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Seeking Advice: How To Keep Guests Engaged at Show

In summary, Jess had a show yesterday that didn't turn out well. The total of the show was around $600 so she was happy with that but it just seemed like she didn't do a good job. She really ran out of things to say to the guest and they didn't seem interested. A lot of the people were talking when she was talking and she couldn't get a word in edgeways. The guest were doing there own thing and she couldn't hear one of the guest asking a question because it was
Hi Everyone

I had a show yesterday that didn't turn out well. The total of the show was around $600 so I was happy with that but it just seemed like I didn't do a good job. I really ran out of things to say to the guest and they didn't seem interested. A lot of the people were talking when I was talking and I couldn't get a word in edgeways. The guest were doing there own thing and I couldn't hear one of the guest asking a question because it was so loud and she got upset. I made the taffy apple pizza, played the left right game, played the PC bingo game. To top it off I cut myself with the Ulimate Slicer and only got one maybe catalog show from a guest. Nobody was interested in hearing about PC or doing it as a business. I have another show in November and now I'm scared because of what happened at this show. How do you keep your guest/host interested. Does anyone follow a guideline or anything like that? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jess :confused:
Hang in there!! No matter what, it was still a successful show. Sometimes you just have parties like that where the people are just and unruly bunch. Just go with the flow. I have had parties like that where the guests are talking so much. I just try to focus on getting the recipe finished and then I will go around one on one and tell them more. Sometimes those parties are really the higher sales. Everyone is chatting , eating and having a good time. They spend more money.
It doesn't sound like YOU did a terrible joband as long as you ended up with good sales, which it sounds like you did, I'd say it was a fairly successful show! I'm sorry, but I think it's absolutely RUDE for guests to talk to each other when you are trying to do your demonstration. I mean, one of the basic rules of manners is that you don't talk when someone else is talking. Your host really should have tried to make them focus. It's not as if they didn't know why they were there. I hate that. I did a show a few weeks ago where a couple of the guests just walked out of the room during my demonstration. Talk about inconsiderate. Just be happy with the "at least" $120 you'll make in commission for the month and don't sweat the rest!
I know what you mean. I've only done 3 kitchen shows so far and for all three of them not many were paying attention and it was very frustrating. There's usually those few polite people that listen and ask questions but I've found for the most part - at least in my experience - they're just there to hang out and most people don't really pay attention. :(
I know how you feel!I know exactly how you feel! My 2nd show was several weeks ago and was JUST like that. There were about 20 women, most of whom talked over me during my demo. I was so flustered I forgot most of what I wanted to say - totally forgot to cross-sell or suggest different uses for a product. I was really disappointed in myself. However, the sales at the show were around $600-$700 and the host got a ton of outside orders, making it a $1000 show! So while I felt really bad about how I presented, it still turned into an awesome show!

I suggest making some morning-after calls. Say something like, "It got a little chaotic last night, so I didn't really have a chance to explain...." then fill in the blanks with whatever you missed last night. Hopefully you'll get some bookings out of it! I found the one thing that really gets people to decide between No and Maybe/Yes is letting them know that their friend can take advantage of the host special at their show. It seems they don't want their friend to lose out on that.

Good luck!!
I know the feeling tooI too have had more than one of those shows. The major, first ground breaking, horrible, let's all talk while the consultant is demonstrating, shows. It was my 4th show. My Aunt was kind enough to offer to do a show for me. I travelled from Milwaukee, WI to Palatine, IL. Almost two hours.
There were 8 people there. 6 of the eight, including my aunt never shut up.
One lady who was trying to listen, actually got up and left. The other person trying to listen was my mom. One of the ladies suddenly got interested when I started talking about the Cookie Press. She explained that ours was just horrble because the cookies were too big. And that her's always turned out just right. And this that and the other thing. While I finally had their attention, I pointed out that that was her opinion and that other people might not feel the same way. Then I asked her when she purchased our Cookie Press and found out she didn't like it. She got real huffy and said she didn't own ours because she would never make a cookie that big. Then I simply asked her where she had tried ours to come to the conclusion that our Cookie Press was not any good. She looked at me, got really red and never answered me.
I then pointed out the fact that our demo recipe was done and could go in the oven. I then told my aunt she would need to call who ever it was that left to see if she still wanted to place an order even though she could not hear a word of my demo because she could not hear over the conversation the rest of you were having. She got real embarrased and that took care of that and I got to finish my demo in peace.
From that day forward the first words out of my mouth before any demo, "and if you are having trouble hearing me, please feel free to come up and watch from here." I always make it a point to have clear space next to me so people can move up if they are having problems hearing or seeing what I am doing. It seems to have done the trick as I have not had a walk out since and I still have rude guests.
Some people apparently never got the word that it is impolite to talk while others are and that they look really horrible when they do.
You did nothing wrong. You did your job and you did your job correctly. Your host and her guests however, need a little lecture from Ms. Manners!
Kristen, I like you idea of incorporating that into the Big M.A.C. calls (morning after calls). I make these calls to every guest that attended a show the next day, and thank them for coming, and remind them about what they ordered and use and care or recipe ideas.

