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Director Ever Wrote a Letter to Your Team?

The conversation is about the disappointment and frustration of having inactive team members and the realization that they haven't clearly communicated their goals and expectations as a Director to their team. They are planning on writing a letter to their team outlining their goals and the importance of everyone being active to keep the team structure together. They also discuss feeling like they are nagging their team to be more active and the challenges of motivating team members who may not be as committed.
Gold Member
It's looking like this will be month 2 for me :( I really REALLY thought everything was coming together this month and that it would be great...until a few days ago! We are over the 5k mark, but I only have 5 active consultants :cry: and 3 who won't call me back, which I'm pretty sure means that they have nothing to submit....I hope I'm plesantly surprised tomorrow morning, but I'm not holding my breath.

I have 18 on my team...only 5 active...really??

This is what I'm thinking. I don't know about y'all, but I'm always telling my team to share with their friends and customers what they want out of this business and what their goals are because people are more likely to help you when they know what you are working towards. So...why can't I do that too? Why can't I write to my team and explain to them what Directorship is and what my goals are. Honestly, I really don't think they have a clue what their inactivity means to the team or to me (or to my director). I've never shared my goals with them. I only focus on what they can earn for themself. I don't want them to think that it's all about what I want. I want them to be successful but I want to be successfull too!

I’m planning to write them a letter and let them know what my goals are as their director and outline their role on the team and what it means when everyone is active or inactive. I need to write it so that it’s explanatory and not sound like I’m begging them. I want to keep the focus on what they earn when they are active, but also let them know how it keeps the team structure together too. I feel like if they realize that we are all a piece of the puzzle then maybe they will make more of an effort.

What do y'all think? Have you ever done this or had that conversation with your team?

Any and all advice is appreciated. If you've done something like this, will you share what you sent them?
I'm in the same boat Linda - only out of 15 on my team, right now I only have ONE active this month.

I've heard from a couple that they aren't submitting. The rest have not responded - which I take as a No. What's so disappointing is that 4 of them went to conference and came back all excited and gung-ho - we had a GREAT team meeting after we got back....and still nothing.

I personally have done over $5000 myself this month, and the one who is active (Went to conference....) just turned in her 4th show for the month.

It's days like this when I question whether I even want directorship. I hate hand-holding and babysitting. I can do EVERYTHING right, but if they don't want it for themselves, it really means nothing. And honestly, most of my team just do shows when it's convenient. Most of them really don't want to commit to doing them regularly.
Oh, I can so relate with both of you! It's a pain most months. Arrruuuggg!Linda I have had that conversation at meetings and one on one and I've sent out emails with info to try to get them thinking like a team. They say they understand how it works and thank me for explaining and then do whatever comes their way each month. Most stay active every other month at least but do something extra even when there are bonuses there for them? Right.
Chefbeckyd said:
I'm in the same boat Linda - only out of 15 on my team, right now I only have ONE active this month.

WHAT?!?!? Y'all are making me feel better about only have 4 of my 10 active this month, though maybe someone will surprise me when I see the performance tracker update tomorrow. I doubt I'll get 6 actives next month, either.

I'm going to be working on more communication with my team in the hopes that they'll update me or just be a wee bit more active. I feel like such a nag if I e-mail trying to find out who's submitting.
Becca_in_MD said:
WHAT?!?!? Y'all are making me feel better about only have 4 of my 10 active this month, though maybe someone will surprise me when I see the performance tracker update tomorrow. I doubt I'll get 6 actives next month, either.

I'm going to be working on more communication with my team in the hopes that they'll update me or just be a wee bit more active. I feel like such a nag if I e-mail trying to find out who's submitting.

When I think we'll be close I say something like "we'll be close this month to getting the team sales requirement so please let me know how much you are submitting. I would be so disappointed if we missed it by a few dollars and I could have put something in to get there." They don't always tell me though. I often get surprise submissions even then. lol
Good luck everyone!

This end of the month stuff sucks when most of your team consists of hobbyists. I was fully expecting to not have the 6th consultant submitting sales, but did find out tonight one of mine that is very sporadic at submitting shows DID submit one. With my sales I submitted today and I know another consultant who had 5 shows in the past week and should have submitted most of them today - that'll get us well over the $5000. So, by the skin of my teeth once again, I should be paid as a director. Whew.

AND, I had a new consultant sign today which will put me back in the lead system because I was kicked out of it last month. Double whew!!! Now, to get her cranking and QUALIFIED in 30 days so I can get those bonus points for trip. I NEED those so badly! I'm way more interested in those than the appliance incentive! :)
I have gone to being very forward about TEAM Goals and meeting them... and it is working (not so much that people are green before 10:30 on the last day of the month, but enough that they are taking responsibility to be active for the TEAM)...

