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Help Debbie: Overcome a Broken Arm for Kitchen Shows

In summary, Debbie broke her arm and doesn't want to change her Kitchen Shows into book shows because the one her Mom is having for her should have at least 30 in attendance. She gets some great advice from her friends and recommends having a volunteer do a demo for her or having the hosts help out. Dawn Schreiber is an independent Kitchen Consultant for the Pampered Chef and offers great advice on how to overcome this obstacle. Thanks for reading!
Ok Everybody,
I have a bit of a problem. I have 4 Kitchen Shows booked for July, and over the weekend I broke my right arm. Couldn't be my left arm, just had to be my right. I don't want to change these shows into book shows because the one that my Mom is having for my should have at least 30 in attendance. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Debbie :( :(
I would bet that some if not all hosts would lend a hand (literally!). Sorry to hear that happened to you! She could help you do a lot of the prep work ahead of time. Some really easy recipes would be ones that are maybe some appetizers you mix up, put in a mini baker and put in the oven. She could demo the chopper. OR...that's a really good way to get audience participation. I think it could be kind of fun to make the most of it. Obviously if you have a host possibly interested in the business, she can help you demo things and you can tell her "see you just did my job!" It's a good recruiting tool in disguise. I'll keep thinking to see if I have any other ideas. Or you could do a fun ice cream social where the guests basically build their own sundae and chop/slice/cut their own toppings. That's perfect for summer. Don't worry, you'll make it work and won't have to cancel or postpone anything! Maybe practice using your left hand between now and then. :)
I would recommend getting a lot of the recipe prepared in
advance and maybe bringing along an "assistant" to help
with the demo and carrying things in and out, etc. Perhaps
your mom could be the demo lady at her show. Do you have
children? I wouldn't hesitate to bring my sons - ages 15 and
12 to help me out in a pinch. They know a ton about PC

I'm so sorry about your broken arm! I hope you're all healed

Great Solution!!!Don't worry!!!! What I do a lot of the time, is have a volunteer or have the host pick a guest, to help me do a certain part of my demo. In your case, have someone, or a number of people do the demo for you. You could have each person demonstrate one product, with your guidance on how to use it!!!
You could then give that someone a small gift for their help. OR, if everyone helped, put their names in a drawing and pick the lucky winner!!! Hope this makes sense. SO SORRY to hear the bad news!!! :(

Dawn Schreiber
Independent Kitchen Consultant
for the Pampered Chef
Battle Creek, IA
Don't Worry!I am so sorry to hear about your arm! What a bummer! But I wouldn't worry too much - everyone mentioned some GREAT ideas!! I am more than sure that the guests at the shows will completely understand that you will need their help or the hosts help!! I would definitley contact your hosts and fill them in on what happened and suggest an easy recipe or two. And Pamperedbecky is right - this is a recruiting tool in diguise!! I'm sure your shows will be successful! Let us know how it all goes!! Just smile big and be positive!! :D
I agree with everyone else. Let your guests participate in the demo. They will love being involved, and it will give them a chance to use our products. Also, do what someone said about practicing with your left hand. If you can do things left handed, you can say to your guests "Imagine how easy these products can make your life when you actually use them with your good hand!" :p Good Luck, and maybe you'll more sales out of simpathy! Not that you want that, but, hey, why not! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thank YouThanks so much,
I really appreciate everyones feedback. That is a great idea to ask for guest participation. I will do that and give out small prizes for anyone who helps out. Thank you so much.


