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Prayer for My Mom: Cyst and Lump Found, Please Keep Her in Your Thoughts

& she's the one who goes to the doc *& has the cyst...? So, apparently the cyst was there for quite some time before it was detected. However, since it is benign and it is non-cancerous, they will monitor it.
I just talked to my mom...she went to the doctor this past Monday for her 1st GYN appt. in 10 yrs. (Don't get me started on that though.) Anyway. long story short, they found a cyst on her uterus (they seem to think it's benign) & a lump in her breast.:(

She goes back to the dr. tomorrow for another internal ultrasound & another mammogram since she had no baseline one to refer to. (another don't get me started)

Anyway, please keep her in your prayers that neither of these turn out to be a life threatening issue. I feel so helpless right now since I'm 5000+ miles from home & can't be there to hold her hand through all the testing. And frankly, I'm scared...I know they say they aren't worried about cancer but what if they're wrong? I guess since I'm so high risk for breast, uterine & cervical cancer the mention of lumps or growths just cause a rock in my stomach.:(
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She'll be in my thoughts and prayers...and so will you.
Kathi, your mom will be in my prayers. You will also be in my prayers.
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  • #4
Thank you for your support. I appreciate the prayers. Right now I just want to curl up & ball like a baby but I can't...Mom needs me to be strong.
Wow, how scary. Sorry to hear that. I pray that everything is ok.
kathijenkins said:
I just talked to my mom...she went to the doctor this past Monday for her 1st GYN appt. in 10 yrs. (Don't get me started on that though.) Anyway. long story short, they found a cyst on her uterus (they seem to think it's benign) & a lump in her breast.:(

She goes back to the dr. tomorrow for another internal ultrasound & another mammogram since she had no baseline one to refer to. (another don't get me started)

Anyway, please keep her in your prayers that neither of these turn out to be a life threatening issue. I feel so helpless right now since I'm 5000+ miles from home & can't be there to hold her hand through all the testing. And frankly, I'm scared...I know they say they aren't worried about cancer but what if they're wrong? I guess since I'm so high risk for breast, uterine & cervical cancer the mention of lumps or growths just cause a rock in my stomach.:(
I will certainly pray for your Mom and for you!- keep us informed and hang in there! I will pray and I'm sending HUGS!!!
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  • #7
Thanks, Kacey. I'll talk to her again on Wednesday so I'll let you know then what the dr. said.

And hugs for you, too with all the drama you're having. :)
kathijenkins said:
Thanks, Kacey. I'll talk to her again on Wednesday so I'll let you know then what the dr. said.

And hugs for you, too with all the drama you're having. :)

Well then I shall officially give myself the title of Drama Queen...although I'm sure that's not what Daniel Webster had in mind when he put that in his dictionary! :)

You and your Mom are in my prayers!
Sending prayers for your mother and family. I hope everything goes well.
  • #10
Will keep you and your Mom in my prayers Kathi!
  • #11
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts being sent your way. I had a scare with a growth on my thyroid back in August (everything is OK according to a biopsy), and I know firsthand that the waiting is tough for your whole family. Just know you've got a LOT of us on here who are praying and hoping...there really is strength in numbers!
  • #12
(((Kathi and Mom))) Prayers sent.
  • #13
You and your mom are in my prayers.
  • #14
You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Which reminds me I need to make my own appt!
  • #15
I will be praying for both of you. I know how scary the unknown and wait can be.
  • #16
May God wash over you with calm, peace and courage. His Spirit is right there with you... the same spirit that was with Paul and Silas and John and Thomas, and Mary and Martha... I could go on... Prayers are being lifted for you.
  • #17
Prayers coming your way!
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  • #18
Kitchen Diva said:
Well then I shall officially give myself the title of Drama Queen...although I'm sure that's not what Daniel Webster had in mind when he put that in his dictionary! :)

You and your Mom are in my prayers!

Mom emailed this AM...mammogram clear, apparently the "spot" they saw was scar tissue from a childhood injury. As for the thing in the uterus...they told her it is a cyst, non-cancer, fast growing & they'll "monitor" it. Um, if you haven't biopsied (sp) it, how do they KNOW it's not cancer?

But I am so thankful that so far everything is okay. :)

I am gonna kick her but* when I get home...10 yrs between GYN appts is SO not good.:eek: :grumpy: And if I skip a blood test, you'd think I offed the Pope!!
  • #19
Good news!!! Maybe this will be the wake-up call she needs to make sure those appointments become a regular thing!
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  • #20
katie0128 said:
Good news!!! Maybe this will be the wake-up call she needs to make sure those appointments become a regular thing!

Lord I hope so!! I'm high risk for cancer so I fail to understand how it's okay to NOT go to a dr. for that long. You can't screw around with your health like that.
  • #21
Good news!
  • #22
Wow, what a heart stopper for you and your Mom. Just goes to show that Moms are so busy taking care of everyone else, they forget to take care of themselves.

SSSOOOOOOOOO glad all turned out well with your Mom and that they acted right away with testing too.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} for both of you!!!
  • #23
Kathi- I have kept you and your mom in my prayers, I'm so glad to hear good news regarding her spot and cyst. I think they can tell if something is cancerous by it's shape, etc... I have ovarian cysts and they only hurt when they rupture.

Anywho---I'm so happy that everything is alright and you go eat your veggies and fruit and stay cancer free! You're my crankycat friend and I don't want you getting sick!
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  • #24
Kitchen Diva said:
Kathi- I have kept you and your mom in my prayers, I'm so glad to hear good news regarding her spot and cyst. I think they can tell if something is cancerous by it's shape, etc... I have ovarian cysts and they only hurt when they rupture.

