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Troubleshooting Email Notification Issues | Fixing Post Reply Alerts

In summary, you thought you had set your thread subscription mode to "Instant E-mail Notification", but you are not receiving notifications. You changed your setting back to "Instant E-mail Notification" and now you are getting your notifications again.
Silver Member
I'm not gettig the notice when a reply is made to my posts. I thought I set it up right. Please help.
I havn't been recieving them either:confused: I just went into edit options and made some changes, I'll let you know if it works!! It hasn't worked since I paid for subscription. Maybe it went back to defaults.

4/9/06 I went into "Edit Options" then scrolled down to "Default Thread Subscription Mode" then to drop down menu and chose "Instant E-mail Notification"! I am now getting my e-mail notification again!!
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Jayne said:
I havn't been recieving them either:confused: I just went into edit options and made some changes, I'll let you know if it works!! It hasn't worked since I paid for subscription. Maybe it went back to defaults.

4/9/06 I went into "Edit Options" then scrolled down to "Default Thread Subscription Mode" then to drop down menu and chose "Instant E-mail Notification"! I am now getting my e-mail notification again!!

Thanks I was wondering why all of the sudden i wasn't getting them either!? :confused: But i did change that back to instant!!

:) Thanks!
I wondered why I wasn't receiving notifications anymore and just noticed in my profile that my setting had been changed.

I reset to receiving instant email. If it does not work, I will let you know.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I set mine to the instant and it didn't work. I just tried it again, so we'll see. Is it a problem with AOL? I had the instant subscription before I signed up.
check now, working?
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Not yet...No emails.:( When I checked my email this morning, nothing. Then I checked my User CP and saw there were responses to my subscribed threads. Am I a doofus? You can tell me if I am--its ok.
ok I figured out what is happening. Basicly AOL is now requiring the servers that send email to their accounts to have a few checks and balances to make sure they aren't spam. I configured some things to comply with AOL standards. Should take just a few days for AOL to see and then accept emails from chefsuccess again.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Hi, Greg. I hope I'm not jumping the gun, but I haven't gotten any emails yet from ChefSuccess.
  • #12
I sent you a test email, did it work?
  • #13
I'm not getting them either...:(

  • Thread starter
  • #14
Hi, Greg... No, didn't work yet.
  • Thread starter
  • #15
What is the address it will be coming from (as well as the notices) so it doesn't get marked as spam?
  • #16
Greg it's not working for me either, and I don't have AOL.
  • #17
Hey Greg, I'm not getting them either and I do not have AOL
  • #18
Helllllllllllooooooooooo Greg!!!I'm still not getting emails:( :( :(

  • #19
Ginger428 said:
I'm still not getting emails:( :( :(


Me either! I do have AOL but it began right after I became a gold supporter :eek:
  • #20
i have dsl and i don't get the e-mails either
  • Thread starter
  • #21
It was when I became a Gold Supporter as well. Before that it worked great!
  • #22
The only problem here is..............GREGS not reading this POST!!!!:( :( :( :( :( :eek: :eek: :eek:
  • #23
I am reading the posts
  • #24
Thank You Greg...:eek: :eek: :eek:

From your friend;) ;)

  • Thread starter
  • #25
Greg knows all and sees all!
  • #26
I'm still not getting any emails. Hope it's fixed soon!
  • #27
I didn't realize til today that I wasn't getting notification of replies to my posts, either. I did before subscription was required...if that helps.
  • #28
Unfortunately I just moved and my internet is very limited, I'll be on full time again come this tuesday.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
Is there something I can do in the meantime?
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Oh, Greg, darling... is there anything you can do? I feel like I'm so behind the times.
  • #31
Anne, Have you received a response from Greg? I am having the same problem as you (began when I became a gold supporter). It looks like he hasn't made a post since 5-05. Wonder if something happened in the move? With the kids home and vacations, I don't have alot of time to spend cruising this board. I'd love to have the email notification back so I don't miss anything.
  • #32
Sorry, this time of year is always crazy for me. Still settling in my new place, no desk for my laptop yet, so that kind of stiffles things. I'm going to send out a newsletter today, let me know if you recieve it.
  • #33
I thought we might get Greg's attention if we started talking about him :) I'll wait for the newsletter. Thanks!
  • #34
Do you think he does a search for his name?
  • #35
cmdtrgd said:
Do you think he does a search for his name?

Hey...maybe HE is getting email notices :) telling him when he name pops up!!;)
  • #36
GeorgiaPeach said:
Hey...maybe HE is getting email notices :) telling him when he name pops up!!;)

cheater :D
  • Thread starter
  • #37
Thanks, Greg. I appreicate it!

GeorgiaPeach: No, haven't heard anything yet. I'll just try to be patient in the meantime. I'm a ChefSuccess junkie.

And I think Greg is subscribed to this post, so whether you mention hsi name or not, if someone replies, he'll get the notice.
  • #38
I did not receive a newsletter nor have I been receiving email notifications on my subscribed threads.
  • #39
There is a newsletter?
  • #40
yep, he said he was going to send out a newsletter...I didn't get one either!
  • #41
As of today I'm getting you emails.
  • Thread starter
  • #42
I haven't gotten anything either.
  • #43
Tried something new, see if you get emails now.
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  • Thread starter
  • #44
I'll let you know!
  • Thread starter
  • #45
I'm still not getting any notices. I wish we could do what we were doing before, before we paid for the site. People reply to things I post and they don't hear back from me. I check my User CP for subscribed threads, but its not up to the minute like the emails were. I don't know if its worth renewing my subscription.
  • Thread starter
  • #46
I tried to reset my settings, but it doesn't seem like its helped.
  • #47
I wonder if it would do anything if you would go up and pull down the thread tools menu bar and click on subscribe to this thread? Worth a shot anyway.
  • #48
AJPratt said:
I'm still not getting any notices. I wish we could do what we were doing before, before we paid for the site. People reply to things I post and they don't hear back from me. I check my User CP for subscribed threads, but its not up to the minute like the emails were. I don't know if its worth renewing my subscription.

I agree! I loved getting the email notices. I feel rude sometimes when someone responds to a post, asking me a question and I don't find it until days later. While I enjoy reading the suggestions and opinions of other "cheffers" :) I'm not sure I will renew when the time comes. I am regretting becoming a gold supporter for $20 instead of just paying $5. Things have changed here since the subscription went into effect. I understand the need for it but the atmosphere definitely changed.

(I also didn't receive the email notice that was supposed to go out earlier today.)
  • #49
I know it is a bummer. Before we had to pay it all worked great. Now that we don't get e-mail notices it is hard to keep up on the threads you subscribe to. Without a reminder, I will sometimes forget to go back to that one, and then can't answer if someone responds. I sure do wonder what the problem is too!:confused:
  • Thread starter
  • #50
It was funny because in another thread a fellow poster said that the first 10 threads were me listed as the last poster. Well, if I don't go through and post, it won't stand out on the user cp screen and I'll miss it.

And yes, there are a lot less posters on this site since the fee. It would be great if you could choose to make a donation. Or perhaps charge to use a certain feature. I don't know...

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