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Setting up a Catalog Show in an Office

In summary, the conversation is about a person who has been lurking on a forum and has an upcoming appointment at an orthodontist's office. They have been thinking about setting up a catalog show at the office where they will split the host benefits between all those that purchase or work there. They ask for ideas and suggestions from others in the forum. One person suggests having a "mystery host" catalog show where everyone who places an order is entered into a drawing to receive the host benefits. Another person suggests approaching the secretary at the doctor's office and offering free and discounted items in exchange for promoting their business. They also mention having success with leaving catalogs at different offices.
I don't post often but have been lurking lately. I've gone to the orthodontist for 2 years now. I'm apporaching the end of my braces! yea, however this also means less exposue to the office faculty. I'm dropped gifts at Christmas time and catalogs and talked up Pampered Chef, my downfall is not asking. So I'm going in tomorrow and was thinking of setting up an online catalog show and giving them a catalog show packet and telling them if they would like to show a catalog in their office(s) I would split the host benefits between all those that purchased or worked in the office. Has anyone tried anything like this before? Any ideas or suggestions? I'm not sure that I would be better off trying to get one person to host, I have one lady in mind or starting it off by the whole office, then I could get contact infor and possibly get more bookings. Let me know your thoughts!
Thanks Wendy
I think that's a great idea! What you can do is have a "mystery host" catalog show. For everyone who places an order, they get entered in a drawing to be the "host" and receive all the host benefits. You can even step it up a notch by saying whoever brings in an additional two orders from friends outside of the office where they work will get two entries or something like that. It's a great way to motivate them to collect a few more orders and make it a higher show total. It's SO easy because it can all be done online. They can send out email invitations to others to participate in the catalog show, too.

That was just one idea! Maybe there are more out there.
I think it would be harder to keep it together if you didn't have one central person to contact. And if you have that person, since they are doing the work, shouldn't they get the benefits? You could always say for every order you give them a seasons best and take that from the benefits. And when they see what the one person is getting for free they would be more inclined to book a show. If you give them all the benefits they may not consider it as much since they already got some of the benefits. Just my thoughts.. :)
Hi Wendy.

I approached the secretary at my doctors office, I told her that I have my own businss and would appreciate her support, I explained that all I would need her to do is just pass the catalogues around and collect the orders if anyone is interested. I told her that in exchange she would get some free and some half priced items, and I would explain it all when I dropped off the catalogues.

What I have found also seems to work lately, is I tell them " I had a show last week, the host got $145 of free stuff and she only had 7 orders." they always seem impressed by this and get excited.

I also have been asking to leave catalogues at all the offices I've been to and I got an order yesterday from someone who picked up one of my catalogues.

Hope this helps

Hi Wendy,Thank you for sharing your idea with us! It sounds like a great opportunity to promote your Pampered Chef business and potentially gain some new customers.I have not personally tried this approach before, but I think it's a fantastic idea. Offering to split the host benefits among the office staff is a great incentive for them to participate in the catalog show. It's also a great way to get your products in front of more people and potentially gain some bookings.I would suggest starting with the whole office and then following up with individual staff members to see if they would be interested in hosting a show. You could also offer a special discount or free product for the person who hosts the most successful show.Best of luck with your catalog show and I hope you get some great results! Let us know how it goes.

Related to Setting up a Catalog Show in an Office

1. How do I set up a catalog show in an office?

To set up a catalog show in an office, you can start by reaching out to the person in charge of organizing events in the office. You can also offer to bring in some products for them to try and give a brief presentation about Pampered Chef. Once you have their permission, you can set up a display table with catalogs, order forms, and samples for employees to browse and purchase from.

2. Do I need permission from the office to set up a catalog show?

Yes, it is important to get permission from the office before setting up a catalog show. This ensures that you are following any rules or guidelines set by the office, and it also shows respect for their space and time. You can reach out to the person in charge of events or the office manager to get permission.

3. How can I promote the catalog show to employees in the office?

There are a few ways you can promote the catalog show to employees in the office. You can send out an email to all employees, put up flyers in common areas, or post about the show on the office's social media pages. You can also offer a special incentive or discount for employees who attend the show and make a purchase.

4. How can I make the catalog show more interactive for employees?

One way to make the catalog show more interactive is to offer product demonstrations or cooking tips using Pampered Chef products. This will give employees a chance to see the products in action and ask any questions they may have. You can also offer a raffle or game with prizes to engage employees and make the experience more fun.

5. Can I take orders at the catalog show or do they have to be placed online?

You can take orders at the catalog show and they can also be placed online. It is helpful to have order forms available for employees to fill out at the show, but you can also direct them to your personal website for online ordering. This gives employees the option to place an order at the show or at their convenience later on.

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