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Tell Me What You Are Looking for in a Team Newsletter

In summary, a monthly recognition newsletter would need content about training topics, recognition, bookings buster tips, recruiting tips, and a quote of the week/month. A weekly motivational newsletter would need content about the current week and upcoming events, as well as training topics and recognition. A team website would need to be password protected and include recognition, team incentives, training topics, and a recruiting idea.
Gold Member
I'm looking to develop cluster newsletters and want to make it useful.

Can you tell me what you would need in:
1 - a monthly recognition newsletter
2 - a weekly motivational newsletter
3 - any other format?

Feel free to be specific... Obviously, a generic newsletter won't be able to serve everyone's needs, but it will be a start and will be enough for team leaders and newer directors. For more established clusters with more information to get out, I'm looking at some custom offerings too.

As always, all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
My first thought of something I'd like to see in newsletters if I would receive them from my upline would be Word-Choices to say for upcoming specials. I know on CC, they have the "Let's Talk Promotions" section with Jane Miller....but I honestly forget to go look at it! So tips and words to say for getting bookings for an UPCOMING month and maybe the current would be helpful.
Both of my uplines (regular and hospitality) send out weekly newsletters with stats in them. My HO goes a little further and includes upcoming and current consultant specials and different stuff like that.
I love a newsletter where we can put in recognition and upcoming things that is happening with company and have some motivation in it as well and so if you made one I will be happy to use a newsletter for my team. Thanks Joy
I would love to have something that I could put all of my teams recognition in, but also where there are current speicals and promotions going on! Just like an at a glance thing... this is a FABULOUS idea! And I would deffinately use it :)
The service my director uses and sends out weekly as Monday Motivation - I love the tips at the end. Some are fabulous on word choices, uses, how to book shows, themes etc. Email friendly graphics though - the one she sends annoys me because its too animated and they dont come through all email programs right and then fonts dont align -Yes I'm type A! haha

As a new Director I would be interested in what you may have to offer.
Great question Joy, I've just been checking out your newsletter service to see if I will be able to tailor it for my business in the UK.

For a team newsletter I'd be looking to include at least the following:

Training topic of the month
Recognition (ideally including some kind of visual tracker for the incentive trip points)
Bookings buster - one tip for getting new show bookings
Recruiting focus - word choices for sharing the business
Quote of the week / month

I don't currently do a team newsletter simply because I don't have the time so anything that you offer will be great. Being selfish, if it doesnt have too much content that is specific about the offers of the month etc that will make it easier for me to tailor! ;-)

On a separate note have you ever looked into creating team websites? I'd love to set one up for my team and include recogntion, team incentives, training topics etc and realise it would need to be password protected etc, but it would be great if someone already had a starter for ten or had used a service to provide this.

Thanks Joy!

(Scotland, UK)
I'd love to see a recognition newsletter
I love the idea of an AMAZING (with catchy phrases) recognition section, a booking tip (or challenge),organizational tips and a recruiting idea
Going out on a limb here....
not so sure about including the upcoming specials. (they are online and they get them in a cons newseltter and it is in the back perforated and I teach them to keep it with them at all times in their binder) I'd rather pay for more "meat" in a newsletter and not the stuff I already expect them to have read.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
martike said:
On a separate note have you ever looked into creating team websites? I'd love to set one up for my team and include recogntion, team incentives, training topics etc and realise it would need to be password protected etc, but it would be great if someone already had a starter for ten or had used a service to provide this.

Thanks Joy!

