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Why Are the Cranberry Deep Covered Baker and Decorator Bottle Set on Stop Sell?

In summary, the Cranberry Deep Covered Baker (#1321) and Decorator Bottle Set (#1585) will no longer be available for sale due to high demand and limited inventory. Orders placed before October 16th will still be accepted and back ordered, but any orders placed after that date will not be accepted. These products will also be marked as "Not Available" on ordering pages and catalogs, with stickers provided for any already printed materials. Shipments of back ordered items are expected to be fulfilled by mid-November. The Decorator Bottle Set was featured in a magazine without the company's knowledge and is temporarily sold out. Customers should be informed of the situation and their contact information should be taken for future updates. The company apologizes
Silver Member
Dear Consultant,

Today, it greatly disappoints us to inform you that while we continue to receive
shipments of the Cranberry Deep Covered Baker (#1321) and Decorator Bottle Set
(#1585), the demand for these popular products has simply outmatched our
inventory and the vendors’ production capabilities at this time. As a result,
they will be placed on STOP SELL effective immediately. This decision was made
after much careful consideration so as not to disappoint your customers by
backordering potential holiday gifts.

Below are the details:
1. Please stop using and selling these products at your Shows immediately.
2. We will accept Show orders of these two products through Monday, October 16
and will place them on back order. This will allow you time to submit orders
received prior to today’s date. Orders submitted after midnight on October 16,
will not be accepted.
3. These two items will be marked “Not Available” on Personal Web Site and
Wedding Registry ordering pages effective today, October 10.
4. Both items will continue to appear in the upcoming reprinted catalog and the
holiday mini-catalog. We will provide stickers, free of charge, for use in both
catalogs. This is a convenient solution for you, and will help alleviate any
confusion for your customers. This week we will provide details on how to obtain
your stickers.

As you close Shows held prior to today’s date, rest assured that any orders you
submit for the Cranberry Deep Covered Baker and Decorator Bottle Set will be
filled. At this time, we anticipate we will ship all back ordered Cranberry Deep
Covered Bakers and Decorator Bottle Sets by mid-November. Please know that we’re
working with our suppliers to increase production, but they simply cannot meet
the overwhelming demand at this time.

In addition, the Decorator Bottle Set appears on page 6 of the Christmas Cookies
special issue of Better Homes & Gardens magazine. The product was selected to be
featured by their editorial department without our knowledge. When customers
call about the article, simply let them know that the Decorator Bottle Set has
been a runaway success and is temporarily sold out. Then, take their contact
information and assure them you will let them know as soon as it’s available.

We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this is causing you and
your customers. Encourage your Consultants to call any customers who are
currently awaiting a back ordered Cranberry Deep Covered Baker or Decorator
Bottle Set as soon as possible and update them on their status. We are doing
everything we can to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

The Pampered Chef

I cannot believe this! How crazy it that! Customers are going to be way bummed about the Baker I think!:eek: :(
I totally agree! In fact, I was going to use it in my demo next weekend. Maybe I better rethink that!!! :rolleyes:
heat123 said:
Dear Consultant,

Today, it greatly disappoints us to inform you that while we continue to receive
shipments of the Cranberry Deep Covered Baker (#1321) and Decorator Bottle Set
(#1585), the demand for these popular products has simply outmatched our
inventory and the vendors’ production capabilities at this time. As a result,
they will be placed on STOP SELL effective immediately. This decision was made
after much careful consideration so as not to disappoint your customers by
backordering potential holiday gifts.

Below are the details:
1. Please stop using and selling these products at your Shows immediately.
2. We will accept Show orders of these two products through Monday, October 16
and will place them on back order. This will allow you time to submit orders
received prior to today’s date. Orders submitted after midnight on October 16,
will not be accepted.
3. These two items will be marked “Not Available” on Personal Web Site and
Wedding Registry ordering pages effective today, October 10.
4. Both items will continue to appear in the upcoming reprinted catalog and the
holiday mini-catalog. We will provide stickers, free of charge, for use in both
catalogs. This is a convenient solution for you, and will help alleviate any
confusion for your customers. This week we will provide details on how to obtain
your stickers.

As you close Shows held prior to today’s date, rest assured that any orders you
submit for the Cranberry Deep Covered Baker and Decorator Bottle Set will be
filled. At this time, we anticipate we will ship all back ordered Cranberry Deep
Covered Bakers and Decorator Bottle Sets by mid-November. Please know that we’re
working with our suppliers to increase production, but they simply cannot meet
the overwhelming demand at this time.

