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Spice Up Your Shows: Fun Ideas for Interactive Pastry-Making Events

Help. I need fun stuff to do at shows. I tried a hands on show where i made the filling for the strawberry ammaretto pastries, the shells, hulled the strawberries, and chopped the almonds. I then told everyone to slice their own strawberries with the egg slicer, zest their own oranges, and assemble their own pasteries. it was a flop. Thankfully my mom went to the show. she ended up assembling them all for me.

I want people to remember my shows and have a blast. help me! Thanks.
You probably made them do to much, lol. Try audience participation more limited next time, or do a theme show! Play games, tell funny stories. What were the sales like for you at this show? Did you get any bookings?
  • Thread starter
  • #3
well the show sales are at $950 with two more orders coming in. 2 bookings and a possible 3rd. so, it was a very good show. it was my 3rd show and i am almost to $1,000! there were like 20 people there. thankfully they were too busy writing out orders to make their dessert.
WOW them!!Hello Sarah,

Put yourself in the GUEST spot. Remember how it is to go to a party/show?? Would you want to make everything yourself!!! Isn’t that what you are there for??? They wnt to be the GUEST....Just my 2 cents… and of course it variues with every show. You kinda have to feel the crowd or simply ask your host during host coaching sessions....

You know the reason you are there is to BUY something so your friend can get something for free - right??

What about the guest? Make your show for them. If you were an audience member - what would you want??

I want to be entertained, educated or WOWed when I go to a show. I love getting new & useful information, I love to play games, I like to be a "little" involved in the process (but not much), and I love looking at the catalog and chatting with my friends, I like to ask questions (I may need a subject though) and I expect to be fed.

How or What can you do to facilitate these things into your show???

Focus on what the guest and host want - not the recipe - pass around product and let the guests see and feel them. Ask them what they would use it for. Generate conversation.

I used to think that everyone was there to "Hear ME and see ME" until I made my host and guests feel like I was there for them and not myself.

Theme shows, games, product discussions all generate conversation which leads to bookings, purchases, recruit leads and more. Listen to your guests.;)

Give it a try.....
  • Thread starter
  • #5
thanks. my goal with them doing it themselves twas so that they could touch and use the products. i might try it again for a SMALL show. so audience participation is the key? sounds good. i will give it a try.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Obviously you did okay!! Great job!
I think that having the strawberries pre-sliced in an SA bowl, the filling in the EAD, the shells arranged on the platter and almonds and zest in pretty bowls would be great. Already done but.. they still get to do. Leave one or two strawberries out for those who are interested to hull and slice.. or use the food chopper.. but somewhere off of the assembly area.
I had a smaller party but had the ingredients really "done" and the guests just filled and sprinkled and they had a blast. Some didn't like almonds .. so they ommitted and a few didn't like the zest in the first one so they left that one out on their second one .. ( I had some leftovers..)
Anyways.. wish I could have a $950 party and still worry about whether is was good or not!!!! haha just kidding...
What I do at my shows is I have one or two things for the Hostess and one guest to try, I play a game or two, make some jokes not too many... but enough to keep their attention...... keep it up it will come in time....
As long as I am having fun, my guests have fun. I get really outgoing (normally I am not despite me never shutting up on this board) and start cracking jokes. People see that I am having fun, and they get the "good vibrations" and have fun as well. Oh yeah, I know that you are too young, but alcohol never hurts, LOL!!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I just thought that letting the people handle the tools and pass them around was enough participation after explaining what they are used for and how it cuts their time in the kitchen.

Anyone else have anything they do that the guests have so much fun they keep begging for more? Please share!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
yeah...give me two more years before the alcohol comes into play! he he! I am going to get the audience to sell for me. thats seems to be the common theme here!
  • #11
Read up on your products you will be demoing at your show. There is a product info guide on the main PC website. It's under products and recipes. There are also jokes and games in the threads and file section here.

