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Consultant Booking off a Host Party?

Yes, you can mark your hosts down for a booking from their show, and if they have a show with guest sales of $150 or more within six months of their show, they qualify for the Host Benefit as the current host, as well as the past booking host. The Guest Sales must be $150 prior to the Booking Benefit item, and you will have to enter the Host as a Guest on her show, and she will have to pay shipping for that order.
Hi all! I just had my first party tonight for my friend. I haven't had a party of my own yet and was thinking about booking my party from her party. Is that something that I can do?

Also, does that mean that she would then get the host bonus at my party?

And....what is a booking bonus?

Thanks so much for patience and answers!
No, you cannot book your show as a consultant off of another party. Also, once you are a consultant you do not get booking benefit from any show that books off a show you did yourself.

The booking benefit for hosts is that any show that is booked off a party (and entered in P3 when the show is submitted) and held within six months, the host from the original show will get the host special at that show as well.
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  • #3
Thank you so much for replying, I'm going to resay that just to make sure that I'm reading it correctly because my mind is still spinning from the party lol!So I, the consultant and a guest of the show cannot book a party where the hostess of the current show and myself will receive the host special at the future party.I think I've got that right but if I read it wrong someone let me know! Thanks!
Consultants also can't order at a show so you wouldn't be a guest either.And you do have it right, you can not book a show off another shop or even your own. We can not get the past host benefit - we can theoretically put together a catalog show any time we want the monthly special...The booking benefit is that the host from whom the party was booked within the last six months gets to choose whatever is 60% off the month the show is held. Read the fine print at the bottom of the flyer. Usually even of he host can get more than one item the post host only gets one but sometimes it's different (like this month). Also, the past host chooses from the level that the current host earns. It's all in the fine print.
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  • #5
Okay thank you so much, that made it much more clear. I saw another thread somewhere on this site that said the host could within the next six months host another party that she/he booked from their own party though so I can let my hosts do that?
We get all of the other host benefits when doing our own show. you must check off "Consultant acting as host" when you set up the show. You'll get the free stuff, half price, discount, and the current host special.We do NOT get the Past Host Discount and the Booking Benefits (host specials for future bookings of other people off of your own show).
goddessred said:
Okay thank you so much, that made it much more clear. I saw another thread somewhere on this site that said the host could within the next six months host another party that she/he booked from their own party though so I can let my hosts do that?

Yes, you can mark your hosts down for a booking from their show, and if they have a show with guest sales of $150 or more within six months of their show, they qualify for the Host Benefit as the current host, as well as the past booking host. The Guest Sales must be $150 prior to the Booking Benefit item, and you will have to enter the Host as a Guest on her show, and she will have to pay shipping for that order.
I ALWAYS rebook my hosts for 3 months out from the current show with a date of the 1st of that month. It doesn't hurt anything if they don't have a show, but if they do, they appreciate having the past host benefit also. It's a great tickler to check in with my past hosts to see how they are doing and if they need anything three months after their show and often they will end up doing a quick catalog show.If you DON'T put them in for a future show before you close the current show, then they can't earn the booking benefit. I always tell them that my policy is to always rebook them but there isn't an obligation, but I'll be checking in on them in 3 months or so. Never once have I gotten negative feedback, but have gotten positive responses and future sales numerous times.

Related to Consultant Booking off a Host Party?

1. How do I book a party off a host's party?

To book a party off a host's party, you can simply ask the host if they would be interested in booking a party with you. You can also offer incentives such as free products or discounts for hosting a party. Make sure to have your calendar handy so you can schedule a date for the party right away.

2. Can I book multiple parties off of one host's party?

Yes, you can definitely book multiple parties off of one host's party. This is a great way to maximize your bookings and reach more potential customers. You can offer different party themes or incentives for each party to make them unique and appealing to different guests.

3. Do I need to have my own products to book a party off a host's party?

No, you do not need to have your own products to book a party off a host's party. As a Pampered Chef consultant, you will have access to a wide range of products and materials to use for your parties. You can also work with the host to determine which products they would like to feature at their party.

4. How soon should I book a party off a host's party?

It is recommended to book a party off a host's party as soon as possible. This ensures that the host and their guests are still excited and interested in hosting a party. It also gives you enough time to plan and prepare for the party.

5. Can I offer the same host benefits for a party booked off another host's party?

Yes, you can offer the same host benefits for a party booked off another host's party. It is important to treat all hosts with the same incentives and rewards to maintain fairness and consistency. This will also encourage hosts to continue booking parties with you in the future.

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