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Anyone Sending Out the Info Form Wave 1?

In summary, our founder, Doris Christopher, asks us not to ask for the information before the next wave is over. If you want the information, you should go to conference.
I may be to early with this one, but in the past someone in Wave 1 has gathered email addresses and sent out the info during Conference to those of us who aren't attending. Anyone got a list started yet?

If the hotel has a computer I can use, I can be the recap person. :) But if someone else is going w/ a laptop, they might be better for the job. I'd share the info w/ Wave 1 people who couldn't go.
If you want to know the info, you should go to conference. It is a perk of attending.Our founder, Doris Christopher, closes each wave of conference by asking us to keep the information to ourselves until the 3rd wave is over. I ask that you honor her request by not asking for it.
Are you asking for the info before the next wave or after all the waves are done?
DebbieJ said:
If you want to know the info, you should go to conference. It is a perk of attending.

Our founder, Doris Christopher, closes each wave of conference by asking us to keep the information to ourselves until the 3rd wave is over. I ask that you honor her request by not asking for it.

I thought it would be okay to share w/ people from Wave 1 because doesn't everyone come home and share the news w/ their clusters? :confused: :angel:
  • Thread starter
  • #6
:(mmm...I don't want to get anyone in trouble, just thought I would ask since I can't attend.
there is usually someone who goes who will email the info to people who can't or won't go. wave 1 comes home and shares their news with their cluster mates. The biggest thing is that Doris doesn't want people from wave2 and 3 to not be surprised when they get the info. It's like someone telling you what your Christmas present is before you open it. So, whomever decides to send emails only sends to people who have asked and usually their is some type of "spoiler" comment so if you decide you don't want to know you won't read it. And, they tell you to bring stamps to send stuff to your hosts/guests.

Nothing can be posted hear though...it has to be emailed.

And, I too wouldn't mind getting updates. I can't go again this year...although I wish I could because I could use the time away from the stress here...lol
When Doris makes her request it does include clustermates. Everyone will get the info. Like Deb Said if you want the info before July 19th attend Conference.

Now before I get flogged, I know this is not possible for everyone. This will only be my 3rd Conf in 6 years. I have had to wait like everyone else. 1 year I did get an email from someone and was dissapointed I did. Would have been more fun to wait till my cluster meeting. Alot of people say they cannot attend due to $. I understand this more than you know! If you start planning now for next year you will not have to worry about it. Conference club will be available starting in August. You can have enough deductd from you check to cover all expenses. Dedicate 1 catalog show per mont to be your "conference show" proceded will go towards conf. expenses.

I think as a society we have become too acustomed to instant gratification. Does anyone remember the old ketchup comercial... "Anticipation....is making me wait..." Sometimes having to wait for something can make it better in the long run.

Also I heard last year at conference (from people who attended) that it was extremely annoying that durring general sessions so many people were texting the new info. It was very distracting and rude. Not to mention I bet it diminished their experience, and that they missed details.

Ok... Off my soapbox... :)
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I am in Wave 2 and don't plan on sharing my information with anyone (except my DD who won't tell) since it would be unfair to others. Since Doris asks us not to, I feel we should honor her request... After all, without her, there would never have been a Pampered Chef company!Off my soapbox now too!
  • #10
Whether you share or not is up to you. I have no cluster because mine is too far away...even my hospitality cluster is a long drive and I can't always attend meetings...only made it to 1 since Christmas. So, if anyone doesn't mind sharing the news that I won't be able to get at a cluster meeting, please feel free to email me [email protected]. I do not share it with other consultants or customers till time to do so...I don't see other consultants and I wait to tell my customers closer to Fall selling season so they won't wait for their shows. But, having the info when other consultants have it gives me time to prepare myself and get organized for the new season.

If nobody wants to share that is not a problem. I just know that there has always been several who are willing to help us. We all say "the rules are" but there are many times when we aren't following the rules exactly...and conference dress is just one thing I can think of. Really, if they sell you mini cats to mail to your customers while you are at conference...they tell you to bring labels and stamps...then sharing with a fellow consultant is no different.
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  • #11
I completely understand the need for not openly sharing the information prior to ALL the waves being completed. I am in Wave 3 and would want to avoid spoilers so I could be surprised IF I was going to Conf.

