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How Are You Fellow Pregnant Cheffers?

In summary, all is going well with just a few minor hiccups. The due date is May 15th and we should start to feel labor activity around then.
Just checking in with you all.

My dr's has set me to be induced on May 15th at 7:00 am. I am praying that if God does not want me to be induced I will go into labor before then. With Luke I went in labor 4 days early. I prefer to not be induced, but I do not want to go over either.

How much longer do yall have?

I go to the dr on May 1st and May 9th for check ups. So, far I have"thinned" about 70% but no dialating. I never did dialate any with Luke either before I went into full labor.

All is going good other than my feet are about 3 times their normal size and by the end of the day I can barely walk on them. The Gestational Diabetes has not been as bad as I thought. It has been within the right levels for the majority of the time with not too many "high times." I pretty much know what hurts my sugar and what doesn't and when I can "cheat" and with what. HAHA!!! My iron was low but they change my vitamins to help that. How are yall feeling?

My Group B test was negative. I was thankful for that.

I have gained 27 pounds as of last checking. I will gain about the same as I did with Luke. What about yall? I am trying to decide what diet I want to use to loose it. What are yall planning to do? I am probably going to use Lindora - Comprehensive Medical Weight Control, Health Clinics and Online Weight Loss Programs like I did with Luke.

I am ready for Cole to be here and to feel as "normal" as I can. Although I know just like with Luke I will miss that feeling of him moving in my stomach.

Well, check in and report on how you are doing!
My due date was the 25th (last Friday). I went to the Dr yesterday and he said I'm dilated to a 1 and about 70% effaced. He is still cool with letting me wait it out until I go into labor so we are just hanging out! He wants me to go in Thursday for a non stress test on the baby. Basically listening to the baby's heartbeat for 30 minutes or so to make sure everything is ok. I'm going to have a nice sugary breakfast and stop somewhere for a banana malt before I go - Ice cream always wakes it up!! I am expecting a Cinco de Mayo baby - just a feeling.

I haven't had any swelling or blood pressure problems. I'm still feeling really good luckily! I went to my WW meeting yesterday (we have one at work that I just sit in on - I'm not an official member since I'm prego) and I figured that I have gained 19 lbs! I was really excited - I was overweight to start with so I didn't have to gain much. That should come off really easily with nursing and I'll be doing WW also. I gained most of my weight AFTER baby #1 - I WON'T be doing that again!

I'm ready for this one to come out also - especially since we didn't find out what we are having! I'm really excited to see what we get and when it will finally get here! I know I'll miss feeling it moving around also - at least now we know they are all safe and warm and they can go anywhere with us - as soon as they are out things get more complicated!

Good luck everyone!
Hey, I'm not prego. Just wanted to tell you good luck with the labor and delivery. We get to adopt our next ones so I can't say I will be joining the prego status either. But I love to hear when others are expecting because it makes me remember how amazing that experience was and reminds me too that it is also the hardest work I've ever done! The most rewarding. The hardest to truely measure my performance, because mom stuff is so intangible. But the first time I saw my sons the feelings I had... you can't buy that kind of an experience anywhere. Though I imagine when I see our adoptive kids, It'll feel pretty close. God willing it may be adopting an older child who will really need our love. Then the feeling would be mutual.
Congrats to all of you! I am like the above... I can't have anymore but we are looking to adopt. I had scary deliveries but I am blessed with two boys! I wish I could do it all over again. I loved it! But I will be praying for happy and safe deliveries!
Good luck, I am done having kids, but love to hear about others who are pregnant or adopting.
Jen, I did weight watchers after my kids ( I was pregnant pretty much 2 years straight- my 2 youngest kids are 12 months and 12 days apart)
I love weight watchers, I lost the weight and now just do the maintenance and eat so much healthier and am better with portion control. I never had to worry about my weight until after I had my last 2 kids and now I am back to a size 2 :)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Good luck to those adopting. I have a friend whose daughter cannot get pregnant and they have adopted two over the years. They have gotten them as infants. I think it is so awesome for people to give good homes to children that would not have them otherwise!!!!

