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Bingo Night: Enjoy Fun Games & Prizes with Friends!

In summary, every 3 months, a cluster holds a fun Bingo Night where participants can win PC products as prizes. There is also a raffle with a cash prize, and any leftover funds are donated to the church. The event is a great way to generate sales and bring in new customers, and the consultant hosting the event can earn commission and rewards. Participants are also encouraged to bring a dish to share, making it a fun and communal event. For new consultants, it is a great opportunity to quickly qualify and earn rewards.
The cluster I am in, every 3 months, does a Bingo Night. People volunteer to host a table, then they invite their friends to come to their "show". We put products up for display, and take orders for a half hour before the games begin.

Next Friday night we will be playing 12 games of bingo. Each person who wins a game of bingo will receive a prize of a PC product. The final game will be the Grand Prize! I won this one time, and it was a large basket full of tons of gadgets! I use everything I got! We also will be doing a raffle... it's $1 a ticket, or $10 for head to toe. One of the consultants is almost 6' so we use her height for a consistant amount of tickets, normally 30-33 tickets a person. The winner of that will receive $100 to add to their order that night! The bonus is for 3 people. The winner for getting the products, the host for getting to add that to her party level for more free, and of course the consultant of the host for commission! What ever goes above and beyond the $100 raised will go towards the expenses of the evening.

This will be my first Bingo as a consultant, but I'm familar with it because of my past times attending as either a host or a guest of a friend hosting. When I realized that I wasn't going to be able to play bingo games, I was bummed, but then I thought about my 4 host hosting tables, and all the possiblities of commisson that night!
Please post the results!! Can't wait to hear how RICH you are !!!
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  • #3
I'm getting super excited!!! I can't wait! I have been collecting outside orders for it, and my girls are doing FANTASTIC! I also have about 30 guest total attending Friday night, and those are just the ones who have RSVPed, who knows if there are anymore who will just show up!

I'm already at $700 for just outside orders from the parties! well, almost that high, but I have 2 more that I haven't seen yet to figure in!
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  • #4
Oh and I forgot to mention in my original post that the leftover money for the raffle is donated to the church for use of their hall! They are usually able to donate a couple hundred dollars to them!
Did you send an invite be e-mail or snail mail? if so, can you post it?
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  • #6
They were snail mail... if someone can tell me how to post it, I would love to!
If it was something that you printed up on your computer, then it should be pretty easy to post the file. I don;t think i have ever posted a file on here.
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  • #8
lol i see people do it all the time!!! I know there's got to be a way!!!!! help someone!!!
Ok, I just posted a pic here... lets see if it works.. and if so, Iwill tell you what It did


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  • #10
ok, i will have to assume that worked the way it should.

I just went into where you post your comments or replys, and there is a button for attachments (the little paperclip on top)

Then you browse to find your documant, and then click upload!
try it and see if that works.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
did it work?


We treat this just as a cooking show, but instead of asking the host to provide the ingredients, we ask them to bring a dish to share with everyone. We also provide a dish to share, and beverages. with 4 of us working together, we all bring a couple 12pks of pop and one lady is doing cidar.

its a great way to get shows because people don't have to bring people into their homes. this is something they do every 3 months. The church loves it because it brings money into them, and we love it because it brings money into us!


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  • #12
Thanks for sharing all of this Andrea. Sounds like lots of fun. Keep us posted on how this goes for you!
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  • #13
I will! I just finished making all of my dishes. I had to go with something easy to make ahead of time because as soon as I leave work tomorrow, I have to head straight for the church!

Looks like I'm going to have 7 parties to close in the next week! I will for surely become qualified in my first 30 days! Then on to bigger and better rewards for my 90 day mark!
  • #14
Sounds like you are off to a great/wonderful start, Andrea!! I too qualified in my first 30 days--it was a lot of work but fun looking back at it. The incentives now are so much better!
  • #15
candiejayne said:
did it work?


We treat this just as a cooking show, but instead of asking the host to provide the ingredients, we ask them to bring a dish to share with everyone. We also provide a dish to share, and beverages. with 4 of us working together, we all bring a couple 12pks of pop and one lady is doing cidar.

its a great way to get shows because people don't have to bring people into their homes. this is something they do every 3 months. The church loves it because it brings money into them, and we love it because it brings money into us!

Thanks very much!

