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Pampered Chef Horror Story: Hostess Bounces Check & Guests Demand Refunds

In summary, the conversation is about a consultant's experience with a difficult hostess who booked a show, took the booking incentive, and then took two weeks to return calls. The consultant sent a professional email to follow up on the show, but the hostess did not respond. One of the guests calls the consultant, demanding her items and wanting a refund. The hostess then refuses to pay the outstanding amount and hangs up on the consultant. The consultant is frustrated and unsure of what to do, seeking advice from others on how to handle the situation.
Some of you have read my posts about the horrible hostess I had who had a booked from a terrible show I had, took the booking incentive and then took two weeks to return my calls, finally had her show (also terrible) and then bounced the check for the items she bought at the first show. Well, the other day I sent her a very professional, friendly email because her show was to close on the 23rd. The email just detailed where we were at sales wise, what orders she may have outstanding, her host benefits, and lastly the fee for the bounced check. I never heard from her so I followed up with a phone call and then another, neither of which were returned. So tonight I get home and there's a NASTY message from one of the guests wondering where her stuff was. As I hang up from listening to it, the same guest calls again. I politely explain that the host hasn't closed her show and she says "Yeah, well what's that got to do with my stuff when you took the money for it?" I explain that the orders have to go in together, blah blah and she says "then just submit mine seperate, I don't care if she gets credit" So I say, "that's fine, but then you'll need to pay the difference for shipping." and she argues with me a little and then says that she wants her $ back. SO, I finally tell her that I'll get a hold of the host. I get ahold of this "host" and tell her that her guests want their stuff. She tells me she can't pay the amount she owes (in addition to her host stuff, a few outside orders neglected to include shipping in their check so she was going to gather that, plus she owed me something like 57.70 for her bounced check) So she tells me to just return the $ for the orders I collected at the show, and to cancel the whole thing. NOW I AM FURIOUS. I said "ok, well then you owe me $57.70 for the returned check and another $50 for the cost of DOING the show." DO YOU KNOW THAT WITCH HUNG UP ON ME????? I said that about the show because cancelling it now will have COST me more $. My Oct. promotion was that I would provide all recipe ingredients, so we have the cost for that, the gas it took to get to her home (which was about 35 miles away), the door prizes I gave out, and most importantly, the TIME I spent on her stupid waste of a show. Oh, and now that I guess I am expected to return the $ to her guests, I 'll have to incur the expense of the postage??? I am so angry right now I can't even SPEAK.

Someone please tell me what to do here because I am seriously at a loss! This is only my 2nd month with PC and I love it, but I can't deal with this kind of drama!
do you have any shows that you can add the other peoples stuff to?If you do i would add them to that show. if not i guess maybe you could submit them under one name and possibly pay the extra shipping and have them shipped to your house, but if you added the orders together then they would not be able to have the warranty unless they called you. hope this ,akes sense.
Without her order, will you have enough to make a show? If so, I would call each guest order and tell them she was unable to close her show. See if they would still like you to place their order. If by the end of all that you still have a minimum show, put yourself down as the host or a friend. Get all the specials for yourself. I had this happen to me also and this is what I did. The bad thing in my story was she WAS a friend :( . Keep your head up and :) ! It happens.
I would have to agree with the others, take the orders and make it a show where you get the benefits. The only thing I would add would be to call the guests and explain to them what has happened and ask if they want a refund, pay extra to have their item(s) shipped directly to them, or you deliver it when it comes in. Maybe you can turn it into a mystery host show for all the other guests where one of them receives the host benefits. That may be a good reason for them to keep their orders with you - the chance to win the host benefits. Depending on how many guests there were, since you said it was a terrible show, you could divide the benefits (each 1/2 priced item, free product, and 10% for a year). Let us know what happens and good luck!
I would agree with submitting the orders you have money for as a mystery host show and drawing one of their names as the host. I would strongly suggest contacting everyone ASAP before the host has the opportunity to call and bad mouth you. I wouldn't give them the option of returning their money first, tell them that the host was unable to close the show and you were concerned about them getting their products in a timely manner. Explain that you were going to draw a name for the host benefits, etc. After they hear that, they will probably not be so quick to cancel the order. OR you can just submit the orders without calling them and send them a letter explaining the situation (without calling the host a witch <<ha ha>>), let them know that you value their business, and offer a 10% discount on future orders or a Season's Best cookbook.
I'm so sorry that 's happening to you. Ya know it's sad when Hosts act like that, because it gives people a bad impression of Pampered Chef. Then later when the guests attend another show woth a different consultant there reluctant to buy because of their previous experience. I can't tell you how many times guests have told me horor stories about shows theve attended.
N-E-way I would do what everyone else is saying.... put everybodys order together for a new show. I would call the guest who caled you and offer HER the Hostess benifits, that way she will settle down. In a way i understand where the upset guests are coming from. Most of them don't understand that the entire show must be submitted together, (it's hard for them to understand why they have to wait if they have allready paid) I have tried really hard to make that known at my shows.
I hope everything works out well for you in the end. Let us know what you decide to do.

