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Entering Orders w/o Shows & Quick Games for Fundraisers

In summary, Danielle gives advice on how to get out of a funk and make a better go of it later. She suggests trying out open house mystery host shows, as well as brooching the suggestion to a baby board.
How do I enter a customer order w/o putting it on a show??
and...... any quick games for a fundraiser?? It will be a large crowd approx.
50-60 people
:) you put it in the same as adding a show but instead of kitchen or catalog show you select individual order. It will be the higher tax rate. It will be shipped to that person directly unless you change the address.
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:) Thank You!!
We dont make a commision off of single orders do we? I mean, right now I have NO shows in site. I am getting really worried. Been making the calls adn getting out more and no one is even biting. I even gave a catalog to a lady last night who came to buy our salt water tank! She had never heard of PC so I gave her a little quick rundown and talked to her about hosting, she said she would have to think about it :( A lady I know wants to order the cut and seal, but that is all. I have tried talking her into having a show but she doesnt want to. She is pregnant and tired all of the time. Well, that is her excuse anyway. How do you all get out of a funk? I do not want to go inactive but if I do, is it possible to make a better go of it later? I am just so dang aggravated.
YesYou make commision off of single orders !DO you have a web site ? You could try asking your friend who is pregnant to do a online show for you ! All she would have to do is email invite and they just go to the web site and place orders ! SO easy !
Just aske everyone you see ! That is what i do ! I always carry something PC on me, i hand my buisness cards to cashiers ! Did you try a open house mystery host show ? Good time for that with all the new products comming out! Really push septembers stoneware special , people love stoneware !
Dont give up you can do it !! :)
Thanks Danielle, I guess I am just in a slump right now. And when I go to Walmart I get more frusterated because I see products that are ALOT like ours, though we all know they don't have the warranty like we do. I saw a measuring cup today that was similar to our new ones. Except this one was almost triangle in shape to make pouring easy. It had little "steps" in it showing where the measuring was and you could just look down into it to see it. It was a 2 cup capacity for $3.84. I am just worried that ppl are not thinking our products are that different from what they can buy at their local store for alot cheaper. I mean, I LOVE PC products and the warranty can not be beat, but I am hearing alot of I can get that cheaper at such and such and then when you try to tell them about our quality and warranty it is like they tune you out. All they see is the price. Around here the economy is pretty bad so ppl just do not spend. My highest show was just over $500 and my hostess kicked butt trying to get orders. My pregnant friend doesnt have internet though or I would definitely suggest her have an online show. Maybe I will brooch that on a baby board that I am a member of? I have had a few girls on there order from me, one had over $100 worth of orders! So maybe I can suggest it to them...Who knows, it can't hurt to try anyway. Thanks again for the advice.

Related to Entering Orders w/o Shows & Quick Games for Fundraisers

1. How do I enter orders without hosting a show?

Entering orders without hosting a show is easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. First, log in to your Pampered Chef consultant account and click on the "Orders" tab. Then, select "Enter Orders" and choose the option for "Individual Order Entry". From there, you can manually enter each customer's order and submit it for processing.

2. Can I still earn commission on these orders?

Yes, you can still earn commission on orders entered without hosting a show. As a consultant, you are eligible to earn commission on all individual orders placed through your account, regardless of whether they were entered through a show or not.

3. How do I offer Quick Games for fundraisers?

To offer Quick Games for fundraisers, go to the "Orders" tab in your consultant account and click on "Fundraiser Quick Games". From there, you can select the specific Quick Game you want to offer and enter the fundraiser name and information. This will generate a unique link that you can share with your fundraiser participants to place their orders.

4. Do Quick Games count towards my monthly sales?

Yes, Quick Games count towards your monthly sales totals. Any orders placed through a Quick Game will be included in your monthly sales and can help you reach your sales goals.

5. Can I still offer host rewards for orders entered without a show?

Unfortunately, host rewards are only available for orders placed through a traditional show. However, you can still offer incentives and rewards to your customers for placing individual orders or participating in fundraisers through Quick Games.

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