You could also use your presentation cards in the manual till the words flow.
  • #12
Ask alot of questions: How many of you work outside of the home? (hands)
How many of you got to take a nap today?(no hands) My job lets me take a nap every day!
I think the raising the hands make them feel involved.

Also, my guests love the Right/Left game, you can find it on here somewhere. They get going so fast and are just cracking up!
  • #13
You can ask them questions, Like Who has children that theywould love to be at home durning the day with ? (hands)Do you use a reminder binder at your parties??? if you do put pictures of your family in their.... that always gets questions asked..... and it makes your party a little more personable!!!
  • #14
I know this is rather vague but...Try everything at 2 or three shows. Some "audiences" will be perfect for hands on, some won't. You odviously had the "some won't" type. That does not mean it won't work at your next party. Gillian has the right thing going. (Not the alcahal, although...) But you are loose and friendly and giggling and, well you get the idea. Your audience will be too for the most part. I also know from experience. If you have a group that has done parties, alot, your best bet is to keep it simple. The simpler, not sure that's a word but, the better. For example. My last party was only 30 minutes. Right up front I told everyone that we are here to visit and chat and have fun. NOT COOK!
I told everyone about the new stuff coming out in brief. I picked a few items to show case and then moved on. I pre-preped everything I needed to make the Capresse Mini Sandwiches. I told about the upcoming host specials, the guest special and alittle about why I do PC. The whole time I am brushing salad dressing on the pita's. I tell them about the brush, then I talk again about whatever. Then I slice a tomato and tell them about the knives. then the salad greens, the egg slice and cheese. I make on "set" of three sandwiches. I then ask if there are any questions. I usually get a few. Then I tell them that I will be finishing the sandwiches and that if they would like to help, they may. I usually get no one. That's OK. That's not what they are there for. Then I turn it back to the host. She has everyone come up fro drinks and I get out the sandwiches. They look at catalogs, eat and chat. most of the time you can hear PC products mentioned in the conversations so I don't worry about it to much. That show was used several times. The totals, $545, $747 and one at $908. So, yuou go with the flow.
Inbetween the odvious facts I do things like, We have this great foot massager on page whatever. Every one looks at me funny and then finds the Baker's Roller. I just say, hey it works great. Just buy two! Or I''' say something like, do ever have problems with the kids getting in your way int he kitchen? I have the perfect solution in the Kid's Apron and Hat set! If you can't get them involved, the ties are long enough to tie them to the chairs!
Silly stuff works the best. No brainers, one liners. And yes there are some out here somewhere but anyway. You need to find your nitch. You will. Something will strike you funny at a show, I know all mine trigger things. Don't be afraid to say it out loud as long as it doesn't hurt anyones feelings.
  • #15
Wow John I love your technique. I couldn't help but laugh about your kids apron tip. Very funny! I am a "closet stand-up comedian" I still have issues with speaking in large crowds...why, I don't really know. Probably something related to my speech class experience when I was in high school several years ago but I guess that's a topic I should save for my session with Dr. Phil.

