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Personal Am I Pregnant??? (For Women's Eyes Only)

In summary, the conversation revolves around the possibility of the speaker being pregnant. They have been experiencing symptoms such as a headache, sore breasts, and nausea, and have taken a pregnancy test that initially showed negative but later showed a positive result. They are unsure due to the test being in the garbage for over 24 hours and are considering taking another test. Others in the conversation suggest getting a cheaper pregnancy test and waiting until they are due for their period to take it, as well as considering getting a blood test at a clinic for more accurate results. The speaker expresses their desire to have another child and the conversation ends with well wishes and potential plans for future updates.
Gold Member
Ok. So, I'm on birth control but forgot 2 pills this month. I also was on antibiotics around the first of the month. For the past 2 weeks I have just felt pregnant. I've had a headache for about a week, my bbs are sore, I could cry at the drop of a hat and I've been really queezy this week. I am not suppose to get a visit from my best friend until later this week. I took a preg. test 2 days ago. It said negative. Last night I was taking the trash out and the used test fell out of the garbage, now it says a big fat positive. I took another one immediately and got a no again. (However, it was late at night and not first morning urine). I just don't know since it was in the garbage for over 24 hours. I just am wondering. I thought about going and get one of those early response ones, but really don't want to dish out the $ for one if I'm not. I really want to be though because we've got a 2 year old and will most likley never "plan" a pregnancy again, but I want DS to have a sibling. Hummmm. What do yall think?
Well, I'd wait and see until you are due to start and if you don't then take a test...
I think after 24 hrs the results of the original test could be wrong...hence, the positive after getting a negative the first time.
Go w/ your gut, you will truly know. Hope it works out for you! And keep us posted!
The symptoms sound promising. All tests turn positive eventually. The cultures in your urine will make it that way after it sits on it for so long. I had the same concern once and my OB told me this. Dollar Tree has twin pack tests for $1. That's personally what I would do.

I hope it works out for you. Best of luck!
I think antibiotics can mess with the effectiveness of BCPs too. The problem with pregnancy symptoms is that they can "just" be PMS or something else. I would take another one in the morning (as you already know is the best, esp when it's a little early). If you don't want to spend as much, just get a store brand...and get a multi-pack. Just in case you need to take it again next week.I'm sure that it will work out and it sounds like you'd be happy, just shocked. I know that we do not plan to have anymore children, but if it happened, we would be happy.
All the signs are there...and I only had a test turn like that in the garbage when I was pregnant.Although curiosity is killing you, I wouldn't spend big $ on an early one. If they are the same costs as the rest, fine.Congratulations on the blessing if it is true! Keep us posted!
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With both of my pregnancies, I used the wal-mart brand pregnancy test (multi-pack) about a week before I was due for my "friend" to visit, and both pregnancies it came up positive. I wouldn't go spend the money on one of the early response, b/c it my experience, the wal-mart brand detected the hormone early. Just pick up the store brand, use it with your morning urine...and keep us posted!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Ok, I'm crying, again. I really hope I am. If I'm not, may the Lord bless my hubby as my pmsing is awful this month:)

janetupnorth said:
All the signs are there...and I only had a test turn like that in the garbage when I was pregnant.

Although curiosity is killing you, I wouldn't spend big $ on an early one. If they are the same costs as the rest, fine.

Congratulations on the blessing if it is true! Keep us posted!
EVERY month I think I'm pregnant right before my monthly "visit". I have ALL of the symptoms! That's my new PMS since I've started having kids apparently. I agree with the others. Wait until you're late (or at least due to start) to take another test. I wasted so much money on the pregnancy tests until I figured out this is my new "normal".
You can also go to a clinic and get a blood test for free. They're much more accurate than a urine test, anyway.