In addition, the Decorator Bottle Set appears on page 6 of the Christmas Cookies
special issue of Better Homes & Gardens magazine. The product was selected to be
featured by their editorial department without our knowledge. When customers
call about the article, simply let them know that the Decorator Bottle Set has
been a runaway success and is temporarily sold out. Then, take their contact
information and assure them you will let them know as soon as it’s available.

We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this is causing you and
your customers. Encourage your Consultants to call any customers who are
currently awaiting a back ordered Cranberry Deep Covered Baker or Decorator
Bottle Set as soon as possible and update them on their status. We are doing
everything we can to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

The Pampered Chef

I cannot believe this! How crazy it that! Customers are going to be way bummed about the Baker I think!:eek: :(

They should send something FREE for our guest. When the cranberry stoneware were on stop sell they sent "soups,stews & chili" recipe cards.
I was going to use them the whole month of October to decorate pumpkins and spiders!! UHHHH!!!

I cannot believe they offer something for sale when they cannot keep up with the demand. You would think they would learn from the past.

I have not gotten this email yet. When did you get it?
Stop Sell!!I got that email and I am so disappointed. I can't believe they didn't order enough product. That is so unprofessional. How am I going to explain that to people already asking about it
I just got this email. How disappointing.
I am so disappointed and my customers will be crushed :(
UN BE LIEV ABLE.And I am really upset because I wanted the Deep Covered Baker so badly, and had 2 people on here I was going to buy it from but they sold them to other people. I was thinking I could finally get it with my PC dollars from the Stoneware promo but no. :(
Hmmm... I was supposed to be getting in in my Plus Bonus set... I guess that won't be happening either. sigh... It is totally impossible, I suppose, for them to predict what will be a hit, but this is such a key time to be selling them. Maybe I'm sort of thankful my October isn't filled with parties! Sort of... but I could sell the snot out of the new mandoline instead!!!!!!!!! Let's don't fret... just praise God that we have a CATALOG FULL of AWESOME products just waiting to be put in the hands of our customers and push on!!!!!!! Heads up consultants... there are sales out there with our names on them!
  • #10
I'm really ticked! I got the message just a little while ago and had just bought stuff to practice making the bread pudding for shows (yes, I know I can make the bread pudding in other dishes, but this one is COOLER). Oh well, I guess my kids will be enjoying it even though none of my future customers will. It was a great product! I sold 5 or 6 of them last month.

Does this mean that they will no longer offer these items ever, or just until they can light a rocket under the supplier's behind?
  • #11
@#(%*&@#%(*&....this really infuriates me...

I am sure that PC have a marketing and sales team? You would think that they could have looked at past sales of similar items and made volume decisions....

I have THREE shows this week with hosts woh SPECIFICALLY accelereated their shows from November and December when I sent out the F/W mini catalogs so they would get their Covered Baker as soon as possible!!! They like getting all of the new things first!!!

Well so much for my demos - guess I will have to fade back and punt...

Very disappointing - and of course HO leaves us to clean up the mess with our hosts and customers....
  • #12
Me too Gina - I have two hosts in November that booked JUST to get the Covered Baker. I now have to call them and I dont want too! We could have them by November....or not! Im so upset!

I just sent out mini-catalogs too! I knew the Covered Baker would be a big seller but I had no idea the Decorating Bottles would be too. That is surprising!
  • #13
I have not sold a one deep covered baker yet, however I have sold tons of the decorator bottle sets. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!! I have a show next week with the decorator bottle set and now I can't use it!! Grrrrrrrrrr!

Not to mention I now have to pull out all my stuff to put stickers on the inside to let people know this is sold out!! What a pain!!

There I feel better to vent....


  • #14
I'm dissappointed in this as well. One of my guests already is waiting for her back ordered covered baker. I've sold about equal of the covered baker and the decorating set. I think with the holidays and cookie decorating coming and all.

And I too wanted to get it with my plus bonus. Sigh. I'd take the mandoline though in it's place, lol.
  • #15
I am just plain speechless!!!!!:mad:
  • #16
I, too, am VERY disappointed. I was afraid the price would be a turn off for alot of people (Covered Baker) but was such a hit when everyone realized they could get it at half off as a host.

