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Reaching Goals Together: Let's Work Towards Director!

In summary, the conversation discusses a variety of strategies that can help individuals reach their goal of becoming a Director. Strategies include having an organized office, doing 3-2-1, having enough shows on the calendar, having recruiting materials, and setting goals, among others. Additionally, it is shared that it is important to have at least ten people on the team, and that 80% of the team will produce 80% of the results. Finally, it is suggested to back up your goals with online training and telecourses.
I know it is a distant goal but I want to shoot for Director by next Conference. My reasoning is because cannot do $4000 in sales myself and I need 5 strong consultants or additional hobbyist to help before I can ge the team to accept directorship.

Let's all work together to reach our goals whether it is Leadership or National Conference.

Who is with me?? Some of you may have goals to be Director by Leadership some at National Conference - Let's all work together and share ideas.

I orignally posted this in the Future Director section but though I should make it more gerneral because we can all acheive this if it is our goal. :thumbup:
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  • #2
First action steps - Is your office organized for success? How many shows do you have on your calender for this fall? Duska Mills on the monthly FD call in July suggested a minimum of 5 cooking shows a month. Even if you work full time this can be doable.
Are you doing 3-2-1?? Where are your recruiting materials? If your show schedule and leads are low have you looked into doing any craft fairs this fall?
I am with you! My goal is to become director by Conference next year too! I do not have any recruits yet... but I WILL! One suggestion from me.... WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS WHERE YOU SEE THEM EVERYDAY! And talk to everyone! You just never know who might be interested! And I am also learning to just answer the questions that a potential recruit may have instead of throwing up at the mouth! I have two great potentials right now! My September is looking busy, AND I aven have a catalog show going with someone that I met in Chicago! I am so motivated! Thanks for starting this Kathy... I will try to keep up with it!
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  • #4
Go Brandi Go!!!

I am excited because I had a recruit potential (and her hubby) with me at my show last night. Her hubby wants to make sure this is all legit. They did some other businesses where they invested tons of money with little return.
Kathy--Can I join in with you? I am wanting to go to Conference 2008 as a Director. I just got an email from a Host that I will be doing a show for in September and she is interested in the business. So I am really excited. I have 0 recruits at this point, but I know that is going to change soooon. :) And Brandi, I like how you say put your goals in front of you. I think I am going to do that. Have a great day! :)
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  • #6
HI Tammy - Come along with us

Even if you do not have a recruit yet I recommend getting the Supporting New Consultants booklet on Supply order so you are ready when that new person signs. We are thinking positive here. Also remember to always keep in a recruiting state of mind. Who needs my help - not who can I GET to sign up. We want people to at least try the business. How can this business help the individual we are talking to. As Zig Ziglar would say You can get wat you want by helping enough other peole get what they want. What is your recruit or potential recruits goals and aspirations??
Grea job Kathy!!!!

Here are some suggestions for you... don't freak about the $4k and think you have to do it ALL yourself. Shoot to do at least $2500 and you'll be fine. The reality is, if everyone on your TEAM including yourself do $750 each month, your TEAM will submit $4500. But in reality, you will have some months that some won't submit anything and others will do 1-2 shows and their sales will be $400 each. It happens. So if you do the $2500, the rest of the team needs to pitch in $1500.. and that's just 4 more average shows for the rest of the team.

Also, and this is the most important! Don't think you only need 5!!!! You need 10 at least!!! The extra 5 will give you enough of a buffer when "life" happens to one or two of your consultants.

Lastly, remember the 80-20 rule. 20% of your TEAM will product 80% of the results. So... if you have 5 on your TEAM, only ONE of them will be producing. That's why you'll need at least 10.

It's achieveable!!!! You can do it!!!! And it's funny... once you start recruiting, it will continue to happen! It's just like bookings... it's easier to get them once you have some, but impossible to get when you don't have any on your calendar. It's funny how things work!

Hope this helps a little! :)
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  • #8
Great wisdom Colleen. One thing I learned quickly is take care of the people on your team but continue to add to your team. I consistently do about 1250 a month. Wish I could find 4-5 like me but that won't happen right away. I just keep looking and informing and inviting
I'm with you! I really want to get serious about Directorship. My Director is a little more hands off, so I could definitely use the encouragement/accountability.