Keeping you in my prayers!!
  • #10
Jules711 said:
I think antibiotics can mess with the effectiveness of BCPs too. The problem with pregnancy symptoms is that they can "just" be PMS or something else. I would take another one in the morning (as you already know is the best, esp when it's a little early). If you don't want to spend as much, just get a store brand...and get a multi-pack. Just in case you need to take it again next week.

I'm sure that it will work out and it sounds like you'd be happy, just shocked. I know that we do not plan to have anymore children, but if it happened, we would be happy.

i agree. although i have never been pregnant, so i dont know how my body will react when i do become pregnant, those sound like my pms symptoms.

good luck though!!
  • #11
From experience missing birth control can make you paranoid & you start to notice "signs" that you are pregnant.. Even though those little signs may just be coincidence or all 'in your head'..

If you are pregnant... CONGRATS... =)
  • #12
Keep us posted!!!! I think Walmart has their own brand of an early response one, too. I think I even got one at Fred's.

And they do all change over a long period of time, that's why they tell you to not let it sit too long before you look. And if you do them at night that can make a difference to when it is early.

I took two with Cole b/c the line was so "faint" and I wanted a strong line before I told everyone!

I have seen those at the Dollar Tree.

Curiosity is awful ain't it!!!! With Luke I waited for the blood test to announce it to everyone but with Cole I did after the 2nd home test in the same weekend.

And I think that if it is God's timing then you will be. This could be His way of getting you to consider it and you & your husband to talk about the possibility of "planning" one.
  • #13
I'm actually doing fertility treatments so I know the head games well!Try to just relax, if you get to the point that your overdue for your period then go to the Dr. and just get a blood test, insurance should cover it and then your not playing the maybe the test is wrong game...Also I could be wrong but missing a few pills could bring the PMS symptoms on earlier?
  • #14
pamperedpnina said:
I'm actually doing fertility treatments so I know the head games well!

Try to just relax, if you get to the point that your overdue for your period then go to the Dr. and just get a blood test, insurance should cover it and then your not playing the maybe the test is wrong game...

Also I could be wrong but missing a few pills could bring the PMS symptoms on earlier?

pnina! my aunt did fertility treatments - & in april welcomed her twin little boys :) good luck to you!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
well, I just got 5 test from the dollar general stored. LOL I took one immediately and got a no, and i'm gonna wait and take another in the morning. maybe we'll know one way or another here in a few days. :)
  • #16
tabnat80 said:
well, I just got 5 test from the dollar general stored. LOL I took one immediately and got a no, and i'm gonna wait and take another in the morning. maybe we'll know one way or another here in a few days. :)

Too funny! When I mentioned all the money I wasted on these tests every month, this was how I did it too -- several at a time. I took one a day (minimum) once the symptoms would start until I finally started. Thankfully, I finally figured out that this is just how my body deals with PMS now.
  • #17
Yall are helping the economy by spending your money, ha!:D
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  • #18
well, the first time around when I was pregnant with ds, I didn't know dollar tree had preggy test and spent a lot on them at walmart and the drug stores:) lol
  • #19
This same thing happened to me. I could've sworn I was pregnant. I went and bought one test after the other, thinking for sure I was and it was just too early for the tests to pick up on the hormones. Then I ended up not being pregnant and it was quite disappointing and we were sad. Even when it's unintentional and then you start taking tests, you start thinking about it and accepting it and getting excited, etc. Then the next month we decided to try and I went to the store and bought a two or four pack thinking I'd need them. Then I ended up positive with the first test. So now I still have some extras lying around. If you lived near me I'd give them to you! ;) Best of luck. Let us know what happens.
  • #20
with my second baby, i took a total of 5 preggie tests before i got my positive. i started taking them the soonest they said you could test and it wasn't until about 2 days into my normal "time of the month" that it came out positvely positive. so i know how you feel. if you are congrats!
  • #21
babywings76 said:
Then the next month we decided to try and I went to the store and bought a two or four pack thinking I'd need them. Then I ended up positive with the first test. So now I still have some extras lying around.