We need to remember though that there are times that situations are out of the control of the home office. The big stone fiasco a few years ago was a distributor problem and out of the hands of HO.

You've got to believe that there are alot of ticked off people at the HO too!
  • #17
not happy at ALL!!!!!
I sold 10 of the baker and tons of the bottles set. what a kick in the (@#$%&)... and I have 6 shows this month.....:(
  • #18
This too shall pass!!
It really isn't the end of the world, it just feels like it to some HA!!
PC has a fantastic marketing and sales team!! Let's be fair, we know they had to have many in stock when we began the selling season they can not predict the exact # of products we will sell to our customers in any given day, week or month.

Have you ever had to have a rain check at Target because they couldn't keep up with the advertised special?

I personally think the decorator bottles are the biggest joke since we've had the nasty magic mop but I sold over 15 sets not even taking them to my shows.

We still work for an incredible company, and the little glitches like this will happen. Fortunately, it is very seldom. I'd venture to say our last stop sell was about 5 years ago. I'd rather they put them on STOP SELL than rush and give us an inferior product.

Focus your demo and shows on a higher priced item like our versatile roaster.

  • #19
Wow....I haven't received the email yet, that's weird! I read it in weekly bites though. This is dissappointing. I was planning to use it in my shows this weekend (3 of them - yeay!) and make the Caramel Apple Bread Pudding - now what to do?
  • #20
I have 13 shows on the calendar for this month and I have featured the covered baker for everyone of them and that is my demo!! that is how I got the shows booked!! This isn't the first or the seconf time this has happened!! Do we all remember the stoneware a few years ago and, and the chillzanne server!! I don't really care whose fault it is I want to know who is going to make up all of the sales I am going to miss out on!!! I have just came out of a huge slump and I got me calendar full and now this!!!!
I really needed to vent!!! I'm not even sure I got it all out!!!
Thanks for listening!!!
  • #21
It can be frustrating, but we have to keep in mind that our customer's reaction will mirror our own. I had a new recruit email me with the thought that, while it may be disappointing now, it could produce more bookings in the future when the baker is available. We can re-book our current hosts, and those interested in purchasing the baker, while focusing on the pieces of stoneware that are available to improve their upcoming baking and holiday cooking!
I agree with the previous post that I am sure there are those in the home office who are just as frustrated as we are! The last thing HO wants is to place an item on the stop sell list, especially with 70,000 consultants who may be likely to flood cs with not-so-nice calls and emails...
Atleast they are up front and honest with us, unlike in other businesses when you could hear that it's "on it's way" Hang in there....
  • #22
So do any of you plan on putting a sticker or flier in with catalogs for your shows noting that they are not available? I have a show Friday night and thought maybe I should put a label that says something like "Due to popular demand, currently not available but let me know and I'll notify you when they are..."
  • #23
Will they even be available to sell again? Is this just temporary?:eek:
  • #24
Definitely, it is disappointing...but mid November isn't that far away. Other products in the past that were stop sell were a much longer wait! Remember the Chillzanne Rect. Server? I can't remember how long it was but it seemed like MONTHS!
Also, Pampered Chef is a DEBT FREE company. They wouldn't want to order a TON of things, then no one wants them. If this were the case, and PC was in debt up to their eyeballs, WE AND OUR CUSTOMERS would be paying for it!

Definitely count our blessings! We do have a catalog plum full of awesome products! And these products are just on hold... they will come back. Just do good customer care, let the customers who ordered these things know when to expect them. PC just may send out a "sorry" gift... They have done it before. Like "letscook04" said, they sent out the Chili, Soup, and Stew cards before...
Hopefully it will arrive before Thanksgiving,... I'm sure that Covered Baker would get used a lot over the holidays!

