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Who else can I call for bookings?

In summary, Debbie advises that you start with those people you have a reason to call, and work your way up to customer care calls. She recommends calling in the middle of the day when you most likely will get answering machines, and writing yourself a script and leaving a message. She says that the calls are being made, the information is being given, and then give a followup time that you will call that person back.
I need some advice. I know that our business is phone based and I am willing to get on the phone but I am so scared to pick it up to make that first booking call, customer care call etc... Do any of you have any tips for me?? :eek:
I get very nervous also, but it really needs to be done. Just take a deep breath, pick up the phone, and call. When you get them on the phone, just ask if they received their products and if they have had a chance to use them. I always ask if they have any problems or questions about the product they have purchased. It is a good starter. You can usually tell by the response of the person whether you should continue with letting them know about upcoming specials etc. Hope I helped.

Debbie :D
The phone is your friend! Whenever you pick up that phone, you are dialing for dollars! That booking CALL could be worth $100!

The best way I find to "get in my groove" in making phone calls is to start with those people that I have a REASON to call. For example, if someone marked maybe on their prize drawing slip, my job is to follow up with them. So I call, and say, "Hi Susie, This is Rebecca Bilyeu with the Pampered Chef. FIrst of all, I want to say thank you for attending Jane's show last night. Didn't you love that Taffy Apple Pizza? Well, I want to let you know that your order should be to Jane within the next two weeks. I also wanted to call because I noticed that you marked maybe on your prize drawing slip for hosting your own kitchen show. This month is great because all of our stoneware is on sale for your guests, and you get your first piece at 60% off! I have a couple dates still open in September available. How does that sound?"

Call the people you have a reason to call--booking leads, hosts, recruiting leads, etc. Then work toward your customer care calls--thanking for ordering and see how the product is working out. Call those people who you feel like you know well, who you know are open, etc. Once you START making calls, you get into a 'groove' and the ones following are so much easier.

Still nervous? Call in the middle of the day, when you most likely will get answering machines. Write yourself a script, and leave a message. The calls are being made, the information is being given, then give a followup time that you will call that person back. Now, they are EXPECTING your call!

Just, like Debbie said, take a deep breath and pick up the phone. Once you get past your first couple calls, the rest will be a breeze, I promise... :)
Scared of the PhoneOne thing that helps me is to remember that they aren't stressing over you calling them. They aren't sitting there worried that you'll call. I know that sometimes I welcome people calling me. It's a nice distraction. But you won't really know how other people will react until you try it.

I try to think of it this way... eventually I am going to run into that person that is glad I called because they decided to book or want to order alot more or want to sign up as a recruit. Eventually I will run into that person. And you never know if it'll be that next call.

As Lyn Conway says... Some nights will be bad but then you'll have some nights where you're on a roll and keep having great luck where all you say is golden. On those nights, don't stop calling people. (And try to remember what you say to use for those bad nights.)

Procrastination is the direct result of fear. The only way to overcome your fear is to face it and keep doing it. In the beginning you may fumble and your voice may sound funny, but the more you do it the more comfortable you'll be and the easier it'll get. Wouldn't it be nice to not worry about it at all? Wouldn't it be nice to not even give it a second thought?

I wish we could buy courage and strength. It would be so much easier in the beginning.

Good luck.
Brandi W.
Wow you guys are great this has been a fear of mine too..but you guys made it seem so simple and positive i might not be as nervous anymore..Great tips!
This is one of my personal goals that I have set for myself this month. I know the phone is my friend in this business but have not used it very well. I'm going to start with my better host coaching, calling leads from the fair, and starting to make cc calls and out of the box calls.:eek: I'm terified to do this but have been told by one to many consultants that as soon as they picked up the phone their business started to really take off. Now it's my turn:D
Terrified of PhoneThere is a reason they tell you to make 3-5 phone calls a day. It works. They wouldn't have you out doing things that doesn't work. Just remember that. If you want your business to be better or to have more of it, then you have to use your phone.