Me too! My little girl is 4 months now and it's never gonna get used (I'm sending DH for the snip!) ;) No idea why it's still in the bathroom cupboard!
  • #22
My oldest DD showed up on a test like that......she is 8 1/2!
I threw it away after a negative and then a few hours later it said positive! I had my BFF's husband test me again (he is a Navy Corpsman) and there she was!

Congratulations if you are! I would love another but am very happy with the four blessings I have.
  • #23
You are more susceptible to becoming pregnant if you are taking antibiotics. They do interfere with your birth control pills.

You should wait until morning to take another test, and if it is negative wait a few days before taking another.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
I wish it were morning. I wish it were morning. I wish it were morning. Dang it. IT'S STIILL NOT MORNING. (My name is Tabitha and I thought if I wiggled my nose it might be morning already) LOL.
  • #25
Well if you wanted to take a pregnancy test realllllllly badly, you could have always stayed dehydrated thru out the day, but I wouldn't recommend it. Before all of our patients have surgery at work, we check how dilute their urine is. Suprisingly dilute urine = MANY false negatives!!

Best of luck & keep us all posted!
  • #26
I use the dollar store pregnancy tests. They are just as accurate. With my first I didn't find out I was pregnant until 8 weeks. I got FOUR negatives. With my second I found out right away. Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Well, with DS I got 13 negatives before I got 1 positive. I was just barely preggy when I tested first. I was 3 weeks late before we officially found out. I tested again tonight. LOL. It was negative. I'm gonna try again in the am. Thank goodness I got dollar tree test. I don't feel so bad burning a dollar as opposed to 9 bucks. :)
  • #28
WELL???? :p
  • #29
Antibiotics can DEFINITELY reduce the effect of birth control pills.

I joined an infertility web board 2 years ago because I was having a hard time getting pregnant. I now have a daughter & another one on the way. But I'm still on the web board and we are all (pee on a stick) POAS-aholics, so I can definitely understand your NEED to POAS!!!

I get really early positives .... 7 & 8 days past ovulation. But I have a friend who's like you and gets them VERY late ... actually weeks after her cycle is due. She felt like she was pregnant but tested negative, so she went to Sri Lanka for the Tsunami Relief. She felt sick while she was there but associated it to the atmosphere and exhaustion. A month later when she returned home was when she got her Big Fat Positive.

Since you mentioned that you got a late positive with your son ... hang in there! You might just get another late positive this time around too!!! :D I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

FYI, if you want to be a true POAS-aholic, you can do what I did ... go to eBay and buy 100 IC tests for $32.99!!! It's well worth the price to support your POAS habit. ;)

"Hi, I'm Sheila. I'm a POAS-aholic and a POAS-pusher!!!" :p

- - - - -

Pnina, if you want info on the infertility web board, PM me. They have charts to help you track ovulation and your monthly cycles as well as public forums where you can chat with other women going through the same types of infertility treatments as you. It really helps to be able to talk to other people who UNDERSTAND what it's like to deal with infertility. (((hugs))) I hope you get a positive pregnancy test soon!
  • #30
tabnat80 said:
I wish it were morning. I wish it were morning. I wish it were morning. Dang it. IT'S STIILL NOT MORNING. (My name is Tabitha and I thought if I wiggled my nose it might be morning already) LOL.