Thanks, Mergo. I am considering WW but I need to check and see when one is locally. I know my husband's school does it but they do it on their lunch hour, so, I would not be able to atten their meetings. I have got to check at a local place that use to hold night meetings.
I did weight watchers online and did not go to the meetings. That worked for me, I tracked my food and exercie points online, they gave me great meal and recipe ideas. It is $16.00 a month, but I felt worth it. I also subsribe to the WW magazine which I love. I was not one to go to meetings, but I have had friends that prefer meetings and others don't. It's all about what you feel comfortable with. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #8
merego said:
I did weight watchers online and did not go to the meetings. That worked for me, I tracked my food and exercie points online, they gave me great meal and recipe ideas. It is $16.00 a month, but I felt worth it. I also subsribe to the WW magazine which I love. I was not one to go to meetings, but I have had friends that prefer meetings and others don't. It's all about what you feel comfortable with. :)

I will have to look into that then b/c I probably would do better not having to make the time to go to meeting with two kids and wanting to keep doing PC shows too. THANKS!
My appointment was today. My contractions on Friday did get me to 1cm, which is more than I had before I went in to have DS. My baby is "sunny side up" so I'm trying to get it to turn by being on my hands and knees for a couple of hours a day. The doctor said that once it turns I may go right into labor. He also has told me the past two times "the baby probably won't come this week" but today he said "it most likely will come within the next couple of days."

My feet are swelling bad too, but my BP was ok this week, so he wasn't concerned. Doc did try to thin my membranes and said it will probably cause contractions today, but none so far. My son was born a week before this point, so it's made this week long.

Good luck to all of you others!!!
  • #10
Don't know if I'm prego or not, but I do know I've been practicing! :) Jennifer, I LOVE the name Cole!!! Anyway, best of luck to all of you ladies with Buns in yer ovens! Can't wait to see all the baby pictures! :) Prayers for safe and quick and painless deliveries coming your way!!!
  • #11
Hello, there! I'm not as far along as some of you! I'm 25 weeks. I just started reading about labor and all the fun stuff that goes along with it. I've been a little tired lately (but I also work a 12-14 hr day). My Mom, SIL and I went to Babies R Us to register. It was kind of surreal. I was really tired and its (the pregnancy) just strange... we tried for so long, but gave up and here we are. I mean, I think I'm happy, but there is just so much going on.
  • #12
AJPratt said:
Hello, there! I'm not as far along as some of you! I'm 25 weeks. I just started reading about labor and all the fun stuff that goes along with it. I've been a little tired lately (but I also work a 12-14 hr day). My Mom, SIL and I went to Babies R Us to register. It was kind of surreal. I was really tired and its (the pregnancy) just strange... we tried for so long, but gave up and here we are. I mean, I think I'm happy, but there is just so much going on.

I remember when I was pregnant, life seemed surreal.....Mine was a surprise pregnancy - we were happy, but also in shock, and I never did quite grasp what was actually happening to my body!

I think it's all the hormones - and also being tired. Take care of yourself Anne. I know you are crazy busy - but try to rest when you can!
  • #13
My due date is May 26th. I've got just over three weeks to go, but I really don't think this little one will be coming on time. My mom can't be here until June 3rd, and she's hoping he'll hold off until then. :D I don't think it'll go quite that far, I'm still hoping for a May baby (my birthday is in May too).

I didn't pass my first GD test, but I passed the second one. I have not been keeping track of my weight gain too much. I wasn't happy where I was before I got pregnant, and since I can't do anything about it while I'm pregnant, I decided not to worry about it until after the birth. I figure the Dr will tell me if I'm gaining too much. My Group B was also negative.

My feet have been swelling a lot in the last 2-3 weeks. I can no longer wear any other shoes except my tennies and even they have to be untied. I had a pretty fantastic pregnancy so far: no morning sickness, my blood pressure has been fantastic, no major pains. I can even still sleep through the whole night, and I'm certainly taking advantage of that.

I'll be going to the regional meeting on Tuesday, but I (as of now, I'm trying to convince my DH otherwise) will not be going to NC. I've got a show today, and I have a catalog show that I'm going to be closing on Monday, and another show that was supposed to be last Sunday but was canceled that I'm trying to reach the host to see if she got together any orders to make it a catalog show.

I'm holding a fundraiser for HWC at my house Tuesday night, and hopefully from there I'll be able to set up enough catalog shows to carry me over the next couple of months. I'm hoping to have at least two catalog shows in June, maybe even a cooking show towards the end if I feel up to it.

