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Has Anyone Heard of Arvone? TIA

In summary, this conversation is about a past host who is starting a home based business called Arvone. The host is asking for help from people who know about the business. People who have used the products or attended a meeting say that the products are great but the prices are a bit high. There is also discussion about the difficulty of choosing a home based business to invest in.
Silver Member
I have a past host who is just starting a home based biz called Arvone! I tried googling it and did not get much. Let me know please!! TIA
Maybe it is Arbonne? They have makeup, skincare etc.
Srure, I harve!Dring-Drong! Arvone calling!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
It could be, she said they have vitamins and skin care... I don't know she asked if I would do a show to help her get her biz going. She was one of my first parties out of my circle so I said yes. I was just trying to research it!
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  • #5
KG I thought she said Avon when she left a message, but it wasn't... You are too funny!
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  • #6
Okay I am assuming that it is arbonne, those of you who know about this product do you like, what do you like about it? thanks again!!
Their lotions are great, I have sensitive skin and eczema and they are the only products that work well for me and don't make my skin break out. They're a bit expensive for my budget though....
the ginger citrus body scrub , shower gel, candle and body butter
Now I know where I've seen it before - Cin-Arbonne - it's at the mall, Between the Steak Escape and Chik-fil-A. They make those really good smelling pastries!
  • #10
You are right, it's Arbonne...they have vitamins too.

I like the almond body wash & butter. That being said, I agree with Britt on the price. I paid $16 for a lipstick that broke on the first use and my consultant kept promising to reorder and never did...plus she screwed up my last order and left off my massage oil and never replied on me getting that either! But she is a little dingy so there you go :)
  • #11
Man KG don't make me crave cinnamon rolls...I may have to go make some pull aparts!!!!!
  • #12
Arbonne is awesome! The skin care is so amazing and I have heard good things about the weight loss stuff.
  • #13
I take the Arbonne vitamin pack for women. They're a little pricey, but they replaced a slew of supplements I was taking, so the cost wound up being about what I was already paying. I like the convenience. A friend's DIL is a consultant, and they both love it.
  • #14
I use their NutriMin C line of skincare and love it. It is a tad on the pricey side but the effects are well worth the money.
  • #15
I am going to a Arbone meeting tonight. I don't really want to go but it is one of those situations where a good friend has asked me. I tried their products and did like them, but I am not ready to sign up. I am just fine with PC. :D
  • #16
I love Arbonne products too! My SIL sells it
  • #17
luvs2sellit said:
I am going to a Arbone meeting tonight. I don't really want to go but it is one of those situations where a good friend has asked me. I tried their products and did like them, but I am not ready to sign up. I am just fine with PC. :D
Think of all the leads you're going to meet - people who might like to start a home based business and haven't made a decision yet.
  • #18
And that WE don't have to put our money for inventory! :)
  • #19
And we have no shelf life to worry about.
  • #20
I have someone wanting me to start to sell Melaleuca. Anyone heard of that?
  • #21
my stepson has acne real bad and tried the arbonne skin cair line for acne and was working great. a little expensive so we didnt keep with it and decided to go pro active. so far i think the arbonne was 100 times better.
  • #22
There seems to be a thread like this one every month. It's simple, really. Whenever someone sees the success of companies like The Pampered Chef or Mary Kay, they want to emulate the model and try to make a similar success story. There are copy cats everywhere.Witness the success of McDonalds, followed by Burger King, Wendy's and a parade of many burger (and restaurant) chains that have come, gone or even hung around. Whenever a new franchise opportunity shows promise, a myriad of "Me, Too!" franchises pop up right away - Auntie Ann's spawned pretzel chains, Starbucks prompted coffee franchising and how many mail box & shipping stores can survive? Noodles & Co. has created a flow of noodle restaurants and how many bread stores are there?For every twenty of these home-base business start-ups, there may be one with some potential but it sure is difficult to decide which of the myriad might be the one. They all make a lot of noise and the recruits are filled with excitement. Just a couple of months ago, there was a thread up here about a start-up housewares catalog that was going to put TPC out of business. For me, it's easy. I'm sticking with the proven winner. I haven't got 30 years to recover from an investment mistake that you twenty-somethings have. You can go for it if you like and maybe strike it rich but I'm staying with the establishment.
  • #23
I am by no means giving up my day job!!! I am just now starting to really like it.
  • #24
Mr Kitchen Guy - VERY well put! I agree 110% with you!
  • #25
Not only are you full of wit KG.. .but vast wisdom as well! :)
  • #26
I had someone here tried to get me to sign up with Arbonne over the last 6 months. I like their products, but very pricey and I just can't keep myself to a "skin care regime" to use them regularly. I use the scrubs on occasion, I use the lotion for my daughter because she is ultra-sensitive to perfumes, etc., but not for me to sell...
  • #27
It might be Arvonne....my girls' dance teacher is the founder of Livinity & she was telling me yesterday that she was going to tour a bunch of other companies, and it seems like this is one she mentioned. I could be wrong though...
Yes, I've heard of Melalueca....my parent's were in that for about 15 years. They have good products, but they never made any money.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
I heard of Melalueca, a lady tried to get me signed up. But to me it was too much like Amway that I ran....I wasn't trying to get anyone to sell or sell this stuff myself. I am suppose to have a party for this girl and I had no clue what this stuff is and told her I would research it!! So far what I am hereing is the it is good stuff but too $$. I just hope I can qualify her for a show! We will see.....
  • #29
I use Arbonne's skin care/anti aging line and I really like it. I got a good deal on it when I started and it was a big discount the consultant was personally giving and donating her commission to a breast cancer fundraiser. I'm not good with regimens because most nights I"m up WAY too late and I just want to go to bed. But, the days I do the whole routine, I DO notice a difference with my skin. When I skimp and do my standby old cleanser, it doesn't leave my skin as soft.