More like "My name is Tabitha and I can't resist a pregnancy test."
  • Thread starter
  • #31
LOL. yall are too funny. I didn't know ebay had pregnancy tests. Definately worth checking into. I could easily be a member of the poas club. Maybe they'll let me join. :) WELL, I took a test this morning. I dreamed about it all night long, except the preggy test in my dreams was a voters ballot. I had to connect the line. LOL how funny. Anyways, it was negative this time around. I don't know though, I still haven't started so I guess we'll wait and see. At least this round of uncertainty has sparked some interesting conversating with baby daddy, aka, dh. He is at least talking about the possiblility of me getting pregnant again. He is very reluctant because I had some bad late post partum depression last time. But honestly, I don't think it was ppd, but more like, "hey it's winter out, my first time to stay at home and not work and I got major major cabin feaver." DS was like 9 months old. However, it did last about a year after that so maybe it was ppd. However, I did loose both of my grandparents in the time and that was a lot to get over. I was very close to them. So, anyways, I really want a big family. I told DH that it just doesn't seem complete yet. He even mentioned having 2 more! WoW. He's a twin so who knows, they may come out a pair the next time around. Thanks for asking and maybe I am, but as of right now, probably not. You know I'll be poas again in the morning tomorrow though if I don't start today;)
  • #32
Thanks for the update, but tomorrow you need to let us know a bit earlier... maybe more like 7am :). Some of us have been waiting to hear from you ALL morning! LOL!

Sorry to hear it's still -ve, but there's always tomorrow (or next month!).

DH and I are still trying to decide whether to go for #4... If we're going to do it, we want it to be SOON so we don't have a big gap after #3.

Any thoughts? Maybe I should start a poll...:)
  • #33
Annabel, I can't tell you whether or not to have another kid. However, as the mom of two kids with almost a 5 year gap, I say if you're gonna do it, do it now. My kids are only now starting to get along, since my 19 yo DD is living 3000 miles away!!
  • #34
LOL on the poll idea!!! I'm the oldest of 8 yes you read right 8 kids! I'm turning 24 next month and the youngest is turning 8 in a few days! My whole family is supper close!!!!! So it may be harder on you having them spaced out but the kids will figure out how to get along (or not like in Sarah's case)Tabitha, you for sure need to let us know earlyer ;) I've check this post like 300 times today :)
  • #35
Best of luck in the morning and this thread sure cheered me with me laughin at some of the comments while I am sitting listening to kids fight over this or that they are home for parent teacher conference and they are already getting on each other nerves and it is too cold to go outside.

I hope you get your answer soon!!!! Thanks for the smile on my face.
  • #36
Annie, my sis and I are 6 yrs apart and we do NOT get along...
I think while we were growing up she wanted to be the exact opposite of me, and she sure is...we have absolutely nothing in common except our parents! LOL
  • #37
My sister is 9 years older than me, my brother 5 years older than me. My parents have admitted I was "unplanned, not unwanted"! I was 26 when I found out, so not too bothered!!

