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Does Anyone Hand Out Mini Catalogs as Invitations?

In summary, Executive Director Don Funt gives out the Mini Catalogs as Invitations and it increases his show sales MAJORLY!! Does anyone else do this? How would you do it? Does it really help?? Do you think it's worth it?
Silver Member
I saw in this months Consultant News that Executive Director Don Funt gives out the Mini Catalogs as Invitations and it increases his show sales MAJORLY!! Does anyone else do this? How would you do it? Does it really help?? Do you think it's worth it?
I've been doing it this month, but I can't say that I've seen a huge difference in sales so far....
I started doing this for my November shows and will continue through the holidays. I still make up the postcard invite and stuff it in an envelope with a mini catalog. I put on the invite to bring the catalog back for an extra door prize ticket. Not sure if I've noticed anything different yet but we'll see!
My director mentioned this to me about a month ago. I do mail out invites for my host and noticed a big difference in attnedance and sales. I do not know if the expense of the mini catalogs is going to be worth it.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
bknowles67 said:
My director mentioned this to me about a month ago. I do mail out invites for my host and noticed a big difference in attnedance and sales. I do not know if the expense of the mini catalogs is going to be worth it.

That's my concern too!! That's why I was looking for some feedback. I already do send out all the invites for my hosts...just looking for ways to boost my sales!
I send them as invitations. I probably have been doing that for about 4 months or so. I have a lot more shows lately than I had been having (hmmm, maybe this is why??) so it's getting kind of hard to keep up with them, but i think the benefits far outweigh the costs. My outside orders have been good and I really like knowing my hosts' guest lists ahead of time because I can coach them on adding more people. My show average has gone up since doing this (and go figure-it's in THIS economy) and my last 10 shows have had a show average of nearly $800.

I put a big nametag size label on the front of the mini catalog with the show information and direct people to my website if they can't come and want to place an order or they just want a bigger preview. I would recommend putting the mini catalog in an envelope because they get torn up in the mail if they're just taped shut and sent that way.

I suggest trying it for at least 3 months and see what it does for you! I also think being able to say at a show "It's so easy to host....I'll even send out your invitations FOR you to save you the time and expense" is a great little plug. I don't ask them to reimburse me for postage, but plenty of consultants do, so do what you feel comfortable.

I say try it!!! I hear about doing this more and more-especially from some of the top top performers.
PCCHeather0506 said:
That's my concern too!! That's why I was looking for some feedback. I already do send out all the invites for my hosts...just looking for ways to boost my sales!

You're right, you are paying for mini catalogs, but they're actually VERY cheap compared to other kinds of "Marketing" materials. you can stick a mini catalog in an envelope with a postcard invitation OR a full page flyer and still only pay .42 for postage, just FYI>:D
Thanks Becky! I think I will give it a try. Laura Aridgides always says you have to try something for 3 months to see if it works. I only have 2 shows on my calendar that have not had the invites sent out yet. So the cost will not be that much. I am off to order mini catalogs!
bknowles67 said:
Thanks Becky! I think I will give it a try. Laura Aridgides always says you have to try something for 3 months to see if it works. I only have 2 shows on my calendar that have not had the invites sent out yet. So the cost will not be that much. I am off to order mini catalogs!

And I'd suggest getting the holiday mini catalogs to get you through December, then go back to the regular mini catalogs.

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  • #10
At this point in time would you send out the regular fall/winter mini or the holiday mini?
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  • #11
Looks like GREAT minds think a like Becky...thanks for the advice! I'll be trying it!
  • #12
Becky - I'd love to see the template for your show info sticker. Can you post it or email it to me? [email protected]

I've got a ton of minis left over from a booth I did last month that I'd like to get rid of. I was thinking of inserting an invitation, but the sticker might be better - they won't lose the info.
  • #13
I have been using Minis this fall. I ask for postage from my hostesses. I have seen outside orders go up. I'm going to keep doing it this whole season and then re-evaluate.I'm still using Fall minis because the Holidays minis are being shipped with every show right now--everyone will get one with their order. I may use them for my December shows, though--we'll see.
  • #14
I had the same thought about the Holiday minis, Deb - that it was better to send the Fall since they get a holiday one with the order. But I realized that it's better for them to have gift ideas before the show, so they come prepared to look at things as gift ideas.
  • #15
chefann said:
I had the same thought about the Holiday minis, Deb - that it was better to send the Fall since they get a holiday one with the order. But I realized that it's better for them to have gift ideas before the show, so they come prepared to look at things as gift ideas.

I had that same thought too - and I've actually had people comment on it when they come to the show. I have a couple of the gift ideas bundled like they do in the Holdiay Mini, and people have said "Oh, good! I wanted to see that set"...and things like that.
  • #16
I have just started doing this for my last 4 parties so I am going to continue to do this through the spring and see if it does boost sales any. I am hoping!!!

I have cut back on the number of parties I am doing so I am hoping to try and maintain the sales that I have had in the past. We will see!
  • #17
I've had several people say that they're so glad they saw the wine glasses in person and the beaded serving pieces too because they felt the pictures didn't do them justice. I just was glad to hear they looked through the catalog beforehand! I'm also using the mini holiday catalogs to hand out at booths. I put that sticker on them that instructs them to visit my website within 48 hours to get a free gift and if they place an order they get a free grill rub. Well, I used them at a booth last Friday and no takers to visit my website and contact me. I have a HUGE booth tonight, so I'm getting them all ready. I hope they drive traffic to my website and I get orders out of it. For the first time, I'm bringing a lot of cash and carry so we'll see how that goes.