Now, I'm off to pack my crate and get DH to load up my car!
  • #14
I'm 6 1/2 weeks- due on Christmas! This is baby #3 for me. So far I have just slight morning sickness. Chances are it'll get worse soon, but for now it's manageable!
  • #15
Jennifer had baby Cole this past weekend!!! Don't know the details, but I started a "Congrats" thread.....
  • #16
Ok, with this being my due date and still no baby, I'm jealous of her. But congrats to her anyway. ;) My son was 2 weeks early, so this is lasting forever for me.
  • #17

Hey all! I am a little over 12 weeks along now...doing very well! My morning (all day) sickness has worn off and my energy level has gone back up pretty much.

Yesterday I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. The baby was moving around so much (and is still so small) it was hard for her to find it and keep it under the doppler. Plus...Evan was "helping" by poking my belly and my ribs...so even once she found it, he made me laugh! We got to hear it for about 5 seconds, though! Everything looks great so far!

I go back in a month for another "belly check" and then the following month (July) will be my ultrasound and hopefully finding out the sex! Pray for a girl!
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  • #18
Great update Kelly!!! Praying for a healthy baby first then a little extra for the pink!!!
  • #19
Good luck Jen & Heather, I hope everything goes well with your deliveries.
I had my son Ryan, on 4/21/08..he was 8 lbs 6oz and 2o inches. He is so sweet. I am glad to be able to get around MUCH better after this c section then my first. I am doing my first PC show next Friday!! Wish me luck..I can't wait to do a show again but everyone thinks I'm nuts since it has only been 3 weeks...what can I say I love PC!
I will try to post a picture, I'm not that great at that part....

Kelly~ I'm glad to hear your "morning" sickness has passed and you are feeling better...
  • #20
Congratulations Krissy! Enjoy your new baby - they are so precious:)
  • #21
Thanks Gina...I am enjoying him...I didn't realize how much I love the new baby stage...and missed it :)
  • #22
So... how is everyone doing? We know Jen had a beautiful little boy! How exciting! What's going on with everyone else? I had my appt and glucose test the other day and the doc said he thinks I'll go a couple of weeks early. The baby kicks all the time! She wakes me up in the morning. LOL
  • #23
I forget, when is your due date Anne?
  • #24
They just changed it to August 14th. It was the 20th.
  • #25
All is well with me. I am almost 15wks and have been having a rough 2nd trimester. Migraines everyday. Oh well that what I get none with the first 2 but one all the time with the 3rd. I can't wait for 20 wk 3-d US. I want a girl sooooo bad but will be very happy with a healthy child.
  • #26
AJPratt said:
They just changed it to August 14th. It was the 20th.

The 13th of August is a great day (my 40th b-day!):)
  • #27
I've progressed to the "any day now" stage. Officially, I'm a few days short of 39 weeks, but you know how that goes :)

Still no contractions, and I really don't think he's going to be early. What I would like to do though is stop going to work. I have an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday, and I will tell him "I don't care what you have to tell them, tell them something so I don't have to go in tomorrow." Even if he says the hospital is too far from work.
  • #28
I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow and I'll have my glucose test on Monday. She kicks all the time too, especially at night when I've settled down to watch tv and go to bed.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Well, I just got on here to be able to read everyone's update today. I am so behind on here! Cole will be weeks 2 wks old on Sunday. He is so great! He is sleeping pretty good at night now that we got the formula worked out. He is on a good 4 hour schedule. I thank the Lord for that!!! Luke did not sleep but 3 hrs in a 24 hr period until he was 4 months old! We prayed and prayed for a sleeper this time!!!

Great to read all about you all and will definitely keep track of you all!
  • #30
jrstephens said:
Well, I just got on here to be able to read everyone's update today. I am so behind on here! Cole will be weeks 2 wks old on Sunday. He is so great! He is sleeping pretty good at night now that we got the formula worked out. He is on a good 4 hour schedule. I thank the Lord for that!!! Luke did not sleep but 3 hrs in a 24 hr period until he was 4 months old! We prayed and prayed for a sleeper this time!!!

Great to read all about you all and will definitely keep track of you all!

Glad to hear that Cole sleeps more than Luke did! That's a blessing! Enjoy your "infant" time...it passes by so quickly!
  • #31
AJPratt said:
They just changed it to August 14th. It was the 20th.

How come it seems like you were farther along than that? It seems like we have known you were preggo for a long time...did you find out really early like I did?

I just can't believe that I am only 3 months behind you...

Hope you are feeling OK and are doing alright being on your feet!

How's the coffee business treating you?