BUT, that being said, I cannot go to conference (due to a family wedding that weekend - so it was not my choice not to attend).

I don't really see a problem with someone emailing me the news if I asked. I think we all know not to discuss on here, with customers or others until we are supposed to. If I am asking for the email, it is my choice to have it spoiled to me. It is not like someone emailing those who ask is going to spoil it for others.

Our cluster meeting is set for the week after Wave 3, so I will know the new products from these boards way before our cluster meeting.

So, if anyone is collecting emails, please add me! [email protected]. I promise not to tell a soul! :)
  • #12
It's not like I am going to "berate" anyone for doing this. I would just hope that people wait till after the sessions are done and are not texting durring. It would like someone talking on their cell phone durring a movie.

My personal belief (it's ok with me if your opinion differs, I will not think badly or differently about you) is that you should wait till the 19th when all info will be made public to all consultants.
  • #13
etteluap70PC said:
It's not like I am going to "berate" anyone for doing this. I would just hope that people wait till after the sessions are done and are not texting durring. It would like someone talking on their cell phone durring a movie.

My personal belief (it's ok with me if your opinion differs, I will not think badly or differently about you) is that you should wait till the 19th when all info will be made public to all consultants.

i agree!! I don't want others to spoil it for me (i am wave 2)!! I get that some people are not able to attend, which is okay, conference is optional, but that being said people can wait a couple extra days....:rolleyes:
  • #14
So what is the protocol if you are in Wave 1? Is your Director allowed to hold a cluster meeting prior to the last day of Wave 3?

If you are in Wave 1 and someone in your cluster couldn't go, do you have to wait until after the 19th to even dicuss anything?

Shawnna said:
...Really, if they sell you mini cats to mail to your customers while you are at conference...they tell you to bring labels and stamps...then sharing with a fellow consultant is no different.

And if eveyone has to wait until the end of Wave 3, why are you allowed/prompted to mail the mini's from conference? Why is it OK that a customer have the info before a consultant?

Just curious..
  • #15
They just don't want people in wave 2 and 3 to know before they get to conference because it will spoil the surprise for them. They paid to attend conference and they are pumped up and excited about what might be in store for them. If we were to tell just anyone then it could spoil it for them. That's why it is important to keep it quiet. That is the onlyl reason I know of.
  • #16
Shawnna said:
They just don't want people in wave 2 and 3 to know before they get to conference because it will spoil the surprise for them. They paid to attend conference and they are pumped up and excited about what might be in store for them. If we were to tell just anyone then it could spoil it for them. That's why it is important to keep it quiet. That is the onlyl reason I know of.

Then I don't understand why the concern over sending emails to consultants who ask for the info since they are NOT going to conference and are not going to spill the beans to anyone who is. If I was going to conference I certainly wouldn't ask to be sent an email.
  • #17
As soon as Conference three is over, all the information is out there!! The minute!! Emails are sent from home office while we are still in Chicago.
Just respect PC's wishes.
  • #18
Here is another thought as to Why people not going to NC should wait... Why should someone who really does not work their biz and gets by on a show here and there to keep active be able to get all the same info at the same time as someone who is investing in their biz and working hard.

On the Sending mini's to our customers thing... Again, Those going to NC are investing in and working their biz. Their customers get the benefit of that.

(Again My opinions)
  • #19
I may be reading this wrong but I am hurt that you can say because someone can not afford conference they are not working their biz. I work my biz very much so. And just because I can not afford to go, it is not fair to say it's because I am not working my biz. My DH has lost his job and I was also out of work for 6 months due to back injury. So while I understand not giving out the information because of Doris' request, to say it's because people are not working their biz is offensive!
  • #20
Fluffy215 said:
I may be reading this wrong but I am hurt that you can say because someone can not afford conference they are not working their biz. I work my biz very much so. And just because I can not afford to go, it is not fair to say it's because I am not working my biz. My DH has lost his job and I was also out of work for 6 months due to back injury. So while I understand not giving out the information because of Doris' request, to say it's because people are not working their biz is offensive!

