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Discover a Delicious Way to Raise Funds with Our Cookbook Fundraiser!

In summary, the cookbooks in September are $10 each and the organization will make $5 up front on each cookbook sold. The flyer and letter that were attached detail how to raise funds with this idea. The rewards for 5, 10, 15, and 20 products sold are not specified.
  • #301
smilesarepriceless said:
So if you go to an organization (let's say a school..and a class of 15 children were collecting orders, and that one child got 8 people to place an order...That 1 child, would submit 1 order form w/ the total amounts of cookbooks, with 1 $4 shipping charge/tax, etc..then that 1 child would distribute the books..Is that correct?

Heather, no, well at least that is not how I will be doing it. Others may have other opinions. This is how I will be doing it.

You have a child collecting orders. This child collects 8 orders. Each person who places an order receives their own order form and pays their own shipping. All orders are shipped to the organisation (say a school), that is why each person only pays $4, since you are shipping to the 'Host' Then the school will distribute the cookbooks to the child to distribute to the people who ordered from them.

I hope this makes sense.:balloon:
  • #302
smilesarepriceless said:
So if you go to an organization (let's say a school..and a class of 15 children were collecting orders, and that one child got 8 people to place an order...That 1 child, would submit 1 order form w/ the total amounts of cookbooks, with 1 $4 shipping charge/tax, etc..then that 1 child would distribute the books..Is that correct?

No, initially we were hoping we could do it that way, but policy states otherwise. We have to treat this fundraiser like any other show. Every customer must have an official TPC receipt and every single customer must pay the $4 shipping for their own order. Then we must have on every receipt the breakdown of what they're paying for (i.e. actual cost of cookbook $10, shipping $4, tax _____, donation to organization ____). Each fundraiser show will have a large number of orders for just one cookbook. This is one reason why some are doing the $18 for first cookbook and $15 for any additional cookbooks. $18 is still less than what they would pay for a $14.75 + $4 + tax cookbook at a show and it still allows the organization to get a nice profit and distribute official front/back receipts for every customer. :)
  • #303
chefmeg said:
just returned from vacation and need to cut to the chase!!! Can we do this fundraiser or not? TIA

Yes you can do it. If you go back and read just the last 2 pages you will get all the answers you need and some forms and letters to use.
  • #304
LibrarianChef said:
No, initially we were hoping we could do it that way, but policy states otherwise. We have to treat this fundraiser like any other show. Every customer must have an official TPC receipt and every single customer must pay the $4 shipping for their own order. Then we must have on every receipt the breakdown of what they're paying for (i.e. actual cost of cookbook $10, shipping $4, tax _____, donation to organization ____). Each fundraiser show will have a large number of orders for just one cookbook. This is one reason why some are doing the $18 for first cookbook and $15 for any additional cookbooks. $18 is still less than what they would pay for a $14.75 + $4 + tax cookbook at a show and it still allows the organization to get a nice profit and distribute official front/back receipts for every customer. :)

Im always too slow :rolleyes:
  • #305
PCwithStay-C said:
Im always too slow :rolleyes:

Heehee! Actually, you beat me to the answer. GMTA!!! :D

I can't tell you how relieved I was to see your written response from HO since it's the same thing I had been told all along (I made my questions on the phone and in email very specific--just like you did). After all of the confusion on this thread I wasn't going to do this FR at all until your written response pointing back to policy. Now I can go into this fully confident in HO expectations. And we'll all now have a TON of new customers on our lists with addresses/phone numbers to do customer care calls to (not student names and numbers :p). That opens up a lot of new doors for shows and new recruits. YIPPEE! :thumbup:
  • #306
LibrarianChef said:
Heehee! Actually, you beat me to the answer. GMTA!!! :D

I can't tell you how relieved I was to see your written response from HO since it's the same thing I had been told all along (I made my questions on the phone and in email very specific--just like you did). After all of the confusion on this thread I wasn't going to do this FR at all until your written response pointing back to policy. Now I can go into this fully confident in HO expectations. And we'll all now have a TON of new customers on our lists with addresses/phone numbers to do customer care calls to (not student names and numbers :p). That opens up a lot of new doors for shows and new recruits. YIPPEE! :thumbup:

Your welcome :) As much as everyone was like 'just call and get an answer' Im more of a paper girl. I need to have everything written out in front of me to be able to understand it. It just made more sense when put I typed it out and I guess it made alot of other people understand exactly what HO was saying we could and couldnt do.
I know its hard to really want to do something that could be so successful like this but not want to break policy.
And the point that everyone who orders has to have a receipt, all I have to say is BRING ON THE BUSINESS BABY!!! LOL :D :thumbup:
  • #307
PCwithStay-C said:
Your welcome :) As much as everyone was like 'just call and get an answer' Im more of a paper girl. I need to have everything written out in front of me to be able to understand it. It just made more sense when put I typed it out and I guess it made alot of other people understand exactly what HO was saying we could and couldnt do.
I know its hard to really want to do something that could be so successful like this but not want to break policy.