Take Care :)
wow what a mess.The worse I've had is that I have started 4 catalog shows with people giving them each 10 catalogs,give them the time to collect the orders and they do nothing.Then when I ask for the catalogs back they have nothing. So I am out 40 catalogs, no sales, I have already told the director about the shows and now I have to go back and tell her they were duds.Why do people say they will help you and them don't? :mad:
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Thanks for all the great advice. Making someone the mystery host is a great idea! The main problem here is that the guest orders only came to about $135. (Plus the fact that she wrote me a bad check and won’t make up for it so she now has the products that I basically paid for!!) I can make up the difference on the $135 show with some individual orders though, so no big deal. I guess I was just annoyed at the way the whole thing went down. Moving on though and hoping that I’ve just experienced the worst in a hostess so that nothing else surprises me!

Kitchenwitchlady, I’m TOTALLY with you on the catalog show thing. I’m SO tired of giving out my catalogs and not only NOT getting them back, but getting NO sales out of it. After the first time, I only give two or MAYBE three catalogs out for a catalog show. I have to say I’m also a little tired of people who come to ME and ask ME to do a show for them and then acting like THEY are helping ME out. I get the whole sales thing in which we wouldn’t exist without the customer, or in this case, the host, but come on, THEY are getting just as much out of hosting a show as we are (sometimes more even) and it isn’t like I’ve BEGGED them to host shows for me. I had one lady who called me SUPER excited to host a show. Then when I made my 2nd call it was “well, I don’t really have time right now, why don’t you just give me some books and I’ll do a catalog show.” So I send her four books and all the host stuff and when I call her to follow up, it was “well, most of the people I know already HAVE a Pampered Chef consultant they deal with, but I’ll see what I can do to help you out.” I ended up with one $26 individual order, so a total of $5.20 in commission, half of which I spent on postage and the other half was the cost of the catalogs, envelope, etc.

My director/recruiter has the right idea – she told me when I first talked to her about being a consultant that you will get better results from people if you go into with the attitude of “I am helping you earn the products you want for free and half price” instead of “you are helping me by hosting a show”. Doesn’t mean I’m thankless toward the host (I’m always VERY grateful to my hosts) but I’m not the only one walking away with something here.
Maybe it's just me - but I don't wait to make a deposit. It cuts down on the possiblity of bounced checks. I haven't had any yet, but I thought it would be a preventative measure.

Boomer Sooner
  • #10
I don't wait eitherI don't wait anymore to deposit checks. The reason is I am afraid I'll loose my purse :eek: One day I went to the church rectory to get some papers and as soon as I get home my friend told me she had both my checkbooks. Guess what? I had an entire show in my pc check book and the person who turned it in was my guardian angel!!! Everything was still in there.

Back to the subject of bounced checks. I had a host bounce a check and it was so sad, because I knew her. It automatically went through the second time, but was totally her banks fault. It had to do something with direct deposit. Still, the experience is a tough one because you don't know what to do and luckily I was only charged $4 to have it go through again.