  • #32
I hate to butt in here...I love reading your updates gals!! I just had to throw in there that I just had a positive pregnancy test this morning!!! I'm almost two weeks late so I guess that would make me a mere 4 weeks along with #4, but we are very excited!! It's nice to see you all on here pregnant and loving it!!
  • #33
Thanks for the update Jennifer - how about some more pictures....
  • #34
lol Linda...when I first read your post I thought you were asking for pictures of Jenny's pee stick from the post right above yours....silly preggo brain! Now I know what you were asking!!

Jenny...CONGRATS! I was only weeks along like that when I found out! Good luck with your pregnancy! Any symptoms yet?

  • #35
Too funny Kelly!

Hey, that reminds me of Gillian - where the heck has she been?
  • #36
Just to let you know, I had a baby girl (surprise!) on May 9. She weighed in at 9lbs 0.3oz and was 22 inches. Her name is Krista. She's completely gorgeous, but I'm a tad biased. ;) And we have now had 8 straight days of strictly breast feeding and it's going amazingly. I had to start supplementing my son with formula by day 9, and I'm not going to have to do that with her, so I'm stoked.
  • #37
Congratulations!! GLAD TO HEAR ALL IS WELL!!
  • #38
Tanoi said:
Just to let you know, I had a baby girl (surprise!) on May 9. She weighed in at 9lbs 0.3oz and was 22 inches. Her name is Krista. She's completely gorgeous, but I'm a tad biased. ;) And we have now had 8 straight days of strictly breast feeding and it's going amazingly. I had to start supplementing my son with formula by day 9, and I'm not going to have to do that with her, so I'm stoked.

Yeah! Nursing totally rocks! I struggled in the beginning with Evan, but I was so glad I stuck it out...I loved the special time I got to spend with him, and I truely feel that he was so healthy in large part to nursing. I am looking forward to nursing with this next one, and praying that I don't have to struggle for so long like I did with Evan!

Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!
  • #38
Ok, this is my first time breastfeeding...it will be one month tomorrow...i didn't nurse with my first son and with Ryan (my 2nd) it was going okay...but now it's like he eats every 2 hours and at night he will go from 7 - 11 on and off eating...when i think he's done, he's looking for more like he hasn't eaten in days...its been like this for the past 5 - 7 days...any advice?? Is this normal?? I know the every 2 hours is..does that slow down?? I don't know what to do, but I really want to continue to nurse as long as I can....

AJPRATT~ Congratulations on your pregnancy! My girlfriend just wen to storybook land with her daughter, I was on here reading this post and told her we have to go to your coffee shop and when I told her the name she said "Oh, I just saw that on my way home from storybook land and thought it was such a great name for a coffee shop!" So we are going to take a ride down to have a cup of coffee at your place...what days are you there? I have to get in before you have the baby! Congrats again :)
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  • #39
Krissy, Thanks! I would love to see you guys! We are maybe not even a mile away from Storybook Land! Right now, I am here everyday. My staff is bugging me to take some time off, but I just don't feel like the place is ready. I usually do get to come in late morning. You can always call the store to see when I am expected in, or I can PM you my cell #.
  • #40
KellyTheChef said:
Yeah! Nursing totally rocks! I struggled in the beginning with Evan, but I was so glad I stuck it out...I loved the special time I got to spend with him,

Kelly ~Ok, this is my first time breastfeeding...it will be one month tomorrow...i didn't nurse with my first son and with Ryan (my 2nd) it was going okay...but now it's like he eats every 2 hours and at night he will go from 7 - 11 on and off eating...when i think he's done, he's looking for more like he hasn't eaten in days...its been like this for the past 5 - 7 days...any advice?? Is this normal?? I know the every 2 hours is..does that slow down?? I don't know what to do, but I really want to continue to nurse as long as I can....

AJPRATT~ Congratulations on your pregnancy! My girlfriend just wen to storybook land with her daughter, I was on here reading this post and told her we have to go to your coffee shop and when I told her the name she said "Oh, I just saw that on my way home from storybook land and thought it was such a great name for a coffee shop!" So we are going to take a ride down to have a cup of coffee at your place...what days are you there? I have to get in before you have the baby! Congrats again
  • #41

Evan ate every 2 hours round the clock for a long time.