Sadly my sister died of breast cancer last year, my brother and I get on better now than we ever had. I guess her going stopped us taking it for granted that we would always have each other.
  • #38
My sister is only 2.5 years older than me and while we can get along, I do not agree w/ the way she is. The way she keeps house, her husband choice, the way she raises my nephews. I get those boys as much as possible to clip their fingernails, bathe them and make sure they are eating something healthy. My brother is 4 years younger than me and he and I get along great. While we don't talk everyday b/c of our schedules always being busy but when we are together, we get along great!!
It is a tough call about another kid, Annie. My BF and I have discussed if we want to have kids or not. He has none, I have an 11yr old (12 in January). BF is 38 and I am 28, so we really aren't sure except that we don't want another one until after we are married. So..... good luck!!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
Well, my bff came to visit tonight. Sniff Sniff... I'm not pregnant. I had a very emotional evening and I think it kickstarted my period. To put it short, I feel like an awful terrible mother. I was out shopping with my mom and aunt and i was taking my son to the potty. He's been sitting in the top part of the buggy, but lately, has learned how to unbuckle himself and climb over to the big part of the buggy where you put groceries. Anyways, I let him sit in the big part because I thought, heck, he's gonna try to climb back there anyhow, this must be safer to just go ahead and let him sit back there. So, here I am pushing him to the potty before he has an accident. (He's 2 and 1/2 and we have just in the past month mastered potty training in public). Well, as I eyeball the restrooms, there is a lady in my way on the isle I want to go down so I stop to reevaluate and look for a quicker route. Well, by this time, DS has stood up without me even noticing. I was in such a hurry to get him there, that I was oblivious to him standing. Well, when I stopped, he lost his balance and literally flipped OUT of the buggy and landed on his head on a very hard concrete floor. I started screaming the whole way down. I couldn't get to him to catch him. My mom was behind me, but she was in shock. She just stood there. Strangers ran over to us, I scooped him up and he was screaming and crying so loudly. I swear, everyone in that store was around us. I finally got him outside to see if I could get him calmed down enough to check him out. He didn't have any knots or anything noticable which freaked me out. So, I called his DR. They are the best there. It was 10 til 5 and most offices have already turned their answering machines on. They told me to bring him in. Well, the whole way there (about a 20 minute drive with traffic) he was trying to go to sleep. I had to keep him singing the itsy bitsy spider. We got there and doc looked him over and said that he didn't see any knots or redding or anything. He didn't have a concussion, which suprised me because I swear, if you had seen that fall, GOd is the only reason why this child didn't have a concussion. It looked awful. I can still see him falling when I close my eyes. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. So, doc told me to watch him tonight and wake him a few times to make sure he's ok. So far so good. He's right here beside me in our room. I squeezed his mattress beside our bed for the night so I can check on him periodically. So, a little while ago, I brought him to our room and he was so asleep and I tried to wake him and told him we needed to go peepee. (he fell asleep on the way home from my folks' house tonight and didn't go potty before we left), anyways, that little squirt peed all over my bed and him self. I guess he heard me and thought he was on the potty. We just laughed it off and changed the bed and him. He did wake on up just fine and now he's snoozing again. So, long post I know, but No I'm not pregnant and Yes I'm so thankful my little guy is alright and No we won't be going to any stores with buggies any time soon.
  • Thread starter
  • #40
All I can tell you to do is pray about it. I have always wanted a big family but right now dh doesn't know where we would put another kid. Good luck and keep us posted.

AnnieBee said:
Thanks for the update, but tomorrow you need to let us know a bit earlier... maybe more like 7am :). Some of us have been waiting to hear from you ALL morning! LOL!

Sorry to hear it's still -ve, but there's always tomorrow (or next month!).

DH and I are still trying to decide whether to go for #4... If we're going to do it, we want it to be SOON so we don't have a big gap after #3.

Any thoughts? Maybe I should start a poll...:)
  • #41
My sister and I are 5 years apart( I am younger) and growing up we hated each other. We had fist fights, etc.
But now that we are older we are best friends. When she was 18 and I was 13 we lived in Boston and my mom and I moved back to Tennessee and she stayed there. Ever since then we have been BF's. I guess we just had to be away from each other and kinda grow up.

As for children more power to all of you that have multiple. I look uo to you with thte greatest respect. I have 1 and that is enough for me. I love kids and always thought I would have more but we have decided that our one is enough.

chefsteph07 said:
Annie, my sis and I are 6 yrs apart and we do NOT get along...
I think while we were growing up she wanted to be the exact opposite of me, and she sure is...we have absolutely nothing in common except our parents! LOL
  • #42
Tabitha, your post made me laugh. I know, it's not funny to you, and it was very scary. I'm laughing because, after being Mom to a boy after almost 19 years, I can tell you eventually you'll look back and think 'why in the world was I so worried about that!?' I don't know what it is, but little boys have rock hard heads (and some little girls!), and things that would have us in bed for a week don't even phase them!