I hear you. I emailed in the questions at the following post: http://www.chefsuccess.com/273762-post88.html and they wouldn't respond in writing. They called me to outline the details and walk through the questions carefully. I specifically asked the manager for something in writing. She said no. :grumpy: From what she shared with me, I thought reps couldn't give us a response in writing. So imagine my shock when a regular rep sent a response to you. :eek:

PCwithStay-C said:
And the point that everyone who orders has to have a receipt, all I have to say is BRING ON THE BUSINESS BABY!!! LOL

AMEN! :D And you know what, this would be a really good time to do customer care calls to see how they liked their cookbooks. And since so many PC products are mentioned and shown in these cookbooks, it would work well to ask if they'd like to earn these products in free dollars, half-priced items, or discounted prices by hosting a show. ;)
  • #308
Oh yeah, I forgot that you said that they wouldnt email you a response! I guess there has been alot of crossed wires and mixed messages. But like you said in another post, as long as your following procedures then HO should have no reason to not let these fundraisers go forward.OMG Can you imagine if you had an imcredibly huge show!?!?!?! Sooo many leads and sooo many phone calls!! Could definately make PC a full time gig then :D
  • #309
I have been trying to keep up with the final outcome of the cookbook fundraiser but I am still confused. So will this be considered a fundraiser with 15% going to the organization or will it strictly be the difference of sale-actual cost from PC? I know many of you have spelled it out but would you mind one more time please. Also our tax rate is 7.75% that will have an affect on the proceeds. Actually could you give me an example using my tax rate? Not just newbie but blonde newbie. Thank you.
  • #310
minersmix said:
I have been trying to keep up with the final outcome of the cookbook fundraiser but I am still confused. So will this be considered a fundraiser with 15% going to the organization or will it strictly be the difference of sale-actual cost from PC? I know many of you have spelled it out but would you mind one more time please. Also our tax rate is 7.75% that will have an affect on the proceeds. Actually could you give me an example using my tax rate? Not just newbie but blonde newbie. Thank you.

Yes you can do the fundraiser. You may still want to call HO and just be sure to be on the record so that they dont turn around when your placing your order and say that you cant do it!! Cause that would suck!!

It will be the same as a regular fundraiser. The organisation will get the following
- the 10 - 15% depending on the sales amounts
- the donation from the difference in the cookbook prices.

I added the excel sheet that you can use to figure out your totals and number. I have mine with a sale price for the cookbooks at $15. you can change taht if you want. Then just change the tax and it will figure it all out for you.

Let me know if this all makes sense. If not I can try and re-explain...or have LibrarianChef do it!!! :p

Which part of NY are you in? I forgot taht NY tax is different to CT. I live on teh CT NY border and was actually going to offer this to some NY organisations, so I better remember to change that!!


  • Cookbook.zip
    8.3 KB · Views: 302
  • #311
I live up almost as far North as you can go. We border Vermont and Canada. Depending on where you live in NY the tax rate may be different as well. Actually at work I have a chart for the county tax rates if you are interested I can get that for you.
  • #311
I live up almost as far North as you can go. We border Vermont and Canada. Depending on where you live in NY the tax rate may be different as well. Actually at work I have a chart for the county tax rates if you are interested I can get that for you.
  • #312
ohhh your in cold country :) that would be cool if you could get the chart. I would appreciate it, thanks :D
  • #313
no problem. I will check back later.
  • #314
PCwithStay-C said:
Yes you can do the fundraiser. You may still want to call HO and just be sure to be on the record so that they dont turn around when your placing your order and say that you cant do it!! Cause that would suck!!

It will be the same as a regular fundraiser. The organisation will get the following
- the 10 - 15% depending on the sales amounts
- the donation from the difference in the cookbook prices.

I added the excel sheet that you can use to figure out your totals and number. I have mine with a sale price for the cookbooks at $15. you can change taht if you want. Then just change the tax and it will figure it all out for you.

Let me know if this all makes sense. If not I can try and re-explain...or have LibrarianChef do it!!! :p

Which part of NY are you in? I forgot taht NY tax is different to CT. I live on teh CT NY border and was actually going to offer this to some NY organisations, so I better remember to change that!!