I love your posts and they are truly inspiring. It is hard to find your "nitch" when shows are so few and far between. However, I have 3 shows lined up in a row later this month so maybe that will be my grand opportunity. :)
  • #16
John, I bet your shows are a blast:D I hadn't thought of the baker's roller as a foot massager, just a back massager! Tying the kids to a chair with the apron is hilarious--you must be a dad;)
  • #17
Actually I am not.From the time I was in 7th grade until I graduated high school I was a teachers aid. I was going to be a teacher but, with influences from outside sources and internal, I choose not to. But I do have a niece and nephew who can be hell on two legs! They inspired that one!
As far as the rest goes, I just love making people comfortable and laugh. I found that two elements have to be in place to do both, one is that the "talk" is not too long because bordem is awful for sales. The second is to prolong the start of that boredom. Keeping them interested requires NOT TALKING the technical stuff. Sometimes it is fun to pick on someone's cooking abilities. Ask each guest at the on set for a few words that describes them in the kitchen. If someone says, quite good! I say something like, "COOL I just found a replacement!" and go into recruiting and God Given tallents. Or if someone says they don't cook, I will go for the throat, "You don't cook? OK, how did you afford a cook? I want that job!" Then I mention the opportunity again for extra cash. Play off your audience. What makes them tick is what makes you talk the talk in their direction. If you just talk, you may not be interesting to them but when you use their own words against them so to speak, you got them. Whether it be sales or recruiting, use them to get what you want. After all they are your prime target fro EVERYTHING you want!
Take in your audience. Talk to your audience. NEVER TALK AT your audience!
And that's exactly what a script makes you do.
  • #18
I agree with ya there. It's nice that PC gives us scripts to read for ideas & such; but I've never been one to sit there & memorize one. Or use one when I'm doing my calls. It just seems impersonal to me. Like you said, every crowd is different. I have better luck just playing it by ear & going with the flow. I like teasing people too...especially if someone walks in & someone else asks them why they're there if they don't cook! That's who I'll be picking on:) I usually pick on myself & my mistakes more though--that way I can say, hey if I can do it, then so can you all!
  • #19
I sound really stupid when I use scripts because they don't speak like I do, so everyone knows that I am not the one who wrote it.
  • #20
No script for me either. I sort of have an outline that I try to follow (or at least remind me of what I forgot!) When all else fails I usually ask the guests: "so, who has - whatever..." and then follow that with "so, how much do you just LOVE it?" then I let them take it from there and they sell the product for me! At a show a few weeks ago one of the guests couldn't stop talking about the micro rice cooker and how much she loved it, she sold 6 of them for me that day!
  • #21
I need to ask more questions, that's for sure! I hardly ask any questions, so I have to wait for someone to jump in and volunteer info about their products.
  • #22
This thread is great! I had a very boring show last night and I have been looking for something to liven me up! I have done about 45 shows, and I change my show depending on the crowd(Spanish vs. English), so I don't really have a "set" show. I am going to practice today(again) and see if I can liven things up. I really need to get some note cards so I don't forget what I am doing. I actually forgot to even mention SA last night :(
Off to the drawing board AGAIN!!
You would think after all these shows I would know what I was doing!!:confused:
  • #23
I can barely remember what to say on one language, I can't imagine how you do it in two!! I practice my show in front of my kids because they already know that I am crazy, but they don't offer much feedback :)
  • #24
That is probably why I am so bored!! I forget what language I am doing the show in! :( Or maybe my head runs off in Spanish while I am speaking in English??? Buenos Dias!! HAH!!
What is really a pain is having to change all the paperwork from one to another. I feel like I am always doing some kind of paperwork!
  • #25
OOO Ouch!I'm with Gillian on that one. I have a hard enough time in one language let alone two! Yipes!
But, what I do know is this. If you forget to mention something - that's OK. We are not the catalog. Whatever you do, do not get stuck! I heard about a lady who was so into making sure she mentioned everything in the catalog that she completely sounded like a list! Yew! Now you want boring or what?
What I make sure of when I pack is that I have All the stuff I need to do the recipe and serve it properly. Then I go thorugh and simply check the major catagories I have. Then I grab a few things from the rest of the catagories and go. This does two things. It makes me double check to make sure I do have all the stuff I need to complete the recipe and it gives me a chance to make sure I don't over pack. If it takes me more than 15 minutes to pull stuff out of my bags and set it up, I have too much "crap" with me. This way, if I DO NOT TALK about somehting, at least it is represented in my "display" and people can at least ask or look.
  • #26
I have done about 15 kitchens shows and up until I got to see Tom Marston do his show, I usually left the shows with no bookings, sometimes some maybe's and never anything on recruiting, the very next show after Tom's demo, I had 6 people there (including the hostess) and every single person wanted a kitchen show or a catalog show and 4 are potential recruits! Tom just showed me that I was being to prim and proper--I'm a closet comedian too! I just rolled with it and it was great. I really got the "i'm not excited to be here" vibe when the guests arrived, but by the end of my demo- I felt like one of their friends! Tom is fabulous and I was cackling almost the whole way through his demo!
  • #27
I've read some things about Tom's shows, but are there any things in particular that grabbed you? Anything you changed so that you had more bookings?