In the case of the person who took you for a ride? See is HO can give you advice on what to do to get your money or products back, because that is definitly theft! I hope they can do something to help you.

Good luck!
  • #11
kitchenwitchlady said:
The worse I've had is that I have started 4 catalog shows with people giving them each 10 catalogs,give them the time to collect the orders and they do nothing.Then when I ask for the catalogs back they have nothing. So I am out 40 catalogs, no sales, I have already told the director about the shows and now I have to go back and tell her they were duds.Why do people say they will help you and them don't? :mad:
WOW You give them 10 catalogs.... I usually give my catalog shows at the most 5 catalogs. If they want more and ask I will give more( a catalog in the hand is a great wish tool in their homes) but my packets usually contain three. One for the host a two to pass around.
  • #12
I normally give 2-3 catalogs with about 10 outside order forms and tell them if they need more, I'll give them to them, but it's generally enough...They also know they can either copy the forms theirselves, get more from me, I can e-mail it to them to print, or they can just write on plain paper using another one as a guide for figuring tax and shipping ect.
  • #13
catalogs.thanks for the advise. I will start giving out less catalogs. I have a question.... Does anyone have a good download for prospect cards? :D
  • #14
what are prospect cards?
  • #15
Prospect CardsHere's a prospect card I print on the Avery Clean Edge Bus. Cards, 8871.


  • prospecting cards.doc
    48.5 KB · Views: 682
  • #16
thanksthank you!
  • #17
When I have party I tell the guest that if they would like to keep the cataolg to please let me sign it. After the catalog has three of my signatures from three seperate orders they will receive a free product. The guest seems to like this plus I get to keep more catalogs. I hope that this helps ;)
  • #18
Lots of shops and stores don't accept personal cheques, so I just don't mention cheques as a payment option at all at my shows. Occasionally someone will come up and tell me they only brought a chequebook, and I will tell them that I will have to put a hold on the entire show until that cheque clears and that takes about 10 days. Usually they will pull a credit card out instead. And if they do opt to write a cheque I do exactly that. I let the host know that someone wrote a cheque and what will happen. The whole show goes on hold, the cheque is deposited, and 10 days later, when it all registers as processed and cleared I submit the show, and not a moment sooner. If a cheque bounces, I call the guest and let them know there was a problem with the payment, and ask for an alternate form of payment. If they can't provide a credit card or cash within 4 days, I delete the order, and submit the show. I have never had anyone be upset with me over this. Most people understand it. I was burned about 5 years ago for over $200 when a host wrote me a bad cheque and the show was already shipped. I was never able to collect on that cheque. Lesson learned.

  • #19
wow it never occured to me that someone may write a bad cheque...this is opening my eyes a little!

I'm probably going to stop saying that I can take cheques, and only mention it if someone asks me.

It's a hassle for me anyway, as my pampered chef name is in my married name however I haven't changed over my banking yet so I have to go to our joint account (which is a ways a way) to deposit cheques made out in my married name. I'd rather get debit or credit cards...even cash (although I'm bad for spending it instead of depositing it! Thank goodness I keep a couple hundred in the bank for that reason!)
  • #20
I love a show that is all on credit cards! NO banking for me is a good thing. I tend to have to use a great deal of discipline not to toss at least some of the cash paid at a show into my wallet. My PC pay goes into the same account, so I am pretty disciplined about making the mental calculations about what I spend out of the cash I get being balanced out of the pay in there. My husband is an accountant and would ROLL OVER IN A FIT if he knew I did this...

  • #21
In my town, even Sonic & McDonalds are no longer accepting checks, so people are getting more used to that requirement.