Anywho---I'm so happy that everything is alright and you go eat your veggies and fruit and stay cancer free! You're my crankycat friend and I don't want you getting sick!

Thanks, hun. :D You've been on my mind a lot the last few days with the whole sis thing.;) I'm praying the brightness you've gotten re: your new job continues to spread throughout your life. :D And that sis grows up.

I hate veggies! :grumpy: Nah, I don't mind them too much, I like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. Just don't care for onions, eggplant, peppers, turnip & collard greens:yuck: . But I also go once a year for my GYN & do monthly self exams. So if it ever happens, I'll deal with it.:) Too bad Mom isn't my biological parent...wouldn't be as high risk.:rolleyes:
  • #25
I'm glad your mom got good news.Try not to be too hard on her for the years between gyno visits. The years can get away from you far too quickly. I should know. I realized a couple of years ago that it had been over a decade since I'd been. I had really good excuses--my gyno had left practice; I'm diabetic, so I go to the doctor all the time; I'm very aware of and in tune with my body, so I'd know if something was wrong. (Not good reasons, but really good excuses.)After my realization, I checked with friends, found a new gyno, and made an appointment. Those mild hormonal symptoms I'd attributed to peri-menopause turned out to be a huge fibroid tumor. They had to do extensive surgery in order to perform my hysterectomy because the tumor was the size of a 7-month pregnancy. I have pictures. (Don't worry. I won't post them here. ;))
  • #26
The power of pray WORKS! Yeah, thanks for the GOOD NEWS update!
  • #27
raebates said:
I'm glad your mom got good news.

Try not to be too hard on her for the years between gyno visits. The years can get away from you far too quickly. I should know. I realized a couple of years ago that it had been over a decade since I'd been. I had really good excuses--my gyno had left practice; I'm diabetic, so I go to the doctor all the time; I'm very aware of and in tune with my body, so I'd know if something was wrong. (Not good reasons, but really good excuses.)

After my realization, I checked with friends, found a new gyno, and made an appointment. Those mild hormonal symptoms I'd attributed to peri-menopause turned out to be a huge fibroid tumor. They had to do extensive surgery in order to perform my hysterectomy because the tumor was the size of a 7-month pregnancy. I have pictures. (Don't worry. I won't post them here. ;))

I've lived through a buck nekked Burt Reynolds sitting on a bearskin rug and KG's waving "man" in a blue outfit AND KG's dancing 'nana- I think we can handle tumor pics !:)

but you don't have to show them if you don't want...;)
  • #28
raebates said:
I'm glad your mom got good news.

Try not to be too hard on her for the years between gyno visits. The years can get away from you far too quickly. I should know. I realized a couple of years ago that it had been over a decade since I'd been. I had really good excuses--my gyno had left practice; I'm diabetic, so I go to the doctor all the time; I'm very aware of and in tune with my body, so I'd know if something was wrong. (Not good reasons, but really good excuses.)

After my realization, I checked with friends, found a new gyno, and made an appointment. Those mild hormonal symptoms I'd attributed to peri-menopause turned out to be a huge fibroid tumor. They had to do extensive surgery in order to perform my hysterectomy because the tumor was the size of a 7-month pregnancy. I have pictures. (Don't worry. I won't post them here. ;))

Just make sure if you tell your mom Rae's story you leave out the part about the newspaper article and pics from her last gyno visit. Your mom may NEVER go back! (hee hee!)
  • #29
Yeah, I tend to leave that out when I'm encouraging people to get their yearly exams. :)
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  • #30
I just couldn't believe that the woman who jumped my case for not wanting to have labwork or the internal ultrasound or the breast ultrasound done hadn't been in for a check-up since she had her tubes tied in '98.:eek:

Then when I told her instead of having my GYN appt done in July I am waiting till we get back here in August she started giving me a hard time...silly woman. :) I AM going this year just pushing it back till after vacation cuz I don't want to be sitting on the beach in FL worrying whether the tests came back clear.:D

But on a serious note...thank you guys for the prayers & support through this...it was nice to know that I had people to vent to. :love:
  • #31
Glad this all worked out Kathi!

Related to Prayer for My Mom: Cyst and Lump Found, Please Keep Her in Your Thoughts

1. What is the likelihood that the cyst and lump found in my mom are cancerous?

The likelihood of the cyst and lump being cancerous depends on several factors such as the size, location, and characteristics of the growths. It is important to wait for the results of the ultrasound and mammogram to determine if further testing or treatment is necessary.

2. Are there any risk factors that could increase the chances of these growths being cancerous?

There are several risk factors for breast, uterine, and cervical cancer such as family history, age, and lifestyle choices. It is important to discuss any concerns with your doctor and follow recommended screening guidelines.

3. What is the typical course of treatment for a benign cyst on the uterus?

The course of treatment for a benign cyst on the uterus may vary depending on the size, location, and symptoms. In some cases, observation and monitoring may be recommended, while in others, surgery may be necessary to remove the cyst.

4. What can I do to support my mom during this time?

There are several things you can do to support your mom during this time, even from a distance. You can offer emotional support, help with scheduling appointments, and research information on her condition. Most importantly, be there for her and listen to her concerns.

5. How can I manage my own fears and worries about my mom's health?

It is completely normal to feel scared and worried about your mom's health. It may be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or family member, seek support from a therapist or support group, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to manage stress. Remember to also take care of yourself during this challenging time.

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