Brandi W.
I know something that helps me before I make booking calls is making other calls first like host coaching or ccc calls. Then I'm warmed up to using the phone and more ready to make the phone calls that make me more nervous.
I got on the phone last night:cool: So I made a list of 5 calls for last night and I made all of them the 1st two were host coaching, then I called 3 of the leads from the fair. I got 1 booking and am now working with 2 possible recruits!!!!!!:D I realise that not every night on the phone is going to be this good but very inspiring to get right back on that phone!!!!!!!
  • #10
Wow, thats great Brooke!! I am one of those, shy on the phone types of people. I am just in my first SS month so I dont have much to work with as far as old clientelle but I have made SOME calls. No luck so far but we shall see.

  • #11
Another thing that helps me to pick up that heavy phone is to simply let go of the outcome. When I'm making sincere customer care calls--not with the intention of getting something from them--but sincerely checking to see if their PC products are performing to their expectations, I find that it's much easier for me to bring up booking, because then I'm in the mindset that I'm offering them something. It *never* goes as well when I am calling with "I need two more shows this month!" in the back of my mind, because it really comes across to the person on the other end of the phone. My voice is saying, "oh hi, I wanted to check on you," but what they're hearing is "I want you to do something for me."
  • #12
Here is a phone log that I put together. So all my calls are in the same place. I don't think it's missing any types of customer care calls.


  • customer phone log.pdf
    12.8 KB · Views: 734
  • #13

I love the phone log. Thanks for putting that together.

I also hate making calls. I had a brand new consultant give me a great idea that has made a huge difference... she told me to invest in a headset.

This keeps my hands free while talking, so I can type, write notes, whatever and keeps me from physically having to pick up the phone. I know that sounds silly, but psychologically it works. I can now make my calls and not get that crook in my neck from trying to hold the phone and write/type at the same time.

I think I paid $12 for my headset. Well worth the investment!
  • #14
who to call?I've run out of people to call! And I'm not joking. I've called people on my list of 100, but I didn't even get a full list, so I went through it pretty quick. And I've talked to my past host [she has already booked a 2nd catalog show], but I only got 1 phone number out of the 10 guests I got from her last show (she got all the orders from work, so they just put their name on the order b/c she knew who they were and how to get a hold of them). I'm tapped. I know they say "make 3-5 calls a day", and that its a tried and true thing. i've called local businesses (attorney offices, doc offices, hairdressers, etc) and asked if i could drop off a catalog, but they -- literally -- all said no way. I'm so discouraged. I'm afraid of the phone, but if I keep my hands busy while I'm talking on it, I'm alright, so I would really like to make some calls.....but who do i call now???

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Related to Who else can I call for bookings?

1. How can I overcome my fear of making phone calls?

It's completely normal to feel anxious about making phone calls, but there are some strategies you can use to overcome your fear. Practice deep breathing or positive self-talk before making a call. Start with short and simple calls to family or friends to build your confidence. You can also make a script or outline for important calls to help you feel more prepared.

2. Why am I so afraid of talking on the phone?

There can be many reasons for a fear of talking on the phone. It could stem from social anxiety, fear of rejection or judgment, or a lack of confidence in communication skills. Identifying the root cause can help you better address and manage your fear.

3. How do I handle unexpected questions or responses during a phone call?

It's important to remember that it's okay to not have all the answers or to make mistakes during a phone call. If you're caught off guard by a question or response, take a deep breath and pause before responding. You can also ask for clarification or say that you'll follow up with the answer later.

4. Can I use email instead of making phone calls for work?

While email can be a convenient form of communication, it's still important to be able to make phone calls, especially for work-related tasks. If your fear of phone calls is impacting your job, consider seeking support or resources to help you improve your phone skills.

5. How do I become more confident and comfortable on the phone?

Becoming more confident and comfortable on the phone takes practice and patience. Start by setting small goals for yourself, such as making one phone call per day. Celebrate your successes and don't be too hard on yourself if you have a difficult call. With time and practice, you'll become more comfortable and confident on the phone.

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