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Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!

a ditz. I think I gave birth to part of my brain with each child....4 children later there is not much left. With the little that is left, my 2nd grade students have eaten that away!
Staff member
I had a consultant once who did this. She created a board with 50 squares on it and took it to every show. She would expain to the guests that for each $50 in product they bought they would get to write in their name and phone number in 1 square. When all the squares were full she would draw a name and that person would win $50 in free products.
She said her guests really thought it was alot of fun!
Sounds like a neat idea, did she just eat the 50 cost of the products they won? I suppose she could have used her 20% discount to help.
Do you know what she did
Doing IT:D It really works!! At the very beginning of my show I display the board telling them that 50 was the number for the day (I also have a word or phrase of the day too).

Yes, you eat the cost of the prize, but if you get a board full with 50 names of people who spent $50 then you've made at least $500 depending on your commission scale. But I split up the prize. I give them 2 $25 gift certificates. The first certificate expires at the end of the current selling season the second one expires at the end of the next (they can only cash in one at a time). That helps to divide the burden.

People get really excited about it. It helps when the guest special is also spend $50 get something. But when guests are checking out and they are at $35 I can say, "Wow you are only $15 away from a spot on my 50/50 board". Alot of the time they find something else to get.

It is a good incentive. I started a new one at the beginning of Jan and had it filled Mid-March (it helped that I had a lady filling 9 slots in one night!).

It is a great idea in my opinion. I'll be anxious to hear what you guys think of it. It has been working for me - bringing my show average up from 300 to 600. That is quite a difference!
That sounds like a great idea....like it a lot better than the batter bowl challenge. I might have to give it a try. Must say I am missing the free gift with $50 order this month and next. I must say PC is very good to us!

Attached is the Batter Bowl Challenge in case anyone wants to see that. Attached are 2 different versions of the same thing.

Does anyone have a board already made up for the 50/50 challenge??


  • batter bowl bonanza.doc
    24 KB · Views: 1,162
  • batter bowl bonus.doc
    24.5 KB · Views: 1,206
Having asked for someone to post a 50/50 board...I already have one done! Guess I did know about it at some time since I have the board!

DUH! As I tell my guests, I'm a bit of a ditz. I think I gave birth to part of my brain with each child....4 children later there is not much left. With the little that is left, my 2nd grade students have eaten that away!

Anyway...here it is!


  • 50 50 Club.doc
    22.5 KB · Views: 1,268
Actually Ginger I use a big poster board. That way it remains a visual throughout my demo. And it is sturdy.

Your board is good too. You can put it in your flip chart from Leadership.

Good luck with your board!!
question on the 50/50Okay, since I am new I am just trying to get through everything - but I have a question - is it only for those who actually attend the show - or should I tell my hosts to tell those outside orders about it too?? I'm going to try this - especially since this and next month have $50 incentives anyways.

You can run it however you want. You might want to make it for EVERYONE and have your host tell outside orders that if they have a $50 order, they could be picked for $50 in free products.
I have one that I use and each block is numbered...that way, they can just pick a number and put their name and phone number on it. When they are all filled, I pick a random # (or cut out numbers between 1 and 50 and have your kids pick out a number). I did this for awhile and then stopped since PC was offering free stuff when they spent $50. I might have to start it up again.


PamperedGinger said:
Having asked for someone to post a 50/50 board...I already have one done! Guess I did know about it at some time since I have the board!

DUH! As I tell my guests, I'm a bit of a ditz. I think I gave birth to part of my brain with each child....4 children later there is not much left. With the little that is left, my 2nd grade students have eaten that away!

Anyway...here it is!
  • #10
sales w/ or w/o taxOkay...so is if $50 before or after s&h & tax?
  • #11
kitchen queen said:
Okay...so is if $50 before or after s&h & tax?

  • #12
This almost sounded like a candle party that I went to, only you bought squares for a dollar each 50 or 100 and it would be $50 or $100 in free products at that show that way you wouldn't be out anything, I was asking my director if we could do something like that and she said it is my business.
  • #13
Batter Bowl Challenge
PamperedGinger said:
That sounds like a great idea....like it a lot better than the batter bowl challenge. I might have to give it a try. Must say I am missing the free gift with $50 order this month and next. I must say PC is very good to us!

Attached is the Batter Bowl Challenge in case anyone wants to see that. Attached are 2 different versions of the same thing.

Does anyone have a board already made up for the 50/50 challenge??

Thank you for the wonderful ideas. How exactly does the second document work? I am a bit confused with the 400 points.

I am new consultant and I often times feel like I am out here to sea by myself so this message area has been a wonderful help.

Thank you in advance for any help that you may lend me.

Christol (NY) :eek:
  • #14
I believe the second document you're talking about was made whenever we still had the point system for hosts. So the points wouldn't apply now. I would just have your hostess use that document to get as many outside orders as there are batter bowls on the flyer. If she does she will get a free batter bowl from you. (that would come out of your pocket of course but you can write is off on taxes.) Something I used with a hostess that I did a show for today that really worked was a document I'll post underneath this reply. My hostess got 3 bookings so now I'm going to order her a cookbook out of pocket. You don't have to even have a cookbook as the prize. You can have something cheaper like the measureing spoons or something like that. HTH!
  • #15
booking flyerHere's the booking flyer!


  • 3 Bookings Gift Certificate.doc
    51.5 KB · Views: 1,100
  • #16
Outside orders/bookingsJanel,

Thank you so much for the information. I greatly appreciate it. I am starting out and I am in an area that seems to have a few consultants already so I have to be a bit inovative. Any advise is welcome. :)

  • #17
Bookings certificateI think including the bookings certificate in each hostess package sounds like a great idea.
  • #18
I live in a small city in North Dakota and we must have over 30 consultants so don't worry too much about there being alot of competition. You'll still find people that haven't heard of PC or need a consultant. At my show yesterday along with the booking certificate I played a game called pass the tool. I gave one person a PC tool and told everyone the magic word was "host". Whenever they heard me say host whoever heard me first would yell out "give me the tool"! This kind of forced me to mention hosting a show alot throughout the show. Everyone seemed to like the game and like I mentioned earlier I had 3 bookings. There are alot of awsome ideas on this website. don't hesitate to ask any questions.
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Related to Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!

What is the "Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!" promotion?

The "Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!" promotion is a special offer from Pampered Chef that gives customers the chance to win $50 worth of free products at our shows.

How can I enter the "Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!" promotion?

To enter the promotion, simply attend one of our shows and fill out an entry form. No purchase is necessary to enter.

When will the winner of the "Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!" promotion be announced?

The winner will be announced at the end of each show. If you are not present when the winner is announced, we will contact you via email or phone to claim your prize.

Can I enter the "Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!" promotion more than once?

No, each person can only enter the promotion once per show. However, you are welcome to attend multiple shows and enter the promotion at each one.

What products can I choose from if I win the "Win $50 in Free Products at Our Shows!" promotion?

The winner can choose from any of our products with a retail value of $50 or less. This includes our full range of high-quality kitchen tools, cookware, and food products.

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