Happy Selling!
  • #25
I agree with the other gals...
yes, I'm disappointed; but hey, stuff happens! I'm sure HO is just as disappointed as we all are. No one wants to run out of a popular item, especially those in charge! They will get the suppliers in check, and I'm sure by the end of November these items will be back & able for us to sell.
Glitches happen in every company; you just have to deal with it & know that it will all be okay soon! We're just too darn good at selling;)
Those that are worried about it; don't be! This has only happened a couple of times in the almost 5 years I've been a consultant. Our wonderful company can't be perfect ALL the time...
I like how the email put it to tell your customers that want these items. Say "wow, this item is hot! So hot that we're sold out right now, but let me take down your name & I'll call you when it's available." It will lead to future contact & orders!
  • #26
Keep your chin up!
lacychef said:
I agree with the other gals...
yes, I'm disappointed; but hey, stuff happens! I'm sure HO is just as disappointed as we all are. No one wants to run out of a popular item, especially those in charge! They will get the suppliers in check, and I'm sure by the end of November these items will be back & able for us to sell.
Glitches happen in every company; you just have to deal with it & know that it will all be okay soon! We're just too darn good at selling;)
Those that are worried about it; don't be! This has only happened a couple of times in the almost 5 years I've been a consultant. Our wonderful company can't be perfect ALL the time...
I like how the email put it to tell your customers that want these items. Say "wow, this item is hot! So hot that we're sold out right now, but let me take down your name & I'll call you when it's available." It will lead to future contact & orders!

Lacy~ I totally agree! While it bummed me :eek: :eek: :eek: to read the stop sell email, you KNOW that HO never wants this to happen, either. You have to stop and think that PC is a business and they have to be smart about how much inventory they carry. You know they do research on new products, but you can never tell for SURE how well a product will go over till it is open to the public to purchase.

To those of you who are asking if this is a perm. thing, or a temp thing....usually a stop sell is only temporary so they can "catch up" and build up their inventory so that once we are able to sell the item again we won't overload them and we end up in the same boat we are in right now. Trust that PC is doing everything that they can to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.

I also agree with the post that our customers/recruits will react by following OUR ACTIONS! If you freak out and talk about how horrible this is, that is how they will feel. If you put a positive spin on this ("These items are wonderful! So many people want them that the demand is just too much right now! How about I write down your name and number and I will call you as soon as they are available!") then you can use it to YOUR advantage! You want to keep our customers perception of PC as a cutting edge company that works hard to satisfy their consultants and their customers!

P.S. I DO feel really bad for those of you who were planning their month around demoing these items...don't mistake my "positivity" as ignoring the fact that you have to revamp your entire month.:eek:
  • #27
Here's what gets me...since going back to work full time I haven't found the time to have enough shows to earn free products...so.........I base what I buy in the sample orders on what I think I could sell, the covered baker is one of those and it's just irks me that I spent money on something that I would make back by selling the Covered Baker and now I can't even sell it!!!
  • #28
What you have to realize is that these items were SO HOT that we over-sold what was projected. That's a good thing! Just put people on a list to call when they are available again and you probably will have a great show from the orders. We might want to email HO to see if the customers can get somewhat of a discount on shipping because they had to make two orders. Like one or two dollars. DON'T FORGET to get your orders for these items in by MONDAY!!! You still have time!!!
  • #29
It is very disappointing that they had to put these items on stop sell and of course that is the last thing they want to happen especially since they are very aware of how we all felt about that happening in the past.

But let's use it as a positive when we are talking with our customers! Tell them that these two products have been SUCH a hit that we can't keep them on the shelves (compare them to the Elmo dolls). Tell them that currently they have a lot of customers who have ordered them and are waiting for the back orders and PC doesn't like anyone to be disappointed or to wait too long so they issued a stop sell until they could get the back orders filled and stock a bit ahead. Tell your customers that PC has not given us a date that we can expect them to be available again but if they put it down on their receipt you will notify them as soon as we learn when we can order them.

Then when you call them to say they can now place the order use it as a booking tool!
  • #30
To quote a good friend, "You can tell Doris isn't in charge anymore."

It just seems to me that a lot of this off the wall crap has been happening.
  • #31
britishchef said:

And I am really upset because I wanted the Deep Covered Baker so badly, and had 2 people on here I was going to buy it from but they sold them to other people. I was thinking I could finally get it with my PC dollars from the Stoneware promo but no. :(
I am one of the 2 that "backed out on you". My DIL gave me her wish list during the time we were emailing back and forth about it. I did not "sell it" to anyone else. I am so sorry that I had to take back my offer to sell it to you. And I especially feel bad since you will be moving out of the States for the next couple of years.

If you can, why don't you put in an individual order for one TODAY. It will be back ordered but at least you will get it. If you are afraid that it won't come off back order before you leave I would be willing to order one for my DIL and send you the one I have. I will PM you about this.