For the first action, my desk is definitely not set up for success. I have my supplies for PC in my extra room upstairs, but stay downstairs mainly through the day with the boys. I share my downstairs desk with my bookkeeping business, and things sometimes get mixed together and lost. Not good for either business. So I need to get better about my filing system and keeping it up everyday.

I also need to get my supplies in order. I have a two drawer filing cabinet next to my desk and one hanging file drawer in my desk. The one in my desk has all our personal stuff in it. I don't need access to that stuff everyday so I think I am going to move that to the cabinet upstairs and use that drawer for all pc stuff.

I have exactly 5 shows for September, but would like 3 more. I only have one for October, so I need to get working on that too. I don't do 3-2-1 everyday, so I need to get over myself and get working on that too.

So goals for today, move home stuff upstairs and pc stuff downstairs and make my 3 calls.
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  • #10
How about all of us that need to get organized set aside at least 30 dedicated minutes each day for organization. Then jump into our other calls and work. Set you time and do nothing but the current task at hand ntil it is done.

I have a tendancy to get very distracted easily so the timer thing really helps me.
  • #11
Right now, I have a possible of 2 recruits coming up. I am in the process of contacting the one that just sent me the email and then the other one is trying to get her husband convinced she can do it.
When I got back from conference I quit my ft job and decided that PC needed to be ft. So right now I have 11 shows booked for September and 3 more people are getting back with me. My goal is to have at least 10 shows a month. I know I CAN do it!! :)
  • #12
I'm with you! I would love to be a director by Leadership, but National is my backup. I don't have any recruits, but it's amazing how in the last few days that I've been thinking and planning, names keep coming to me of great potential leads!

So, I'm getting organized, gearing up to really start 3-2-1, and away we go!
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  • #13
Don't forget to back up you goals with online training and telecourses and training CD's that help you build your confidence.
  • #14
My goal is to walk the stage as a director at NC. As far as my desk is concerned, well let's just say I can't see the top of it. I have been organizing my supplies and making host packets but I seem to have made a mess on my desk. My first goal is to get my "office" straightened out so I look more professional. I want to be able to find things more easily.
I haven't been doing 3-2-1 but I want to work on that and be on board consistantly by Sept 1st. I have 4 shows for September and 4 shows for October! That is the most I have had at any one time on my calendar in a LONG time! I have 13 potential bookings (from the fair I just finished)! I can feel it starting to come together. I have 5 recruit leads that I will be working on so....maybe the Leadership stage will be my place to walk! I am reading Lyn Conway's book. It is great. I also have her CD's that I need to listen to. I need to make them a priority in the evening instead of watching TV late at night. I am also pulling up the teleclass list and scheduling classes (& writing them in my calendar). As a cluster, we all took the online classes. They are great.

  • #15
Hey can I get in on this too? I'd like to be a director by NC 2008.

I have one recruit who I signed a year ago but is not qualified yet! She has one more show to turn in. After that, I'm not sure she will stay active.

I have another potential who I've been in contact with for a year. She knows she wants to sign up but it has to be the right timing for her.

The other 2-3 looking at the bus. might be in it for the kit so I don't want to count on them to "build a team". I have 6 cooking and 2 cattys so far for September and I plan on sharing the opportunity with EVERYONE!
  • #16
BTW, the 3-2-1 Accountability thread is great! Even days you don't do it, it's good to post. There's some great encouragement on there.

And of course, Accountability! We all need it!
  • #17
Great Advice
finley1991 said:
Grea job Kathy!!!!

Here are some suggestions for you... don't freak about the $4k and think you have to do it ALL yourself. Shoot to do at least $2500 and you'll be fine. The reality is, if everyone on your TEAM including yourself do $750 each month, your TEAM will submit $4500. But in reality, you will have some months that some won't submit anything and others will do 1-2 shows and their sales will be $400 each. It happens. So if you do the $2500, the rest of the team needs to pitch in $1500.. and that's just 4 more average shows for the rest of the team.

Also, and this is the most important! Don't think you only need 5!!!! You need 10 at least!!! The extra 5 will give you enough of a buffer when "life" happens to one or two of your consultants.