I just got burned today on my 2nd bounced check and am not looking forward to trying to get the money plus the $20 fee I was charged, especially since I don't have any products to hold as hostage! I wonder if it's worth it to have shows shipped to me and then I deliver?

sigh. The other thing is that what if people use credit/debit cards and they are overdrawn? Is that the same as bouncing a check?
  • #22
When a credit card doesnt clear, HO puts a hold on the show until payment is cleared up. You get a call from HO, then you have to call the customer and get a valid card number or switch the payment for that order over to your debit (assumption is that you got cash from the customer) and call HO back to give them the new information. The show won't ship until the payment for this order is clear. If you wait to submit a show until the cheques clear you are essentially doing the same thing as HO does when a credit card is rejected. There are no debit card options in Canada yet. I hope soon though!!

  • #23
Bounced Check AdviceBounced checks stink, but I used to work for a bank, so I do have a suggestion for getting your money back. This only works if you still have the check. Most banks will try to put the check through twice, though some just run in once. Then, you should get the check back in the mail with an insufficient funds notice. Here's what to do next:

1. Call the bank on which the check is drawn. Tell whomever you are speaking to that you have a check and you need to know if there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the check.

2. The person with whom you are speaking will ask for the checking account number. There are three sets of numbers on the bottom of checks: a routing number, the check number, and the account number. The routing number is always nine digits long and between marks that look a bit like this /:. The check number is also printed in the upper right corner of the check, so the other numbers on the bottom are the account number. Give the banker the account number.

3. The banker will then check the account for available funds. He or she CAN NOT, by law, tell you how much is in the account, but he or she can tell you if the check will clear. If the check won't clear, continue to call every other (or every) day, and repeat the same process.

4. If there are sufficient funds in the account, GO TO THAT BANK IMMEDIATELY, and cash the check. You have to go to the bank on which the check is drawn (rather than you own bank, if there is a difference) in order to get the cash.

This method will not get back any charge that your bank may have charged you, and if you don't bank at the same place, you may be assessed a cashing fee (usually $3-5), but at least you recoup some of the money. This is generally the method that check-cashing companies tend to use to get money back from people who write bad checks to them. I would recommend against telling your host/guest that you are doing this because if you do, she may avoid putting enough money in the account to allow you to cash the check, or she may close that account and open a new one entirely, depending on just how rotten she may be.

You also have the option of taking this person to small-claims court, and if you try to cash the check using the above method for a couple of weeks with no success, you may want to call and threaten to do just that. You may get your money back without actually having to sue because a lot of people would do anything to avoid a suit, but you also have to weigh the option of suing a customer.

I hope that helps. Sorry I'm so verbose.
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  • #24
After 2 years though you couldn't cash it as with personal checks they are no longer good after 6 months from the date they are written. I've only dealt with one bad check and that guest contacted me before it came back through my bank and gave me cash. But now you've all got me thinking about waiting to submit shows and depositing checks right away instead of after I close a show. I hope you wrote that $200 off as a loss.
  • #25
I totally agree that credit cards are easier for consultants than checks. If there is a problem with a credit card, it is the responsibility of the home office. A few bad checks can compromise your own checking account. I always wait until the checks clear before I transmit the show. When you get a bad check, it is your responsibility to get the money and bank fees charged. As individuals, we do not have any leverage here.

If people give me cash, I write a personal check to my business account to cover the amount since I use the ATM for deposits.

It's funny, but my director always pushes us to get checks instead of credit cards, but I think credit cards make our job easier.
  • #26
Brandie said:
1. Call the bank on which the check is drawn. Tell whomever you are speaking to that you have a check and you need to know if there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the check.

2. The person with whom you are speaking will ask for the checking account number. There are three sets of numbers on the bottom of checks: a routing number, the check number, and the account number. The routing number is always nine digits long and between marks that look a bit like this /:. The check number is also printed in the upper right corner of the check, so the other numbers on the bottom are the account number. Give the banker the account number.

3. The banker will then check the account for available funds. He or she CAN NOT, by law, tell you how much is in the account, but he or she can tell you if the check will clear. If the check won't clear, continue to call every other (or every) day, and repeat the same process.

4. If there are sufficient funds in the account, GO TO THAT BANK IMMEDIATELY, and cash the check. You have to go to the bank on which the check is drawn (rather than you own bank, if there is a difference) in order to get the cash.