I do not have winzip. Can you/ will you repost in another format, please? Kristi
  • #315
I do not have winzip. Can you/ will you repost in another format, please? Kristi

Hold on...Ill see if i can
  • #316
I do not have winzip. Can you/ will you repost in another format, please? Kristi

The problem is that excel files cannot be posted to the forum. If you email her she should be able to email you the excel file used.
  • #317
OK I cant attach the XL spreadsheet. If anyone wants if email me and I will send it.

[email protected]
  • #318
haha thanks Tasha :) guess I should of asked before spending 10mins trying to do it :p
  • #319
I just emailed you Stacey.
  • #320
PCwithStay-C said:
Yeah Im glad I got such a well written responst. It made my decision on whether or not to go ahead with this idea alot easier.

OK how you have it makes more sense. The original letter had something like that but it made it sound like the fundraiser would sell them for that amount. I couldnt figure out how to make it sound like you wrote it :D

I LOVE the higher price for the first cookbook idea! That is a great idea.

Thanks :D

OK so I made some adjustments to what I had. I will delete the old ones and put the new ones up.

I will also work on a flyer this afternoon.

So, how does the order form work if it say's cookbooks $16 but on the line it says $10? I'm just confused on how to explain it to a customer of the fundraisr. Do they need to put the differece in the "donation" box?
  • #320
Christ Follower said:
So, how does the order form work if it say's cookbooks $16 but on the line it says $10? I'm just confused on how to explain it to a customer of the fundraisr. Do they need to put the differece in the "donation" box?

I think everyone is doing it a little bit different on the order form. On my original order form I had "$10 + $6 shipping/tax/donation" where the price blank was by each book (or something like that). We have to make sure that somewhere on the order form that we give the real price of each cookbook ($10) and then the official PC receipts given to each person must give a more specific breakdown of their $4 shipping costs, their tax on the cookbook and shipping, and their donation amount for tax write-off purposes. So at the top of my form I explain that the FIRST cookbook is $10 + $8 which includes their shipping/handling, tax, and donation and that every cookbook after the first one is at a discounted price of $15. I will also make mention that every person will receive an individual receipt for their 1 year warranty and tax deduction for the 2007 tax season.

You know what? Can you imagine how crazy this would be if we had to do these receipts while combining/collapsing several orders?! How would you tell each person on an official receipt how much they paid in shipping and shipping taxes? Would you take the $4 and divide it by how many people were on that form and then add in the tax for each different amount? That would be crazy! :eek:
Last edited:
  • #321
Christ Follower said:
So, how does the order form work if it say's cookbooks $16 but on the line it says $10? I'm just confused on how to explain it to a customer of the fundraisr. Do they need to put the differece in the "donation" box?

I think everyone is doing it a little bit different on the order form. On my original order form I had "$10 + $6 shipping/tax/donation" where the price blank was by each book (or something like that). We have to make sure that somewhere on the order form that we give the real price of each cookbook ($10) and then the official PC receipts given to each person must give a more specific breakdown of their $4 shipping costs, their tax on the cookbook and shipping, and their donation amount for tax write-off purposes. So at the top of my form I explain that the FIRST cookbook is $10 + $8 which includes their shipping/handling, tax, and donation and that every cookbook after the first one is at a discounted price of $15. I will also make mention that every person will receive an individual receipt for their 1 year warranty and tax deduction for the 2007 tax season.

You know what? Can you imagine how crazy this would be if we had to do these receipts while combining/collapsing several orders?! How would you tell each person on an official receipt how much they paid in shipping and shipping taxes? Would you take the $4 and divide it by how many people were on that form and then add in the tax for each different amount? That would be crazy! :eek:
  • #322
i'm just worried about having enough ink/paper to print all the receipts LOL
  • #323
PCwithStay-C said:
Yes you can do the fundraiser. You may still want to call HO and just be sure to be on the record so that they dont turn around when your placing your order and say that you cant do it!! Cause that would suck!!

It will be the same as a regular fundraiser. The organisation will get the following
- the 10 - 15% depending on the sales amounts
- the donation from the difference in the cookbook prices.

I added the excel sheet that you can use to figure out your totals and number. I have mine with a sale price for the cookbooks at $15. you can change taht if you want. Then just change the tax and it will figure it all out for you.

Let me know if this all makes sense. If not I can try and re-explain...or have LibrarianChef do it!!! :p

Which part of NY are you in? I forgot taht NY tax is different to CT. I live on teh CT NY border and was actually going to offer this to some NY organisations, so I better remember to change that!!