Lastly, remember the 80-20 rule. 20% of your TEAM will product 80% of the results. So... if you have 5 on your TEAM, only ONE of them will be producing. That's why you'll need at least 10.

It's achieveable!!!! You can do it!!!! And it's funny... once you start recruiting, it will continue to happen! It's just like bookings... it's easier to get them once you have some, but impossible to get when you don't have any on your calendar. It's funny how things work!

Hope this helps a little! :)

Colleen. how long did it take you to become Director? Since you've been a Director have you ever lost it? I am amazed at the amount of knowledge you have but then again you've been in the BIZ 10 years! I tell my Director I need 30 people on my team because most just seem to do the minimum (every other month) so I would need that many just to make the 4K every month. I work full time and sometimes I'm only able to do 3 or 4 shows a month. I encourage past hosts to do catalog shows just to keep my head above water. From reading some of your other posts and this one I realize I need to work smarter not harder. Thank you for all the great posts. :thumbup:
  • #18
I'm with you girls too:balloon:
  • #19
When organizing your office make a list first! Be specific! Write what you want, how you are going to do it and why it will benefit you. This will help you see the big picture! I am a major list person, always have been. You can't always see the progress while it is happening but if you see a bunch of things crossed off of your list you KNOW you are accomplishing your tasks! I personally was stuck in a rut where EVERYTHING was on my computer so whenever I needed to make a host or recruit packet I had to print stuff off. Now I have printed out 20 copies of each form I use and put them in labeled files. It saves me sooo much time! Another was to make my desk functional but also pretty... sounds silly, I know, but I feel like if my surroundings are nice, neat and pretty than I think better and can concentrate.
  • #20
Oh an by the way... this business is so awesome! I only had one show coming on my commission check today because I took some time off in August to finish off the summer with my children. So needless to say I wasn't expecting very much money... my commission check for that one show??????? $184.45! THANK YOU PAMPERED CHEF!
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  • #21
My first goal is to get all my packets and receipts done. Friday is my last cooking show for S/S season and then all that paperwork is going to be packed away

I make lots of lists - Belinda Ellswroth talks about good lists and bad lists. Put 5 things down and coomplish those then start a new list
  • #22
That is another thing I have started doing. I make up the host packet and address it as soon as I book the show. Even if it is 3 months away. Then when the date comes to send it I just grab and go! I also consider my Thank you notes as part of closing a show so that once the show is closed all I need to do are follow up phone calls but the paper trail portion is complete.
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  • #23
I need to start setting up the show in P3 with reminders when I set it up on the website. I am going to start doing that next week. Right now I hav a zillion packets (o.k. rally only about 10) that I need get out and all the inventory I have been selling and then I will take time to do all these steps.
  • #24
Can I join in too. I have 1 recruit so far, but my goal is directorship in 08.
  • #25
I"d love to join to .. I dont have a goal of becoming director in 2008, but I would like to start getting a solid team. I have one recruit right now, so I'd love to get more and just develop my team so I have strong, successfull team members! I think this is a great thread!!!
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  • #26
Starting tomorrow to keep our thread current and active let's share each day what we did to take our business closer to our goals. It could be as simple as organized your desk - Made 3 phone calls - Book another show etc.
  • #27
good idea kathy! todays been crazy anyways, my daughter has not been very good at sleeping lately! so hopefully tomorrow will be better and i can get some work done!
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  • #28
Well I have a tons of stuff I am selling to make room in my office just as I am doing all these packets - Good planning huh That is why I said I would start tomorrow
  • #29
LOL Kathy .. I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff as well! I really wish it was Sept 8th .. I NEED my commissions check!
  • #30
Even though we are officially starting tomorrow I thought I would go ahead and post what I did yesterday and what is going to be done today.

Yesterday I moved all my personal files upstairs and all my PC files downstairs. Should make things a bit easier. Although now I have to keep my desk drawer tied up because my 15 month old monkey has discovered he can open it up, climb on top and play with my papers and printer!

