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Help!! Hosts Applying Fpv to Pay for Host Specials?

Refer them to page 55 of the catalog (where the host benefits are - just above the words "PLUS, FREE SHIPPING ON YOUR ORDER!"). It says:If a host gets the bookings for me I give them their show discount at those shows.
AZPampered Chef
Silver Member
OK, is it possible for a host to get the host special and then apply their Free Product Value to pay for the remaining balance?

I have a host who wants the 6 piece set of professional cookware, which is $114 at 60% off. She has $140 is FPV, and would like to use that to pay the balance on the cookware. I don't see anywhere in P3 to do that, and it doesn't do it automatically. Is it not possible?

I need to call her back ASAP, as she is ready to close her show and is just waiting to hear from me about this.
As far as I know it your FPV is your FPV and cannot be applied to anything else, sorry....:(
No she cannot do that. The FPV and the Host Bonus are separate perks, and cannot be combined. Sorry! I have hosts that ask me that question all the time too!
Refer them to page 55 of the catalog (where the host benefits are - just above the words "PLUS, FREE SHIPPING ON YOUR ORDER!"). It says:

Free Product Value cannot be applied to Monthly Host Specials, half-price products, half-price combinations or sales tax.

A host cannot use any further discount in addition to the 60% off or 50% off benefits on her show. Tell her that it's better than we can get it for unless we do a show!

The FPV can be used for everything else they would want INCLUDING the guest special that month (if it's something on sale and not buy $60 get...). She can also get the 50% off benefit at the guest sale price if she wants that (for instance, the cookbooks are $10 so she can use $10 of the FPV for a cookbook instead of the normal $14.75!).

Hosts do not have to use the benefits but once the show is submitted any unused benefits are GONE.
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BethCooks4U said:
Refer them to page 55 of the catalog (where the host benefits are - just above the words "PLUS, FREE SHIPPING ON YOUR ORDER!"). It says:

Free Product Value cannot be applied to Monthly Host Specials, half-price products, half-price combinations or sales tax.

A host cannot use any further discount in addition to the 60% off or 50% off benefits on her show. Tell her that it's better than we can get it for unless we do a show!

The FPV can be used for everything else they would want INCLUDING the guest special that month (if it's something on sale and not buy $60 get...). She can also get the 50% off benefit at the guest sale price if she wants that (for instance, the cookbooks are $10 so she can use $10 of the FPV for a cookbook instead of the normal $14.75!).

Hosts do not have to use the benefits but once the show is submitted any unused benefits are GONE.

Beth - that reminds me - can you tell me again what/when you let past hosts use their show discount at a show booked from theirs? At least, I think it was you that mentioned doing that?
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:love: You guys are so awesome! Thanks for your quick replies.:love:
ChefBeckyD said:
Beth - that reminds me - can you tell me again what/when you let past hosts use their show discount at a show booked from theirs? At least, I think it was you that mentioned doing that?
If the host gets the bookings for me I give them their show discount at those shows. Catalog show hosts get this and cooking show hosts that get bookings from their outside orders. I sometimes offer this to all hosts if I am trying to increase my show schedule in a given month - even if I asked the guest to book.

Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay in responding. Yes, it is possible for a host to apply their Free Product Value (FPV) to pay for the remaining balance on a host special. However, it is not done automatically in P3 and must be manually entered. Here's how you can do it:
1. In P3, go to the "Orders" tab and click on the order for the host special.
2. Under the "Payment" section, click on "Add Payment."
3. In the "Payment Type" drop-down menu, select "FPV."
4. Enter the amount of FPV the host wants to use in the "Amount" field.
5. Click on "Apply Payment" and the FPV will be deducted from the balance.
6. You can then process the remaining balance through the host's chosen payment method. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions or if you need assistance. Best of luck with your show!

Related to Help!! Hosts Applying Fpv to Pay for Host Specials?

What is FPV?

FPV stands for "Free Product Value" and it is a credit that hosts can earn when hosting a Pampered Chef party. This credit can be used towards purchasing Pampered Chef products for free or at a discounted price.

How can hosts apply FPV to pay for host specials?

Hosts can apply their FPV credit towards the purchase of any host specials that are available for their party. They can do this by selecting the host special they want to purchase and then applying their FPV credit at checkout.

What are the benefits of using FPV to pay for host specials?

By using FPV to pay for host specials, hosts can save money on their purchases and get products for free. This can also help them reach their party goals and earn more rewards.

Can hosts earn FPV on every order they submit?

No, hosts can only earn FPV on orders that are placed through their party link. Orders placed outside of the party link will not earn FPV credit.

How long is FPV credit valid for?

FPV credit is valid for 90 days from the date it is earned. It is important for hosts to use their FPV credit before it expires to take advantage of the savings and rewards.

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