I've been doing PC for over 2 years now, and I still have unruly crowds sometimes. It's not anything you are doing--it's just the group. I do find that since I've waited to hand out catalogs until the end of the show, I get their attention more and less chatter, but that's an option you'll have to try to see how it works for you. I also give tickets throughout the show to guests who ask questions or participate/volunteer to try the products. People want tickets for the prize drawing, so they pay attention. I joke around at my demos, so there have even been times when I have said to the one lady that is the main chatterbox of the group, "I'm gonna give you a ticket because I can tell that you love to talk to people, and I think you would be great at being a Consultant." It's a way to single that person out, let her know you know she's the chatty one in the group, and maybe she'll get the hint that the talking is distracting. I also call on the chatty ones in the group to be my volunteers to come up and try the products. I'll just say "Sue, why don't you come on up and try the Food Chopper". That way, if she was the center of a conversation, the conversation has now been interrupted, and if she sits back down, maybe she'll chat about the food chopper!

Sometimes I'll just stop my demo for a second, and laugh. Eventually, they'll notice that the demo stopped, and I'll just say, "I know you must all be chatting about how great our products are--I'd love to be part of the conversation after this demo is done, so save the conversation for me!"

I know that I've left some nights feeling on top of the world after a kitchen show, patting myself on the back for a job well done. But there have been lots of times when I've got in the car and felt like I could have done a better job or remembered things I forgot to say. It happens to everyone. Just make that morning after call to thank the guests, and that way, they'll remember you for the one-on-one call you gave them, and the personal touch, rather than the chaotic evening the night before.
Thats one thing that gets me going too. When people havent a clue what you are doing or what you are talking about cause they are talking. There have been times, when it is so noisy I cant hear myself talk that I say,very loudly, "Wasnt that the neatest thing you have ever seen," and look at someone when I say it and catch their eye. Then everyone wants to know what it was and they shut up...or I tell them there might be a quiz afterwards so they need to pay close attention. This sometimes works. I cant understand how people can be so rude as to talk while you are!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Is there an outline you follow during the show?
  • #10
Hi. I began consulting with Pampered Chef in June and have only done a few shows. But I just wanted to join the conversation about the "unruly guests."
As a middle school teacher of 9 years, I have had times where I can tell the kids are "checking out" and I adjust my lesson plan mid-class to keep them engaged. Of course, I also had classroom guidelines and ways to redirect behavior to keep them on task (i.e. detention, whatever). But I believe we can not do that at a show. If people have already been to many pampered chef shows and don't want to hear about the chopper again, then let them hang out, chat, and order away!! For sure, don't take it personally!! That is rule number 1 for teaching a group. I guess I apply a lot of my teaching experience here. But I was sad to hear such negativity. I liked the creative ways of getting people engaged again--a ticket to the talkative person who would make a great constultant, etc! But I would suggest we neither debate with clients or feel the need to get the last word. Just move along in your demo. Or change what you are doing and ask people to share about their favorite product.
Also, I think sometimes we have to have a different mindset. I know we have kitchen "shows." But I really try to promote them as parties with themes and such (whether it's brunch or happy hour, etc.) Also, with that party theme, I do the "abbreviated" version where the recipe is ready to eat and they are eating as I highlight the products I used to cook and new products that have come out. (Extra ingredients to demo products. And they might not talk as much if they are eating--at least in theory)This is from my Director's and cluster's guidance--although I offer the classic full demo if that's what they want. I know this is not new information. I just didn't see anyone's response really say these things in this "thread."
And, wow $600! $1000! Is it wrong to 'chuck' the formal demo if the sales are still happening?
A newbie in Pampered chef but not in talking to groups, I humbly submit these comments.........
  • #11
"Unruly Guests"I am a newbie to the world of kitchen consulting, but I don't think I would discourage guests from having a good time. After all, the host did work really hard to get her guests there!

My first kitchen show was more about getting together, a group of soccer moms finally without their kids, and just wanting to socialize, catch up on gossip and have a great time! While that show didn't produce a very high show, only about $300, I did get four bookings. And one of those gals has invited over 60 guests at this point!!!