I agree. I cannot go this year since my step-son is getting married during our wave. That has nothing to do with how serious I am about working my biz. There is no choice here. I must attend the wedding.
  • #21
Fluffy215 said:
I may be reading this wrong but I am hurt that you can say because someone can not afford conference they are not working their biz. I work my biz very much so. And just because I can not afford to go, it is not fair to say it's because I am not working my biz. My DH has lost his job and I was also out of work for 6 months due to back injury. So while I understand not giving out the information because of Doris' request, to say it's because people are not working their biz is offensive!

NO that is not what I am saying...
I was being general and referring to people who just do enough to squeek by. Who do not want PC as a career. Then there are those who whine that their biz goes nowhere. Who are constantly saying "help me, tell me how to fix it" then continue to not do anything, but want to be handed everything.

If you are truly working your biz to the level you desire then thet is awesome for you.

I have missed 3 conferences due to family comitments and lack of funds. It stunk to wait especially the years I was sloted to be wave 1. But I waited. I never felt bad or slighted that I had to wait it's just how it was. I am not a good waiter and it about made me nuts that my upline would not share before it was relaesed to all.

I guess I do not understand the big deal about waiting? Just as some of you probably don't get why I am so adamant that you should. In the long run does it really matter? Probably not... it's just how I feel.
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  • #22
Botom line is Doris has asks us to not say anything till all conferences are over.

I for one will respect her wishes. Everyone else can do what they feel is right for them.

Although if someone is texting durring general sessions near me I will ask them to stop. It is rude and distracting!

I do not think any of you who have posted on this thread have done anything wrong, and I have no issues with your decisions. We all do what is best for ourselves and our families. If I have offended I am truly sorry. It was not my intention.
  • #23
there are many reasons people can't go to conference...their jobs, family obligations, etc. don't feel bad cause you can't go. I've only been able to go r times in 10 years. all three times I had to get my wave changed to be able to go. the way your post was worded it sounded like a slam on those of us who can't go...u said it wasn't meant that way so ok I won't be offended. I think even most hobby consultants are serios about their business. Most are hanging on until life changes for them and they can work their business more. People see things differently and that's okay. People even see rules differently. I can tell you that I don't have a problem discussing these things with other consultants...if they ask...but I wouldn't share with my Mom, sisiter, or daughter because its suppose to be a secret till after wave 3. So who is right? Someone who share with fellow consultants or somone who shares with a family member or their best friend. Nobody is right or wrong because we all see it differently. That being said, lets not turn this thread into something bad. We tend to get offensive because we can only read words and its hard to determine someones tone and their full meaning. Have fun at conference.
  • #24
You know what I LOVE about Pampered Chef.... my view of working my biz can be different than someone else's view of working their biz. My goal is 10 shows a month - yea Me! Someone else's goal could be 2 shows a month - Yea them! That is the beauty of "your own business"!

I am so excited about conference!! Bring on the fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

*I know this had nothing to do with sending out updates, but thought it fit in here....
  • #25
Yes...PC is a great business to be in because you can work as many hours as you want/can. Have a great time at conference.
  • #26
chefcharity said:
You know what I LOVE about Pampered Chef.... my view of working my biz can be different than someone else's view of working their biz. My goal is 10 shows a month - yea Me! Someone else's goal could be 2 shows a month - Yea them! That is the beauty of "your own business"!

I am so excited about conference!! Bring on the fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

*I know this had nothing to do with sending out updates, but thought it fit in here....

