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Boost Your Business with Our New Consultant Incentive and Support Package!

etc. But I'm all for buying it for them AFTER they qualify, especially if it's only $200! Thanks for the input!I just ordered from her the beginning of the week and already got my stickers. She even sent small PC envelopes as a free gift and I only spent $20!I agree with everyone, about making after 4 shows. You might want to keep in mind also, that if you are investing a lot of $$ in your consultants, they may not feel comfortable recruiting because they will think they need to do the same for their people. I do like the idea of setting up a starter kit, host packets, computer printed...etc. But I'm all for buying it for them AFTER they
Gold Member
I have some ideas that I want to run past everyone, I love the new incentive right now but I would seriously like to be more active with recruiting so when I was at Conference this year one lady said that she tells people that she will make starting their business risk free and if they don't make back the $155 in their first 2 shows that she will pay the difference. I was thinking about doing that same thing.

But something else that I was looking at doing was to offer to buy them the New Consultant Success Kit from Merrill. It is 250 business cards, 100 new consultant post cards, and a vinyl business card case for $20.95. So I figured I would buy that for them to help them get started, however when I mentioned it at our last cluster meeting my director said "you mean you will buy it for them once they qualify" I told her that I had planned on buying it for them right away in order for them to have them to send out right away.

So my question is what everyone else thinks?? Should I buy this set right after they sign to help them get qualified or should I buy it for them after they qualify?? I have someone right now who is seriously considering signing and I want to do everything possible to help her get started.

Thank you in advance because I know that everyone on this site is FULL of GREAT ideas.

Heidi Kreitzer
[email protected]
Just be careful doing that so that you don't get taken advantage of.
After they qualify is my opinion, you could have kit nappers for all you know and there goes your waste of $$$!

What I did for my 1st recruit was to get them as many catalogs as she needed before her kit arrived To get catalog shows going, outside order forms, gave her old guest folders I no longer needed, gave her some blank biz card sheets so she could print them up herself or I suppose you could do it for her, some post cards from nancy and a PC button to start her out.

As soon as she qualifies I plan to give her a catalog tote and maybe some other goodies I have.

The idea of kit reimbursement is interesting but personaly I would say after the 1st four shows then maybe talk about it, if she hasn't gotten her money back by then (but she should have after 4)! I made my $$ back on my first show, but that was a $1200 show, thanks to my SIL!

Anyways good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Heather, thank you for that insite, that is more helpful than for someone just telling me what she would do, which is what my director did. I also forgot to state that I did tell the lady that if she didn't make it back in 4 shows which is only $775 in sales, I also told her what the PC average is and that all she would need is less than $200 per show which isn't hard. I like your idea of printing business cards for her to use until she gets qualified. I will look into the postcards on Nancy's Artwork.

Thank you so much for the wonderful help.
Sure thing, and by the way Nancy's is no longer a vendor for us. Although you can check out her site and see if she carries blank non logo biz cards, or check out your nearest office supply place for blank ones. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
I would do it after she qualifies in my opinion, I earned my kit back in the first show. When one of my recruits qualifies she gets a Merrill catalog tote bag. When they first sign I give her some post cards, and blank business cards. I hope that helps....
heat123 said:
Sure thing, and by the way Nancy's is no longer a vendor for us. Although you can check out her site and see if she carries blank non logo biz cards, or check out your nearest office supply place for blank ones. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