I have met more new Arbonne consultants than anything else over the last year. Maybe it's just booming in my area, but talk about saturation! I think it's much harder to grow a customer base one person at a time (most don't seem to focus on the parties and skin care classes, but individuals who use their trial kits) than it is to be exposed to people in bigger groups like our Cooking Shows. Yes, yes, I know they have re-orders, but I think it takes a good amount of work for one of their consultants to convince a customer to start using it. And I know for me, I've slacked off on reorders because it isn't cheap!
  • #30
Definitely....I use Arbonne and it's a little pricey...but well worth it! I love their night creme....I have the dryest skin in the world!
  • #31
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Srure, I harve!

Dring-Drong! Arvone calling!
ROFL. Okay, now *that* was funny. :D :rolleyes:
  • #32
I met 3 Arbonne consultants in October/November of last year. Before that, I had never heard of it! Decided to try their baby care line on my sons who have eczema...helped a little, but not sure it's worth it to keep buying it because their skin still flares up occasionally. I use a couple of the Nutrimin Re9 products as well, but it is expensive, so I don't know if I'll keep using it. I do like the way it feels on my skin (I have pretty dry skin) and the eye cream did diminish this one brown (sunspot?) on my face, so I'm happy about that! But people always tell me that I look 10 years younger than I am (early 20s instead of early 30s) so I can't say the products took 10 years off my face!
  • #33
Arbonne has some great products. But, they are pricey. I signed 2 years ago just to get the discount. I didn't renew this year. My sister in law showed me the melaleuca line and I love it more than arbonne and it is cheaper. My sister in law makes money with melaleuca because she works it like a business. I however, only signed up to buy the produts...and that is what most people do. It is kind of like being a member of Sams Club. You pay a fee to be a member and purchase natural products that do not contain harsh chemicals. Melaleuca has soap, dish detergent, laundry products, make-up, vitamins, pet care products, etc. My daughter is very allergic and since I have stopped using bleach, and other products with harsh, toxic chemicals in them, she rarely has a problem.

Back to Arbonne...the more people you sign up, the more money you make...even if they only sign up to purchase products and not sell or sign anyone up. Both of these companies are good companies. You work the business as much as you want to. Neither one is like Amway. Amway really pushes you to spend a lot of money and bug people to sign up...and, I wasn't too crazy about their products other than the laundry soap.
  • #34
What's Amway calling itself these days?
  • #35
Many in our area are doing the arboone thing too---just for the discount it seems--a spa just started using it as one of the doctors is a distributor and really high up in just a yrs time--I loved the nutrimin C --only used for a week free sample---bought the firming stuff--but may buy the regimen in the next month I told her--if I got a discount!!!

LINDA--do u use the whole nutrimen C regimen??!!:D
  • #36
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
What's Amway calling itself these days?

Quixtar Which my DH signed up for and as soon as he did he was left in the dust. Although we did know somebody who was doing way awsome at it
  • #37
Sounds like a cross between an old Hanna-Barbera cartoon and a television manufacturer.Cancha just hear Baba Looie saying, "Hey, Meester Queextar?"
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  • #38
seriously where do you come up with these comments????
  • #39
I dunno. I just seem to have a knack for remembering (otherwise) completely useless information.I also have a steel-trap mind for trivia, and since I grew up on animated television like Quick-Draw McGraw and Baba Looie, sometimes it just pops into my head at the right time.http://europe.turnerinfo.com/BOOM/PAN/series/images/quickDrawMcGraw.jpgNow, if I could just remember something important, like Warren Spahn's lifetime ERA, maybe I could be somebody.
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  • #40
Aah, the memories. I'm the same way, KG. Useless trivia I remember. Pick up milk on the way home, not so much.
  • #41
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
What's Amway calling itself these days?