What you are describing sounds like "cluster feedings" and he did that in the evenings too. Plus...it may be that he is going through a growth spurt, too, if he wasn't doing that all of the time to begin with. Will he sleep for a longer time once he goes down for the night after the cluster feedings?
  • #42
He doesn't always sleep longer after the cluster feedings (thanks never heard of that!)...last night he only slept about 3 hours...the night before I think he did sleep 5. I just wasn't sure if this was normal and if I should continue to let him eat like that or try to hold him off? That sounds so mean, but this is all confusing to me...my husband keeps telling me to switch to formula but oddly enough (i wasn't sure i was going to like nursing) giving him formula is the LAST thing I want to do...so I'm just looking for any advice...I should call my lactation consultants...but sometimes I feel like I'm just a dummy...thanks for your help :)
  • #43
pckrissy said:
He doesn't always sleep longer after the cluster feedings (thanks never heard of that!)...last night he only slept about 3 hours...the night before I think he did sleep 5. I just wasn't sure if this was normal and if I should continue to let him eat like that or try to hold him off? That sounds so mean, but this is all confusing to me...my husband keeps telling me to switch to formula but oddly enough (i wasn't sure i was going to like nursing) giving him formula is the LAST thing I want to do...so I'm just looking for any advice...I should call my lactation consultants...but sometimes I feel like I'm just a dummy...thanks for your help :)

You are NOT a dummy! It's hard when you are nursing...you can't "see" how much they are getting, so you second guess yourself! I didn't feel like I was an old pro at it till he was almost 3 months old...before that I went back and forth. Some days I felt good, others I questioned myself and if he was getting enough to eat.

Tell DH that you really need his support on this, and that you really want to do the nursing. I can remember my DH telling me the same thing. I think it's cuz they don't know how else to help! DH told me that one night...that it was killing him to see me struggle so much and be so upset, so that's why he kept suggesting formula.

Cluster feeding is VERY NORMAL for the first few months. If you have tried other things (swaddling, paci, etc.) and you know he seems hungry, then nurse him. If he truely is hungry, you are NOT gonna get him to change his mind! lol

Please let me know if I can help in any way...or if you need to call and talk to someone who has been in your shoes!! I am such a breastfeeding advocate now...and after struggling with Evan, I have a heart to help others who are nursing anytime I can!

Here is some info on soothing methods that I SWEAR BY! These come from the book and DVD called The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp. You can probably borrow it from the library!!

Five S’s (do all together till you figure out what one works best)

1. Swaddling. TIGHTLY. When I first saw the nurse swaddle Evan tightly, I thought she was being too rough or mean to him. I thought he WANTED his hands out since every time I swaddled him, he got them out. (It was only cuz I wasn’t doing it tightly enough!!)
2. Sidelying- hold them on their side, either in your arms, or laying down the crease in your legs.
3. Sushing- pretty loudly. Infants (up to 3 months) don’t hear like we do…it’s like we would hear underwater. Get close to their ear and make a loud sushing noise. Match the “loudness” with the loudness of their cry.
4. Swinging- do the “jello-head” when holding them in your arms, or when they are laying down the crease in your legs. Small quick movements. You are not shaking the baby, just making small quick movements to kind of “jiggle” their head a bit back and forth. Once they are calm, you can put them in a baby swing set to the fastest setting. (you can see this in a few of the youtube videos listed below.) Also, the milkshake does the same effect as the quick swinging movements.
5. Sucking- your (clean) finger, or a paci

YouTube - "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Harvey Karp, MD (Part 1)

“Milk shake” do this while swaddled: YouTube - Milkshake

Swaddling. Make sure to keep the blanket away from their cheek, so they don’t “root” and look for your boobie!

YouTube - Baby Burrito

YouTube - The Perfect Swaddle - How To (swaddle, make sure to PULL the blanket TIGHT at each step…she does not do that here)
  • #44
Wow Kelly, that info is so cool! I can't wait until I'm pregnant!
  • #45
Kitchen Diva said:
Wow Kelly, that info is so cool! I can't wait until I'm pregnant!
Thanks! I didn't find that info till Evan was about 2 months old...so I am looking forward to knowing it right off the bat with this new one on the way!

It was actually sooooo cool. My girlfriend had a baby in December, and he was about 2 weeks old when I went to go see her. He had already started the "crying all evening" thing....I went over there, showed her how to swaddle him tighly, did the rest of the 5 S's and he was instantly calmed! Just like on the DVD!

