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Unique Games for Fall & Winter Shows

In summary, the expert recommends new games for fall and winter that include the Queen of the Shoppers game and the tickets game.
Gold Member
Ok...so I have gone through all of the games here on CS and even some online, and I need new games for my shows! I have a small group of ladies that show up at almost EVERY one of my shows. I don't know how the heck they all know the same people I am doing shows for, but they have literally played every game I have ever done. I have been trying to come up with new games, and I am having no luck.

I have done word scrambles, bingo,name that tv show, name that candy bar, how well do you know your hostess, left right poems, welcome games, etc.

Any new ideas for some neat fall/winter games??
I'm assuming you've done Queen of the Shoppers and the tickets game (well, raffle, after 2 minutes of questions?) right?
What if you have pictures or names of products written or shown large on paper and everyone gets one that they hold up above their head (and they don't see it themselves or know what it is) and everyone has to describe what that person has and they have to guess. Then you have people explaining great products that you are choosing to highlight.
Cute idea Amanda!
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  • #5
babywings76 said:
I'm assuming you've done Queen of the Shoppers and the tickets game (well, raffle, after 2 minutes of questions?) right?

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  • #6
babywings76 said:
What if you have pictures or names of products written or shown large on paper and everyone gets one that they hold up above their head (and they don't see it themselves or know what it is) and everyone has to describe what that person has and they have to guess. Then you have people explaining great products that you are choosing to highlight.

that is a good idea...
I really hate games...and don't play them at my shows. EXCEPT for this one, which everyone seems to really like - and they don't get tired of it.

It's the one done by Jillian on the Interactive Shows DVD - where you pass around a product during the show, and every time you say the magic word - the person holding it has to pass it to the next person. Whoever is holding it at the end of the show, gets to keep it.

I have used the word "incredible" most often. If it's a large crowd - over 12 people there - I pass 2 products at the same time - starting them in different locations.

I've used rubs, spices, mini whippers, twixit pkgs, mini spatulas, spreaders, etc.....
I planned a few baby/bridal/wedding showers. One I have played just as an ice breaker. It's played much like hot potato

Go to a craft section and buy 2 big flowers put them in a bag and write on the outside "Grannys Bloomers" then read/or recite this...

My granny was the sweetest lady to ever walk this earth, but at times she was a bit eccentric. Every Friday, she would walk to town to have her hair done. In the old days, the hair spray that we use today was not available, so lacquer was used. Well, for those of you who don’t know what lacquer is, it is the stiffest, stickiest stuff you can imagine.
When Saturday came, Granny was always up at the crack of dawn to clean her house. Since the dust was flying, she didn’t want it sticking to her hair. After all, she needed her hair to look good for church on Sunday morning! So, she would put a pair of “Bloomers” on her head to keep her hair pretty for the next day.

Then bring out the bag and tell them in this bag I have the biggest, brightest bloomers you ever saw. Turn around and count backwards from 30 and when yell "Stop" whoever is holding the bag will have to ware the bloomers on their head just like grandma did. Bag must not stop and move in the same direction.

Offer the winner the choise to keep the "bloomers" or choose a gift.
jepordy with products-- you give the answer and the guests give the question.

lets make a deal with pennys----as the guests arrive give each a penny and hold on to the penny for a game. After your demo and before ordering tell about the penny.

They can keepthe penny and save .01 on thir order or give you the penny to "buy" a prize. (on the prizes, slips of paper is made and thrown into a "mystery basket/container")

Slips can say whatever you want to offer: 10% off order, $2 off, free shipping, hosting, etc.. but they have to follow through with whatever the slip of paper says. A party date has to be given if they choose hosting a party.
  • #10
In Dec. I am doing something diff. b/c it is the end of the year and time to have fun and start a new year.

I am doing a point game but with toilet paper and instead of points I will have "Pampered Bucks" and they are earned by asking questions about the toilet paper and at the end have items that each can purchase. The host requested something out of the ordinary and fun.
It's a chance for me to clean out some of the smaller older products I have/or duplicates.
  • #11
I have done in the past, a Memory Game with ten products. I put products that I don't use in my demo, but would like to talk about out on the Simple Additions platter, I cover them up with a towel and set aside til the end of the show. Then I tell the guests, we are going to see who has the best memory here. That usually gives a reaction from the crowd! I have them number 1-10 on the back of their survey slip, then I tell them I will talk about every product, have you look them all over at the end for like 1-2 mins, then I cover the products back up and take the platter away. Then by memory, they have to come up with a list of the ten products I talked about. The first one to get all ten wins.
  • #12
cltrinity said:
In Dec. I am doing something diff. b/c it is the end of the year and time to have fun and start a new year.