I am a supervisor at a bank and just to save you all some time, some banks have changed this policy to protect customers' privacy and prevent fraud.

At the bank where I work we can NOT verify funds over the phone. We must have an actually check presented to us fact to face to tell somebody if it will clear. I know that in this area we are not the only bank with this policy. It's worth a try to call them first, but do not be surprised if they won't do it.
  • #27
Go in personI found it true that you have to go to the bank in person. I had a large check from a host and I didn't want to take a chance that it would bounce so I took it to the bank. You guessed it - insufficient funds. Called the host, his partner had written another check and not mentioned it, money was in the bank the next day and everyone was happy. If I had deposited it, it would have cost us both a bunch of extra money. I'm thinking that I'll cash checks at the local banks to lower the possibility of being given bad checks.
  • #28
A thought to get your money back...Hi! I'm new to this group, but I read your post. I've been with PC for 8 years and we have all had our share of "hostesses from you know where". Here's a thought..Could you call her back, play the " good guy". Tell her you will return the money back to her guests if they don't want the orders placed, but you would be willing to take a credit card number for her bounced check fees etc. She may be hard for cash right now and just being defensive. We never know what is going on in peoples lives. Remember you will get a lot more if you "play nice". Being that there is money involved, I would just try the nice guy routine. I have to say it stinks swallowing your anger, but if you want your money back it seems like your only option. By taking a credit card you can apply it to your next show under someone elses order who paid cash, then just keep the cash.
Just a thought and my 2 cents.. ;) Good luck!
  • #29
Catalogue ShowsI too had went through way too many catalogues. I have pared it down to 2 per show. I attach with them outside orderforms along with a slip that says so&so is hosting a catalogue show. Orders and payment will be collected by----- . I also provide my name, web address,and phone for them to call me for easier transfer of orders. By advertising my website they don't have to take the catalogue with them or track down the host to get the order to them. I make sure to stress to the host that I will pick up the catalogues when we close her show.
When I am in a crunch, such as this month for the Incentive Points($237 short) I am giving catalogues to a person of a business I frequent. I am offering $3-$15 incentives PLUS the host benefits if they get orders. So even if they don't hit the $150 they don't feel like they did it and got nothing in return. I combine the shows and I restock nice incentive gifts. My director feels I am too genererous and I think she is cheap for giving a guest that brings a friend and an extra $50 order a recipe card. :confused: Heavens! I have gotten many repeat hosts because everyone is rewarded. I think a customer is worth a $1 gift.
Rita in WI

PamperedPrincess74 said:
Thanks for all the great advice. Making someone the mystery host is a great idea! The main problem here is that the guest orders only came to about $135. (Plus the fact that she wrote me a bad check and won’t make up for it so she now has the products that I basically paid for!!) I can make up the difference on the $135 show with some individual orders though, so no big deal. I guess I was just annoyed at the way the whole thing went down. Moving on though and hoping that I’ve just experienced the worst in a hostess so that nothing else surprises me!

Kitchenwitchlady, I’m TOTALLY with you on the catalog show thing. I’m SO tired of giving out my catalogs and not only NOT getting them back, but getting NO sales out of it. After the first time, I only give two or MAYBE three catalogs out for a catalog show. I have to say I’m also a little tired of people who come to ME and ask ME to do a show for them and then acting like THEY are helping ME out. I get the whole sales thing in which we wouldn’t exist without the customer, or in this case, the host, but come on, THEY are getting just as much out of hosting a show as we are (sometimes more even) and it isn’t like I’ve BEGGED them to host shows for me. I had one lady who called me SUPER excited to host a show. Then when I made my 2nd call it was “well, I don’t really have time right now, why don’t you just give me some books and I’ll do a catalog show.” So I send her four books and all the host stuff and when I call her to follow up, it was “well, most of the people I know already HAVE a Pampered Chef consultant they deal with, but I’ll see what I can do to help you out.” I ended up with one $26 individual order, so a total of $5.20 in commission, half of which I spent on postage and the other half was the cost of the catalogs, envelope, etc.