(Scotland, UK)

I don't know if you would be able to use this in the UK, but check out Webs - Make a free website, get free hosting. They offer a "free" version that is very user-friendly with many fun templates and extra applications. I use it for my Girl Scout troop and am currently putting one together for our Girl Scout service unit. You can pay extra to get more storage and get rid of the ads. I really like it. I hadn't thought about doing websites, but that's a great idea - I'd definitely consider adding that to my "menu" of offerings as I reinvent TT.
  • #10
PampChefJoy said:
I don't know if you would be able to use this in the UK, but check out Webs - Make a free website, get free hosting. They offer a "free" version that is very user-friendly with many fun templates and extra applications. I use it for my Girl Scout troop and am currently putting one together for our Girl Scout service unit. You can pay extra to get more storage and get rid of the ads. I really like it. I hadn't thought about doing websites, but that's a great idea - I'd definitely consider adding that to my "menu" of offerings as I reinvent TT.

I thought you had to be an Executive Director or above to create a Team Website?
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Maybe it's different for the UK?? (or maybe she's an ED)
  • #12
I am so excited about my team growing and I have started to feel the need to have a Team Newsletter. I would love to know if you are still thinking about doing a team newsletter.
  • #13
i'd love both a team stats one (monthly) and a weekly one. being that i just promoted to director - it's something i'm looking into. =)
  • #14
While I'm not yet a director, it's one of my goals. The fact that I'm a military wife and moving every few years (and recruits moving as well) can put a damper on the "team aspect" of things, I think a team newsletter would be awesome.
  • #15
A weekly newsletter would be awesome! Just thinking aloud...with team kudos, a recipe or booking/recruiting tip...something motivational or an idea of the week.
  • #16
ShelbyMichalek said:
While I'm not yet a director, it's one of my goals. The fact that I'm a military wife and moving every few years (and recruits moving as well) can put a damper on the "team aspect" of things, I think a team newsletter would be awesome.

I agree! I've never met my director and both of my current recruits are in different states - from me and from each other. I would love to be able to make us all feel like a team but it's hard when you have people who have never met. I would love a TEAM newsletter - and would use it now, even though I am only a senior consultant.
  • #17
pcsharon1 said:
I agree! I've never met my director and both of my current recruits are in different states - from me and from each other. I would love to be able to make us all feel like a team but it's hard when you have people who have never met. I would love a TEAM newsletter - and would use it now, even though I am only a senior consultant.

Same here.
  • #18
My director also uses the Monday Motivation and sometimes it is very boring!!!!!!!!!!!! also borders on being too cheesy. We all thrive on the recognition and that is good...maybe some refresher tips...even some short scripts to prospect on the run. Reminders perhaps to remember the month is ending in 2- 3 or 4 days and to make sure you close your shows....etc..;)
  • #19
Great ideas Linda! Also, a monthly newsletter will all the upcoming specials so that they aren't included in the weekly one.


Related to Tell Me What You Are Looking for in a Team Newsletter

1. What is the purpose of a team newsletter?

A team newsletter is a communication tool that helps to keep team members informed about important updates, events, and achievements within the team. It also serves as a way to build team morale and foster a sense of community within the team.

2. How often should a team newsletter be sent out?

The frequency of a team newsletter will depend on the needs and preferences of the team. Some teams may prefer a weekly newsletter, while others may find a monthly newsletter to be sufficient. It's important to find a schedule that works for the team and stick to it consistently.

3. What type of content should be included in a team newsletter?

A team newsletter should include a mix of informative and engaging content. This can include updates on team projects, recognition of team members' accomplishments, upcoming events or meetings, and fun team-building activities. It's also a good idea to include a section for team members to share personal updates or shout-outs to their colleagues.

4. How can team members contribute to the newsletter?

Encouraging team members to contribute to the newsletter can help to make it more engaging and inclusive. One way to do this is by creating a designated section for team members to share their own updates, accomplishments, or fun facts. You can also ask for volunteers to help write or gather content for the newsletter.

5. How can I make the team newsletter visually appealing?

Incorporating visuals such as photos, infographics, or graphics can make the team newsletter more visually appealing and engaging for readers. You can also use different fonts, colors, and formatting to make the newsletter more visually interesting. Just remember to keep it clean and organized so that the content is still easy to read and understand.

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