I am doing a point game but with toilet paper and instead of points I will have "Pampered Bucks" and they are earned by asking questions about the toilet paper and at the end have items that each can purchase. The host requested something out of the ordinary and fun.
It's a chance for me to clean out some of the smaller older products I have/or duplicates.

They ask questions about the toilet paper?!
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  • #13
ChefBeckyD said:
I really hate games...and don't play them at my shows. EXCEPT for this one, which everyone seems to really like - and they don't get tired of it.

It's the one done by Jillian on the Interactive Shows DVD - where you pass around a product during the show, and every time you say the magic word - the person holding it has to pass it to the next person. Whoever is holding it at the end of the show, gets to keep it.

I have used the word "incredible" most often. If it's a large crowd - over 12 people there - I pass 2 products at the same time - starting them in different locations.

I've used rubs, spices, mini whippers, twixit pkgs, mini spatulas, spreaders, etc.....

Yeah I would prefer not to do games, but when I don't people are asking me "are we playing any games?" and when i say no they are like well we did at the last PC show I attended. So I say something like " Well each consultant does their shows differently :) But I have found out that doing a game or two actually boosts my sales compared to the shows where I haven't done a game.

swinkate said:
They ask questions about the toilet paper?!

Yeah I want to know what kind of questions people as about TP....:D
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  • #14
Thanks for all of the great ideas ladies but I ended up getting a few games off of this website:


They have a BUNCH of games to choose from. We played Blind Hawaii last night and I honestly was CRACKING UP watching all of these people try to draw stuff with their eyes closed.

The lady I did the show for a was a Home Interiors consultant and she said she plays that game but gives people a paper plate and makes them put the plate on their head and then draw the items....LOL
  • #15
swinkate said:
They ask questions about the toilet paper?!

you ask them ? about it....just as a ice breaker loosen people up.
10 sheets/squares or less=10 points
if they brought a whole roll=30
white, colored, designed=how many ponts you want
borrowed from the hostess=-50
at the end you barder they can have the "aucton bucks" or book a show and get 100 more.
The host requested something out of the ordinary to loosen people up, laugh and have a great time since its towards the end of 2008.
  • #16
I've done this at a Bridal show, girl is a chef and LOVES the pantry, so I covered pantry labels and they could only smell through lid and had to guess, what I would do different is have spices listed and have them # them or write name next to proper #.

I told my director about this, and we're playing this game at Christmas Party to see how many consultants can just by look/smell know their pantry items.

What I'm going to start doing, is putting 1-2 tsps. of spice in little sample baggie and #'ng baggie and then can go from there, much easier than having to cover all spices.

It's fun for repeat people too, as you should see them trying to cheat, and what I do for that, is give away a spice or rub (add to hostesses order with note telling/reminding her who's order to add it too).


  • #17
elizabethfox said:
Yeah I would prefer not to do games, but when I don't people are asking me "are we playing any games?" and when i say no they are like well we did at the last PC show I attended. So I say something like " Well each consultant does their shows differently :) But I have found out that doing a game or two actually boosts my sales compared to the shows where I haven't done a game.

Wow, it must be a regional thing - at my shows, hosts ask me first to make sure I'm NOT planning to play any games, and guests make comments in the beginning like, "we're not playing any of those dumb games, are we?" I steer clear of them around here, but I understand your reason for doing them in your area. The customer is always right! :)
  • #18
Must be a regional thing. I never do games either. Feels too hokey for me.
  • #19
I just do queen of shoppers.. I think it is not too "game like" and gets people to look through the catalog. Plus, being a teacher anything poem related I love!
  • #20
cathyskitchen said:
Wow, it must be a regional thing - at my shows, hosts ask me first to make sure I'm NOT planning to play any games, and guests make comments in the beginning like, "we're not playing any of those dumb games, are we?" I steer clear of them around here, but I understand your reason for doing them in your area. The customer is always right! :)

Well, I'm from the same state as Elizabeth, and I get the same reaction as you.

I have people thank me at shows for not playing "those silly games"....and people who book Bridal Parties with me because they won't have to play games....

If fact, I did a survey at a Host Appreciation Party I had, and one of the questions was about playing games at shows. All but one host wrote NO!

I guess it just depends on the groups you get in with for shows....
  • #21
I don't even offer any games during my cooking shows. People around here don't seem to like the games they just want the food and to see the products.
  • #22
I usually just offer participation tickets. I give out tickets for asking questions, trying a product, sharing info about a product, etc. But at my last show my host requested a fun activity, she is a repeat host so I said okay. I found a bingo sheet and had the guests fill them out while we waited to get started and during the show. This was their wish list. At the end when I was wrapping up I went over a few products and had them cross them off as I mentioned them. It was fun and everyone went home with a wish list. Later that night one gal called me and add to her oder because she got home a took a good look at her bingo card and to get a few more things.
  • #23
I don't do games unless it is a recruiting or booking game to benefit the host and/or my business.