You are there to provide a service and you have to be willing to challenge yourself to cater your show based on the crowd. If you feel it is getting out of control and you are doing a demo, throw it back out to the crowd and ask them about a product or what they think of how you are using the product. Can they think of something else that it could be used for in their kitchen? Or tell a funny story about something you did with the product - such as how "not to use it". Be thoughtful and be creative, after all you are also a guest in the Host's home.

Happy Selling!!!
  • #12
Thanks ChrysaYes, I agree. That's what I was trying to get at but you said it so well. We are guests in their home. Keep it light and have fun. I think everyone will feel more comfortable that way. And hopefully sales will be better. Or, in your case--4 bookings! Sounds great to me!

Keeping it fun and food!

Sharon Scheible
Independent Kitchen Consultant
  • #13
Get them involved!I don't pass out catalogs until I get to Stoneware and Cookware, at the end. That has really helped alot. I also use my guests! I have a guest do the garlic with the press, another use the can-opener, another use the food chopper. I always pass around a cookbook (if they're looking through it they're not talking!) at the beginning, and I pass around the hot pad/trivet and one scraper when I talk about them. The more you get yor guests involved (from the beginning) the more they'll (ususally) pay attention!

Also, I am trying something new. When guests arrive I ask their name and their favorite PC product. I then give them a nametag with both. Say, Joan likes the Garlic Press, she gets "Joan Press", or Samantha likes the scrapers, she gets "Samantha Babe" (you know, the Baywatch Babes?! :)), and so on. Then when I get to their favorite product I ask them to tell us what they like most about it. Everyone has liked it so far! And it generates some great participation.
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  • #14
Bad Show?I held I show the other night, and everyone was extremely nice and attentive. THose who made purchases mostly spent over $50 BUT one guest only got her booking benfit roasting pan (not that I blame her for notwanting to spend more money but it is sad for me and the host because it doesn't count toward commisionable sales) and two stated they would make their purhase "online" by Wednesday...hmmm haven't see those orders yet! So while I feel like I did a great job "selling" we still are only at $250 show!(but that is with only five orders) OH yeah...plus no bookings
  • #15
The host shouldn't be sad
PCAbby said:
I held I show the other night, and everyone was extremely nice and attentive. THose who made purchases mostly spent over $50 BUT one guest only got her booking benfit roasting pan (not that I blame her for notwanting to spend more money but it is sad for me and the host because it doesn't count toward commisionable sales) and two stated they would make their purhase "online" by Wednesday...hmmm haven't see those orders yet! So while I feel like I did a great job "selling" we still are only at $250 show!(but that is with only five orders) OH yeah...plus no bookings

Tell her to dry her tears. The booking benefit purchase does count towards guest sales, which are used to determine her rewards.
  • #16
Booking Benefit?Are you sure? Because I entered it on PP and it did not add the 58 onto commissionable sales
  • #17
The past host special is not counted towards commissionable sales, but it IS counted toward your current host's guest sales. You should see the $58 in guests sales.
  • #18
Bravo!:) To Chrysa & Congachef, a very large Bravo! I am new as well, but would never think of "reprimanding" a guest for being rude....public embarrassment would seem to be a sure way to lose both sales AND bookings. I can only wonder at what the sales/recruiting figures for those parties could have been, had the consultants used some of your tecniques. Keep up the great work!! :)
  • #19
If you do not see two amounts...PCAbby,

If you do not see two amounts at the top of the show screen, you need to update Pampered Partner immediately. You should all be doing this once a month anyway.(On or near the first before your first show of that month). Do the program update not just the Product update. There are two amounts at the top of 13.2's screen. One says Commissionable sales, the amount that effects you, and the other right below says Guest sales, which is what the host benefits are based on.
There have been several e-mails sent out by the Home Office so check your version as they WILL NOT accept any orders on any version of Pampered Partner prior to 13.2.
You must stay current or you could be in for some major problems submitting shows.
Now about chastising someone in public which is how my blog reads. I need to clarify. When I said I said something to my aunt about the guest that walked out and about her and her friends behavior, I did it when we put the recipe in the oven and while we were alone in the kitchen. I am not dumb enough to do that to anyone in a public setting. And yes, as it was my aunt I felt I could say something about their behavior. And even I had not, my mom would have said something to her sister so...
However, even it had not been my aunt, I would have mentioned contacting the person who walked out. I never would have said anything about their behavior. My aunt and I by the way are only 9 years apart in age and basically grew up together so she is more like an older sister and you know how siblings can be. No, I have never done anything in public, in front of guests or anything else. I do have other ways of doing that. Simply dropping something or bumping into something will stop the noise in most cases. A question and answer session also does the trick fro a bit and gets everyone back on track. So no, you do not need to chastize anyone in public. And yes, they are there to have a good time. However, there are sometimes limits to how far you can let it go. Strangely enough, the person that walked out of my aunts home that Saturday afternoon told my aunt she thought I was terrible consultant. The reason, because she could not hear what was going on and that I had no control over the show. You know what, that hurt. So where do you look? At the people who stayed and drove one lady out and placed $180 in orders or at the lady who walked out thinking you did a lousy job and later placed an order with another consultant for $125 and booked a show from her. What do you think I took to heart?
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  • #20
I'm so sorry that you were hurt by being told you were a terrible consultant (I hope your aunt defended you!). I'm sure that you are not a terrible consultant b/c I can tell that you care very much about your shows, your guests and your hosts.