Great chart (thank you!!!)! I'm from CT too.. so glad to have it written out. What kind of cover letter will you use, explaining the entire catalog is available (and will you have a catalog with each order form?)?
  • #324
abrahamlaur said:
i'm just worried about having enough ink/paper to print all the receipts LOL

Yep. I always have the same worry with regular shows, too. I just remembered that the show I did last week still didn't get their P3 receipts. I need to print those TODAY before their stuff comes in. YIKES!

I suppose we could buy a bunch of the tri-layered receipts if that's cheaper than our printer ink. I'm also going to check with our local printers to see if I were to email them the back of the receipt (the warranty page) and the PDF with everyone's receipts, if would it be cheaper and far less time consuming for me as the consultant for them to print double-sided and just have them waiting there for me to pick up. I know it's my job to take care of receipts, but boy it can get expensive and take a lot of time.
  • #325
oh geez librarian! you just reminded me i have to print up my receipts form this past weekend! GRR .... I dont think I have enough ink!
  • #326
Christ Follower said:
So, how does the order form work if it say's cookbooks $16 but on the line it says $10? I'm just confused on how to explain it to a customer of the fundraisr. Do they need to put the differece in the "donation" box?
From what I got from HO you need to expalin to the customers every detail of where their money is going. So in my order forms. You are charging
$10 for the cookbook (guest special)
$4 shipping
$.84 tax
$.16 donation
= $15 (editedok so mine is $15, you can do $16 just up the donation amount! sorry!!)On the order form that I added, it has a cheat sheet for all of that and in the total columns on the right, all these things are written in there. This is so taht every customer will know how much is shipping, tax and donation.Make sense??? :confused:
  • #327
LibrarianChef said:
You know what? Can you imagine how crazy this would be if we had to do these receipts while combining/collapsing several orders?! How would you tell each person on an official receipt how much they paid in shipping and shipping taxes? Would you take the $4 and divide it by how many people were on that form and then add in the tax for each different amount? That would be crazy! :eek:

ok, I already had a headache just figuring out the donations and taxes for one person!! so glad I didnt have to figure those numbers out!!! :yuck:
  • #328
abrahamlaur said:
i'm just worried about having enough ink/paper to print all the receipts LOL

this is one of the reasons Im glad DH works with computers. We get our ink free....dont know what Ill do when we move though!!!! :cry:
  • #329
its_me_susan said:
Great chart (thank you!!!)! I'm from CT too.. so glad to have it written out. What kind of cover letter will you use, explaining the entire catalog is available (and will you have a catalog with each order form?)?

Hey where in CT are you? My recruiter was looking for a hospitality group for me, cause shes in GA. do you know anyone close to Stamford?

So I attached the letter Im using to prospect. It has in the letter that people can order online. I guess I should add something to the order form letting people know they can order online too.

Oh man....now Im all discombobulated!! Ok now I got it. You have the people collecting fill out the order forms for the customer to keep! Then I have to make up a tracking chart of some sort for hte order collector to keep tally of how many of each book they sell.
Does taht make sense!!! :confused:
  • #330
PCwithStay-C said:
From what I got from HO you need to expalin to the customers every detail of where their money is going. So in my order forms. You are charging
$10 for the cookbook (guest special)
$4 shipping
$.84 tax
$.16 donation
= $15 (editedok so mine is $15, you can do $16 just up the donation amount! sorry!!)

On the order form that I added, it has a cheat sheet for all of that and in the total columns on the right, all these things are written in there. This is so taht every customer will know how much is shipping, tax and donation.

Make sense??? :confused:

Right, except that I'm not putting all of that on the front of my order form (I'm still using a GROUP order form). I was afraid it would be difficult for them to understand the breakdown until someone fills in all of those blanks. So on the front of my order form I will have the general details of the $10 cookbook, $4 shipping, ___% taxes, and the reminder is their donation to the organization. Then on a separate page I have my cheat sheet for my state and the customer can see, in detail, where all of the money would go if they want to buy 5 cookbooks, 10 cookbooks, or more. I want them to be able to see exactly where their money is going before they decide how many to get. We're all likely saying the same thing, but having it on different parts of the order form or attached cheat sheet.

Then, of course, their receipts detail everything out down to the penny and can be used for tax deductions. I don't believe there will be any questions where their money is going if they can see my cheat sheet in advance.
  • #331
Here is the email I finally got from HODear Jennifer,

Thank you for your email inquiring about the possibility of offering a fundraiser featuring The Pampered Chef's library of cookbooks that are being featured in the guest special for September orders!

There is no limit to the amount of cookbooks that can be ordered by one customer. However, a quantity over 50 of any one item would need pre-approval.