I just ordered from her the beginning of the week and already got my stickers. She even sent small PC envelopes as a free gift and I only spent $20!
I agree with everyone, about making after 4 shows. You might want to keep in mind also, that if you are investing a lot of $$ in your consultants, they may not feel comfortable recruiting because they will think they need to do the same for their people. I do like the idea of setting up a starter kit, host packets, computer printed business cards, labels... that sort of thing
You can order from Nancy's still until the end of August. Get your orders in before time runs out!!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Can someone please give me the web address to get these things?? I have been looking for it
  • #11
sorry, for the misinfo I thought it Nancy's was already expired.
  • #12
For start up and to have business cards you can also point your consultants at vistaprint, have them sign up, and within a day or two they'll get an email about a number of products they can get free so they only have to pay shipping - much cheaper then merrill for someone starting out and then once they are qualified buy them the merrill new consultant kit.
  • #13
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Thank you for the link. And heather it is not expired yet it goes until August 31st according to the website.
  • #15
One thing to keep in mind is only do what you'd be willing to do for every consultant. If you put a lot of money into each consultant and you start recruiting more and more, you want to be sure you do the same thing for every consultant. That can get expensive! Even if you don't have a lot of possible consulants coming on board now, just keep in mind you want to make it repeatable for everybody so nobody feels left out.:)
  • #16
Just also keep in mind the more YOU do for them, the less they may do for themselves. It needs to be their business and their excitement if they are going to keep it going.
  • #17
I know some people who offer their own incentives when they need a little boost in their recruiting, but they always bill it as a limited time offer (even if they offer it for a year at a time), and they ALWAYS make it something that the recruit gets for qualifying, not just signing. Sometimes, they even put "Qualify in first 60 days" or an actual deadline, if they need the bump for TPC, trip points, or some such. What they offer varies: sometimes a cookbook (not the SBRC, one of the big ones), sometimes money back - $25 seems to be typical on that offer.

Personally, I've never offered additional incentives, as I think our starter program is fantastic.
  • #18
I like the idea of giving them something once they qualify as it gives them the incentive to work toward that but that is what PC does with the dollars. For the added benefit, it never hurts to give them a little something. I know one director that gives the tote bag/purse that you can get off the supply order form to consultants once they become a Future Director.

I had a consultant just sign up and I had given her a sampling the stickers I had gone crazy with from Nancy's earlier this summer. Also gave her some business cards and labels to get started for her catalogs. I have plenty and plan to continue to do it for my new consultants but at the same time I would like to bring up there is more than money to consider. Buying and putting together these items do cost one additional thing and that is your TIME. I noticed I used some valuable time to get it put together and sent to my latest recruit which should have been used on more money producing activities. I don't regret it but if I get to the point of 2 or 3 in one month, then I don't know if I can keep it up. (Power of positive thinking here - I will have an assistant and she can do it!!!) :rolleyes: ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Well I was considering doing it as a limited time thing. But I will definately tell her about VistaPrints to have some until she qualifies and then get them for her then. Thank you everyone for all of the great ideas.

Related to Boost Your Business with Our New Consultant Incentive and Support Package!

What is the "New Consultant Incentive" program?

The "New Consultant Incentive" program is a program designed to reward new consultants for their hard work and dedication during their first few months with Pampered Chef. It offers various bonuses and rewards to help jumpstart their business and set them up for success.

How do I qualify for the "New Consultant Incentive" program?

To qualify for the "New Consultant Incentive" program, you must join Pampered Chef as a consultant and submit your first $1,250 in sales within your first 30 days. You must also submit at least $2,500 in sales within your first 60 days to receive the full benefits of the program.

What are the benefits of the "New Consultant Incentive" program?

The "New Consultant Incentive" program offers various benefits, including a $150 product credit for achieving $1,250 in sales within your first 30 days, a $250 product credit for achieving $2,500 in sales within your first 60 days, and a $250 cash bonus for achieving $5,000 in sales within your first 90 days. You also have the opportunity to earn a $250 cash bonus for sponsoring a new consultant within your first 90 days.

Can I still participate in the "New Consultant Incentive" program if I don't meet the sales requirements?

Unfortunately, you must meet the sales requirements to be eligible for the "New Consultant Incentive" program. However, we offer various training and support to help you achieve these goals and succeed in your Pampered Chef business.

Is the "New Consultant Incentive" program available to consultants in all countries?

The "New Consultant Incentive" program is currently only available to consultants in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. We are constantly evaluating and expanding our programs, so please check back in the future for updates on availability in other countries.

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