This was reaffirmed with me when I co-hosted a PC/Tastefully Simple party. The TS consultant was very good except we played about 5 games in a row! The only one that pertained to TS was writing down our favorite product and if it matched on on her list you won a prize. It was just a waste of time and discouraged me from booking.

If they work, that is great, but talk with your host first. I had one host tell me she wanted lots of games because her friends liked lots of free stuff. I know this group and their sales are very low. Defeats the purpose of games if all they want is a prize. I would rather give them all a cheap gift and use that time to sell them more products!!
  • #24
My HD plays the Dice Game. She has 11 envelopes, numbered 2-12. The #2 has the Deep Covered Baker picture and is the Grand Prize. Numbers 3, 4, 11, 12 has "Free Gift Bag" which can contain small items. Numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 contain "Book a Party". She tells them the 3 things in the envelopes and they MUST do whatever their card says. She played it at 5 shows before anyone won the DCB. She also got 12 extra bookings from playing the game. I plan to try the game this month at my Cooking Shows to see if I can get some December bookings out of it!
  • #25
I'm playing - I got it I love it ..... so simple, I tell them at the beginning that we are going to play the game and the rules are simple, who ever has the most candy wrappers at the end of the game wins a prize .... yes this does mean you can eat the candy. Always get a laugh out of that. I have the hostes toss hersey's to the guest that yell out the phrase. The best thing is that they are selling my products as I want them to tell everyone WHY they LOVE it and even if they use it differently then what it was created for. Give a sample; my handy scrappers - I use them in my office when lamenating paper work, others ways are window cleaning, in the garage, bathroom shower doors ...... and that gets their brain flowing.
Good luck
  • #26
On the Dice Game above, the very first time I played in (the next day after I posted), a lady threw 2 on the very first roll! I was so shocked, my mouth dropped! I definitely gave it away that that was the super number! No one wanted to play after that! I learned a big lesson! Whenever I play it, I have to keep a major "poker face" or it doesn't benefit. Two people did book Shows but not until February and May!
  • #27
I love this dice game! I think I will try it at my next show!
  • #28
I got a pair of the big fuzzy dice at Auto Zone... I could only get white with black dots. I would love to have gotten hot pink ones though!
  • #29
oh that would make it so much cooler! I'm gonna search for black and hot pink ones!
  • #30
For the Got It Love It game, do you think that would work if I am doing an interactive show? Or is it best if everyone is sitting with their catalogs in front of them?I also was thinking of having the guests write down on the back of their drawing slips 5 things that they would just love to have if they didn't have to worry about money. Then later I'll tell them that they can get those things for free or at 60% off in Feb. or as a 1/2 price item, etc. Has anyone done this with success at getting bookings?I wanted to try the booking slide also one of these days. I don't know how many different things to do before it's just too much, ya know?! Would doing the got it love it game during the food demo, then the booking slide, then the drawing slip be too much? Or does the booking slide mean I should skip the drawing slip thing? Okay, it's me Miss Indecisive again. :rolleyes:
  • #31
My show is tonight, and I still am feeling unsure of myself. Haven't done a show since November. What are your thoughts on my above post?

Related to Unique Games for Fall & Winter Shows

1. What are some unique games for fall and winter shows?

Some fun and unique games for fall and winter shows could include a pumpkin carving contest, a holiday-themed scavenger hunt, a gingerbread house decorating competition, a snowman building challenge, or a holiday movie trivia game.

2. How can I come up with new games for my shows?

One way to come up with new games is to brainstorm with others, such as your friends, family, or coworkers. You can also look for inspiration online, by browsing through websites or social media pages dedicated to party games or event planning. Additionally, you can put a spin on traditional games by adding a seasonal or holiday theme to them.

3. How do I keep my games interesting for repeat attendees?

To keep your games interesting for repeat attendees, try rotating through different games each time or adding a new twist to old favorites. You can also challenge your guests by increasing the difficulty level or incorporating new elements, such as timed rounds or team competitions.

4. What are some fall/winter games that work well for small groups?

Some games that work well for small groups include a fall or winter-themed charades, a holiday word association game, a winter wonderland memory game, a Christmas carol sing-off, or a Thanksgiving trivia challenge.

5. How can I make my games more interactive and engaging?

To make your games more interactive and engaging, you can incorporate props, costumes, or music. You can also encourage your guests to participate by offering small prizes for winners or involving them in the planning process by having them suggest game ideas or bring their own games to share.

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