Or maybe someone will have one in their "stash" that they can sell you.
  • #31
ChefNic said:
Definitely, it is disappointing...but mid November isn't that far away. Other products in the past that were stop sell were a much longer wait! Remember the Chillzanne Rect. Server? I can't remember how long it was but it seemed like MONTHS!

where does it say that it is only until mid November?? I can't find that anywhere!!

  • #32
If you have any host this weekend that want either product, you could always back date the show to prior to yesterday and submit it by Monday to get them on the back-ordered list to not have to wait to have another show when they become available. That is what I am planning to do if my host or guest this weekend wants one, b/c this host is ONE OF MY BEST and I want to help her get hers as soon as possible if she wants it. She has almost the whole catalog, so, she wants a lot of the new products.
  • #33
ChefNic said:
Definitely, it is disappointing...but mid November isn't that far away. Other products in the past that were stop sell were a much longer wait! Remember the Chillzanne Rect. Server? I can't remember how long it was but it seemed like MONTHS!
Also, Pampered Chef is a DEBT FREE company. They wouldn't want to order a TON of things, then no one wants them. If this were the case, and PC was in debt up to their eyeballs, WE AND OUR CUSTOMERS would be paying for it!

Definitely count our blessings! We do have a catalog plum full of awesome products! And these products are just on hold... they will come back. Just do good customer care, let the customers who ordered these things know when to expect them. PC just may send out a "sorry" gift... They have done it before. Like "letscook04" said, they sent out the Chili, Soup, and Stew cards before...
Hopefully it will arrive before Thanksgiving,... I'm sure that Covered Baker would get used a lot over the holidays!

Happy Selling!

where does it say Mid November?? I can't find where it say that!! Do you mean it will only be on stop sell until mid November??

  • #34
Morvin said:
where does it say Mid November?? I can't find where it say that!! Do you mean it will only be on stop sell until mid November??

I think she was going by the expected delivery date of backordered stone?
  • #35
I have been thinking about ordering it and I just might!
  • #36
Beth, I e-mailed you. Go ahead and give it to your DIL, I can live without it until I can earn it in the UK! It was just disappointing to have it happen twice in a row.
  • #37
britishchef: I hope you'll still be around on CS!
  • #38
Please don't manipulate your show dates!
jrstephens said:
If you have any host this weekend that want either product, you could always back date the show to prior to yesterday and submit it by Monday to get them on the back-ordered list to not have to wait to have another show when they become available. That is what I am planning to do if my host or guest this weekend wants one, b/c this host is ONE OF MY BEST and I want to help her get hers as soon as possible if she wants it. She has almost the whole catalog, so, she wants a lot of the new products.

Hey guys, BE CAREFUL! I understand the frustration and wanting to keep our customers happy but changing a show date is against PC policy and if you are audited, can get you in more trouble than just having a disappointed host/guest.

It's been said many times in this thread....our customers will follow our lead. You can let them know that you are just as bummed as they are but it's a temporary thing, not permanent. I'm going to collect names of those that are interested in both items and when they become available I'll put together a catalog show. Based on how many half price items are earned for the show, I'll pick that many names to get the Baker at half off.

If your customers understand that this is a TEMPORARY situation that is out of the control of you and PC (remember, it's the distributor that can't keep up with the demand!, not PC) and that you are trying to do something to help them once it does come available, I believe they will appreciate your efforts.

I've been doing this longer than alot of you and I have seen this happen before. I have NEVER lost a customer over a stop sell item!!! My guess is that you won't either IF you don't show your frustration with the company over something like this. People will pick up your frustration and begin to think...if one of their own consultants is unhappy with this company, maybe I should be too.
  • #39
Lisa DeWees -- WELL SAID. This is not the first time something like this has happened. It happens all the time, not only in PC. It will all be fine so let's just deal and move on with our shows. Just my opinion. I am not trying to be mean or anything, but it is a temporary situation that you can deal with.
  • #40
Sorry I did not mean to offend anyone by my suggestion. I just thought it was something that could make everyone a little happier not cause more problems.
  • #41
GeorgiaPeach said:
Hey guys, BE CAREFUL! I understand the frustration and wanting to keep our customers happy but changing a show date is against PC policy and if you are audited, can get you in more trouble than just having a disappointed host/guest.