Today I plan on getting all my host packets put together for the scheduled shows and also for the shows I want for September (hopefully 3 more). Then I want to put together several catalog show packets so I can just hand them out anytime (shows and stuff). So, while the babes are sleeping that is what I will be doing.
  • #31
I also am wanting to walk as a director at NC 08!~ I have no consultants right now, but....I have 4 possible recruits signing next month and one in October! I really want to make it to leadership in January also. I am pretty organized, I just have to make sure I offer the opportunity to everyone at my shows. I did the why bag for the first time last night at a show and I got 2 leads with shows booked for September. They loved the WHY bag! I was excited!! I have 10 shows for September already and with those 4 possible recruits, I will have a busy, busy month in Sept!! Can't wait, and this thread will be great!!
  • #32
Sarah - I have a 15 month old daughter ... UGH it is so frustrating because now she is tall anough to reach the keyboard and my calendar and everything on my desk! Dont you just love the little ones :) they are so dang cute!
  • #33
abrahamlaur said:
Sarah - I have a 15 month old daughter ... UGH it is so frustrating because now she is tall anough to reach the keyboard and my calendar and everything on my desk! Dont you just love the little ones :) they are so dang cute!

So you feel my pain! :cry: I just found out yesterday that he can climb on the dining room chairs and up onto the table. :eek: Heaven help me!!

I know that God makes them so cute so you don't kick them out!:D
  • #34
Oh I hear you on that one! My daughter just realized she can play with all the DVD's ... as well as climb on EVERYTHING in site. I never realized you had to put EVERYTHING out of reach! (shes my first daughter) ... Man, I dont know where to put it all!
  • #35
Brandi2007 said:
Oh an by the way... this business is so awesome! I only had one show coming on my commission check today because I took some time off in August to finish off the summer with my children. So needless to say I wasn't expecting very much money... my commission check for that one show??????? $184.45! THANK YOU PAMPERED CHEF!
Just think, when you're a Director it will be a lot more!! Last month I only turned in a $550 show and my comission was $380 with all my overrides and I only have two girls really working their business right now. I was shocked to get that check too!!
  • #36
Wow, maybe I do want director .. I want it by tomorrow okay? LOL j/k

Addie - Thats over half of the show! What an awesome commission! congrats!
  • #37
Okay so todays tasks for me will be to clean out a 3 drawer bin I have with a filing drawer on the bottom. And try to put some PC stuff in there. I"m also going to try to work on my webpage with putting REcipes in there, anyone have any idea on how i can make my webpage better?
  • #38
We also want to walk as Director at 2008 NC. But we need some advice.
We currently are working with 4 people discussing the business. They all seem like they are going to commit but how do we get them from just looking and thinking to signing? We have really begun working the business like you should and it is amazing.

Joe & Diane
(PamperedChefDude & Dudette)
  • #39
When I've had someone on the fence about PC, I say, "We've talked about the PC biz... so tell me what you're thinking..." (That is my magic line and always works for me for some reason!) And then let them talk it out. That's where their objections or issues will come out. Be sure not to ask any closed ended questions... "Are you ready to sign?" NO. "Do you have any more questions?" NO.

If you're going to ask closed ended questions, be sure that they are questions that they will say YES to! Like, "Did you have a great time at the show you attended?" "Doesn't doing something like this look like fun?" Only YES questions get people excited.

Good luck! Keep us posted! :)
  • #40
great line colleen! i'll have to use that!
  • #41
Well, I cleaned out that little filing drawer, now I just gotta figure out what I'm going to put in it. It has an actual filing drawer on the bottom, then a smaller drawer above that then the top one is really small .. like for pens or letters or something... anyone got any ideas?
  • Thread starter
  • #42
I was hoping soem of these items would have been paid for so I could take them to the post office but nothing yet.