My director/recruiter has the right idea – she told me when I first talked to her about being a consultant that you will get better results from people if you go into with the attitude of “I am helping you earn the products you want for free and half price” instead of “you are helping me by hosting a show”. Doesn’t mean I’m thankless toward the host (I’m always VERY grateful to my hosts) but I’m not the only one walking away with something here.
  • #30
Soution for Bounced ChecksIn order to avoid any bounced checks when I have a show I have any checks written out to the host. At the end of the show the host gets all of the checks and cash that each person paid for their orders. Then when we close the show the host pays me the total amount owed, either with a check or credit card. I let the guests at the show know this is how it works. This way if a check does bounce they are more likely to pay the host because the host is a friend or relative. They would be less likely to pay me when they don't know me. And it is a lot easier for me to deal with one payment instead of 15 different ones!!!!

I have never had a problem with a host not paying for her show, or using the money I gave her for something other than the show. I also figure that when the guests know she gets the money and if she does spend it then they can bug her for it. She isn't going to want to tick off her friends and relatives.

I also fill out a Kitchen Show Tally sheet for each host and it says on there how much cash I gave her and how much in checks. She gets a copy and so do I.

And for people not returning catalogs I usually try not to get to upset. I look at it this way...If someone out there has one of my catalogs it gets my name out there. It may not pay off right away but maybe in the future. I've only been doing Pampered Chef for a little over a year now but it has worked out twice for me. Once I had a customer call me out of the blue because she had the recipe from the show (with all of my contact info on it). Her consultant quit and she wanted some products. So she called me and placed a $75 order, and she wants a catalog when the new products come out. She called me 9 months after she attended a show.

I had another customer call me out of the blue and place an order for a food chopper for a X-mas gift. And at the same time she booked a show! This was a year after she attended a show. So you never know what kind of business a catalog that is floating around can bring you.

I even use my old catalogs and print up a promotion I'm doing and hang them on door knobs in different neighborhoods. Maybe just one person will be interested and you never know what that show can do for you!!! It could be that ONE show that gets you lots of bookings and those shows could get you more.
  • #31
Checks to hostI have done this, too. My question is, what do you do if you have a host whose check doesn't clear? In theory, it should clear since all of the other monies should be in her account, but theory and reality aren't always the same ballgame. I have had one host whose check didn't clear, but I knew her well, and she apologized, immediately sent me a new (good) check, and even offered to pay my bank's returned check charges. I wonder, though, if she hadn't been a friend or if she was not as honest a person as she is, what would I have done if a whole show bounced? I deposited her check a couple of days before I sent the show, but I still didn't find out about the returned check until after she had gotten all the products. I can't delay sending shows five or six days after depositing checks.

Also, I didn't think a host could charge the whole show. How does that work?

  • #32
I think if it's a credit card they can. Only if it's a debit card there is sometimes a daily limit of $500. So then they can pay with two debit cards or a credit card.

I have been lucky enough to not have a host check bounce. I very seldom get checks though. I try to encourage a Credit or Debit card payment. Then if it doesn't go through Home Office can put it on hold.
  • #33
Its not permitted for more than a certain percentage of the whole show on a single credit card. If you submit one like this, it goes on hold at PC home office and you get a call to arrange different payment. I have had this happen to me once.

  • #34
friday said:
Its not permitted for more than a certain percentage of the whole show on a single credit card. If you submit one like this, it goes on hold at PC home office and you get a call to arrange different payment. I have had this happen to me once.

Actually, according to the Recipe for Success, you can only put 2 orders on one card. They allow someone to "help a friend" but not the whole show.
  • #35
I have had hosts put a $600 plus show on one credit card with no problem.
  • #36
My mom paid for a whole $800 show with her credit card and had her friends reimburse her when the products arrived...we didn't have any problems, either.
  • #37
Debit card limits
reesefamily5 said:
I think if it's a credit card they can. Only if it's a debit card there is sometimes a daily limit of $500. So then they can pay with two debit cards or a credit card.