It's been said many times in this thread....our customers will follow our lead. You can let them know that you are just as bummed as they are but it's a temporary thing, not permanent. I'm going to collect names of those that are interested in both items and when they become available I'll put together a catalog show. Based on how many half price items are earned for the show, I'll pick that many names to get the Baker at half off.

If your customers understand that this is a TEMPORARY situation that is out of the control of you and PC (remember, it's the distributor that can't keep up with the demand!, not PC) and that you are trying to do something to help them once it does come available, I believe they will appreciate your efforts.

I've been doing this longer than alot of you and I have seen this happen before. I have NEVER lost a customer over a stop sell item!!! My guess is that you won't either IF you don't show your frustration with the company over something like this. People will pick up your frustration and begin to think...if one of their own consultants is unhappy with this company, maybe I should be too.

Now you got me scared. I Have two outstanding shows from 10/8/06 and 10/8/06 which are both due to close by this Saturday. So I don't think anyone ordered the DCB, but I know I did get a few orders for the DB's so am I going to have a problem with this?

I also have a show 10/15/06 and to my knowledge, I don't think she has any outside orders yet, so when I do her show, I shouldn't bring the two items right?

  • #42
I'm really disappointed - didn't the home office think we were going to sell a TON of these!!!
  • #43
I have only been selling PC for six months and I just got my sample products all excited to show them at my shows this month.. and now I can't bring two of my fave things.. :( I wonder if we all emailed HO about how we are really frustrated with this it might get them on the ball with finding a new vendor or distrubutor for those products.....
  • #44
I don't think it has anything to do with Doris not being in charge,
We had some issues when she was at the helm too,

It is the something all businesses go thru, the difference may be the consultants you know in other direct sales didn't dwell on it, or they changed their focus to other great products in their line.

Instead of being down about the things we can't change do something positive for your business. Make calls, send cards to preferred hosts/customers etc, book a craft fair. Do something to " replace" the business you feel like you are losing due to the stop sell items.
  • #45
Thank you Teresa,
I think instead of us all bashing on what is happend, we need to do our best to inform our customers and hostess, about these proudcts and move forward with our selling season. And getting angry at each other doesn't help either. We are all on here for one reason or another and sometimes it is just to vent. Just be nice, we are all human after all if we were perfect wouldn't be godly like??? Just food for thought :)
  • #46
mommyhugz1978 said:
We are all on here for one reason or another and sometimes it is just to vent.

I agree. Although, I may vent and be frustrated on here does not mean I will let it show to my customers. I feel like here I can share my aggravations with other aggravated consultants.:p
  • #47
Look on the bright side, at least we were notified by HO and can inform our customers. I've hosted parties for other companies and had problems with back-ordered/stop-sell items that were far worse than what we experience. (In fact, I just took delivery on one, and one item in the host bonus had been substituted. And the item that was gone was the one I really wanted. poot.)

It's a good thing, really. Not being able to keep up with the demand just means that every one of us has been doing a better job selling the new stuff than HO expected. :)

And at least it's a stop sell for inventory purposes rather than quality (like the Chillzanne lunch box and original Woven Selections).
  • #48
Hopefully this wont last long. In 2004 when I first sold PC this happened with some of the cranberry stoneware and my guests and hosts were disappointed but still had great shows. I took from the e-mail that it was the manufacturers that couldn't keep up with demand. Did I read it wrong? Back then I sold gift certificates in place of the stoneware that was on stop sell and then as soon as the items came off stop sell the guests were able to go online and use their gift certificates to buy the stoneware they wanted.
  • #49
Bridget that is a good idea! I may just have to try that! Thanks! :D
  • #50
jrstephens said:
I agree. Although, I may vent and be frustrated on here does not mean I will let it show to my customers. I feel like here I can share my aggravations with other aggravated consultants.:p

Jennifer, I understand and hope you didn't think I was singling you out. This site offers us many great opportunities...to share, to vent, to expand our businesses.

My biggest fear many times reading some of the posts is that there are SO many new consultants on here (many with less than 1 yr experience) that might begin to think that some of these problems (hosts not returning calls, bounced checks, stop sell) are the norm instead of the exception. I don't want them to get scared off by some of the "vents".

I've been with PC for over 8 years and completely understand the need to vent :) But at some point we need to quit "beating the dead horse" and help each other look at ways to turn this around and put a positive spin on it....turn orders into catalog shows, sell gift certificates, etc.

That was my point. Sorry if I sounded like a mother scolding her children :eek:

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