I'm sure that many of us have horror stories of shows that didn't go as planned and we had to get through them the best way that we could and in a professional and caring manner...I love this site b/c it helps me get ideas on other ways of handling a given situation.

  • #21
I guess we do what we need tooIt is really a shame when a show gets that far out of control though that people walk out. I think we have a duty to then do or say something to get it back together for those that do want to listen. I have the best solution to the problem. I never talk for more than 30 minutes. I actualy time it. If there are problems in between, I do something of a stopper. drop something or go into a question and asnwer thing. It works. I don't want to bore everyone to death and if you keep it short, and tell them that you will only talk for 30 minutes, they will pay attention for that 1/2 an hour. then you say at the end, if you have any questions or comments please ask me. By letting them take over, you will know if you are done.Oh and I did get over it but I don't know what she said to that lady.
  • #22
You never know!Hi
I had been updating PP but I just was reading the host benefit wrong! Anyway, at leastmy host will get credit.
Now back to "terrible" shows. My show last night, I felt went "terrible" (don't try to double to Choc Mousse in Shells-it does not work!!) plus I had a heckler! But it turned into a $750 show! Its funny how a show where everything went great had small sales and one that went "terrible" had good sales....I found that it helped me to say to the heckler "ok-so you're my heckler tonight-you get a special gift" and I gave her a recipe card. She contiued to be a heckler but was a little nicer (and spent like $80!)
  • #23
funnyI am reading all these posts about how to calm your guests when their talking. I have the opposite problem. At all my shows everyone is completly focused on me, which actually makes me nervous. I sometimes wish they would begin chit-chatting.
Does anyone else have that problem, or am I the only crazy one? :p

  • #24
Thanks for infoPampered 1224 and others...thanks for the clarification about the past host booking benefit/guest sales/comm sales, etc. As always this site is so helpful! Also, just to clarify: I just wanted to offer up a different perspective about chatty guests but hope I didn't offend--especially pampered 1224! Chatty and even straight out rude guests are not a reflection upon the consultant!
I have appreciated the different perspectives on keeping the guests focused!
And, to chefautumn, you're not the only one with guests just sitting and staring! But, the worst case I had of that, I later realized I had completely forgotten my ice breaker. So, I guess that was my fault!!
Always learning.......


Related to Seeking Advice: How To Keep Guests Engaged at Show

1. How do I keep my guests engaged at a Pampered Chef show?

Keeping guests engaged at a Pampered Chef show is all about creating a fun and interactive experience. Make sure to involve your guests in the cooking process by asking for volunteers to help with demonstrations or allowing them to assist in preparing a dish. You can also plan interactive games or activities throughout the show to keep things interesting.

2. What are some tips for maintaining a lively atmosphere during a Pampered Chef show?

To maintain a lively atmosphere, it's important to have a positive and energetic attitude. Encourage your guests to participate and have fun by incorporating music, jokes, or funny anecdotes into your presentation. Also, be sure to keep the show moving at a good pace to avoid any lulls in the energy.

3. How can I make sure my guests are actively listening and paying attention?

One way to ensure that your guests are actively listening is to ask them questions throughout the show. This will not only keep them engaged, but also allow them to interact and share their thoughts and opinions. Additionally, make sure to vary your presentation style and use visuals or props to keep their attention.

4. What are some creative ways to involve my guests in the show?

There are many ways to involve your guests in the show, such as having them participate in a taste test or cooking challenge, asking for their input on recipes or products, or even having them act as "judges" for a cooking competition. You can also offer prizes or incentives for those who actively participate.

5. How can I keep my guests engaged after the show is over?

To keep your guests engaged after the show, be sure to provide them with resources and information to continue their Pampered Chef journey. This can include sending them home with recipes or product information, connecting with them on social media, or offering a follow-up party or event. Additionally, make sure to thank them for attending and ask for their feedback to improve future shows.

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