Again, this may differ by bank, but the $500 limit is for ATM cash withdrawals. When using it as what is referred to in the stores as "debit" where you put a PIN number in after the card is swiped, the limit is something like $1500 I think. When using it as a "credit" or signature based transaction like a credit card the limit is $5,000. Of course all of these limits are only good if the customer has that much in their account. We are just a small local bank and those are our limits, so I would imagine that most of the bigger banks have limits similar to or higher than that. So, unless you've just had the show of a lifetime, the limit on a debit card shouldn't be a problem if the host has the money in their account.

Need any other banking info, just ask! I'm happy to help out! :)
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  • #38
kitchenwitchlady said:
The worse I've had is that I have started 4 catalog shows with people giving them each 10 catalogs,give them the time to collect the orders and they do nothing.Then when I ask for the catalogs back they have nothing. So I am out 40 catalogs, no sales, I have already told the director about the shows and now I have to go back and tell her they were duds.Why do people say they will help you and them don't? :mad:

I only give out 4 catalogs for a catalog show ~ I give them 8-10 order forms and a few business cards to put the host's names on the back so they can shop the party through the website. If they need some more catalogs I will give them... You might want to consider getting mini-catalogs if you want to give out that many?
  • #39
Sooner PC said:
Maybe it's just me - but I don't wait to make a deposit. It cuts down on the possiblity of bounced checks. I haven't had any yet, but I thought it would be a preventative measure.

Boomer Sooner

I deposit checks within 24 hours of receiving them. I don't expect the hostess to pay for the entire show. If a customer asks me what method of payment I prefer, I never hesitate to say credit card (it is easier, isn't it?) :) If the guests or host collects more orders/payments, I pick them up and deposit them (this is even a week before the show is transmitted).
  • #40
Credit Card PaymentsI have just recently figured out that you don't have to put a form of payment for everyone in PP. For those who have not paid I just let it accumulate and when a hostess is wanting to pay for those who have not paid yet I just put in the amount PP says the hostess owes entirely. You can see that on the bottom of the screen of PP. I have not had HO call me when I do this.

This is easier for me to keep track. I have made it a habit to keep some funds in the bank for those outside orders or individual orders that need to be sent in and the check is coming. I just will then change the info to check or cash when the payment comes. Most people prefer to use a cc but I will not permit a cc payment after a show/order has been submitted to HO. Only because it is a hassel to get through to HO and make a payment adjustment. I had this happen to me before. What a mess!

I hope this all makes sense and that it helps
  • #41
tpchefrebecca said:
Most people prefer to use a cc but I will not permit a cc payment after a show/order has been submitted to HO. Only because it is a hassel to get through to HO and make a payment adjustment. I had this happen to me before. What a mess!

That's what I do ~ the host pays the balance for people who still owe. :)
  • #42
I have only had one check that has bounced and it curred me right away of depositing checks. Now, I make the rounds to all the banks. Sometimes I have one or two that are from out of town, but they understand when I take the check that untill it clears, the show will NOT be processed. This usually ends up with them changing to a credit card. Also, the host pays for any orders she recieves after the night of the show. I have enough to do with out chasing down checks a second time.

Another benefit from taking the checks to each individual bank is that I have ended up with 2 kitchen shows from tellers, 1 catalog show from someone I met in line (this one ended up being over $600), and a lead on a teller who just asked me before Christmas about becoming a consultant! Can you believe that?! :D All from just taking the checks to the individual banks to cash. My mileage is deductable. Granted this will not work if you live in a smaller town, but it works for me.
  • #43
DeeisPampered said:
Another benefit from taking the checks to each individual bank is that I have ended up with 2 kitchen shows from tellers, 1 catalog show from someone I met in line (this one ended up being over $600), and a lead on a teller who just asked me before Christmas about becoming a consultant! Can you believe that?! :D All from just taking the checks to the individual banks to cash. My mileage is deductable. Granted this will not work if you live in a smaller town, but it works for me.

Wow so you walk in instead of doing the drive-through thing? That is so awesome. Guess it would get you out there. How do you bring the subject up tactfully to strangers?

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