I think it fit in perfectly!!
  • #27
I agree with you Paulette:)
I've been to conference the past 4 years, and am so disappointed to end up not getting to go this year. So, now I can understand the feeling of wanting to know everything. But, I am not signing up for getting emails from anyone. It is a perk for going...those people are meant to find out first. How disappointed would you be if you went, then came home & went to your team meeting ready to share what you know, only to have those that didn't go---already know everything? Part of it too, is those that went get to come home all jazzed & share with their clusters. A long tradition is Doris coming out & asking you not to tell...how can you break a promise to her?
Time flies, and soon enough we'll all know everything. Lucky for me, my director is having our meeting the Monday after they get back.
  • #28
lacychef said:
I agree with you Paulette:)
I've been to conference the past 4 years, and am so disappointed to end up not getting to go this year. So, now I can understand the feeling of wanting to know everything. But, I am not signing up for getting emails from anyone. It is a perk for going...those people are meant to find out first. How disappointed would you be if you went, then came home & went to your team meeting ready to share what you know, only to have those that didn't go---already know everything? Part of it too, is those that went get to come home all jazzed & share with their clusters. A long tradition is Doris coming out & asking you not to tell...how can you break a promise to her?
Time flies, and soon enough we'll all know everything. Lucky for me, my director is having our meeting the Monday after they get back.

Thank you Lacy! You said everything I was trying to say only much more eloquently!
  • #29
I can see everyone's point of view. It is a perk, but many don't have a supportive director to pass that information on to them so they rely on others to inform them...and some are just plain nosey :D (LOL, that was joke!....I am also one of the nosey ones :eek:). I can't go either this year, and unfortunately I'll be out of the country w/o email access so I won't get the updates even if I asked for them...unless I can sneak away to an internet cafe :rolleyes:. I'll be one of the last to know what's what this year - LOL!
  • #30
Linda where you going to be???? LoL I am one of those nosey ones too LoL
  • #31
christinaspc said:
Linda where you going to be???? LoL I am one of those nosey ones too LoL

I'm going to be in China for 2 weeks :D
  • #32
I am in Wave 3 .... please do not spoil it for me. As for those posts that mention don't peak...well....I am one of those people who would peak (can't stand a wrapped present in front of me either). July 18 is not that far away, can't everyone be patient?
  • #33
The thing is we cannot post anything on here at all Greg will have it deleted. I for one am not able to go to conference either, my DH is really supportive of me doing PC but he isnt supportive of conference. He says I have other obligations here at home I do really want to go one day but who knows if it ill happen, plus my director lives 300+ miles away. So if anyone is sending info out I would love to get some.
  • #34
I too, would love to have info if anyone chooses to email out. I was fully intending to go to conference but as timing would have it, we are expecting our first child at the end of the month. We really need Pampered Chef to be a stronger income. I'm doing everything I can to prepare for the fall season, but will much appreciate as much notice as possible so I can fully prepare information and paperwork before her arrival. By no means will it replace the joys and perks of actually being at conference, meeting people, and participating in the training, but the information will be helpful and wonderful. Thanks!
  • #35
I'm going to conference wave 3 & I still want to know what all the new stuff is before my wave. I can still have LOTS of fun & enjoy my time by knowing ahead of time what the new products are but I'm not like most. :)

p.s. I did the email last year & it was a few hundred people.
  • #36
kaseydee said:
I'm going to conference wave 3 & I still want to know what all the new stuff is before my wave. I can still have LOTS of fun & enjoy my time by knowing ahead of time what the new products are but I'm not like most. :)

p.s. I did the email last year & it was a few hundred people.

I must say you did an awesome job, as I was one of the people on the list. I was very appreciative of all that you did for those of us who could not attend and don't have supportive upline's.
  • #37
Congratulations Tristen. Babies are a gift from God. No matter how many nieces, nephews, sisters or brothers you have, it never prepares you for the feelings you experience with your first child. I am excited for you.
  • #38
And, thanks Kasey for your information last year. I know it was a blessing to many people and your hard work was appreciated.
  • #39
etteluap70PC said:
Here is another thought as to Why people not going to NC should wait... Why should someone who really does not work their biz and gets by on a show here and there to keep active be able to get all the same info at the same time as someone who is investing in their biz and working hard.

On the Sending mini's to our customers thing... Again, Those going to NC are investing in and working their biz. Their customers get the benefit of that.

