is to pick 1-3 recipes for the month. Practice them at home then offer only those for your host to choose from. This way you will not need to be at her house a full hour before the party. You are comfortable with what you are doing.

If you arrive 1/2 an hour before and set up that would help. Also, I have started telling my hosts that I have an on-time prize drawing. Everyone who arrive before the scheduled start time receives a ticket and then before the party starts I have a drawing for just those people. If we can start on-time I can get out of there at a reasonable time.

Hope this helps!
  • #15
It helps if you only bring the products you need for the recipe. Like I said earlier, I do bring the new products when they first come out. I also think it is important to bring the stainless steel bowls...that is a lot of money and people need to see what they are getting.

I arrive about 15 minutes early. I don't need a lot of set up time cause I'm only bringing what I need.

Start ON TIME even if not everyone is there. Start with intros while people trickle in. You can add them on at the end.

I agree...you want to make your job look easy. If it looks hard, no one will want to do what you do.
  • #16
Something I have done is to talk about our product along with the intros. I go around the room and ask everyone their name and which of our products they already have at home. Without fail, someone will mention a stone. As a guest mentions an item, I discuss the uses and benefits of that particular item. Ex. - when someone does mention a stone, that is when I talk about how to use and clean the stone, the differents sizes and shapes we offer, etc. If the next guest says she really likes our knives, I show mine and talk about how to use the self-sharpener. By the time the intros are done, I have talked about quite a few of our products, and the guests have sold each other on their favorite items in our catalog.
  • #17
Last night I had a show and I was in and out in 3 hours which is really good because I am very good friends with the hostess. I have found that the majority of my shows are repeat hostesses so they really don't wanna see a whole long demo....so what we did last night was I arrived about an hour early and we prepared all the recipes ahead of time. (That gave me a chance to coach my hostess on what she can do to make her show more successful.) We did 3 but she did one before I got there. The only thing that I did demo was how to do a wreath. They loved how fast and easy it was. We talked about how we did each of the recipes and what tools we used. I asked if anyone had any questions and then just let them look at the catalog and talk to eachother. I was very suprised to hear that the conversations were what products they had and how much they loved them. As I listened I offered suggestions on what they could also do and other products that would go good with them. She had 5 guests and the sales are at $300. Not bad but she isn't done yet. She has outside oreders to get. I have just found that these women want to come and vistit with their girlfriends. We are just giving them a reason to get out and do it!

Related to How Long Are Your Kitchen Shows?

1. How long do your Kitchen Shows typically last?

My Kitchen Shows usually last about an hour. I find this to be the perfect amount of time to engage and entertain my audience without it being too short or too long.

2. Is there a recommended length for a Kitchen Show?

While there is no set rule for how long a Kitchen Show should be, it is generally recommended to keep it between 45 minutes to an hour. This allows enough time to showcase your products and engage with your audience without losing their attention.

3. Why is it important to keep your Kitchen Show at a specific length?

Keeping your Kitchen Show at a specific length is important because it ensures that you are able to effectively showcase your products and engage with your audience without taking up too much of their time or losing their interest.

4. How can you determine the best length for your Kitchen Show?

The best length for your Kitchen Show will depend on your target audience, the products you are showcasing, and your presentation style. It is important to experiment with different lengths and gather feedback from your audience to determine the best length for your specific show.

5. Are there any tips for keeping your Kitchen Show at a good length?

To keep your Kitchen Show at a good length, it is important to plan and structure your presentation beforehand. This will help you stay on track and avoid going over time. Additionally, engaging with your audience and incorporating interactive elements can help keep their attention and make the show feel more engaging and entertaining.

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