PS- I'm getting better at typing with just my left hand, I guess anything could happen. :)
Oh BoyWell, I have actually been there and done that to a point. I did not break my arm, and I really do hope it gets better soon. I did however, just before a show, while I was preping the Sandwich ring in the hosts kitchen, manage to majorly slice my finger. I got lucky and did not need stiches but it did put me out of commission for the show as it did not want to stop bleeding. So, between the host and several guests, they put on my show and had a ball doing it. Everyone is always very willing to help so, in a way, sit back and relax.
pampered1224 said:
Well, I have actually been there and done that to a point. I did not break my arm, and I really do hope it gets better soon. I did however, just before a show, while I was preping the Sandwich ring in the hosts kitchen, manage to majorly slice my finger. I got lucky and did not need stiches but it did put me out of commission for the show as it did not want to stop bleeding. So, between the host and several guests, they put on my show and had a ball doing it. Everyone is always very willing to help so, in a way, sit back and relax.
Ouch!! My only occupational injury in this regard was while washing one of the knives after the show. I was busy talking and not paying attention. I sliced my finger pretty darn good, but it did eventually stop bleeding. Luckily it was afterwards and it happened to be at my mom's house. I'm so glad it didn't happen during the show! That's amazing that you were still able to do the show. It sounds like you handled it well.
  • #10
During one of my first shows, I was cut my finger (badly) on the US&G....one of the guests came up to finish the slicing for me. She had hosted millions of shows, practically owning everything in the catalog....I mention this b/c I think that after coming up to finish the demo for the US&G, something in her clicked and she decided to become a consultant!
  • #11
MSmith said:
During one of my first shows, I was cut my finger (badly) on the US&G....one of the guests came up to finish the slicing for me. She had hosted millions of shows, practically owning everything in the catalog....I mention this b/c I think that after coming up to finish the demo for the US&G, something in her clicked and she decided to become a consultant!
That's great! That must have been the silver lining in THAT cloud! :)
  • #12
I bet everyone at the shows would get a kick out of helping do the demo for you since your arm is broken. Go for it!
  • #13
I did a bridal show back in February for one of the girls I work with. A few days before her show, I started getting sick. I hated the idea of making food for everyone while I was ill. What I did was have the bride (her mom actually hosted the show) do the chopping, cutting, etc. and I just talked about the products. When my throat starting killing me...I had the guests talk about the products if they had it. Turned out great (the bride said that was her favorite bridal shower) and nobody got sick (well, I had tonsillitis). Even got a booking from it!


DebbieSM said:
Ok Everybody,
I have a bit of a problem. I have 4 Kitchen Shows booked for July, and over the weekend I broke my right arm. Couldn't be my left arm, just had to be my right. I don't want to change these shows into book shows because the one that my Mom is having for my should have at least 30 in attendance. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Debbie :( :(
  • #14
Broken WristI broke my wrist at Christmas and had only just got going with PC so didn't want to cancel my first few shows of the year. I enlisted a close friend to drive me to the shows and help me with my stuff, and I got a lot of help from the host and some of the guests with the preparation. Don't forget it's not your mouth that's damaged, you can still tell everyone how great the company and the products are, and if you choose the right recipes all the guests will see how really easy the products are to use and what fabulous results you can get. I sometimes hear guests saying "yes but she does this recipe all the time - that's why it turned out so great". If they have prepared it themselves - they know there is nothing to it.
Hope your arm is soon healed.
  • #15
Hope your arm heals quickly. Some great advise from all. The host and attendees do care and are always ready to help. I had a show scheduled and my 10 year old daughter went into the hospital a couple of days earlier. Well with 4 girls One of us stayed home with the other 3 (Me) and my husband stay with our daughter. I had a am show scheduled on that tuesday and my daughter went into surgery that morning. It was surpose to be an early afternoon surgery and we thought that if I do the show and head to the hospital I would be there in time and only one of us would be walking the floors. Well the surgery started in the early am and my husband told me to go and he would call me. The first thing was to tell everyone at the show and to do a quick show. It kept me calm, I'm sure I would have been a nerve reck and when he called everyone wanted to know how it went. They were truely wonderful. :)
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  • #16
Thanks!!!Thanks so much for your advice and your concerns. I think it is pretty much unanimous that I will be asking for help from the guests. I think I will sell more product that way anyway.

Thanks again Everyone,
Debbie :) :) :)

Related to Help Debbie: Overcome a Broken Arm for Kitchen Shows

1. How can I still host a kitchen show if I have a broken arm?

Don't worry, there are still plenty of ways to host a successful kitchen show with a broken arm! You can ask a friend or family member to help you with tasks that require the use of both arms, or you can also use kitchen tools specifically designed for one-handed use.

2. Will I still be able to participate in cooking demonstrations?

Yes, you can still participate in cooking demonstrations with a broken arm. We recommend using tools and gadgets that are designed for one-handed use, or asking a friend or family member to assist you with any tasks that require two hands.

3. Can I still earn host rewards if I have a broken arm?

Absolutely! Your broken arm will not affect your ability to earn host rewards. We will work with you to find alternative ways to participate in the show and earn rewards, such as using our online party option or having a friend or family member host the show on your behalf.

4. What if I have to cancel my kitchen show due to my broken arm?

If you need to cancel your kitchen show due to your broken arm, please reach out to your consultant as soon as possible. We understand that accidents happen and we will work with you to reschedule the show for a later date.

5. Can I still place orders for Pampered Chef products while I have a broken arm?

Yes, you can still place orders for Pampered Chef products while you have a broken arm. Our website and online ordering options make it easy for you to browse and purchase products without needing to use both hands. Your consultant can also assist you with placing an order if needed.

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