(Again My opinions)

I am sorry but how dare you assume that if we are active we are not working our biz! Not everyone can rely on PC for their main income. Maybe we would like to, but with the economy and the big decline I have seen with those that just do not have the money to spend, me being one of them with one person in our family not bringing in a major income, one can't rely on how much a show would be vs how many guranteed hours one is scheduled at a paticular job.
Not everyone can do this full time. Some need a reliable income and not a gamble of weather a show can be booked or not.
Sorry if I seem upset, but I am! Some of the comments here are selfish. Yes it would be nice to be on the "cheat" list and promise not to share. I have attended conference and let me tell you, it put us in the poor house for a while after. Not everyone has the money to go to this.
It was an awesome event, but I can't afford to go PERIOD!
Guess thats what made me so upset when I read this comment. Those that can afford to go shouldn't belittle those that can't by stating we are not working our biz.
Shame shame!
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  • #40
I agree with you Schel. I don't think that giving effort in your business has a direct relationship with going the National Conference. We all say the good thing about PC is that we can all take the business to where we want to.
  • #42
Ditto here [email protected]

last years emails were awesome! Thanks for last year and thanks in advance to anyone that starts the email list this year.
  • #46
Look, PC has asked year after year after year that we NOT share until ALL 3 conferences are over!!! One of the perks of going to conference is learning all the new products and announcements early. If you can't go, that's fine, but then you don't get the perks. It gripes me to see these posts--HO has specifically asked us NOT to share till it's over. Please honor that. Whether you have a family committment, can't afford it, your dog has cataracts, your uncle fell while crossing the street under a full moon, it doesn't matter--you are not going, and learning the new stuff is a perk of going. Period.

If you can't go to National, ok, but put on your big girl panties and deal with it, wait like HO asks us.
  • #47
Yes, and year after year HO has asked us not to post on Myspace, Facebook, Ebay, etc. They ask us not to wear denim or shorts to conference...and many other things. People still do it. If you don't want to share your info, thats fine, but people who want to post that they would like to have info from anyone who will share are okay with me. A lot of things on here annoy me. I choose not to post or open those posts. This thread is titled...anyone sending info from wave 1...if you don't agree with it and it is annoying, then don't read it. Some people are just plain rude and nasty on here. It doesn't have to be that way. If you don't agree with it, then fine...but you don't have to be mean to people.

And, because people can't always tell the tone of a post, you should think about what you are posting before you post it. If you don't want to offend anyone then you might need to change your wording or not post at all.

People are leaving this site because of the rudeness. This is a great site and it is a shame that some make others feel so uncomfortable that they want to leave. This is a place to make friends and share ideas.
  • #48
schel said:
I am sorry but how dare you assume that if we are active we are not working our biz! Not everyone can rely on PC for their main income. Maybe we would like to, but with the economy and the big decline I have seen with those that just do not have the money to spend, me being one of them with one person in our family not bringing in a major income, one can't rely on how much a show would be vs how many guranteed hours one is scheduled at a paticular job.
Not everyone can do this full time. Some need a reliable income and not a gamble of weather a show can be booked or not.
Sorry if I seem upset, but I am! Some of the comments here are selfish. Yes it would be nice to be on the "cheat" list and promise not to share. I have attended conference and let me tell you, it put us in the poor house for a while after. Not everyone has the money to go to this.
It was an awesome event, but I can't afford to go PERIOD!
Guess thats what made me so upset when I read this comment. Those that can afford to go shouldn't belittle those that can't by stating we are not working our biz.
Shame shame!
I do NOT assume anything! I was referring to some consultants who whine about not having much business and do nothing to change it and want everything handed to them. As I explained in another post (#21) If you truly think this comment was meant to belittle others well then you do not know me.

I personally do not have the $ to go either but I am tightening my belt and giving up things I enjoy. I NEED to grow my biz (DH will be out of a job in a few months) and need this boost.

As I said before I also have had to miss conference 3 times for various family reasons. My director is not the best at getting me info on the new products and programs either. I have had to wait till the info came out from the company. It is not like you do not get it if you do not go.

You think I am selfish hugh? Darn right. I have made conference happen for myself this year. You have NO idea the struggle it is for my family or the juggling I need to do. I am the one who agreed to go another year without High speed internet or cable. I have cut my own hair for 2 years. I shop yardsales for my kids and accept hand me downs. I gave up summer on the east coast with my family who I am lucky if I see once a year.