My friend's son broke his ankle a few weeks ago. The only time he uses the crutches is when Mom yells at him! When I broke my ankle at the age of 34, I was in a wheelchair, because the crutches scared me!
  • #43
So sorry that you had such a scary incident at the store. I have a friend who always jokes that "kids bounce" and sometimes that's very true!! Things that we expect to be serious turn out just just be a little bump or bruise. So glad that he didn't have any serious problems as a result of the fall. Hopefully, he'll learn to sit down for you now. ;)
  • #44
Oh Tabitha, what a night! I'm glad to hear your son is OK. They get into so much trouble when they're little, but mostly they do just bounce back. It is pretty sickening watchging them fall like that though. I hate going shopping anywhere I have to use a cart. My 20mnth old has to be buckled in so tight to stop her from standing up, and she still usually manages to wriggle around and even turn herself backwards. There are occasions where I think it might be safer for her to be standing in the "main" part too. At 2yrs my other two could undo the buckles. It was a nightmare!

And kids are so fast too! I have never let my kids stand on the edge of the carts and hang on to the sides, but one time at old navy, when my son was sitting in the "sitting" part of the cart, my DD decided to climb on and hang on to the side. Those carts are quite small, and the whole cart tipped over, baby included. He was quite little (I think under 12mnths), as was she, maybe not even 2. I was pretty shaken up, but everyone was OK. And Old Navy has those nice concrete floors too... Sometimes you can be right there and still can't make it just in time.

All this is making me wonder why I would even be considering a 4th... LOL!
  • #45
Tabitha - the EXACT same thing happened to me when my DD was little. But she was sitting in the big part, back to me feet to the front.Some mother with 2 uncontrolled boys let her boys go RUNNING in the store. One darted in front of me and I had to stop immediately to avoid hitting him. Of course the momentum of stopping shot DD up and flipped her over and out. She landed almost on her head but more on neck, shoulders, etc. I (being an EMT) rushed to her side to keep her still and check her. (The mom of the boys immediately ran off...) I went to check her and a lady grabbed her off the floor picked her up and had her hands all over her. She blurted out "I'm a nurse." I was so flabbergasted (and angry) that I couldn't even speak. She DID NOT have permission to touch my daughter, I don't care what you are. (...and if she was a LPN vs. RN, I have more training than her anyway...) She broke all rules of keeping the patient still, asking permission to treat, etc. Anyway, short story long, Sammie too was fine, I felt bad it happened, yet irritated at the other mom and the nurse. I learned after awhile that at age 2-4, things will happen. Kids are awkward on their own without our help and if you don't see a bruise or something ONCE in awhile, the kids must be locked in a padded room somewhere and not allowed to play.So, relax, you're not the only one and you're not a bad mother.

Related to Am I Pregnant??? (For Women's Eyes Only)

1. "Can missing birth control pills and taking antibiotics affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test?"

Yes, both missing birth control pills and taking antibiotics can potentially affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test. Birth control pills work by preventing ovulation, so missing pills can increase the chances of ovulation and potentially lead to pregnancy. Antibiotics can also interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills, making it important to use a backup form of contraception while taking them.

2. "What are some common early signs of pregnancy?"

Some common early signs of pregnancy include fatigue, breast tenderness, nausea, food cravings or aversions, frequent urination, and mood swings. However, these symptoms can also be caused by other factors, so it's important to take a pregnancy test for confirmation.

3. "Can a pregnancy test be wrong?"

While rare, it is possible for a pregnancy test to give a false negative or false positive result. Factors that can affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test include taking the test too early, not following the instructions properly, and certain medications or medical conditions. It's always best to confirm a positive result with a healthcare provider.

4. "Is it possible to get a false positive result on a pregnancy test?"

Yes, it is possible to get a false positive result on a pregnancy test. This can happen if the test is taken too early, if there is a chemical pregnancy (when a fertilized egg doesn't implant or grow properly), or if there is a rare medical condition causing a false positive result. If you get a positive result, it's recommended to follow up with a healthcare provider for confirmation.

5. "Should I take a second pregnancy test if the first one was in the garbage for over 24 hours?"

It's best to take a pregnancy test according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. If the test was left in the garbage for over 24 hours, it is possible that the result may have changed due to exposure to moisture or other factors. It's recommended to take another test, using first morning urine, for the most accurate result.

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