Around here (in the heart of Amway Country) they are back to calling themselves Amway...a whole TV ad campaign - "We Are Amway". That is, until someone wants you to sign up - and then - "NO! We aren't Amway....we are Team Destiny" (or some other "team" name). It's all so deceptive to me. The only way to find out (other than the line they feed you never changes) for sure is to look at the product line - if they are selling Nutri-life vitamins - you know they are Amway - even their products don't say anything about who really makes them - the cleaning supplies I have right now say they are made by "Access Group".
(Sigh) We've known soooo many people who have been taken in and deceived by the "Dream" of Amway.....it was the biggest hurdle for my DH to overcome when I signed up to sell PC.!
  • #42
raebates said:
Aah, the memories. I'm the same way, KG. Useless trivia I remember. Pick up milk on the way home, not so much.
When things like this happen, or you go into a room and have no idea why you're there, it's Sumzheimer's.

It's not bad enough yet to be Alzheimer's.
  • #43
I always thought that was partzheimers.
  • #44
Guys who work at the junkyard experience Partzheimer's when they go out into the yard and forget what part they went after.
  • #45
Arbonne is pricey, but it also lasts longer than most skin care lines. the RE9 skin care is great. But try there miracle powder. It's great, like a foundation but it goes on in powder form and is very lite on your face. Also the nice thing about Arbonne is if you are too tired to wash your face some nights it's ok, because all of their makeup has anti-aging stuff in it.
  • #46
I went to the meeting last night and was pretty impressed. The woman whose house it was at was a single mom who worked at the YMCA. She just bought her home which is gorgeous and also just received a white mercedes from them. She is making around 5000.00 a month. Not to shabby.
  • #47
I use Arbonne skincare products. I used to be a die hard Lancome and Clinique only, but after trying the Arbonne skincare for 1 week I had acheived results I've been trying to acheive for 10 years using the Lancome and Clinique products! The Arbonne products are similar in cost to the Lancome line, which is still on the high end, I agree.

My consultant wants me to sign up just so I can get the discount. I used to be a Counter Manager for Clinique and Lancome (past life). I would do well selling it, but at this point and time I'm not where I wanted to be 90 days into my PC biz, so I'm just going to continue to stick my nose to the grindstone until that takes off and is doing well.

I'd share a picture of how loverly the products have made me look, but I don't want any hate mail! :D (teasing)
  • #48
I've tried 'Arbonne and they are too pricey. For the same results I could spend a lot less money.
I use MD formulations and MAC cosmetics and they are both wonderful for my face, so I guess its a preference matter.
  • #49
Wow, this thread got pulled out of the basement!Kitchen Diva - before you sign with Arbonne even for the discount, keep in mind your PC goals. If you wish to be a director someday, do not sign Arbonne in your name. Have a spouse or friend purchase for you. As a director in PC you cannot represent more than on DS company. If you goals are to stay FD or below then you can.
  • #50
It's easy enough to relinquish your membership as an Arbonne consultant. I actually did sign up for the discount, and I've been able to purchase things at 50% off too. I just buy what I need and let other purchase products that they need, too.
<h2>1. What is Arvone?</h2><p>Arvone is a home-based business that offers a variety of products and services.</p><h2>2. How does Arvone differ from other home-based businesses?</h2><p>Arvone offers a unique selection of products and services that are not commonly found in other home-based businesses.</p><h2>3. Is Arvone a pyramid scheme?</h2><p>No, Arvone is not a pyramid scheme. It is a legitimate home-based business that offers products and services for sale.</p><h2>4. Can anyone join Arvone?</h2><p>Yes, anyone can join Arvone as long as they meet the requirements set by the company.</p><h2>5. How can I find out more about Arvone?</h2><p>You can learn more about Arvone by contacting a representative or attending one of their informational events.</p>

Related to Has Anyone Heard of Arvone? TIA

1. What is Arvone?

Arvone is a home-based business that offers a variety of products and services.

2. How does Arvone differ from other home-based businesses?

Arvone offers a unique selection of products and services that are not commonly found in other home-based businesses.

3. Is Arvone a pyramid scheme?

No, Arvone is not a pyramid scheme. It is a legitimate home-based business that offers products and services for sale.

4. Can anyone join Arvone?

Yes, anyone can join Arvone as long as they meet the requirements set by the company.

5. How can I find out more about Arvone?

You can learn more about Arvone by contacting a representative or attending one of their informational events.

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