What you are proposing is not reflective of our typical fundraiser. As referenced in our guidelines, a fundraiser is essentially a Cooking Show for a select group and offers special advantages. Details and tips regarding fundraisers can be found in the Consultant Business Guide.


Richard Laiche
Specialist, Consultant Career Solutions
Solution Center
The Pampered Chef®

---- Original Message ----
From: [email protected]
Sent: 15-Aug-2007 8:45:43
To: [email protected]
Subject: General Question

Name = Jennifer Stephens
Message = I am thinking of offering a Cookbook Fundraiser during September because of the special pricing. Are there any limits to the amount of a cookbook(s) that can be ordered by one person and/or organization? At which point would this go into "bulk" orders and I would need permission for the order? Please, give me some details as to how I can handle a fundraiser of this type.

Thank you,
Jennifer Stephens
  • #332
IS there anyway to do this better?Getting ready to e-mail the band director for my nephew's High school band and want to make sure my ducks are in a row!!! Here is what I have:
40 band members
Am asking that each band member be expected to sell at least 15 books at $16 per book ($10 book, $4 s&H, $1.02 tax and 0.98 donation)
This will leave us with a MINIMUM of a $6,000 show (40 x 15 x 10), so PC donates 15% ($900), I will donate 10% of my commission ($100) and the minimum donations would be $558 (600books sold @ 0.98 each)
I am going to express that the more books each individual person buys, the higher the donations go, but that $1588total is the MINIMUM they can expect from this fundraiser.....................RIGHT??!!!!
Last edited:
  • #333
chefmeg said:
Getting ready to e-mail the band director for my nephew's High school band and want to make sure my ducks are in a row!!! Here is what I have:
40 band members
Am asking that each band member be expected to sell at least 15 books at $16 per book ($10 book, $4 s&H, $1.02 tax and 0.98 donation)
This will leave us with a MINIMUM of a $6,000 show (40 x 15 x 10), so PC donates 15% ($900), I will donate 10% of my commission ($100) and the minimum donations would be $558 (600books sold @ 0.98 each)
I am going to express that the more books each individual person buys, the higher the donations go, but that $1588total is the MINIMUM they can expect from this fundraiser.....................RIGHT??!!!!

Meg, even though my math brain isnt turned on yet, this sounds about right ot me.
Good Luck, I hope they like the idea.
  • #334
Yes, please forward. Thank you.
<h2>1. How does the cookbook fundraiser work?</h2><p>The cookbook fundraiser allows organizations to sell Pampered Chef cookbooks at a discounted price and keep a portion of the profits for their cause. The organization purchases the cookbooks at a wholesale price and then sells them at a higher price to raise funds.</p><h2>2. What is the suggested selling price for the cookbooks?</h2><p>The suggested selling price for the cookbooks is $15 each. This allows the organization to make a profit of $5 per cookbook.</p><h2>3. Can individuals participate in the cookbook fundraiser?</h2><p>Yes, individuals can also participate in the cookbook fundraiser. They can purchase cookbooks at the discounted price and resell them at a higher price to raise funds for their chosen cause.</p><h2>4. What type of organizations can benefit from the cookbook fundraiser?</h2><p>The cookbook fundraiser is great for a variety of organizations such as schools, churches, sports teams, and non-profit organizations. It can also be used by individuals looking to raise funds for a specific cause.</p><h2>5. How can I get started with the cookbook fundraiser?</h2><p>To get started with the cookbook fundraiser, simply contact a Pampered Chef consultant or visit our website to learn more about the process. We also provide resources and support to help make your fundraiser a success.</p>

Related to Discover a Delicious Way to Raise Funds with Our Cookbook Fundraiser!

1. How does the cookbook fundraiser work?

The cookbook fundraiser allows organizations to sell Pampered Chef cookbooks at a discounted price and keep a portion of the profits for their cause. The organization purchases the cookbooks at a wholesale price and then sells them at a higher price to raise funds.

2. What is the suggested selling price for the cookbooks?

The suggested selling price for the cookbooks is $15 each. This allows the organization to make a profit of $5 per cookbook.

3. Can individuals participate in the cookbook fundraiser?

Yes, individuals can also participate in the cookbook fundraiser. They can purchase cookbooks at the discounted price and resell them at a higher price to raise funds for their chosen cause.

4. What type of organizations can benefit from the cookbook fundraiser?

The cookbook fundraiser is great for a variety of organizations such as schools, churches, sports teams, and non-profit organizations. It can also be used by individuals looking to raise funds for a specific cause.

5. How can I get started with the cookbook fundraiser?

To get started with the cookbook fundraiser, simply contact a Pampered Chef consultant or visit our website to learn more about the process. We also provide resources and support to help make your fundraiser a success.

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