I wonder if my church would let me do that...... hmmmmm...;)
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  • #16
OMG!!! We soooooo ran out of room! We planned for 50-60 people with the hopes of 13 host bringing a few people each! All 13 host showed up, and we ended up with over 100 people in attendence! There were 4 of us consultants, and we were crazy busy. I had all 4 host show up, one party didn't do any orders last night, but a lot of her people didn't show up so she is going to keep her show open and try to get more orders. My mom did unbelieveable for me with about 15 or 16 people in attendence, my 2 other hosts each had 8-10 people there... I know a lot of people didn't order, but my host did awesome on outside orders, each having a qualified show or close to before last night. I still haven't tallied up my orders, but I'm thinking I have a total between $1200-1500.

We were so overwhelmed, that our hosts had to figure up all the orders, so unfortunatly right now, no bookings, I wish I could have had one on one time with the guest. I have TONS of phone calls to make today. I plan on asking if they had fun, ask for any suggestions to improve the bingo, and also if they would be interested in hosting a show. You know, basic customer care stuff...

Alright, I'm going to go start entering orders and see if I can't get some totals for you all!

OHHHHH and we were able to raise about $400 off of the raffle tickets profit, after the prize, so the church became very very happy!

We did have one guy come, he looked homeless, he asked us what was going on, we said bingo, he asked if anyone could play so we said sure, then he asked if the raffle was for anyone and we said yes, so he bought one ticket, he ended up eating like 6 plates of food, so we figured we made a guy happy for a night, full belly, warm place to hang out, and got to have fun playing bingo.

Over all it was a great night! I'm just pooped now, and need to start getting ready for another show tonight!
  • #17
Wow, that was quite a night and shows! Good luck with your show tonight!
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  • #18
As of right now, I am $917 and some change from my shows. I have one host who hasn't gotten enough orders to qualify her show, and I have 2 more trying to get to the next level. There is one other host, and I will get her final order Monday at work. I also have plans to close out a catalog show Monday evening, and from what she has said, she's at $400, plus I do have 2 orders to add to it from online that add another $40 or so. PLUS I still have my show tonight, so I'm SUPER busy this weekend and upcoming week! Yikes!

Now if I can just get some bookings to keep this business going, I'll be golden!
  • #19
Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm really excited about doing my own. I'm thinking Jan. Double points....Disney here I come.
Thanks again.
Did you print up your own Bingo cards or just use store bought ones?
  • #20
candiejayne said:
As of right now, I am $917 and some change from my shows. I have one host who hasn't gotten enough orders to qualify her show, and I have 2 more trying to get to the next level. There is one other host, and I will get her final order Monday at work. I also have plans to close out a catalog show Monday evening, and from what she has said, she's at $400, plus I do have 2 orders to add to it from online that add another $40 or so. PLUS I still have my show tonight, so I'm SUPER busy this weekend and upcoming week! Yikes!

Now if I can just get some bookings to keep this business going, I'll be golden!

So what is your final total for your bingo?

i am thinking that would be a great idea to do in January for double sales points to! i think I might ask the Church if they would let me do something like that.
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  • #21
We used store bought cards.

My I still have one show that I can't get the host to close. It's not big enough to send yet, and she says she has more orders, but I have no money from them, and I can't get her to meet with me to close it out! grrr...

But, what I have closed is at $964, the other girl has given me $56 in orders, so as of right now it was just over 1k.
  • #22
WOW! I'm sitting here, mouth gaping wondering how on earth this really works!?! In rural NC here, I'm struggling! I've had 3 shows cancel on me in NOv. alone! I'm finishing up my 90 days and am just wondering if business is better up North or what? It's sure not great here. I don't know if "bingo" would fly here...anyone else used another game or similar idea elsewhere in the country (esp. the Southeast)?

Related to Bingo Night: Enjoy Fun Games & Prizes with Friends!

1. What types of games are typically played during Bingo Night?

During Bingo Night, we typically play traditional bingo games with numbers, as well as themed bingo games such as movie or TV show bingo. We also like to mix in other fun games like trivia or charades to keep things interesting!

2. Can I bring my own food and drinks to Bingo Night?

Of course! We encourage our guests to bring their own snacks and drinks to enjoy during Bingo Night. It's a great way to add some extra fun and personalization to the event.

3. Are there prizes for winning Bingo games?

Yes, there are prizes for each round of Bingo! Our prizes vary from event to event, but they can range from Pampered Chef products to gift cards and other fun items. There's always something exciting to win!

4. Do I need to know how to play Bingo to attend?

Not at all! We welcome players of all skill levels and we're happy to teach anyone who may not be familiar with the game. Our main goal is to have fun and enjoy the company of friends and family.

5. Can I host a Bingo Night with Pampered Chef?

Absolutely! Our consultants are happy to help you plan and host a Bingo Night with your friends and family. It's a great way to get together and have a fun night while also learning about our products. Contact your local consultant for more information.

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