When the new career plan kicked me back to a TL, I was about ready to quit, then I just got mad and got movin...

I started on Dec. 31 of 2009 with Big Hairy Audacious Goals for our Team, at the time I was back to team leader, so #1 was repromote to a director TEAM by February 1st ( we made it March 1st), #2 was to promote to and Advanced director team by June 1st (we made it by July 1st) and #3 was to share the business with someone every day

Since we hit our first two BHAG, we have navigated somewhat from the BHAG, and rather in my weekly wahoo email that I send to the whole organization I recognize sellers at the $750 and above, $1250 and above, $2500 and above and $4000 and above levels and then there is a segment that says: How About those Director Teams (and then I list each director in my organization like this)
Almond Team : $3776 Team Sales (minimum of $5000); Active Direct 2 (minimum of 4); Total Active 6 (minimum of six)

Almond Organization $11,776 (minimum of $12,000 GOAL $25,000)

I think for them to see that to the whole team they can be the one show that makes a difference really puts them into the reality of it all. Tonight for example I have them voluntarily txting me with what they are submitting as they submit.

It also holds my directors feet to the fire to see the comparison with the other teams.
I think it's a great idea Linda. And yes, we all have the same situation. Sadly, 80% of most teams are the sporadic and hobbyists. I have 22 overall in my personal team and a little more than 1/2 submit each month. I do the same as Lynette. At mtgs and via email...we update team goals and challenges (with the ability to earn something). I post what the director's team sales are and what number we're aiming for. We wahoo all activity and also highlight the "consistent superstars"...they earn that title for being active for 3 months.

You may want to send a note asking each one to state their why and goals...here's my 90 day email I send to each team member that can maybe be a starting point for you ...some reply, some don't...but at least it stirs a few. I included the answers I got from one teammate. I followed up by asking for more specifics and ended up scheduling a call.

You may want to include your replies so that the team is aware of your personal goals.

Wanting to do a check in with everyone.....please review and reply so that I can support you in your goals!

What does YOUR Road Map Look Like? What’s your destination?
I really want to help you achieve your goals. In order to do that, I need to know what your goals are. Please answer the following questions and email me the answers. = )

If you could NOT fail, what would your business look like? Success!

What about the business excites you? Free Products

How much money do you want to make a month? $1,00.00

What will you do with the money? How would that feel; What would that mean for you and your family? 1/2 to save and other to go for products

How many cooking shows do you need to achieve this? 4

How many cooking shows do you want to have a month? 4-6 a month

What will your business look like in 30 days? In 90? What about 6 months from now?
30 days from today, I am hope full it will be thriving and where I want to be. 90 days to have 5 consultants under me.

What’s preventing you from reaching your goals? What obstacles do you see?
Need to find the right people and Just home and being a mom...

Do you believe you can make this happen? Do you believe in The Pampered Chef Business Opportunity? Do you believe in our product? Yes, I do! Yes, I do!!! Yes I love love them!!!

What can you do to overcome or go around the obstacles you see? Make time to get this done.. I need my time and it's new and I have to just make time...

What is the best way I can support you? How do you see me helping you? What would you like to see from me? How often do you want me to contact you? When is the best time I can reach you?
You are doing it now, Ur the best... U are a big help... Nothing more u are doing so much already... as much as u want or as much as u think I need...

What are 2 or 3 things you want to do for your business in the next week?
More shows, be 100 % proficient on my products, Know the ins and outs of being a good host. make sure I get them to try the products out at the shows.

I can’t wait to see your replies! Think about the questions…reflect a bit, then let me know!


Related to Ever Wrote a Letter to Your Team?

1. Have you ever written a letter to your team before?

Yes, I have written letters to my team on multiple occasions. I find it to be an effective way to communicate important information and to show appreciation to my team members.

2. What inspired you to write a letter to your team?

I was inspired to write a letter to my team after a particularly successful project. I wanted to express my gratitude and recognize their hard work and dedication.

3. What did you include in your letter to your team?

In my letter, I included specific examples of how each team member contributed to the project's success. I also expressed my appreciation for their teamwork and highlighted the positive impact they have on our organization.

4. Did you receive any feedback from your team after sending the letter?

Yes, I did receive feedback from my team after sending the letter. They were all very appreciative and expressed how much it meant to them to be recognized for their hard work.

5. Do you think writing a letter to your team is an effective form of communication?

I definitely think writing a letter to your team can be an effective form of communication. It allows for a more personal and heartfelt message to be conveyed, and it also serves as a tangible reminder of appreciation for your team's efforts.

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