I'll try to post the template I use for the invitations in a bit.
  • #18
Just now had a phone call that is a testimonial for using the Holiday Mini as an invitation!

A guest for my show next Tuesday was looking through her Holiday Mini, and called because the Homemade For The Holidays Show looks like so much fun, she wanted to see if she could still book a show before Christmas!

Got her show scheduled and on the books for Dec 9!:thumbup:
  • #19
Wahoo Becky!All my November invites are out with the Fall Minis, but I will be using the holiday minis for my remaining shows.
  • #20
ChefBeckyD said:
Just now had a phone call that is a testimonial for using the Holiday Mini as an invitation!

A guest for my show next Tuesday was looking through her Holiday Mini, and called because the Homemade For The Holidays Show looks like so much fun, she wanted to see if she could still book a show before Christmas!

Got her show scheduled and on the books for Dec 9!:thumbup:

That GREAT !!!
  • #21
PCCHeather0506 said:
I saw in this months Consultant News that Executive Director Don Funt gives out the Mini Catalogs as Invitations and it increases his show sales MAJORLY!! Does anyone else do this? How would you do it? Does it really help?? Do you think it's worth it?

I started doing this the first of Jan. I am trying it for 3 months. I have already seen a difference. I had 4 shows this last weekend and two of them were over $1000.00 in sales!!! :sing: So I won't be stopping this anytime soon!
  • #22
I just started thinking about doing this as well, I have alot of fall ones left...Crystal, what did you do, did you send them w/ an inviation or a postcard or what?
  • #23
The video on the PC website from NED Nancy Jo Ryan said she prints out the downloadable invitation from the website, puts both in an envelope and mails it. She said it had doubled the outside orders at hers and her Team's shows! I'm going to do this as well!
  • #24
chefsteph07 said:
I just started thinking about doing this as well, I have alot of fall ones left...Crystal, what did you do, did you send them w/ an inviation or a postcard or what?

I send them with a 1/2 page invite in an envelope. They get chewed too badly if I tape them.
I've attached my blank invite. It's a little goofy becuase I'm not very tech-savy. I just print page 1 & 4, 2 & 3 are blank.


  • Double Invite.pub
    370 KB · Views: 373
  • #25
As a brand new consultant who has been a customer for years, I will say I love the idea of using the minis as invites. This way every potential guest is getting to see the product, with prices without needing the extra step of going to our websites. Let's face it... with the average potential customer they get the invite, think I can or can't go, plan to check out the website and life gets in the way. This way, they are getting a sampling of products with prices and when they call suzy hostess if their saying no i can't come they can be automatically saying but i want x, y, z product.
  • #26
i want to do this too, but I have no shows right now. :cry: I had several cancel for personal reasons, I know these hosts well so it had to be big. Crystal, do you have a copy of your invite done with another program? My version of Publisher is different and it won't open. :( Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this.
  • #27
There are invitations that you can print out from CC. Each theme show has a printable invite, so you can see what ones fit your show.
  • #28
pamperedbecky said:
I've had several people say that they're so glad they saw the wine glasses in person and the beaded serving pieces too because they felt the pictures didn't do them justice. I just was glad to hear they looked through the catalog beforehand! I'm also using the mini holiday catalogs to hand out at booths. I put that sticker on them that instructs them to visit my website within 48 hours to get a free gift and if they place an order they get a free grill rub. Well, I used them at a booth last Friday and no takers to visit my website and contact me. I have a HUGE booth tonight, so I'm getting them all ready. I hope they drive traffic to my website and I get orders out of it. For the first time, I'm bringing a lot of cash and carry so we'll see how that goes.

I'll try to post the template I use for the invitations in a bit.

We were talking about this at our cluster meeting last night. I was going to start working on a label template but would love to see what you have.
  • #29
Jewel said:
i want to do this too, but I have no shows right now. :cry: I had several cancel for personal reasons, I know these hosts well so it had to be big. Crystal, do you have a copy of your invite done with another program? My version of Publisher is different and it won't open. :( Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this.

Here is the one page invite. You should be able to open this one.


  • full page invite.doc
    41.5 KB · Views: 397
  • #30
I have always sent a mini catalog, along with an invitation similar to Crystals. That way I can personalize the invitation. I have even added, along with the mini catalog and invitation, that month's guest special. The mini catalogs don't cost that much and I feel that I have better show sales by sending it with the invitation. Good luck everyone!

Related to Does Anyone Hand Out Mini Catalogs as Invitations?

1. Does anyone else do this?

Yes, other consultants have also tried handing out mini catalogs as invitations and have reported positive results.

2. How would you do it?

To hand out mini catalogs as invitations, you can include them in your regular invitations or send them separately to potential guests. You can also personally hand them out to people you meet or leave them at local businesses.

3. Does it really help?

According to Executive Director Don Funt, handing out mini catalogs as invitations has significantly increased his show sales. Other consultants have also seen a positive impact on their show sales after implementing this strategy.

4. Do you think it's worth it?

Based on the reported success of using mini catalogs as invitations, it is worth trying out as a strategy to increase show sales. However, the effectiveness may vary and it is important to track and evaluate the results for your own business.

5. How can I measure the impact of using mini catalogs as invitations?

You can measure the impact by tracking the number of guests who attend your shows after receiving a mini catalog invitation, as well as the resulting sales. This can help you determine if this strategy is successful for your business.

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