Here is an analogy for you that think you are owed all the conference info ASAP. Why should I have to pay the same amt of $ for attending wave 3 when by that time it is old news? Doesn't seem quite fair if you really think about it...

Shawnna said:
Yes, and year after year HO has asked us not to post on Myspace, Facebook, Ebay, etc. They ask us not to wear denim or shorts to conference...and many other things. People still do it. If you don't want to share your info, thats fine, but people who want to post that they would like to have info from anyone who will share are okay with me. A lot of things on here annoy me. I choose not to post or open those posts. This thread is titled...anyone sending info from wave 1...if you don't agree with it and it is annoying, then don't read it. Some people are just plain rude and nasty on here. It doesn't have to be that way. If you don't agree with it, then fine...but you don't have to be mean to people.

And, because people can't always tell the tone of a post, you should think about what you are posting before you post it. If you don't want to offend anyone then you might need to change your wording or not post at all.

People are leaving this site because of the rudeness. This is a great site and it is a shame that some make others feel so uncomfortable that they want to leave. This is a place to make friends and share ideas.

So because people do it makes it OK?

I was trying to make a point! The fact that I am paying MONEY to be able to get the benefit of finding out all the new info in person is a PERK, a benefit to MY business that I am investing in. I do not care what the reason you are not going. You are not making the same comitment and sacrafices I am making PERIOD! It does not matter to me why you are not going. You will find out the new products and programs within days of NC being over.

I never intentionally try to be rude unless I am defending myself. If I get rude and snipey at that point then well...

I agree this is a great site and there is lots of great info. People have strong opinions. I often state that if yours differs from mine then so be it.

Oh and remember the Iggy button is your friend!
  • #49
Well, if someone does end up sending out updates, i'd like to be on the list too . . .
[email protected]

Thanks and I hope everyone who gets to go has a great time!
<h2>1. What is the "Info Form Wave 1" and who typically sends it out?</h2><p>The "Info Form Wave 1" refers to a list of email addresses collected by a Pampered Chef consultant during a conference. This consultant then sends out information to those who are not attending the conference.</p><h2>2. How can I get my email address included in the Info Form Wave 1?</h2><p>If you are not attending the conference and would like to receive information, you can reach out to a Pampered Chef consultant and ask to be added to the Info Form Wave 1 list.</p><h2>3. What type of information is typically included in the Info Form Wave 1?</h2><p>The information sent out during the Info Form Wave 1 can vary, but it often includes updates and promotions from Pampered Chef, as well as any important announcements from the conference.</p><h2>4. Is there a cost to receive information through the Info Form Wave 1?</h2><p>No, there is no cost to receive information through the Info Form Wave 1. It is a free service provided by Pampered Chef consultants to keep non-attendees updated and informed.</p><h2>5. Can I opt out of receiving information through the Info Form Wave 1?</h2><p>Yes, if you do not wish to receive information through the Info Form Wave 1, you can simply let the Pampered Chef consultant know and they will remove your email address from the list.</p>

Related to Anyone Sending Out the Info Form Wave 1?

1. What is the "Info Form Wave 1" and who typically sends it out?

The "Info Form Wave 1" refers to a list of email addresses collected by a Pampered Chef consultant during a conference. This consultant then sends out information to those who are not attending the conference.

2. How can I get my email address included in the Info Form Wave 1?

If you are not attending the conference and would like to receive information, you can reach out to a Pampered Chef consultant and ask to be added to the Info Form Wave 1 list.

3. What type of information is typically included in the Info Form Wave 1?

The information sent out during the Info Form Wave 1 can vary, but it often includes updates and promotions from Pampered Chef, as well as any important announcements from the conference.

4. Is there a cost to receive information through the Info Form Wave 1?

No, there is no cost to receive information through the Info Form Wave 1. It is a free service provided by Pampered Chef consultants to keep non-attendees updated and informed.

5. Can I opt out of receiving information through the Info Form Wave 1?

Yes, if you do not wish to receive information through the Info Form Wave 1, you can simply let the Pampered Chef consultant know and they will remove your email address from the list.

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