Plus I can't create an updated list of what's left until I know yeah or nay on the items people are asking about

I think I will move the pending items into the next room while I wait. Then I can work on packets.
  • #43
I am going to finalize a date for an October show today. I am working on recruiting her. She wants to the only thing stopping her is that she is a single parent and new in town... she needs to find someone who will help her watch her child when she has a show... I am brain storming. I am also going to contact the limo driver from Chicago. He is considering a catalog show or at least (so he says) a large order. I will make all of my first calls to all my hosts in the first three weeks of September this evening after normal work hours. Also this evening I will be putting together my donation basket for a scrapbooking event. They do donation gufts to hand out as raffles or what not and a past host had asked me if I was interested... I plan to put some sort of coupon inside, recruiting information, the large serving spatula a SB a catalog and a few small door prize type gifts... all in a basket to look pretty of course. Oh- and I am working with a mortgage broker to get some leads on real estate sales. He is a former boss of mine that just opened his own business and we have decided to put our heads together. That will probably do it for the day. How about you Kathy? What are you doing with all your extras? Have you considered holding an open house and using them as prizes?
  • #44
Guess you posted while I asked! LOL
  • #45
I am learning slowly to have a pen and paper near me every time I talk on the phone and take small notes. That way I can remember things that I promised to a specific host or the little teeny things that I need to do later. Some times it is easy to forget the small details that are really quite important.
  • #46
okay... I just went to the UPS store and finalized the October date... now onto the rest!
  • #47
is no one working today?? lets go ladies ... whats your progress?

I'm about to go watch a dvd on host coaching and then the new dvd for this season
  • #48
I posted on a message board for my mom's group asking for referrals. I had a gal ask for more info. I shot off an email late last inght and I'm calling her this afternoon.

My director gave the info on a free table at an Office Max event for Saturday, so I've got to find child care and then hopefully I'll get some leads from there!
  • #49
that will be nice jenny!

i'm a member of a moms group online, what did your message say?
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  • #50
My goals for tomorrow (heading to work in a few minutes) Finish packets (roughly ten) and show set ups - Go to bank - Go to post office, prepare for show tomorrow ( ingredients already purchased)

I went to the library today - got a card - Checked out two organization books from Stephanie Winston and but a book called POwer of Focus for Women on hold
<h2>1. What are the benefits of becoming a Director at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Becoming a Director at Pampered Chef comes with many benefits, including higher commission rates, access to exclusive training and resources, and the potential to earn trips and other rewards.</p><h2>2. How can I increase my sales to reach the Director level?</h2><p>To increase your sales, consider hosting more parties, reaching out to new customers, and offering promotions or discounts. You can also ask for referrals from satisfied clients and utilize social media to expand your reach.</p><h2>3. How many consultants do I need on my team to become a Director?</h2><p>To qualify for Director, you will need at least 5 active consultants on your team. However, it's important to focus on quality over quantity and work with individuals who are dedicated and motivated to help you reach your goals.</p><h2>4. What kind of support can I expect from my team as I work towards Director?</h2><p>Your team can offer valuable support in many ways, such as sharing tips and tricks for successful parties, helping you recruit new consultants, and cheering you on as you reach milestones on your journey towards Directorship.</p><h2>5. What is the timeline for reaching Director at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>The timeline for reaching Director can vary for each individual, as it depends on factors such as your sales efforts, team growth, and dedication to achieving your goals. It's important to set realistic targets and consistently work towards them to make progress towards Directorship.</p>

Related to Reaching Goals Together: Let's Work Towards Director!

1. What are the benefits of becoming a Director at Pampered Chef?

Becoming a Director at Pampered Chef comes with many benefits, including higher commission rates, access to exclusive training and resources, and the potential to earn trips and other rewards.

2. How can I increase my sales to reach the Director level?

To increase your sales, consider hosting more parties, reaching out to new customers, and offering promotions or discounts. You can also ask for referrals from satisfied clients and utilize social media to expand your reach.

3. How many consultants do I need on my team to become a Director?

To qualify for Director, you will need at least 5 active consultants on your team. However, it's important to focus on quality over quantity and work with individuals who are dedicated and motivated to help you reach your goals.

4. What kind of support can I expect from my team as I work towards Director?

Your team can offer valuable support in many ways, such as sharing tips and tricks for successful parties, helping you recruit new consultants, and cheering you on as you reach milestones on your journey towards Directorship.

5. What is the timeline for reaching Director at Pampered Chef?

The timeline for reaching Director can vary for each individual, as it depends on factors such as your sales efforts, team growth, and dedication to achieving your goals. It's important to set realistic targets and consistently work towards them to make progress towards Directorship.

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