I was so pysched after conference that I got 7 bookings on my first show back. But my last show had not one maybe & no recruit leads. I, too, feel like my shows are boring & I've tried to liven them up, but it just doesn't seem like anything will make the people at the shows want to be there. Most of the time they act like they want to eat the food, place their order & leave. Has anyone else had that problem? I try to keep the shows short, but by the time you do intros, talk about the order form, specials, booking, recruiting, stoneware, cookware, let alone do the recipe, an hour has flown by. Sometimes even after an hour people are leaving & not even eating the food. I tried a why bag, but at the shows I did it, no one seemed to care & no one was interested in the opp. Any ideas???
  • #28
Well, Tom doesn't cook at his shows, but I like to do it. I told some stories he told, saying "my guy consultant friend told us....." I guess the only thing I did differently other than trying out the laughs and relaxing, was throwing all the info in while I was cooking the recipe, so when I did go over the other stuff it didn't seem too long. I felt like I was talking a mile a minute, but they said I was fine, I occ. asked if they had questions and they usually did, I got the hostess to wrap the potstickers while I did the recruiting bucket and I think thats what got the recruiting interest. With this small crowd, no one needed intros so I did the how would you describe yourself in the kitchen thing while I cooked-- I don't know, maybe it was just the group, I guess we should expect to not expect greatness at all our shows! You did great as far as sales, so maybe it's just you being too hard on yourself!
  • #29
That's rightOne thing to remember at your shows, sometimes there won't be recruit leads or bookings. You have three types of people and if you get room full of one type, well, you're gonna be stuck. You have hosters, wanna bes and buyers. Maybe you got a room full of buyers. That happens. I will gladly help them spend their money just as happily as I would consult a show for a room full of hosters. As for recruits, well, I don't have very much luck with that at all. I have two excusses that have been constantly used. 1) I love being at your shows so I don't really want to compete with that. I tried to argue that but... 2) I am just too shy. Again I tried the arguments around it but...
So go with it. SOMETIMES IT AIN'T YOU!
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  • #30
Unboring shows,,,heheheh new word..
sarahmarie said:
well the show sales are at $950 with two more orders coming in. 2 bookings and a possible 3rd. so, it was a very good show. it was my 3rd show and i am almost to $1,000! there were like 20 people there. thankfully they were too busy writing out orders to make their dessert.

My first show I told Hostess I was going to play a game then when I spoke to her wasn't sure, she said she had a no. of guests coming since we'd be playing a game. I played Queen of Shoppers for S/S and it really gets guests looking thru the catalogs and is alot of fun too. They all loved it, then when I was preparing items for demo guests came and tried out items, then my hostess told guests it was her show and she wanted to play with everything!!! It was a blast!!!

good luck.

  • #31
I think games really boost sales and bookings. As long as people are having fun it sells products and shows!!
  • #32
Does anyone have a Queen of the Shoppers for the new catalog? I also got a treasure hunt game (sort of like Q of S) for s/s, but haven't seen anything like it for f/w.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
how does this game work. i dont know how to play!?!?!
  • #34
My shows were boring, too. I had everything on cards and looked at them to remind myself about tips, etc. Now, I try to do interactive shows. I demo a technique and/or model behavior and then ask for volunteers to finish that step of the recipe (I always get them because I ask for novice cooks, stressed people, laid-back people, etc.) Stressed use the Food Chopper! These suggestions for who to ask for volunteers came from a director. Although not everyone gathers around the table to cook or watch, those that do ask a lot of questions and get to handle all the tools. IT INCREASES SALES!! The rest of the group might be talking individually away from the demo but, I don't really mind. After all, this is a PARTY (and may be the only social outlet for some people). Besides, if they have a good time, they BUY MORE!!!