Obviously, if there is a different (medical) reason for their crying, you take care of that first, but this guy explains in detail how our babies are really INFANTS and need the "4th Trimester" where we duplicate the womb experience as much a possible. Not all babies are unable to "self-soothe" but many just don't have the ability to do that till they are about 4 months old. Before that time, do NOT worry that you are spoiling them! You can NOT spoil an infant! They don't have the ability to "manipulate" you at that age!
  • #46
jrstephens said:
Well, I just got on here to be able to read everyone's update today. I am so behind on here! Cole will be weeks 2 wks old on Sunday. He is so great! He is sleeping pretty good at night now that we got the formula worked out. He is on a good 4 hour schedule. I thank the Lord for that!!! Luke did not sleep but 3 hrs in a 24 hr period until he was 4 months old! We prayed and prayed for a sleeper this time!!!

Great to read all about you all and will definitely keep track of you all!

God bless a good sleeping baby :) I lucked out and all 3 of mine were sleeping through the night by 8 weeks ( I did not breastfeed though). Mine are still all good sleepers and I am so blessed. All I can figure out is since I had such horrible pregnancies, good sleepers were my payback :)
Good luck to all of you that are pregnant and congrats again Jen on the new baby :):)
  • #47
Thanks for all the info Kelly. I watched the videos and tried the swaddling, Ryan is quite a wiggler, I have to perfect that a bit! The sushing seemed to help alot too. I'll keep you posted...
  • #48
I read the book http://www.amazon.com/dp/1932740082/?tag=pfamazon01-20 with my first son and it really helped me with the breastfeeding schedule. He slept through the night at 7 weeks and ate every 3 hours after he was 2 weeks old. I found the information to be really helpful and I plan on re-reading it to brush up before this next baby comes.
  • #49
I never had luck with swaddling but know people who had great luck. My kids hated it and wanted to be free :) I have read The happiest baby on the block and The happiest toddler on the block. Both are wonderful books, if only there was A The Happiest Teenager on the Block, I could use that right about now!!
  • #50
Although i'm not a member of the preggo cheffers club anymore I just wanted to let you all know that I still check in on you all and wish you all the best of luck! To all of you who are huge and sore and tired and irritable (what did I forget?;) ) just remember... soon you will forget all of that! Christopher is almost two months old now and everytime he looks into my eyes and smiles I know the hard time during pregnancy were worth it!
Good luck to all of you! I have to go cry now! (still a little emotional!:rolleyes: )
<h2>How long do you have left?</h2><p>I am scheduled to be induced on May 15th at 7:00 am, but I am hoping to go into labor before then.</p><h2>How are you feeling?</h2><p>My feet are swollen and I have Gestational Diabetes, but overall I am doing well. I have been able to manage my sugar levels and my Group B test came back negative.</p><h2>How much weight have you gained?</h2><p>I have gained 27 pounds so far, which is similar to what I gained with my first pregnancy. I am already thinking about how I will lose the weight after giving birth.</p><h2>What are your plans for losing the weight?</h2><p>I am considering using the Lindora weight loss program, as it was successful for me after my first pregnancy.</p><h2>How is your pregnancy progressing?</h2><p>My doctor appointments have been going well, and I am currently about 70% thinned but not dilating yet. I am hoping to avoid being induced and go into labor naturally.</p><h2>Are you excited for your baby to arrive?</h2><p>Yes, I am definitely looking forward to meeting my little one and feeling like myself again. But I know I will also miss the feeling of having my baby move inside me.</p>

Related to How Are You Fellow Pregnant Cheffers?

How long do you have left?

I am scheduled to be induced on May 15th at 7:00 am, but I am hoping to go into labor before then.

How are you feeling?

My feet are swollen and I have Gestational Diabetes, but overall I am doing well. I have been able to manage my sugar levels and my Group B test came back negative.

How much weight have you gained?

I have gained 27 pounds so far, which is similar to what I gained with my first pregnancy. I am already thinking about how I will lose the weight after giving birth.

What are your plans for losing the weight?

I am considering using the Lindora weight loss program, as it was successful for me after my first pregnancy.

How is your pregnancy progressing?

My doctor appointments have been going well, and I am currently about 70% thinned but not dilating yet. I am hoping to avoid being induced and go into labor naturally.

Are you excited for your baby to arrive?

Yes, I am definitely looking forward to meeting my little one and feeling like myself again. But I know I will also miss the feeling of having my baby move inside me.

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