Anyway, I try to spatter it with jokes. I'm also really laiid-back and talk about products as there is a lull in the action. I mention multiple uses for products, too. I had everyone ROUNDUP from the HEART when I talked about the fact that $1 donation makes 16 meals! That's 16 people who get to eat a warm meal in our area!

And, when people ask if something will be on sale, I always say, "Host a show and get it for FREE!" So, I got three bookings from about 10 attendees. Plus, two recruit leads!!

Working on recruit 2 and 3
  • #35
Thanks, Trish, for the idea! I want to start doing more interactive shows, but I think I was going about it wrong. I was thinking of having the guests do the entire recipe with my help, but perhaps I should just ask for volunteers to help. Then those that don't want to can just sit back & watch or chat.

Now, how do you do the hand-washing thing so it doesn't slow the pace of the show? Do you get all volunteers at the beginning, have everyone wash hands, or call another volunteer up while the previous one is doing her thing? I have a show tomorrow night for my SIL & I'm doing the crisscross apple crowns from All the Best. I was thinking of asking for volunteers for the APCS, FC, Baker's Roller & anyone else I can think of. Maybe just someone to stir the stuff together & microwave it for me. Does that sound like what you do? Any other ideas? I feel like everyone just sits at my show, waiting to eat & run. I'd like them to have FUN!
  • #36
Here is my version of the new Queen of Shoppers. I made them up so if they are too stupid for you feel free to change it!


  • Queen of the Shoppers 2006.doc
    4.5 KB · Views: 253
  • #37
Either have the Suds Pump available for the "Guest" or "Sous" Chefs ("sous" just means assistant) with wetted paper towels to wipe off excess, then dry with another paper towel or MicroFiber Towel. Or, have everyone wash their hands prior to their part of the demo. Or, use plastic gloves for each "Chef." Lately, we've been gathering in the kitchen (like Nancy Ryan's demo discusssed on another thread) so there is a sink nearby.

I try to let them do parts of the recipe that utilize the more highly-priced items (although that isn't necessary). But, it frequently follows that they buy that which they demo'd. So, since I want my Show Totals to go UP, I do it that way. (Three people wanted the Grill Pan as a result) at my last show.

Even the harder parts of a recipe that a "celebrity" chef might mess up, are fun because everybody gets a good laugh and they see that anyone can do this job, which is a good recruiting tool.

Since my newsletter is called "Trish's Tool Tips," I also "don" a tool belt I got at Lowe's. I put various tools in it (especially ones I might like to show or talk about). Then, when I do my intro, I tell them that I don't cook much (I have a chef husband who cooks most of the time); because I was right-handed and my Mom is left-handed so she could never tell me how to use kitchen equipment. But, if I have the right tool (and I'm a gadget person), I can turn out chef-quality meals in 30 minutes or less. And, of course, PC has the best tools! My husband helps cook at shows since cooking for him is FUN. (both perspectives for audience members). He started cooking because his mom got a full-time job and his sister got married; so he had to learn to cook out of self-defense. Later on, he went for chef-training.

As an aside, for those who have trouble at shows, I also have cerebral palsy (like having blonde hair and blue eyes:) ; it's just a fact of life so don't feel sorry for me) so I have restricted use of left hand. However, there are no limitations to Pampered Chef. (They'll let anyone do this job --and when I goof up at shows -- I point this out). The only limitations we have are those we place on ourselves. Open yourself to the universe and the univerrse will come to your door.

I hope this isn't too long and that it answered your questions. Enjoy "Trish's Tips"!!:cool:

  • #38
Thanks, Gillian & Trish, for your ideas!!

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